My Unpopular Opinion



  • led6777
    led6777 Posts: 268
    "westboro church isn't christian"

    Okay, but then you're naming yourself the judge of who is "christian enough" for you to consider a christian. Isn't the bible pretty clear about who is the only one who can know what is in a person's heart? The bible is also very clear that christians aren't identified by what they DO but what beliefs they hold in their heart. Who are you to say what is in people's heart? They may not act in a way that YOU think a christian should act (or that a normal person thinks ANYONE should ask) but isn't it a little prideful to think that you know a person's heart better than they do? And isn't pride one of the 7 deadlies?

    (Sorry--long, thorough religious education over here).

    First of all I am not Catholic and I do not subscribe to the "7 deadly sins". Sin is sin.

    Second, Who am I to say what is in the heart of the Westboro Baptist people? I am a Christian, that's who I am! I can judge their "fruit of the spirit" which is non existent. I can judge them by the horrible signs they hold up that scream out obscenities and hate towards gays, soliders and others their PASTOR deems unworthy. I am a Christian who knows my Bible and I know what I'm talking about. I don't judge them as unredeemable in any way. I judge them as fruitless. And Jesus Himself said that a barren, fruitless tree should be thrown into the fire.

    So please, don't come at me because you are thoroughly religiously educated. Book knowledge means nothing without a heart centered on Christ - in regards to quoting the Bible and issues of Christian faith.

    Wait, just to be clear, you can't judge what's in the heart of the Westboro nutcases but you can judge what was in the heart of Hitler? This is inconsistent.
  • sweetie89207
    sweetie89207 Posts: 361
    Going to get killed for this but they are just my unpopular opinions...

    Religion is for idiots.

    All drugs should be legalized.

    Capitalism is over rated.

    lol...once again...cant we just keep all the derogatory terms for peoples choices about religion to ourselves...

    even tho i greatly appreciate your opinion and that yes this IS the unpopular opinion post...its unfortunately those kinds of comments that get ppl angry and argumentative...i would never say "all ppl who dont believe in religion are idiots" because thats unfair to your own choices and decisions...

    BUT i definitely believe all drugs should be legalized haha- BUT heavily heavily taxed (i would never do drugs but i would love to get new paved highways from it hahaha)
  • lcpurser
    lcpurser Posts: 109 Member
    I think jewelry is over rated

    Phineas and Ferb are awesome.

    I hate the taste of beer and liquor but I will partake in mixed girly drinks.
  • ILoveJesus72
    ILoveJesus72 Posts: 181 Member
    Ok moving on:

    I don't like Oprah either

    I'm a capitalist (big surprise huh!)

    I dont like little dogs......... at all. All the yapping, growling, poopin nonsense. I like big big big dogs.

    I hate feet. Period. In fact, feet are one of the few things that can actually make me gag.

    Ohhh and baby slobber...runny noses.....those make me gag which stinks because I'm a nanny! HA!
  • sweetie89207
    sweetie89207 Posts: 361
    Wait, just to be clear, you can't judge what's in the heart of the Westboro nutcases but you can judge what was in the heart of Hitler? This is inconsistent.

    you are very very right...we cant judge ANYONE regardless of what they have done...because guess what- were not God haha lol
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    "westboro church isn't christian"

    Okay, but then you're naming yourself the judge of who is "christian enough" for you to consider a christian. Isn't the bible pretty clear about who is the only one who can know what is in a person's heart? The bible is also very clear that christians aren't identified by what they DO but what beliefs they hold in their heart. Who are you to say what is in people's heart? They may not act in a way that YOU think a christian should act (or that a normal person thinks ANYONE should ask) but isn't it a little prideful to think that you know a person's heart better than they do? And isn't pride one of the 7 deadlies?

    (Sorry--long, thorough religious education over here).

    First of all I am not Catholic and I do not subscribe to the "7 deadly sins". Sin is sin.

    Second, Who am I to say what is in the heart of the Westboro Baptist people? I am a Christian, that's who I am! I can judge their "fruit of the spirit" which is non existent. I can judge them by the horrible signs they hold up that scream out obscenities and hate towards gays, soliders and others their PASTOR deems unworthy. I am a Christian who knows my Bible and I know what I'm talking about. I don't judge them as unredeemable in any way. I judge them as fruitless. And Jesus Himself said that a barren, fruitless tree should be thrown into the fire.

    So please, don't come at me because you are thoroughly religiously educated. Book knowledge means nothing without a heart centered on Christ - in regards to quoting the Bible and issues of Christian faith.

    Wait, just to be clear, you can't judge what's in the heart of the Westboro nutcases but you can judge what was in the heart of Hitler? This is inconsistent.

    I think anyone that advocates the killing of people who are different, rejoices in other people's pain, and seeks only to spread hate or tread on others to gain power is wrong. Jesus taught to love one another, be kind, and lead by example. Not mass murder or torment people. People who do that and try to say they are christian are simply wolves in sheeps clothing because that's not what Christ taught at all.
  • led6777
    led6777 Posts: 268
    Going to get killed for this but they are just my unpopular opinions...

    Religion is for idiots.

    All drugs should be legalized.

    Capitalism is over rated.

    I agree with you. However, I wouldn't say religion is for idiots. There are lots of intelligent religious folks. However, I think religion is for those who seek comfort from their fears and insecurities. One of the most common phrases I hear from one of my religious friends is, "I just let God handle it" or "put it in God's hands." I wish I could politely suggest that *she* should handle the situation rather than ignoring it (or only acknowledging its potential metaphysical consequences via prayer). LOL... that's just my (unpopular?) opinion though.
  • ILoveJesus72
    ILoveJesus72 Posts: 181 Member
    "westboro church isn't christian"

    Okay, but then you're naming yourself the judge of who is "christian enough" for you to consider a christian. Isn't the bible pretty clear about who is the only one who can know what is in a person's heart? The bible is also very clear that christians aren't identified by what they DO but what beliefs they hold in their heart. Who are you to say what is in people's heart? They may not act in a way that YOU think a christian should act (or that a normal person thinks ANYONE should ask) but isn't it a little prideful to think that you know a person's heart better than they do? And isn't pride one of the 7 deadlies?

    (Sorry--long, thorough religious education over here).

    First of all I am not Catholic and I do not subscribe to the "7 deadly sins". Sin is sin.

    Second, Who am I to say what is in the heart of the Westboro Baptist people? I am a Christian, that's who I am! I can judge their "fruit of the spirit" which is non existent. I can judge them by the horrible signs they hold up that scream out obscenities and hate towards gays, soliders and others their PASTOR deems unworthy. I am a Christian who knows my Bible and I know what I'm talking about. I don't judge them as unredeemable in any way. I judge them as fruitless. And Jesus Himself said that a barren, fruitless tree should be thrown into the fire.

    So please, don't come at me because you are thoroughly religiously educated. Book knowledge means nothing without a heart centered on Christ - in regards to quoting the Bible and issues of Christian faith.

    Wait, just to be clear, you can't judge what's in the heart of the Westboro nutcases but you can judge what was in the heart of Hitler? This is inconsistent.

    You misread my reply. As a Christian I can look at someone else who says they are Christian, i.e. Hitler/Westboro Baptist and hold them to accountability if their works/actions don't mesh with what they are saying.

    Anyone can say they love Christ but if in that same breath they scream out vile hatred and evil......then they are liars. We will know a Christian by their actions and their faith. If I tell you I love Christ and I say I hate you because of your sin....then I am a liar and the light of Christ is not in me.

    Christ was/is not about hatred and evil intent. Anyone that uses His name for that is not a Christian.
  • ElBo58
    ElBo58 Posts: 44

    You misread my reply. As a Christian I can look at someone else who says they are Christian, i.e. Hitler/Westboro Baptist and hold them to accountability if their works/actions don't mesh with what they are saying.

    Anyone can say they love Christ but if in that same breath they scream out vile hatred and evil......then they are liars. We will know a Christian by their actions and their faith. If I tell you I love Christ and I say I hate you because of your sin....then I am a liar and the light of Christ is not in me.

    Christ was/is not about hatred and evil intent. Anyone that uses His name for that is not a Christian.

    Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and a sizable chunk of the republican party would like to have a word with you...
  • led6777
    led6777 Posts: 268
    "westboro church isn't christian"

    Okay, but then you're naming yourself the judge of who is "christian enough" for you to consider a christian. Isn't the bible pretty clear about who is the only one who can know what is in a person's heart? The bible is also very clear that christians aren't identified by what they DO but what beliefs they hold in their heart. Who are you to say what is in people's heart? They may not act in a way that YOU think a christian should act (or that a normal person thinks ANYONE should ask) but isn't it a little prideful to think that you know a person's heart better than they do? And isn't pride one of the 7 deadlies?

    (Sorry--long, thorough religious education over here).

    First of all I am not Catholic and I do not subscribe to the "7 deadly sins". Sin is sin.

    Second, Who am I to say what is in the heart of the Westboro Baptist people? I am a Christian, that's who I am! I can judge their "fruit of the spirit" which is non existent. I can judge them by the horrible signs they hold up that scream out obscenities and hate towards gays, soliders and others their PASTOR deems unworthy. I am a Christian who knows my Bible and I know what I'm talking about. I don't judge them as unredeemable in any way. I judge them as fruitless. And Jesus Himself said that a barren, fruitless tree should be thrown into the fire.

    So please, don't come at me because you are thoroughly religiously educated. Book knowledge means nothing without a heart centered on Christ - in regards to quoting the Bible and issues of Christian faith.

    Wait, just to be clear, you can't judge what's in the heart of the Westboro nutcases but you can judge what was in the heart of Hitler? This is inconsistent.

    You misread my reply. As a Christian I can look at someone else who says they are Christian, i.e. Hitler/Westboro Baptist and hold them to accountability if their works/actions don't mesh with what they are saying.

    Anyone can say they love Christ but if in that same breath they scream out vile hatred and evil......then they are liars. We will know a Christian by their actions and their faith. If I tell you I love Christ and I say I hate you because of your sin....then I am a liar and the light of Christ is not in me.

    Christ was/is not about hatred and evil intent. Anyone that uses His name for that is not a Christian.

    While I'm certainly not Christian, your clarification makes sense to me. Your clarification seems to be consistent with my understanding of Christianity. I'm always trying to understand and learn more about it so I can understand others better.
  • sweetie89207
    sweetie89207 Posts: 361
    Going to get killed for this but they are just my unpopular opinions...

    Religion is for idiots.

    All drugs should be legalized.

    Capitalism is over rated.

    I agree with you. However, I wouldn't say religion is for idiots. There are lots of intelligent religious folks. However, I think religion is for those who seek comfort from their fears and insecurities. One of the most common phrases I hear from one of my religious friends is, "I just let God handle it" or "put it in God's hands." I wish I could politely suggest that *she* should handle the situation rather than ignoring it (or only acknowledging its potential metaphysical consequences via prayer). LOL... that's just my (unpopular?) opinion though.

    well i will agree with you on one thing...ur right- people should handle their situations- but what they should realize is that when they "put it in God's Hands" that means that they want God to help them make the right decisions...or that they will not allow the anxieties of the situation dictate their life matt 6:33,34 ...simple...but i think most "religions" are what you say- just a place for ppl to get comfort or to "do whats right" so to speak-

    for me its so much more about finding the right place to worship just as long as its all about the truth of the Bible and not just putting money into some pastor/reverends pocket so they can get a bigger house or car... ya kno
  • 2FattyXFatty4
    2FattyXFatty4 Posts: 215 Member
    The Koran and most other "holy books" also instruct their followers to go out an proselytize. That isn't unique to the Bible. I respect others' right to believe in and preach about what they want. Likewise, you should respect my right to not believe in god(s). It doesn't take faith to hold no belief. I don't believe in unicorns, faeries, or elves either. Does that take faith? No. Atheists aren't forcing you not to believe in gods. There's a reason, however, why atheists and other non-believers (theological noncognivitists, agnostics, ignosticts, etc.) engage with believers. Most of the atheists I know know more about religion and theology than most believers. We've studied and through logic and reason have come to the conclusion that there is no credible evidence for belief in gods. We also are acutely aware of the harm that organized religion and faith have caused in the world. Other posters have detailed those harms (Inquisition, Pogroms, anti-gay laws, wars, discrimination, etc.) on this thread so I don't need to provide the specifics. Ultimately, everyone has to decide for themselves what they believe or don't believe. I just think it's important that people are informed. I sent my kids to parochial schools but I also told them that when they were old enough they were free to make their own decisions about god. My son turned 19 last week. He is a self-professed atheist. My daughter is 14 and she is a believer, like my wife, but I don't worry because she has an open mind and questions everything.


    Quoted from part 1

    Death tolls

    Pol Pot >2 million
    Hitler > 6 million
    Stalin at least 20 million (some sources say 50 million)
    None of these men believed in God

    Not an argument for the presence of God, but irritates me when people blame all major genocides etc on religion.

    Not meaning to carry on this discussion about religion, but just to clarify a mistake in fact - I'm pretty sure Hitler was a Christian :ohwell:

    Though he wasn't massacring Jews in the name of God, so I guess that's something.

    You're right. Hitler was Catholic. And ... Quoted from Mein Kamf: "Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew ,I am fighting for the work of the Lord."
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member

    You misread my reply. As a Christian I can look at someone else who says they are Christian, i.e. Hitler/Westboro Baptist and hold them to accountability if their works/actions don't mesh with what they are saying.

    Anyone can say they love Christ but if in that same breath they scream out vile hatred and evil......then they are liars. We will know a Christian by their actions and their faith. If I tell you I love Christ and I say I hate you because of your sin....then I am a liar and the light of Christ is not in me.

    Christ was/is not about hatred and evil intent. Anyone that uses His name for that is not a Christian.

    Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and a sizable chunk of the republican party would like to have a word with you...

    Honestly, I don't like a lot of things either one of those people do or say and I don't believe most politicians when they state their religion anyway. I don't consider myself republican or democrat either lol
  • ILoveJesus72
    ILoveJesus72 Posts: 181 Member

    You misread my reply. As a Christian I can look at someone else who says they are Christian, i.e. Hitler/Westboro Baptist and hold them to accountability if their works/actions don't mesh with what they are saying.

    Anyone can say they love Christ but if in that same breath they scream out vile hatred and evil......then they are liars. We will know a Christian by their actions and their faith. If I tell you I love Christ and I say I hate you because of your sin....then I am a liar and the light of Christ is not in me.

    Christ was/is not about hatred and evil intent. Anyone that uses His name for that is not a Christian.

    Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell and a sizable chunk of the republican party would like to have a word with you...

    :) And I would love to have a word with them. I'm about my relationship with Jesus, not about the status quo. My Bible says that there will come a time when people will face Jesus and claim that they were His children. Healed in His name etc.....Jesus will look at them and say, "Depart from me I knew you not, you doers of iniquity." So, those that seem to get all the limelight and have decided they speak for ALL Christians, all the while speaking/doing vile, contemptable things in God's name, I believe will face the Judge and He'll set them straight.

    They don't speak for all Christians, most certainly not me.
  • ElBo58
    ElBo58 Posts: 44

    They don't speak for all Christians, most certainly not me.

    That's good--I hope that they don't speak for many people. Frankly, people like them are what has given christianity a bad name. I'm not anti-christian--some of my best friends are christian. But the single worst enemy to christianity today is the loud-mouthed ones like Robertson or other proponents of "christian hatred". And there are unfortunately plenty of very LOUD ones.
  • ILoveJesus72
    ILoveJesus72 Posts: 181 Member
    Going to get killed for this but they are just my unpopular opinions...

    Religion is for idiots.

    All drugs should be legalized.

    Capitalism is over rated.

    I agree with you. However, I wouldn't say religion is for idiots. There are lots of intelligent religious folks. However, I think religion is for those who seek comfort from their fears and insecurities. One of the most common phrases I hear from one of my religious friends is, "I just let God handle it" or "put it in God's hands." I wish I could politely suggest that *she* should handle the situation rather than ignoring it (or only acknowledging its potential metaphysical consequences via prayer). LOL... that's just my (unpopular?) opinion though.

    well i will agree with you on one thing...ur right- people should handle their situations- but what they should realize is that when they "put it in God's Hands" that means that they want God to help them make the right decisions...or that they will not allow the anxieties of the situation dictate their life matt 6:33,34 ...simple...but i think most "religions" are what you say- just a place for ppl to get comfort or to "do whats right" so to speak-

    for me its so much more about finding the right place to worship just as long as its all about the truth of the Bible and not just putting money into some pastor/reverends pocket so they can get a bigger house or car... ya kno

    My husband is a pastor. I can assure you that the tithes our church members give does not go to us to line our pockets for a bigger house or car. :) Not every man of God and his family gets rich from the church - - in fact that's not the norm. The church is commanded by God's Word to take care of the "undershepherd" that being the pastor. If God has called a man to be a Pastor, to lead his flock on this earth, then that man is to be trusted in all aspects by his congregation and he has very very high standards he is expected to live by. He is to be held accountable by his deacons/elders and the congregation.

    Sadly, there are churches who don't do this and they put the pastor on the pedestal and allow alot of bad things to go on but it is NOT the norm.
  • sunnyday789
    sunnyday789 Posts: 309 Member
    You're right. Hitler was Catholic. And ... Quoted from Mein Kamf: "Hence today I believe that I am acting in accordance with the will of the Almighty Creator: by defending myself against the Jew ,I am fighting for the work of the Lord."

    Mein Kamf was written in 1925-36. He later denounced Christianity

    for example from 1941:

    19th October, 1941, night:

    The reason why the ancient world was so pure, light and serene was that it knew nothing of the two great scourges: the pox and Christianity.
  • 2FattyXFatty4
    2FattyXFatty4 Posts: 215 Member
    I really dislike children. Their voices are like nails on a blackboard to me. I don't like how they are always running, screeching, snotting, and getting filthy.

    I think too many people ruin their lives by having kids that they should have known better than to have. I find it hard to feel sorry for them though, because these are the people who like to look down on me and tell me I lead an empty life because I don't want kids. They turn their wrath to me because it's kind of a social taboo to dislike the children you've already had and it might feel icky to say, "Gee, why didn't I think this through?"
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member
    The social stigma that women should be a certain way and men should be a certain way that is so ingrained in our society is utterly sad. (If you're going to argue that this doesn't exist.... Just... Just stop right there and don't talk to me, please)

    Thursdays are the worst days of the week. Mondays are the best weekdays of the week. Sundays are the best days of the week.

    Summer sucks. Winter is amazing.
  • ElBo58
    ElBo58 Posts: 44
    I really dislike children. Their voices are like nails on a blackboard to me. I don't like how they are always running, screeching, snotting, and getting filthy.

    I think too many people ruin their lives by having kids that they should have known better than to have. I find it hard to feel sorry for them though, because these are the people who like to look down on me and tell me I lead an empty life because I don't want kids. They turn their wrath to me because it's kind of a social taboo to dislike the children you've already had and it might feel icky to say, "Gee, why didn't I think this through?"

    Yeah, I often don't like other people's kids. Any time I hear those parents blathering about having "the world's best daughter" or "my perfect little angel" I want to ask them if they've actually met their kid. I think those people are just trying to convince themselves.