My Unpopular Opinion



  • ILoveJesus72
    ILoveJesus72 Posts: 181 Member
    Oh, ya. Hair is gross. Just cut it off. Long hair is nasty, not pretty.

    Ok, well I have very long crazy, curly hair but I do LOVE LOVE LOVE People's Court. Am i redeemed???!:blushing:

    Haha! Mine is 4 feet long :P I love court shows and cop shows!

    GROSS! Ewww!!! Cut that nasty hair already! I does NOT look good.
    I don't love all court shows. Just People's Court. The rest are dumb.

    On a serious note, were you beaten with long hair as a child or something? Did you almost smother in your own hair during sleep? I'm really curious why you dislike long hair LoL I can't go to sleep til I know why!
  • mdrngypsy
    mdrngypsy Posts: 17
    I thought about posting a few things here but they've been said, thus making it a no-so-unpopular opinion, however, I do have one I'll add:

    Being pro-choice doesn't mean you're not pro-life; it means you don't believe you have the right to make such a decision for someone else.
  • heggleston921
    heggleston921 Posts: 41 Member
    Oh, ya. Hair is gross. Just cut it off. Long hair is nasty, not pretty.

    Ok, well I have very long crazy, curly hair but I do LOVE LOVE LOVE People's Court. Am i redeemed???!:blushing:

    Haha! Mine is 4 feet long :P I love court shows and cop shows!

    GROSS! Ewww!!! Cut that nasty hair already! I does NOT look good.
    I don't love all court shows. Just People's Court. The rest are dumb.

    On a serious note, were you beaten with long hair as a child or something? Did you almost smother in your own hair during sleep? I'm really curious why you dislike long hair LoL I can't go to sleep til I know why!

    HAHA!!! No, I just hate all those long, thin strings of death hanging off someone's head. Then, the worst part is when you find them somewhere that's NOT attached to a head: the bathroom floor, my clothes, a chair, BLECH! Just gives me the willies to think about it.
  • heggleston921
    heggleston921 Posts: 41 Member
    Thought of two more things I can't stand: practical jokes and tickling. Both are just mean.

    And what's up with people whining about having ten pounds to lose? You're not fat!!! I'd love to be in your (skinny-*kitten*) shoes.
  • 2FattyXFatty4
    2FattyXFatty4 Posts: 215 Member
    I really dislike children. Their voices are like nails on a blackboard to me. I don't like how they are always running, screeching, snotting, and getting filthy.

    I think too many people ruin their lives by having kids that they should have known better than to have. I find it hard to feel sorry for them though, because these are the people who like to look down on me and tell me I lead an empty life because I don't want kids. They turn their wrath to me because it's kind of a social taboo to dislike the children you've already had and it might feel icky to say, "Gee, why didn't I think this through?"

    Soooooo I'm just taking a wild guess here that you wouldn't be interested in helping me out in children's ministry @ my church? LOL about 15-20 kids from ages 4 til 5th grade!! All wanting a snack, yelling, running around, U sure? :bigsmile:

    I'm an atheist. :laugh:
  • ILoveJesus72
    ILoveJesus72 Posts: 181 Member
    Oh, ya. Hair is gross. Just cut it off. Long hair is nasty, not pretty.

    Ok, well I have very long crazy, curly hair but I do LOVE LOVE LOVE People's Court. Am i redeemed???!:blushing:

    Haha! Mine is 4 feet long :P I love court shows and cop shows!

    GROSS! Ewww!!! Cut that nasty hair already! I does NOT look good.
    I don't love all court shows. Just People's Court. The rest are dumb.

    On a serious note, were you beaten with long hair as a child or something? Did you almost smother in your own hair during sleep? I'm really curious why you dislike long hair LoL I can't go to sleep til I know why!

    HAHA!!! No, I just hate all those long, thin strings of death hanging off someone's head. Then, the worst part is when you find them somewhere that's NOT attached to a head: the bathroom floor, my clothes, a chair, BLECH! Just gives me the willies to think about it.

    OOohhhh I see now! You don't appreciate the wookie that accumulates in the shower drain from those of us who are follicularly (sp?) blessed?

    If I were to be kidnapped (which would be hard because I know how to defend against this: go completely limp!) I could leave behind so much DNA because of my hair it's crazy! I lose an amount = to a small pomeranian every morning. But I dont leave the "strands of death" just laying around the house.....I collect them for later. When I need to off someone....:smokin:
  • ILoveJesus72
    ILoveJesus72 Posts: 181 Member
    I really dislike children. Their voices are like nails on a blackboard to me. I don't like how they are always running, screeching, snotting, and getting filthy.

    I think too many people ruin their lives by having kids that they should have known better than to have. I find it hard to feel sorry for them though, because these are the people who like to look down on me and tell me I lead an empty life because I don't want kids. They turn their wrath to me because it's kind of a social taboo to dislike the children you've already had and it might feel icky to say, "Gee, why didn't I think this through?"

    Soooooo I'm just taking a wild guess here that you wouldn't be interested in helping me out in children's ministry @ my church? LOL about 15-20 kids from ages 4 til 5th grade!! All wanting a snack, yelling, running around, U sure? :bigsmile:

    I'm an atheist. :laugh:

    Yeah I know but seriously, I need help on Sundays!!! LOL c'mon our snacks are pretty good. You LOVE kids right?:bigsmile:
  • 2FattyXFatty4
    2FattyXFatty4 Posts: 215 Member
    I really dislike children. Their voices are like nails on a blackboard to me. I don't like how they are always running, screeching, snotting, and getting filthy.

    I think too many people ruin their lives by having kids that they should have known better than to have. I find it hard to feel sorry for them though, because these are the people who like to look down on me and tell me I lead an empty life because I don't want kids. They turn their wrath to me because it's kind of a social taboo to dislike the children you've already had and it might feel icky to say, "Gee, why didn't I think this through?"

    Soooooo I'm just taking a wild guess here that you wouldn't be interested in helping me out in children's ministry @ my church? LOL about 15-20 kids from ages 4 til 5th grade!! All wanting a snack, yelling, running around, U sure? :bigsmile:

    I'm an atheist. :laugh:

    Yeah I know but seriously, I need help on Sundays!!! LOL c'mon our snacks are pretty good. You LOVE kids right?:bigsmile:

    I haven't been to church in DECADES so I'm pretty sure I'd burst into flames the second I step into your church. Hahaha!!!
  • ILoveJesus72
    ILoveJesus72 Posts: 181 Member
    I really dislike children. Their voices are like nails on a blackboard to me. I don't like how they are always running, screeching, snotting, and getting filthy.

    I think too many people ruin their lives by having kids that they should have known better than to have. I find it hard to feel sorry for them though, because these are the people who like to look down on me and tell me I lead an empty life because I don't want kids. They turn their wrath to me because it's kind of a social taboo to dislike the children you've already had and it might feel icky to say, "Gee, why didn't I think this through?"

    Soooooo I'm just taking a wild guess here that you wouldn't be interested in helping me out in children's ministry @ my church? LOL about 15-20 kids from ages 4 til 5th grade!! All wanting a snack, yelling, running around, U sure? :bigsmile:

    I'm an atheist. :laugh:

    Yeah I know but seriously, I need help on Sundays!!! LOL c'mon our snacks are pretty good. You LOVE kids right?:bigsmile:

    I haven't been to church in DECADES so I'm pretty sure I'd burst into flames the second I step into your church. Hahaha!!!

    Ummm I usually have lemonade on hand so I could douse the flames pretty quickly. :noway:
  • blnorman29
    blnorman29 Posts: 148 Member
    I'm a socialist libertarian living in the deep South. I can't throw a rock without pissing in someone's cornflakes. If I have a political opinion, most likely no one else around here will agree with me.

    With kids, most of the time it's the parent's fault. You can blame teacher's, the school system, genetics, Satan, Santa Clause, the grandparents, or fate... but it's the parent's fault.

    I think fudge is over rated. gah.

    I'm for the death penalty and abortion. I guess I'm pro-death.

    I hate cell phones. I wish they had never been invented. And if you keep looking down at your phone while you're "talking" to me, I will feel no regret about sucker punching you in the left eyeball.

    I hate Friends, Seinfeild, and How I Met Your Mother. Sue me.

    I have too many Christian friends on Facebook. I have no idea how they prayed before they could share it with everyone they've known since 7th grade.

    My atheist friends annoy me just as much as my Christian friends. I mean really, don't complain about proselytizing when your entire world revolves around talking people out of something they find comforting.

    I shun any electronic with an i in front of it out of hand.

    I like hippy chicks but I wish they'd shave their pits.

    I don't like cats. I don't want to watch them on youtube. I don't want to hear about your 20 beautiful baby cats and all the cute things they did over the weekend. I really think you need to get laid.

    Why are you unhappy? Cause you allow yourself to be. Suck it up.

    Gay men cut hair better than straight ladies. And don't seem to have the urge to turn your head into a poodle like the latter.

    Some babies are ugly. I'm sorry.

    Marry me?
  • mdrngypsy
    mdrngypsy Posts: 17
    Oh Oh I want to say...

    I detest hot drinks. Even a Timmie's French Vanilla Capp is better cold (not that I can drink them anymore... with like 50+ grams of sugar in a medium)
  • tialeanne
    tialeanne Posts: 186 Member
    I'm a socialist libertarian living in the deep South. I can't throw a rock without pissing in someone's cornflakes. If I have a political opinion, most likely no one else around here will agree with me.

    With kids, most of the time it's the parent's fault. You can blame teacher's, the school system, genetics, Satan, Santa Clause, the grandparents, or fate... but it's the parent's fault.

    I think fudge is over rated. gah.

    I'm for the death penalty and abortion. I guess I'm pro-death.

    I hate cell phones. I wish they had never been invented. And if you keep looking down at your phone while you're "talking" to me, I will feel no regret about sucker punching you in the left eyeball.

    I hate Friends, Seinfeild, and How I Met Your Mother. Sue me.

    I have too many Christian friends on Facebook. I have no idea how they prayed before they could share it with everyone they've known since 7th grade.

    My atheist friends annoy me just as much as my Christian friends. I mean really, don't complain about proselytizing when your entire world revolves around talking people out of something they find comforting.

    I shun any electronic with an i in front of it out of hand.

    I like hippy chicks but I wish they'd shave their pits.

    I don't like cats. I don't want to watch them on youtube. I don't want to hear about your 20 beautiful baby cats and all the cute things they did over the weekend. I really think you need to get laid.

    Why are you unhappy? Cause you allow yourself to be. Suck it up.

    Gay men cut hair better than straight ladies. And don't seem to have the urge to turn your head into a poodle like the latter.

    Some babies are ugly. I'm sorry.

    Marry me?

    I would but gay marriage and polygamy are both illegal in my state. We could, however, start a cult and ignore all the rules. We could call it Jonestown 2: New and Improved and deliciously Kool-Aid free.
  • heggleston921
    heggleston921 Posts: 41 Member
    I don't like ANYthing added to my coffee. This will help to explain why....

    .....I just don't get the whole Starbucks attraction. I've never bought anything in there and I never will.

    I do enjoy flavored coffee, but it can NOT have anything actually added to it.
  • elcyclista
    elcyclista Posts: 393
    I can't stand tv.
  • milleric
    milleric Posts: 25
    People who smoke anything should be required to do community service once a year, spending a day picking up cigarette butts.

    What if you smoke weed out of a bong but loathe cigs?
    That doesn't make you any smarter.

    Well, you totally sound super smart so I see why people should listen to you, all knowing being (Possibly a wizard)
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    People who smoke anything should be required to do community service once a year, spending a day picking up cigarette butts.

    What if you smoke weed out of a bong but loathe cigs?
    That doesn't make you any smarter.

    Well, you totally sound super smart so I see why people should listen to you, all knowing being (Possibly a wizard)
    I've seen several friends ruin their relationships, work life and studies due to marijuana. I don't claim to be especially smart, I just think smoking is incredibly stupid.
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    I love Glenn Beck and I listen to Rush Limbaugh whenever I can.

    I'm also an atheist, I support gay marriage, the right to choose and I'll do almost anything to save the whales.

    I also voted for Bush....twice.

    Sue me.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    The Koran and most other "holy books" also instruct their followers to go out an proselytize. That isn't unique to the Bible. I respect others' right to believe in and preach about what they want. Likewise, you should respect my right to not believe in god(s). It doesn't take faith to hold no belief. I don't believe in unicorns, faeries, or elves either. Does that take faith? No. Atheists aren't forcing you not to believe in gods. There's a reason, however, why atheists and other non-believers (theological noncognivitists, agnostics, ignosticts, etc.) engage with believers. Most of the atheists I know know more about religion and theology than most believers. We've studied and through logic and reason have come to the conclusion that there is no credible evidence for belief in gods. We also are acutely aware of the harm that organized religion and faith have caused in the world. Other posters have detailed those harms (Inquisition, Pogroms, anti-gay laws, wars, discrimination, etc.) on this thread so I don't need to provide the specifics. Ultimately, everyone has to decide for themselves what they believe or don't believe. I just think it's important that people are informed. I sent my kids to parochial schools but I also told them that when they were old enough they were free to make their own decisions about god. My son turned 19 last week. He is a self-professed atheist. My daughter is 14 and she is a believer, like my wife, but I don't worry because she has an open mind and questions everything.


    Quoted from part 1

    Death tolls

    Pol Pot >2 million
    Hitler > 6 million
    Stalin at least 20 million (some sources say 50 million)
    None of these men believed in God

    Not an argument for the presence of God, but irritates me when people blame all major genocides etc on religion.

    Not meaning to carry on this discussion about religion, but just to clarify a mistake in fact - I'm pretty sure Hitler was a Christian :ohwell:

    Though he wasn't massacring Jews in the name of God, so I guess that's something.

    hahahaha LOL...when will we get past this stupid idea of ppl who "call" themselves something- meaning they really are that...thats how we got to racism- judging one person just because of the color of their skin- then judging all ppl by the standards you gave to one person (you know like when 1 person makes a "bad name" for a whole group of ppl)

    and since killing ppl is against the bible i think we can all clearly say that hitler was not a real
    Haven't read past this but I need to interject.

    Working on the Sabbath is against the Bible. Taking God's name in vain is against the Bible. Not honoring your parents is against the Bible. Being jealous is against the Bible. Lying is against the Bible. Does that make just about everyone who ever lived "not a Christian"? I don't know anyone who has never broken any of the 10 Commandments. Christians don't want Hitler to be considered a Christian and I don't blame them. He does give them a bad name. But if he considered himself to be a Christian then that is what he was whether or not someone else agrees. The fact that he was a crappy *kitten* Christian doesn't mean he wasn't Christian.

    There is no "magic line" where someone who claims to be Christian gets that title revoked. Hitler killed millions. Is that the line? What if he only killed 20? What if he killed 1 abortion provider? What if he protested military funerals? What if he protested gay weddings? If the standard is that you have to live according to the Bible at all times then there are no Christians.
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    I don't care how "pro life" you claim to be. If you aren't in favor of healthcare for all then you are really just pro-fetus. If you cared about life you'd care about every aspect of it not just making sure it's born and making sure it can't choose how it dies (euthanasia).

    I don't understand how an intelligent person who isn't filthy rich and/or wants to live in a Theocracy could vote for Romney. I'm not a big Obama fan but when it comes to the lesser of 2 evils it's no contest.

    When there are no 5+ year old kids waiting to be adopted then your argument about "all those poor families who want to adopt a baby" as a rebuttal against abortion will hold water. Until then those "poor, childless couples" are nothing more than selfish jerks who are ignoring all those slightly older kids.

    Tolerance means allowing you to live as you choose. It does not mean I have to like it or lay down and let you try to force everyone else to live the way you think they should. I'm sick of "Christians" who cry that others aren't tolerant of them simply because they disagree. In the words of Inigo Montoya "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
  • Italian_Buju
    Italian_Buju Posts: 8,030 Member
    I think that if there is an unplanned pregnancy and the father does not want the child, before the baby is born, he should be able to write off his parental rights and not have to pay child support. I think the system is crazy that the males have no rights at all. If the woman does not want the child, she does not have to keep it, but if the father does not want the child, he is still forced to pay for that child, and I think that is crap.

    I used to have a tee shirt that said

    Look at Mary, exercising her right not to be a parent, she had an abortion.

    Look at Richard, exercising his right not to be a parent, we call him a deadbeat dad.

    How is that equal rights?


    Now, just to be clear, I am not talking about people that were married and had kids or whatever and then they break up when the kid is like five or something. I mean, if she gets pregnant, and right from the get go, this guy is like, no no no, then he should have an out, same as she does.