anyone with 50 + pounds to lose?



  • Hi this is my first time on here, I joined yesterday and its amazing to see so many people on here! I never realised that some foods i thought were fairly 'healthy' really aren't!!!
    Anyway, I wish you all luck and hope I can be as successful as some of you!
  • janahc09
    janahc09 Posts: 12
    I set a goal to lose 88 pounds. I am down 18 so far. And I am just 5 freaking pounds away from my first small goal I set for myself, which is to finally see my weight start with a 1 instead of a 2!!
  • Sweetie_Pie92
    Sweetie_Pie92 Posts: 314 Member
    I have about 75 to lose, I'm an avid logger and a pretty cheerful person :) Feel free to have me, I love having motivational friends
  • ANuNu73
    ANuNu73 Posts: 4
    Hello all!! I am new to this site, only one month in, & I desire to lose 50lbs. I am looking for positive, energetic, & upbeat friends. I would love to get helpful workout tips & really great-for-u recipes from u guys!.....Looking forward to the meeting new ppl who are on the same path as myself :flowerforyou:
  • lubby22
    lubby22 Posts: 31
    Hello! I am hoping to lose 50. I've just started on this site a few days ago and I really like it so far. Feel free to add me. I like to share exercise and food ideas. Im not just here for me, Im here for you too! (all of you)
  • CharisSunny
    CharisSunny Posts: 276 Member
    I have been using MFP for the past 91 days and so far, I'm satisfied more then I ever thought possible. I LOVE the friends I have on here, I'm looking for a few new friends with a little more than a "few" pounds to lose. Although I do add EVERYONE I would like to get some success stories and tips from those that are already in my position. Thanks Everyone!

    I have another 72 lbs at least :)
  • I am new mfp I currently weigh 200 hundred pounds my goal is 135, I have been over weight my whole life, and have been made fun of on numerous occasions well I'm tired of being that person every one talks so bad about, but I'm not doing this for them i am doing this for me, so any advice, success stories or motivation is more then welcome :) I am look for upbeat friends and entergetic friends, and any great recipes any of you all may have to share I look forward to making new friends!
  • PBandMelly
    PBandMelly Posts: 6
    I have 115 lbs to lose. I have lost 30 before on my own, but sadly I gained most of it back. Been through some rough times this year. But it motivates me because I know I can do it! And I do have some tips and things to share. So, feel free to add me :)
  • Pennyloses
    Pennyloses Posts: 1
    I have only joined a few days ago and am finding it quite a challenge to change everything I eat- it seems ALL my habits were wrong.
    I have 47.5 lbs to lose but if I can do that I will need to do more.
    Every day I am discovering a mistake I am making- yesterday- fruit. I thought it was a healthy snack. That, sadly, is only true if you do not eat 400 calories worth of it. :smile:
  • keating19
    keating19 Posts: 5
    hey! i'm hoping by the end of my 'weight-loss journey' i'd like to have lost around 100 lbs! i had a baby and am in serious mode. right now i'm completely trying to change eating habits and exercise. if you want any of my tips or things i'm trying that seem to work, add me! best wishes to you as well :)
  • keating19
    keating19 Posts: 5
    hi! the best way is lots of cardio! i'm in this boot camp class where you do tons of different things like mtn. climber, weights, crunches, push-ups, plank holds, etc.if you wanna chat more, feel free to add me! best wishes with your goal
  • Funsoaps
    Funsoaps Posts: 514 Member
    Me : ) add me if you like. I also notice I have no male friends yet, not that it matters...but I just noticed :)
  • thaze90
    thaze90 Posts: 68 Member
    Trying to lose 175 pounds, have lost 65 lbs so far. Feel free to add me, anyone.
  • madfamily
    madfamily Posts: 2 Member
    Hi all
    Not really one for chat rooms but everyone sounds nice so bear with me if I get it all wrong.
    I have over 100 to lose. I started well a couple of months ago and have lost 7lb but have lost interest. The only good thing is that I haven't put it back on.
    Please add me anyone - I really need encouragement. :)
  • Pinky1147
    Pinky1147 Posts: 105
    I have 70 pounds I want to lose.
  • I started with 114lbs to loose ... 10 down so far! I try to be helpful and motivate others. I recently started out a few weeks ago myself so if you're still looking for others to add on your journey feel free to add me. Same goes out to anyone else. It really helps to have MFP friends who help motivate each other.
  • tonilkuntz
    tonilkuntz Posts: 3
    I am new, and I have over 75lbs to lose. WOW that was hard to write and look at. Maybe this is just the thing I needed. I could use new friends also.
    Good Luck to everyone.
  • tamicando
    tamicando Posts: 24
    Hi, feel free to add me, I'm motivated to shed 100 pounds this year. :)) Need all the motivation I can get.
  • Missi3601
    Missi3601 Posts: 264
    Love all the rsponses! If I missed you- feel free to add me :)
  • Hi, I'm Valerie and so glad to read so many people with the same struggles as I do. I have been fooling myself long enough and have seen success thru my husband who has lost weight using MFP. I need to apply myself and with encouragement and motivation from this group...I'll be fit in no time. I have no friends as this is my first time here but can't wait to "meet" any and everyone. Feel free to add me and check up on me...I'll do the same. Thanks!