When Was Your First Time?



  • AGirlandHerFrenchie
    AGirlandHerFrenchie Posts: 448 Member
    When my boyfriend's new "friends" and I say friends losely started making fun of me and telling my boyfriend that he deserved to be with someone who was hot and beautiful not an ugly cow. Eventually my boyfriend told me that he felt he deserved someone who was hot and beautiful and that he couldn't overlook my weight. It was a real wake up call.
  • brendaj39
    brendaj39 Posts: 375 Member
    I seen a picture of me sitting in a lawn chair with a white tank top and black shorts. I weighed 252. I didn't believe that was me in the picture...I asked my husband why he didn't tell me I was that huge!!! I mean I knew I was big, but I didn't realize I was just about to 300lbs...That was about 6 years ago. I lost 76lbs, but then life somehow got in the way again, so I gained about 40 back..I'm half way to loosing what I gained back. And I'm hoping this is the last time I need to go on this journey..
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    I had always been athletic and in decent shape. But over time, I just let myself go (work, travel, kids, etc.). At my heaviest, I was around 6'2" and over 230 lbs. And terribly flabby. I had really grown weak and out of shape. Couldn't do 15 push-ups. Pathetic.

    My young kids - who both play lots or sports and are thin - began teasing me about my weight. Just joking, but still, I realized they were right. This was around 4-5 months ago or so.

    It was a huge motivator to get it back together. Now I'm at 188 lbs, eating healthy foods, cutting back on the alcohol, running every other day, and lifting weights. My chest is bigger than when I was in college. It's amazing how fast your body will respond to being treated well... ;-)

  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,174 Member
    When last years bathing suit wouldn't go over my thighs. When spandex quits on you, its time for action.
  • rowlandk
    rowlandk Posts: 146 Member
    When I could hardly sit on the floor and tie my shoes. I couldn't get my knee up close enough to my chest to reach my feet. I have always been athletic and I finally REALLY looked at myself in the mirror. I am in my first long term relationship and I had heard people get "comfortable" with each other and we both love to cook and grill and bake so we had been spending a lot of time trying new recipes at night after work and I finally realized, I can't eat like a guy. He put on maybe 15 pounds, I put on 60. IN SIX MONTHS. I'm slowly getting back to the person I use to be and feeling better in my skin every day. I feel terrible that he used to be so proud of the athletic girlfriend he had and I wasn't her anymore. I felt disgusting about myself and was very unhappy. It took me a month or two to realize that's why I was unhappy. I didn't like myself anymore so it put a huge strain on our relationship although he has always told me I am beautiful, he now says he has his sexy, healthy girlfriend back.
  • justinamay0535
    justinamay0535 Posts: 132 Member
    After having my 2nd child in January and having to be put on BP meds because my weight was pushing 300 lbs I had an ah-ha moment. As a child I always knew my dad had high BP and I thought it couldnt happen to me. My mom would talk to me about how overweight people had higher chances of heart attacks and strokes but it never bothered me. Until my doctor told me she would have to put me on BP meds because my BP was not coming down. Im only 25 how can I be on BP meds?! On the drive home it hit me that I might not see my children graduate high school let alone get married and have kids of their own one day. That day I knew I had to change my life so I could be around to see my children live theirs. Im almost 40 lbs down since then and I feel like I am finally living my life! I love it and never, ever want to go back to the "old me."

    *writing that made me tear up because the thought of not seeing my two beautiful babies grow up breaks my heart. I love being outside with my kids running around and being active. THIS is the way to really live life...sitting on my *kitten* was just getting me closer to my grave. This is hard but I wish I could tell everyone keep going and just do it. It gets easier and you find a love for yourself you never knew you had. :)
  • UhOhItsKylie
    UhOhItsKylie Posts: 92 Member
    There wasn't really a specific moment for me. I got married and moved in with my husband. We struggled financially at first, and I had a really hard time adjusting my already hectic schedule to include going to the grocery store and cooking dinner every night. No money plus no time meant A LOT of hamburger helper, frozen meals, and fast food. Needless to say, the weight crept on.

    Little by little, none of my clothes fit anymore. It was a pretty big shock when I went jean shopping and had to buy a size 10, when I was previously a size 4. I always said I didn't want to be "that girl" that gets married and let's herself go, so I put down the cheeseburgers, got off my booty, and made some changes. ;)

    I am now back in my size 4's and back to my old, happy self. I am not completely satisfied with how I look (I don't know that I ever will be!) but so glad to be out of that terrible time...and don't plan to go back!
  • Pneeleysmom
    Pneeleysmom Posts: 75 Member
    when I looked down and couldnt see my vagina.
    LOL, that made me spit my water all over the place! So true!!!

  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    Looking at my wedding photos and other pics that friends took and realized that I looked about 14 months pregnant. ALL THE TIME. I hate my belly. Ive never been small/thin/fit/sexy but I have to do something so that I am smaller. I will never be tiny or have a 6pack but I have to lose the weight so that when I actually get pregnant, I can slowly see it. Oh and then reading about obesity induced pregnancy problems. Thats enough to get my butt moving.
  • sarahharmintx
    sarahharmintx Posts: 868 Member
    When my boyfriend's new "friends" and I say friends losely started making fun of me and telling my boyfriend that he deserved to be with someone who was hot and beautiful not an ugly cow. Eventually my boyfriend told me that he felt he deserved someone who was hot and beautiful and that he couldn't overlook my weight. It was a real wake up call.

    And why isnt he an ex?
  • shinyshell55
    shinyshell55 Posts: 128 Member
    I broke my leg badly last summer and had to have surgery. When I realized that I wasn't allowed out of bed - reality hit with the nurse bringing me a bedpan. They rolled me over and that is when I decided that I was going to lose the weight that I put on over the last ten years - forever!
  • Photographs. Horrible Horrible Photographs. Made me realize that yes..I need to take control of this before it gets anymore out of control.
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