Favorite 'Strange' Sandwich



  • MissMegan3119
    MissMegan3119 Posts: 110
    I have always been made fun of for my love of "strange" food concoctions. Some of my favorites are:
    -Salami, mustard, cheese and pickles on a hot dog bun
    -Grilled cheeses with ketchup
    -Cheese and mayo sandwich dunked into salsa and then dunked into sour cream
    -Cheese sandwich with mayo stuffed with sour cream and onion chips

    Strangely, I never craved this food when I was pregnant. When I was pregnant it was hash brown patties with cheese, salsa, and sour cream. These were just my "I'm an adolescent who can eat this crap without gaining a ton of weight" foods. My current weight may make more sense after reviewing these food choices, lol
  • girlsaint
    girlsaint Posts: 209 Member
    A toasted bacon and strawberry jam sandwich is a favorite of mine. I learned that from my mother though, it was one of her faves while I was growing up.
  • chattyKathi
    chattyKathi Posts: 34 Member
    well years ago I ate bread and butter pickles and cheese as a sandwich and used to eat lettuce and mayo sandwiches. STill love a good fluffenutter (PB and Fluff) now the strange thing I eat is liverwurst and mustard on white bread. omg so good I could eat them everyday! but I don't lol

    my dad used to eat PB and mayo. my mom used to eat tomato and mayo. and my sister used to eat raw onion and mayo sandwiches.
  • mcjmommy
    mcjmommy Posts: 148 Member
    Growing up we used to eat peanut butter, miracle whip and lettuce. Or if we had leftover baked beans, we'd have them cold on bread spread with margarine.
    I love peanut butter on dill pickles, I've never made a sandwich out of it (will have to try it).
    I also eat my tuna prepared with low fat miracle whip in a slice of bread spread with peanut butter. My whole family thinks it is disgusting :) I'd NEVER put pickles in my tuna though, that would be crossing the line!
  • bawalker11
    bawalker11 Posts: 78
    I love me a Peanut Butter and Pickle Sandwich, and no, I'm not pregnant

    The peanut but has to be smooth and the pickle has to be dill, no garlic...... SO GOOD!

    Anyone else like the Peanut Butter Pickle? Or any thing else that might be considered strange?

    Totally!! I have to eat them in secret or my husband thinks I am a crazy person! I also love marmite and cucumber sandwiches
  • holleysings
    holleysings Posts: 664 Member
    Butter, strawberry jam, dill pickle, on sourdough. It's life changing.
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    Peanut butter and bologna.
  • kolkol
    kolkol Posts: 300 Member
    Peanut Butter & Banana on Wheat. Sometimes I toast the bread and the peanut but is all melty, YUM!
    Tomato & Mustard.
    Cheese & Pickles. (American cheese & Sweet Pickles)

    What kind of pickles do you put on the Peanut butter sandwiches? sweet?
  • KrisyKat
    KrisyKat Posts: 740 Member
    :love: Toasted blueberry bagel, cream cheese, and ham!!! NOMTASTICALLY DELICIOUS!!!
  • Forthe4
    Forthe4 Posts: 30 Member
    My wife always makes me eat them in a room far far away from her, but I've always liked peanut butter on my hot dogs instead of mayo, mustard, or ketchup.

    She didn't talk to me for a few hours after I let my son try one and he loved it. Now both of us have to eat them in a separate room.
  • capnwo85
    capnwo85 Posts: 1,103 Member
    Normal PB+J, but I sit on my hand for 20 min before I eat it....

  • littlelaurie14
    littlelaurie14 Posts: 224 Member
    I mash up some hard-boiled egg and mix it with hot sauce. Throw it between some bread, nomnomnom :bigsmile:
  • Peanut butter, banana, bacon and mayo...

    This was a childhood favorite that I still do occasionally today by using meatless bacon strips (I don't eat meat any longer). So yummy!

  • AlexanderK1994
    AlexanderK1994 Posts: 243 Member
    Toast with jam & scrambled egg (haven't had that in a while - I don't have a toaster at home and there's almost never some jam around so... T_T)
    A sandwich with hard boiled egg & ketchup xD
    Some people also think that Philadelphia and ketchup is weird but I eat that pretty much every day...
  • mfp_junkie
    mfp_junkie Posts: 359
    I remember this from some odd Peanuts cookbook when I was a kid

    The Charlie Brown stick to the roof of your mouth peanut butter sandwich

    Peanut butter, celery, ketchup. I used to eat them all the time.
  • temp666777
    temp666777 Posts: 169
    In the USA, In-N-Out Burger's low-carb burger is a hamburger made with ... lettuce leaves instead of bread.

    That's pretty strange!
  • temp666777
    temp666777 Posts: 169
    :love: Toasted blueberry bagel, cream cheese, and ham!!! NOMTASTICALLY DELICIOUS!!!

    Funny, I eat and like exactly that. Hame with cream cheese generally ... and blueberry bagel yes.
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    Extra-Crunchy peanut butter, reeses puffs and chocolate syrup in between two peices of toast. I'd eat that with hot cheetoes and chocolate milk!

    My favorite flavor is CRUNCHY. :)

    OH YAH!!
    When I was younger we were super poor so my mom would make me margarine and sugar sandwiches and my dad would make me cheez whiz sandwiches!
  • ShalisaClam
    ShalisaClam Posts: 190
    i used to love , after Thanksgiving, leftover stuffing and cranberry sauce sandwiches. Mmmm! Also peanut butter and alfalfa sprouts sandwich. Sounds weird, but very tasty.
    Peanut butter and alfalfa sprouts? I guess this thread proves that everything tastes good with peanut butter!

    On the same note - peanut butter and fresh spinach leaves on whole wheat. Nom nom nom!!
    Also, peanut butter, honey & banana.

    I also used to dip french fries into a mcdonald's vanilla shake. ( I do not eat there anymore.)
    My father loved grape jelly on his pizza.
    After-Thanksgiving sandwich is: 2 slices white bread, turkey, and hot smushed sweet potatoes, with butter. YUM!
  • Peanut butter and banana!

    one day I want to try chocolate silk peanut butter on my PB&B!

    Chocolate Pnut butter and banana is a combo straight from the heavens! Trust me on this! Get Peanut Butter and Company's Dark Chocolate Pnut Butter....it kicks the Jif's chocolates butt!