What's your out of the box exercise?



  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    Turn on the music and dance like a maniac lol

    Hears basshunter in the background *untz*untz*untz
  • Cathy7794
    Cathy7794 Posts: 223 Member
    Yard work. I know most people would consider it everyday chores and not count the calorie burn at all but, when you have close to 2 acres of yard and mow it all with a push mower, believe me, it's a freakin' workout! I burned about 500 calories on the first half of the yard yesterday and another 500-600 finishing up the rest of it today. :) Yes, it's still work but, I enjoy it. I can crank up the music on my headphones and work on my tan too!:happy:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    I just started a new thing. I bought an army duffle bag at the local army/navy store. I fill it with all old clothes (it's about 40 lbs) and I do all my HIIT training while holding it in front of me or across my shoulders.

    agility ladder --> agility ladder with duffle
    sprints --> sprints with duffle
    pushups --> pushups with duffle on my back

    plus now there are a few things I couldn't do before that now I do. I.E. attach a harness to a rope and drag the duffle during sprints, do pickup/overhead press/put downs with the bag...etc.

    it's super hard, but awesome, and kinda fun. and when you get pissed, you can just punch the thing as hard as you want.
  • zaithyr
    zaithyr Posts: 482 Member
    Turn on the music and dance like a maniac lol

    Hears basshunter in the background *untz*untz*untz

    Haha! I should also mention that I close all the blinds and curtains first too :P
  • Jigglebewie
    Jigglebewie Posts: 344 Member
    I agree, Zumba on the Wii is great fun. When I first had it me and my friend didn't know any of the moves, we both were total newcomers, and OMG it was hillarious, jumping around trying to copy the figure on screen, we were laughing so much. Great fun XD

    I've actually got the Zumba box set now that my bf got me for xmas it comes with the toning sticks and loads of different workouts, it is a change to my standard DVD's of Rosemary Conley or Davina workouts =]
  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    Turn on the music and dance like a maniac lol

    Hears basshunter in the background *untz*untz*untz

    Haha! I should also mention that I close all the blinds and curtains first too :P

    You bet your *kitten* my house Is locked and shut down before my limbs start flailing playing DDR LOL
  • HeartME511healthy
    HeartME511healthy Posts: 163 Member
    What do you do to burn calories that you find to be different from anyone you know, or that you find to be fun rather than "work." This could be a great way to pick up a new routine for those who are burning themselves out with running/same exercise video.
    Dont forget to let us know what you log it in MFP under!

    I play Dance Dance Revolution, I log it under cardio of course, and the game estimates cals burnt for me based on my weight. I hate running, so this is my go to cardio when I feel like busting out a -800 cal day once in a while. Great if you're looking to build up the calves!

    I have one out the box exercise day which is normally today Thursday, which I do quite a bit of everything.. at least 4 mile run, combined with Abs for 20 min, one hour each Zumba and Spin all in one day.. it is awesome and addicting. Outside of that jogging is my out the box exercise and along with a friend did my first half marathon, awesome... I think I found my Zen...
  • obum88
    obum88 Posts: 262 Member
    Putting on the music and my fitbit and i just go crazy. This is great cause i am having so much fun i might go for 2 hours. I can also stop, pick up my son and dance with him.
  • pmkelly409
    pmkelly409 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I just started a new thing. I bought an army duffle bag at the local army/navy store. I fill it with all old clothes (it's about 40 lbs) and I do all my HIIT training while holding it in front of me or across my shoulders.

    agility ladder --> agility ladder with duffle
    sprints --> sprints with duffle
    pushups --> pushups with duffle on my back

    plus now there are a few things I couldn't do before that now I do. I.E. attach a harness to a rope and drag the duffle during sprints, do pickup/overhead press/put downs with the bag...etc.

    it's super hard, but awesome, and kinda fun. and when you get pissed, you can just punch the thing as hard as you want.
    Hey I could do this using my nine y.o. - he's cheaper than a duffel bag!
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I have a cardio ballet DVD that I break out sometimes. I'm completely uncoordinated, and consider it a success if I manage to complete the thing without tripping over furniture (or my own feet). But I love feeling like a ballerina.
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Bollywood dancing video (there's a lot of effing jumping)

    Your Shape Evolution for Xbox Kinnect, I enjoy the bootcamp, the yoga and the Tribal Dancing
  • Venturin
    Venturin Posts: 244 Member
    I bring two 25 lb dumb bells with me when I go hiking. When I park my truck at the edge of the forest I drop my tailgate and do a variety of curling reps and then I go trail running. When I come back to the truck for more water and a snack I do more reps before heading back down into the valley. It's terrific adding weights to my love of the outdoors.
  • zombiefarmboy
    zombiefarmboy Posts: 222 Member
    We get some pretty intense ping pong games going during breaks at work. No air conditioning on the 3rd floor, either. I get a good sweat going.
  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    We get some pretty intense ping pong games going during breaks at work. No air conditioning on the 3rd floor, either. I get a good sweat going.

    I suppose this is healthier than the beer pong I'm used to, lol
  • PurpleEpiphany
    Bellydance has for me been a great source of both exercise and motivation. I'm the type of person who has trouble exercising just for the sake of exercising. I do better when I'm "practicing", working towards some goal...then the time tends to just fly by.

    I personally do American Tribal Style bellydance (think fokloric rather than sequins and such) and I absolutely love it. Aside from the above, it's a terrific confidence builder, and the tribal bellydance community especially tends to be very inclusive and welcoming of dancers of all ages/sizes/etc.

    That is awesome, Not something I would have ever thought of before. I always thought of belly dancers as skinny minis, never bigger ladies working their way to skinny =)

    Depends on the type of bellydance, definitely. Tribal is very inclusive, and it isn't just big girls trying to get skinny, some of them are just big girls and that's it :)

    Anyway I highly recommend trying it out. People are always saying "oh that's so cool, I could never do that!" but you really can :)
  • jppd47
    jppd47 Posts: 737 Member
    I just started a new thing. I bought an army duffle bag at the local army/navy store. I fill it with all old clothes (it's about 40 lbs) and I do all my HIIT training while holding it in front of me or across my shoulders.

    agility ladder --> agility ladder with duffle
    sprints --> sprints with duffle
    pushups --> pushups with duffle on my back

    plus now there are a few things I couldn't do before that now I do. I.E. attach a harness to a rope and drag the duffle during sprints, do pickup/overhead press/put downs with the bag...etc.

    it's super hard, but awesome, and kinda fun. and when you get pissed, you can just punch the thing as hard as you want.
    Thats awesome my friend!!!
  • jppd47
    jppd47 Posts: 737 Member
    I grab the push mower and throw on a 50lb pack. I total 3 miles doing my yard. Burn about 1500 calories doing it
  • moejo3
    moejo3 Posts: 224 Member
    Dance Revolution with my kids it is fun and a good work out on a rainy day
  • Grandysl
    Grandysl Posts: 189
    One I have not done in awhile becasue of ankle ijuries:

    In a urban setting (where streets have realatively similar sized blocks) I go for a run. After getting a good sweat going the portion from crossroad to crossroad becomes a sprint. At the end of the block do a specific number of any given exercise you choose (push ups, crunches, squats, etc)
    Sometimes I would alternate exercises or do one exercise on the way out and one on the way back..

    Not sure if this is really out of the box, but I liked it and other than me and a few friends, have not known of others doing it.
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    Capoeira - Brazilian Martial Art.

    I log it as Martial Arts