What annoys you?



  • Atarahh
    Atarahh Posts: 485 Member
    1. People who post threads about "What annoys you?" :explode:
  • ARDuBaie
    ARDuBaie Posts: 378 Member
    I have found that if you expect people to be a certain way, then you will be disappointed and annoyed a lot of the time. Instead, I don't hold any expectations of people. I have seen the worst in people (I used to be a paramedic/firefighter) and the best in people. If I hold no expectations, then I don't become disappointed. Thus, I am rarely annoyed.

    Very Buddhist, I know.
  • DalexD
    DalexD Posts: 236 Member
    People that put their bag on the seat next to them on the train/bus and don't move it when it gets busy.

    People that crowd around the doors of the train/bus so I can't get off. Erm, hello?! How are you supposed to get on if I can't get off?

    People that stare at my chest when I'm trying to have an intelligent conversation. At least look me in the face, creep.

    People that don't stand up on the bus/train when a pregnant lady gets on. Move, *kitten*!

    Pepole that cut in front of me when I'm walking then walk SO SLOWLY.

    People that criticize me for the sake of it.

    When I'm always the therapist, but when I need a wee chat, everyone's busy.

    People that accept my motivation and don't comment on my achievements. Selfish.

    Kids that scream in a restaurant. Shut that kid up.

    Baby food; just mash up your own food, baby food is expensive crap.

    I'll be back, I'm not quite finished!
  • gerard54
    gerard54 Posts: 1,107 Member
    fox news/cnn
  • JediMaster_intraining
    JediMaster_intraining Posts: 903 Member
    1. that missed shaved spot on your legs
    2. people not using the turn signal when driving
    3. people putting drinks on the edge of the table
    4. babies crying in movie theaters
    5. my cat's lack of knowledge that he's messing up the blinds
    6. people talking about facebook all the time
    7. religion pushers
    8. marijuana laws
  • frootcat
    frootcat Posts: 194 Member
    First world problems.
  • TylerJ76
    TylerJ76 Posts: 4,375 Member
    This thread.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    1. Rainy, cold weather.
    2. Taxes.
    3. Women in low cut tops that are offended by men noticing their breasts.
    4. Any man with a handbag or a chihuahua.
    5. Screaming children.
  • beauand1
    beauand1 Posts: 16
    When people on here say they've lost 1000 pounds in a month and everyone saying how good of a job they're doing. That's not good, it's unhealthy and praising them is promoting an unhealthy lifestyle. I hate misinformation!

    I want a site with legit, healthy information not a bunch of folks eating 800 cals a day. >.<
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
  • jgardner38
    jgardner38 Posts: 70
    Gas prices!!!!
  • People who run into a smoker's smoke and then start coughing thinking its our fault.
    People who can't accept that everybody makes mistakes.
    People who think they have the worst problems in the world.
    People who think they are above others.
    People who asks questions when they already know the answer but want to annoy the *ish out of you.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I'll come back to this..
  • Convicts
    Actually, most people altogether.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    When I order a veggie wrap for lunch with a little bit of mayo, no cheese and no olives, and get a veggie wrap with very little veggies, a LOT of mayo and tons of olives....

    Yes. This happened to me today.

    I am still not over it.
  • LovelyLifter
    LovelyLifter Posts: 560 Member
  • 1.People who think chicken bacon and turkey bacon is REAL bacon.

    2. Farting in an elevator

    3. Swiss Cheese
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    When people use the word then in place of than, and vice versa. Irks me to no end, why? I don't know.
  • Josee76
    Josee76 Posts: 533 Member
    1. Loud children
    2. Quiet children
    3. Children in restaurants
    4. Children on planes
    5. People posting pictures of their kids on everything
    6. People talking about their kids disgusting bowel movements or sickness and acting like its OK
    7. People who are pushy with religion or bring it up when not at all related to conversation
    8. People who post anti abortion stuff everywhere
    9. People who blame genetics for being overweight or claim fit people are fit from genetics not hard work
    10. The amount of money our governments spend on overweight people and then those overweight people claiming it only affects them

    Soulmate? :O

    Lol. I thought I was alone on some of these

    Wait till you have kids... KARMA is a *kitten*!!!!!!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    The shorter list would be what doesn't...
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,716 Member
    People *****ing about smokers :smokin:
  • mississippi_queen
    mississippi_queen Posts: 474 Member
    2. ALL THE PEOPLE IN THIS THREAD (except me)
  • momma3sweetgirls
    momma3sweetgirls Posts: 743 Member
    Wow, you obviously don't have kids! I'd imagine your list of things that annoy you will drastically change when you do!
    1. Loud children
    2. Quiet children
    3. Children in restaurants
    4. Children on planes
    5. People posting pictures of their kids on everything
    6. People talking about their kids disgusting bowel movements or sickness and acting like its OK
    7. People who are pushy with religion or bring it up when not at all related to conversation
    8. People who post anti abortion stuff everywhere
    9. People who blame genetics for being overweight or claim fit people are fit from genetics not hard work
    10. The amount of money our governments spend on overweight people and then those overweight people claiming it only affects them
  • People who think teachers don't deserve breaks at Christmas and summer and politicians who have NEVER spent a day in public school and think they know how to write laws for education!

    Oh and chewing with your mouth open ewww
  • mississippi_queen
    mississippi_queen Posts: 474 Member
    People *****ing about smokers :smokin:

  • lickmybaconcakes
    lickmybaconcakes Posts: 1,063 Member
  • JoshuaL86
    JoshuaL86 Posts: 403 Member
    1. Barack Obama
    2. Supporters of Barack Obama
    3. Ron Paul
    4. Supporters of Ron Paul
    5. Mitt Romney
    6 Supporters of Mitt Romney
    7. Justin Bieber
    8. Pre-teen girls and Soccer Moms who always talk about Justin Bieber

    Lol, I'm just kidding! Well, except for Bieber and his fans, that is kind of annoying.
  • Suzy_in_DE
    Suzy_in_DE Posts: 191 Member
    1. Loud children
    2. Quiet children
    3. Children in restaurants
    4. Children on planes
    5. People posting pictures of their kids on everything
    6. People talking about their kids disgusting bowel movements or sickness and acting like its OK
    7. People who are pushy with religion or bring it up when not at all related to conversation
    8. People who post anti abortion stuff everywhere
    9. People who blame genetics for being overweight or claim fit people are fit from genetics not hard work
    10. The amount of money our governments spend on overweight people and then those overweight people claiming it only affects them

  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    1. People who cannot tell the difference between "to" and "too", "affect" and "effect", "there" and "their", and "lose" and "loose"

    THIS! Drives me insane.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    People who can't use their bloody turn signal... Seriously, how hard is it to flip the little switch on the left side of your steering wheel... I can do it with my pinky finger... And please, it's obvious that you are changing lanes or getting into a turn lane AFTER you start changing lanes... USE YOUR TURN SIGNAL... I can't read your mind on where you are going.