Do you peek at grocery carts to see what other people buy?



  • bunnyfufu2012
    This is someone with an eating disorder's worst nightmare. The people on this post that are making judgemental comments about what are in other people's carts, are what cause a lot of ED patients to have panic attacks....

    This makes me sick... seriously.

    I agree.
  • Nermal1983
    Nermal1983 Posts: 8 Member
    Lol, yes! I do it all the time. And like someone said before... When i see a very large person with a buggy full of cokes, little debbies and frozen pizzas, they don't know what they're doing to themselves!
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    This is someone with an eating disorder's worst nightmare. The people on this post that are making judgemental comments about what are in other people's carts, are what cause a lot of ED patients to have panic attacks....

    This makes me sick... seriously.

    Im very sorry that I have to change who I am, be someone else, live my life differently, stop being proud of my change from one kind of cart to another kind of cart, stop noticing the differences in groceries, stop paying attention to any relation between the energy of the person in front of me and the fact that their cart is 90% full of junk, stop feeling sad for those people, stop hoping someday their wakeup day will happen, hopefully soon, doing my best to make sure that if anyone looks in MY cart, and looks at ME - they will be inspired by the price tag and the beautiful foods and i must now cease and desist all observations of the world around me

    ... all so no around me accidentally develops an eating disorder or has a panic attack.

    That is NOT fair.

    Every individual is responsible for their own perception of the world. Not that its their fault... but it IS their responsibiliy as an adult.

    I dont have an eating disorder.
    I dont run around judging fat people's carts.
    I dont say anything cruel or give them stink eyes.

    I fill my cart up with healthy food and then I see someone else around me and am reminded of what I was like 90 pounds ago- not that my cart was full of junk food, but it was full of foods that werent giving me the right nutrition.

    IMHO People who suffer from eating disorders get very wrapped up inside their own heads, about how everything relates to them, people looking at them, judging them, looking at themselves, judging themselves....(whether thats the real sufferers of ED or just the ones that like to get attention for it on the interwebs- im not sure- I could be wrong here) but they need to realise that all these people in the grocery store, could care less about them, their carts, what they eat or if their thighs touch. Everyone has their own life going on and no one is preoccupied with that one person who may possibly be in the store with an eating disorder starting to develop. We're just not that into it. We arent thinking about YOU. (general ED you, not youyou.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    the amount of judgmental people on this thread is abhorring! every single one of you should be ASHAMED of yourselves for judging a person based on what is in the stupid shopping cart!

    You wont see me buying hardly any produce at the store- why? because its overpriced and low quality. I live in the country - I buy TONS of fresh fruits and veggies from a farmer down the road. usually picked that day!

    Some of you make me sick.... Live your own life and stop worrying about what other people are or are not doing! in other words GROW THE F*** UP!
  • amanda3588
    amanda3588 Posts: 422 Member
    Yes, but I've always been nosy. I was at Sam's Club the other day and this man's cart was filled to the top with canned ravioli and pizza.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I do! It's fun and insightful!
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I work at a grocery store. No need to peek, it all comes through my till. :)

    Sometimes they bring some awesome stuff and the nice people give me recipes. Hee.
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Here's a new game you probablly won't be able to avoid doing now that I mentioned it. Try to decide if they bought enough toilet paper for the food they bought. :laugh:
  • ShyGirl89
    ShyGirl89 Posts: 60 Member
    I work at a grocery store as a cashier so it's all I do there, lol. I even ask them if certain foods they're trying taste good or if they would recommend it. My customers help decide what foods to try out and what's doing to be for dinner :D
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I do! It's fun and insightful!
  • cbenzerga
    cbenzerga Posts: 65 Member
    I only look at really healthy looking peoples carts...great inspiration. However it is rather confusing to see heathy looking folks with junk and I wonder who they are buying it for? Once in awhile i'll notice a very overweight child with parents buying them junk...I don't think im judging as much as I feel concern for the childs well being....but none of my beezwax.
  • Devolucien
    Devolucien Posts: 55 Member
    This is someone with an eating disorder's worst nightmare. The people on this post that are making judgemental comments about what are in other people's carts, are what cause a lot of ED patients to have panic attacks....

    This makes me sick... seriously.

    Im very sorry that I have to change who I am, be someone else, live my life differently, stop being proud of my change from one kind of cart to another kind of cart, stop noticing the differences in groceries, stop paying attention to any relation between the energy of the person in front of me and the fact that their cart is 90% full of junk, stop feeling sad for those people, stop hoping someday their wakeup day will happen, hopefully soon, doing my best to make sure that if anyone looks in MY cart, and looks at ME - they will be inspired by the price tag and the beautiful foods and cease and desist all observations of the world around me

    ... all so no around me accidentally develops an eating disorder.

    That is NOT fair.

    Every individual is responsible for their own perception of the world. Not that its their fault... but it IS their responsibiliy as an adult.

    I dont have an eating disorder.
    I dont run around judging fat people's carts.
    I dont say anything cruel or give them stink eyes.

    I fill my cart up with healthy food and then I see someone else around me and am reminded of what I was like 90 pounds ago- not that my cart was full of junk food, but it was full of foods that werent giing me the rigt nutrition.

    Im gonna get a lot of crap for this, so Im going to say and just take the heat. I dont care. People who suffer from eating disorders get very wrapped up inside their own heads, about how everything relates to them, people looking at them, judging them, looking at themselves, judging themselves....(whether thats the real sufferers of ED or just the ones that like to get attention for it on the interwebs- im not sure- I could be wrong here) but they need to realise that all these people in the grocery store, could care less about them, their carts, what they eat or if their thighs touch. Everyone has their own life going on and no one is preoccupied with that one person who may possibly be in the store with an eating disorder starting to develop. We're just not that into it. We arent thinking about YOU. (general ED you, not youyou.

    I wasn't attacking you personally... I have a full blown eating disorder that I nearly died from and when I read this post, I actually got sick....this is a real valid thing... it happens to a lot more people than you're probably aware.

    You have no idea what it is like to have ED and to read things like this and it just reaffirms everything counseling told you wasn't true. It is a LIFE THREATENING disease and the mental disorder with the highest death rate.

    Stop being so damn selfish and grow the hell up. Stop judging others. Yes, change yourself to be a better person.

    A better person is not defined by what foods they eat but by how they treat others regardless of circumstance or situation.

    In this respect, I believe that one day you will realize the error of your ways and become a better person spiritually not just physically.
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    usually i follow them home and look thru the windows...that way i can see groceries AND shower time! WIN/WIN
  • NaturalinCO
    NaturalinCO Posts: 164 Member
    I definitely do! And seeing a lot of packaged crap in a mom's cart who has a few kids with her makes me sad. I used to be that mom full-on so I'm definitely not judging, just aware of where I've come from and how convenience can really screw you up. Then I feel bad sometimes because I don't buy the packaged stuff I do buy (pasta, sauces, cereal, popcorn, etc.) at the same place I buy my produce - so I look like all I eat is boxed stuff even if it is on the healthier end of the spectrum.
  • LovinLife68
    I live in a rural community where just about everyone around me is either Old Order Amish/Mennonite. Whenever I shop at the local Farmer's or Country Markets, usually everyone has the same in their carts and some have variety. I once was behind a woman and she was sort of obese, but had lots of fresh produce in her cart. The clerk made a comment on her healthy choices. I thought to myself that she must have started a new weight loss meal plan and is stocking up so that she has the proper foods. She admitted that she does not eat healthy at all and that all those groceries were for her elderly neighbor who was shut in.
  • oldsoul918
    oldsoul918 Posts: 110 Member
    I do, but mostly because I have tons of coupons and if I see something in their cart that I have a duplicate coupon for I give it to them. :laugh:
  • cristaine
    cristaine Posts: 87
    Sure why not? Its not like I am pulling out a calculator and then giving a lecture on trans fats or anything.
    I also can usually remember something I forgot to get, or determine what is probably on sale that way :D Then again, I am not looking in a judgmental way at all.
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    I really don't care to look in other people's carts. I am only there for my husband and me. Looking in other people's carts might tempt me to buy those not so good purchases and I know I really don't need that junk. :wink: I guess I'm really not that curious about what others eat.
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    GUILTY!! lol and I had to laugh at myself last night because my husband has been wanting high calorie things and I have been making him suffer with my low cal (he is training for a special military billet so he has been swimming) so last night you see my kart...Fresh and frozen veggies, fruit, water, gatorade for him, and amys organic dinners, lean cuisine veggie cuisines and various other things and then HUNGRY MAN DINNERs which is what he wanted for his lunches lol......They must think I'm confused haha
  • xiala
    xiala Posts: 50

    If someone did this to me, I would assume they had a developmental disorder and I would let them have it and go get another.

    As for peeking at people's grocery carts, I only do it when the cart is rounded over with junk. Unfortunately, too many people use food stamps to do that with. It's sad that our government doesn't care.
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