Hey Fat Girl....



  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    chauncyrenayCHANGED Posts: 788 Member
    This is EXACTLY how I feel when I run next to a larger woman. I wish she'd look up at me because I'm giving her an encouraging smile and respecting her SO much. I'm glad she put this out there.
  • smoten
    smoten Posts: 53 Member
    beautiful, it made me teary. I can so relate to this. i wasnt the fat girl, i was bigger for sure when i started running. i think i was the old lady compared to many others out there but i kept at it. i love this so much, thank you.
  • nenazagal
    nenazagal Posts: 10 Member
    love it ;)
  • Ceyanna
    Ceyanna Posts: 6 Member

    I'd been checking the boards for motivation, tips, insights, etc. today, but not quite finding any person or situation that matched mine.

    Then I saw the title for this thread and somewhat expected to see a flame war. Au contraire! This was just what I needed to hear today. Thank you, aallison85, so much for posting!!! And to the rest of you awesome people: keep up the good work! :)
  • bassanne
    bassanne Posts: 56
    Thank you. I needed to read that, I'm the Fat Girl, and know exactly how it feels, trying not to be noticed at the gym. Thanks, that helped today.
  • HollywoodDJ
    HollywoodDJ Posts: 296
    I may not run but I do other things to exercise and this resonated so much with me.

    I love that I am changing my life and how I think about health and exercise. It's so true..."Change Your Attitude and You Will Change Your Life!"

    I used to pray God would make me skinny...that He would help me make better eating choices...I was praying the wrong prayer.....

    I started Praying "GOD...Please change my attitude about health, nutrition and exercise! Help me to WANT IT...Help me to do it!"

    And One Day At A Time I am working towards a better me. I wish and hope everyone wants to be a better person!~

    Love yourself! Thank you so much for posting this! It's truly AWESOME~! :smile:

    Peace & Blessings,

  • bassanne
    bassanne Posts: 56
    You can do it. The more times you go, the more proud you are of yourself.
  • Jessies_journey
    Jessies_journey Posts: 131 Member
    Love this!
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    Saving to share. I love this!
  • LOVE THIS!!!!
  • tammies00
    tammies00 Posts: 16
    Thanks for sharing!
  • sk2775
    sk2775 Posts: 699 Member
    Totally love this. I am at work right now and tears are rolling down my face.
  • gc_tweety
    gc_tweety Posts: 205 Member
    You are touching more people than you'll ever know - kudos to you =D
  • weighlossforbaby
    weighlossforbaby Posts: 847 Member
    Wow! this is an inspiration!!!! I am not a runner but a walker and I take the trail every day so it helps hearing this :) Thank you!!!!!!!!!
  • iCupCakeNZ
    iCupCakeNZ Posts: 228 Member
    this is amazing <3
  • hjy319
    hjy319 Posts: 269 Member
    That is awesome, and much needed right now!
  • jennyshipman79
    jennyshipman79 Posts: 20 Member
    This made me cry, because I am that fat girl, that never wants to be in the presence of more fit people while I exercise, so I just don't exercise. But maybe now I will, I've always wanted to be a runner, but my "out-of-shapeness" has always prevented me and I've never known where to start. I guess I just need to move....
  • SkinnyBeth4Life
    SkinnyBeth4Life Posts: 116 Member
  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Such a great blog post.

    I'm finally starting to get to the point where I don't think people are staring at me thinking "what the hell is she doing 'trying' to run" or "she must have JUST started coming to the gym" and it's taken me quite a bit of time to get there.

    Such a motivating post.
  • danasings
    danasings Posts: 8,218 Member
    Thank you. :heart: