Any gamers out there?



  • OasisintheDesert
    I'm a gamer, and yes, I sit at my computer waaaaaay too long and now that I quit smoking (used to chain smoke as I sat here) it is so hard not to over snack. I need to get off these nicorette gums, they're my new diet aid lol. Today I have the gum and carrot sticks.....a step in the right direction.

    I'm not into the high tech games, I play an awesome text based rpg called Cantr II. And in between my Cantr bouts, I was addicted to a war game called Travian.
  • AngelofMusic13
    AngelofMusic13 Posts: 105 Member
    I'm a gamer! I haven't been playing a whole lot recently, but I need to get back into it since I have so many that I haven't played (kind of like my book collection...). I'm more old school in what I like- I don't play online and the only computer games I have are the Sims 1 and 2 (too many expansions on 2 made it stop working on my last computer). I have quite a few systems, but my favourite games are from the SNES. Chrono Trigger by far is my favourite. Others I love playing are the older Final Fantasy games (VI is the best), the Dragon Quest series, Tales of series, Star Ocean, Pokemon, Legend of Zelda, Mario, Megaman, the Mana series and I have miscellaneous ones that are great. Currently I'm playing, Final Fantasy IV DS (played and beat SNES and Advanced versions), Pokemon, and I need to go back to Tales of Vesperia since it got neglected (I blame the evil secret missions).
  • ammire82
    ammire82 Posts: 50
    Well I've never played WoW but I am addicted to Dragons of Atlantis and Thirst of Night by Kabam and I play a lot of facebook games. I also have a Wii(with Wii fit!), a ps2, psp, and one of the gameboy thingies(but I only play Harry Potter Lego on it lol). So if that all counts then I'm a gamer too :D
  • BigBrewski
    BigBrewski Posts: 922 Member
    I gave up WoW after my I had a work from home job and a slow week and my family was out of town. At the end of the joke pizza boxes and deliver wrappers all over and my family was like did you sit there all week...I was like yeah but I leveled 20 levels....

    LOL - i gave up gaming shortly after and now I don't have a computer powerfull enough to run Diablo III and no consoles. However, I am thinking of getting back into it all becuase I think I can control it this time LOL I used to really like playing stronghold...i wish I could get a castle building / defense game like that on a android tablet
  • BigBrewski
    BigBrewski Posts: 922 Member
    Girl Gamer!!!! Yes, we (girls) do play WoW!

    A classic WoW player & still playing, although it isn't as often as I used to.

    I haz bootay. I haz killed many whelps too & iz very good at it. I could use more gamer friends who get my WoW & other games jokes. :tongue:
  • hawtpep
    hawtpep Posts: 30 Member
    I play wow Horde Mal-Ganis Hawtpep can real ID me if you I'm usually always on some blizzard game.
  • izzydino
    izzydino Posts: 254 Member
    I have been playing wow for a little bit over 5 years.... with a few breaks. Now the hubby and I pay STWOR.... you are welcome to add me.
  • shodaimetruth
    Man I use to game all the time....most the consol based. God of war, assassins creed, metal gear, Final Fantasy, skyrim. Rpgs use to consume a lot of time. Now I barely get to play any new games. I don't want to get started on them because I know I be playing for a few hours. I work the from 245p-1115p and work any where between 11a and 1p so i always force myself to sleep early so that I can get up. I have the new batman, brand new and unopened waiting for me to play it. I need to get back in to my games.

    if you understand and know my suffering, add me please
  • hawtpep
    hawtpep Posts: 30 Member
    I have Diablo III but havnt played it much yet.

    No one has, the servers are constantly down lol

    Once you get to inferno you'll want to kill yourself anyway. A3 Inferno Witch Doctor here.
  • small_ninja
    small_ninja Posts: 365 Member
    Hey, I dunno if I'd call myself a "gamer" quite yet - I've only just recently got a hold of a PS 3 - but I've just finished Arkham Asylum, and am half-way through Assassin's Creed 2. Also just recently got L.A. Noire and Arkham City (so excited to get my hands on Harley's Revenge!). Looking into perhaps getting Skyrim too, once I've got through some of the ones I already have. I've also been playing quite a bit of Pokemon on DS (Black and Soul Silver), and the law student in me absolutely loves Phoenix Wright :D

    Feel free to add me, I don't have too many friends on here yet >.<
  • mfp_junkie
    mfp_junkie Posts: 359
    FPS only player here. CoD, from the first version years ago to the latest MW3. Can't wait for the newest BlackOps this November. My Best Buy is already taking pre-orders. Seriously six months in advance?

    Don't play as much as I used to because my 11 year old is on the computer as much as I would be, so I have to share the time. I can't play shooters on a console - old school keyboard and mouse dude.

    Only things I can play on the Xbox are sports games and car racing. Cannot shoot to save my life with a controller.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    Some D&D....just not on the computer.... Sadly, the social aspect tends to be attached to specific foods that have not been part of my diet since I left my teens (a really long time ago.)

    We're breaking the kids in this summer, though, so perhaps D&D will become a "veggies and dip with water" game instead of "root beer, pepperoni pizza and nutterbutters" game....
  • cherrybomb_77
    cherrybomb_77 Posts: 411 Member
    I've played WoW off and on since the beginning. On hiatus until MoP at the moment. Too obsessed with Skyrim right now to pay attention to WoW, lol. Sick of drama, too. I grew up on Atari, my first love...I have a tattoo of the Atari symbol, lol. I've been gaming as long as I can remember.

    We used to play a ton of D&D and Vampire, but no one seems to have the time anymore. I actually got to meet Gary Gygax a few years before he died (dh played some 1st ed with him, we've got the map they drew signed by Gary and framed with a pic of dh and some friends with him). He was hilarious and awesome.

    I love table top stuff like Catan, too. Not as much time for gaming these days with all the kids (we have 4) but we manage :)
  • KeegansMomma
    KeegansMomma Posts: 156
    <---- guilty as charged. I LOVE Lord of the Rings Online. In fact, my mom wants to be able to come watch my sister and I when we play concerts in game, so we created her an account; but I have to level her char up cause she doesn't want to do all the work. LOL. Anywho! Add me if you'd like.
  • Captain_Mal
    Captain_Mal Posts: 945 Member
    Yay! More Gamers!

    We have a Wii and 2 xboxes. I mostly play shooters, I like to run & gun. You can find me on MW3 at the moment.

    Kinect games are fun and I enjoy a little Animal Crossing on the Wii every now and again.
  • blackjax007
    I gave up WoW after my I had a work from home job and a slow week and my family was out of town. At the end of the joke pizza boxes and deliver wrappers all over and my family was like did you sit there all week...I was like yeah but I leveled 20 levels....

    LOL! Only a true gamer could picture this! I'm still laughing!! :)
  • YourDemise
    YourDemise Posts: 22
    <- mainly pc gamer, some xbox here and there.
  • pixelberry
    pixelberry Posts: 167 Member
    Just bought an Asus G75 & Diablo III. :D Still have my PS3 & Wii. Been thinking about getting an Xbox finally, but it's been lite on my priority list.
  • yarmiah
    yarmiah Posts: 325 Member
    Hubby was always into gaming. When I met him, he was playing on a Commodore64 and he introduced me to Phantasie- what a high when I beat that game LOL. I recall dabbling in the original A Bard's Tale and Wasteland too.

    My first online game I got into was the original Diablo (thinking about giving Diablo III a try atm). Then the true addition . . . EVERQUEST. played for 10+ years on Veeshan, which merged to Luclin. Main character was a bard, but also played my druid and cleric a bit as well. I really miss those 70 person raids!

    Moved onto LOTRO a couple of years ago, but havnet played it actively for a few months. A minstrel was my calling in MiddleEarth.
    I'm actually irritated with Turbine cuz I need to downgrade my account from VIP to FTP but there is no option to do that from the account screen anymore . . . grrrrrr
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    I'm actually irritated with Turbine cuz I need to downgrade my account from VIP to FTP but there is no option to do that from the account screen anymore . . . grrrrrr

    It's actually incredibly simple:

    Go to

    Log in, and click the "Cancel Subscription" link under subscription plan. It'll automatically downgrade you to Premium (the F2P version for people who have been VIP).