What fact makse you feel old?



  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I was talking to some HS students and they said HMU and I was like WTF does that mean! I was automatically uncool

    HMU = Hit me up

    geez..I'm only 24 :explode:

    :noway: I'm 19 next month and even I didn't know about HMU.
  • nursedb
    nursedb Posts: 313 Member
    I am a grandmother!!!! UGH! 8 months old and one more on the way....GRRRRR!!!!!
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I still remember waiting forever and making myself a full blown snack or meal before the dial-up finally connected me into AOL... and DON'T get me started on having to wait for someone to get off of the phone before even thinking about getting on the internet :noway:

    Hahaha, I forgot about the phone thing! I didn't use the internet when I was a kid, but I remember my Stepdad telling me about it and me thinking it was crazy.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    The year I graduated high school (1995), I knew some children who hadn't even started school yet or who were just finishing kindergarten. They have now graduated college, are married, and have children of their own!

    I was 2 when you graduated :O
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I'm only on page 5, but there's been a recurring theme that I have to make sure I post and don't forget (because I'm old. LOL)

    What makes me feel old is that I don't even understand when people say they feel old because "MTV used to only play music videos"

    What the heck do they play now?

    reality shows.

    In other words, garbage

    Precisely. I'm still bitter about it. LOL
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I still remember waiting forever and making myself a full blown snack or meal before the dial-up finally connected me into AOL... and DON'T get me started on having to wait for someone to get off of the phone before even thinking about getting on the internet :noway:

    Hahaha, I forgot about the phone thing! I didn't use the internet when I was a kid, but I remember my Stepdad telling me about it and me thinking it was crazy.

    My first modem was 14k. And that was speedy for the time. I had friends who were jealous. lol
    And I could go fix something to eat too before it connected. :bigsmile:
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I'm only 21 but when my almost 4 year old brother whines to my Dad or Stepmom about having to watch commercials in the middle of his cartoons and comes in the room to have them fast-forward them. If they say no because they are busy, he gets upset and throws a tantrum. That makes me feel old.

    Also, the MTV thing.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I was talking to some HS students and they said HMU and I was like WTF does that mean! I was automatically uncool

    HMU = Hit me up

    geez..I'm only 24 :explode:

    :noway: I'm 19 next month and even I didn't know about HMU.

    Ya, I'm 21 and have never heard that.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    I still remember waiting forever and making myself a full blown snack or meal before the dial-up finally connected me into AOL... and DON'T get me started on having to wait for someone to get off of the phone before even thinking about getting on the internet :noway:

    Hahaha, I forgot about the phone thing! I didn't use the internet when I was a kid, but I remember my Stepdad telling me about it and me thinking it was crazy.

    My first modem was 14k. And that was speedy for the time. I had friends who were jealous. lol
    And I could go fix something to eat too before it connected. :bigsmile:

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Redbird99ky
    Redbird99ky Posts: 305 Member
    At a church luncheon today, a couple of people were talking about minimum wage, and it took me back to when I entered the workforce between high school and college ... minimum wage had JUST been raised to $1.65/hr
  • FemFreda
    FemFreda Posts: 4 Member
    That Elvis could not be seen on TV below the hips because his wiggle was too provocative.
  • getwhatugive
    My grandmother had a coin box under the stairs to pay for electricity (early vending machine.) lol , into which you put shillings
  • snoopytwins
    snoopytwins Posts: 1,759 Member
    When my kids ask me if things existed when I was a kid...for example, the other day, one of my boys asked me if they had glass when I was a kid? WTF????

    The fact that I always carried change when I went to the skating rink so I could use the pay phone to call my parents.

    When a guy who works in my office, asked what my college (and the one he went to as well) was like way back in the 90s?

    When I remember playing Atari...

    Remembering when velco was the new rage on shoes.

    That I watched Dallas the first time around.
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    The fact that 2 of my nephews are in high school...i'm only 22!
  • pantsdailyon
    pantsdailyon Posts: 173 Member
    Remembering when velco was the new rage on shoes.
    When my parents were kids back in stone age days
    Their shoes couldn’t make any sound
    They had to keep quiet so they wouldn’t get eaten
    By the dinosaurs roamin’ around

    They invented some things, they called ‘em shoestrings
    Way back there in the year of one
    I guess they were doin’ ‘bout the best they could
    But they missed out on all of the fun, ‘cuz they didn’t have ...

    Velcro, velcro!
    It’s the cool thing to use
    We’ll be dancin’ in the 21st century
    with that velcro on our shoes!

  • Redbird99ky
    Redbird99ky Posts: 305 Member
    Watching the precursor of MTV at keggers while I was at my first duty station in the Navy ... (Friday Night Videos!)
  • 180farm
    180farm Posts: 230
    I have naturally curly hair and quite often when I compare it to Rosanna Rosannadanna people have no idea who I'm talking about.
  • Cathy7794
    Cathy7794 Posts: 223 Member
    Yes! Friday Night Videos! Before MTV got huge, and for kids whose parents "refuse to pay for tv!" LOL

    Things that make me feel soooo old...seeing all the comments in this thread about "It's been 15 years since I graduated high school"..."waiting forever for dial up to connect". I graduated high school in 1989 and we didn't even have remote controls for the tv when I was a kid, let alone internet. Hell, when I was a kid, most families I knew only had ONE tv in the whole house and no one had a clue what the internet was. :laugh:
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    My daughter can started to drive in less than 2 years (14 yrs old where I live)
  • ericgAU
    ericgAU Posts: 271
    Caught up with a relative yesterday that my then girlfriend (now wife) used to baby sit. She's now 18, at university, smokes and even has a ring threw her nose.