anyone else have a spouse who.....



  • surromom2010
    surromom2010 Posts: 457 Member
    Ask yourself this -- If she had an account and other men sent her messages like this, how would you feel? My guess is there are other issues going on that have contributed to your "solitary confinement" IE, maybe she feels you spend more time on the site than with her? You compliment or say things to other women that you don't say to her. On the other hand, she could also be secretly jealous of your progress (Although, as most women would agree-- this would never be verbally communicated) and she is self-conscious about her appearance. Just my two cents! Best of luck!

    I gonna agree with this. I feel like there's some underlying issues here being left out that would have led to this. Would she have a reason to be insecure?
  • BandedTriaRN
    BandedTriaRN Posts: 303

    I was on MFP daily and loved the interaction, the inspiring stories, the positive reinforcement I received from my FL and others. Then the spouse went into my account and accused me of flirting , cheating and lying because I PM females on this site.

    now I'm in solitary confinement and I have a new screen name!!

    I miss you all!!!!

    My husband is on here too, have nothing to hide from him. I hope you and your wife will get things worked out. Definitely, your spouse is more important than MFP friends tho...right?
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member

    I was on MFP daily and loved the interaction, the inspiring stories, the positive reinforcement I received from my FL and others. Then the spouse went into my account and accused me of flirting , cheating and lying because I PM females on this site.

    Now I have no friends...and only log on to log my exercise and calories....i feel like I lost a part of me as well as my MFP friends. I wasn't on here to do anything that would jeopardize my marriage but it looks like I have....and for that I'm sad!!

    I female friend told me in a PM that I looked amazing and had a great was positive reinforcement...I replied Thank made my day....!!!

    now I'm in solitary confinement and I have a new screen name!!

    I miss you all!!!!

    I don't know if my wife pays attention to my MFP stuff...I full intend on setting her up with a profile after she has the baby. We've had issues before with trust (and I will admit for good reason). However...I also am here purely for fitness/nutrition. I have never said a single thing on this forum or in a PM that would lead someone to believe otherwise and anyone who knows me and reads my posts all the time is well aware that I'm married and that I love my wife. I mention her often.

    My belief is that sites like this should be fine as long as its full disclosure...make sure you are making it known that you are married and here only for your own health. And make sure you don't say anything that would point to different reasons.

    You have to understand from your wifes point of view that this site is both wonderful and horrible at the same time. I have no problem with all the underwear pics and whatnot everyone has in their profile pics...but I can see a wife or girlfriend getting upset about it.

    For the person who said "how would you feel if it was your wife getting messages?" -- I personally would feel proud of her...if she's done enough work to be getting messages like that then its fantastic. I'm secure enough with myself to know she's with me and doesn't need anyone else.
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Also...beyond just the messages...what was your friends list like? Was it 90% half naked women? Because I can see her getting upset by that.
  • BandedTriaRN
    BandedTriaRN Posts: 303

    Hmmm? Apparently I've been using FB the wrong way all these years. I took the "social networking" tag seriously...I should have been flirting with hot strangers and cyber-cheating on my dude instead of making plans with girlfriends, keeping up on upcoming events, seeing photos of friends and their kids who don't live close, paying tribute to the dearly departed, attempting to be funny and laughing at the humor of others, promoting my business, and staying in touch with people I would otherwise have lost years ago. What on Earth was I thinking??? Maybe logging calories on MFP will open up a whole new world of debauchery and deception...*fingers crossed*


    omg, that is so true.Really, have you seen that commercial about the father and the son who is going away to college. They are buying a new phone so they can stay in contact via text apparently, and they are texting each other even tho they are standing right next to one another in a store???? That is what our society is coming to:( So sad:(
  • dhoody
    dhoody Posts: 49
    Yeah just add male buddies to avoid conflct...add me lol
  • AllyBooMommyof2
    My husband spies on my fb and here all the time and deletes friends as he wants he's an *kitten* and always has been to me so he should be insecure and now he gets mad because I'm on here all the time and says "what let me guess your on fat book" so I sort of know how you feel it sucks.

    DTMFA. Seriously. Google it then do it.

    LMAO I did google it LOL not that simple although I wish it was sometimes. Thanks for the laugh tho!
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    Do you think this thread will help or hurt your current situation?
  • spade117
    spade117 Posts: 2,466 Member
    This is why women shouldn't be allowed out of the kitchen.


    I mean, if we're not allowed out of the kitchen, how else are we supposed to bring you your sammich?? :laugh:

    Apparently someone really thought it was horrible and reported it.
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    you mean like her facebook account where she has 400+ friends a majority of them being men and her nose is buried in it ....during on couch watching television??


    Doesn't seem like a good relationship to me.

    I love that my boyfriend and I can be completely honest with each other. I could totally go into his room and log onto his facebook and check all his messages and stuff. But I trust him.
  • joypaslov
    joypaslov Posts: 4
    Frankly, this is about you. You decide whether you want to be on this site or not. If it contibutes to your success, then use it. If you have problems with your wife, then you guys should talk. Not about this site, but about the problems. If that doesn't work, try counseling. Otherwise, consider whether you want a relationship that is supportive. My experience is that whatever I am doing comes back to me. When I am loving and supportive to my spouse, then he brings it back to me double. What do you want from a relationship? Are you willing to give that? Thoughts from the peanut gallery. I hope that you decide to create something wonderful for yourself and your wife!!
  • CountryBoy65
    CountryBoy65 Posts: 908 Member
    delete her stuff then it will be WAR!!! But really ive come to find that those that are constanly accusing are usually guilty of something

    Rule number 69-Never trust a woman that does not trust her man.
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    there is a simple solution to this problem...create a fake account under a fake gmail account and then you can have all the fun and whoring that you desire! She will never know, thus the trust wil NEVER be broken! Just make sure you continue to log under the "real" one so when she checks up on you again she will have complete faith in you...
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    Awww poor guy :(
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    Here"s the deal....

    She had been monitoring my MFP account for days...
    Once she confronted and told me that she was angry about the flirting ( add smileys) etc I immediately told her this wasn't worth it to me so immdiately deactivated my account. I then made a new account that I use to only log in and add my calories and exercise.

    She is a high profile person at her place of employment and does NOT lack for confidence....she is working on her body using MFP and in fact I wrote to a friend how proud of her I was of her progress....

    I got an earful thanks to Black Thong Thursday and Booby Friday....Like I was the perv who invented it....?/

    I am proud of EVERY man or woman on this site who Tracks daily...has had a success and shared it....who is an inspiration to myself and others...when I'm on my runs now and I feel like I have legs of Jello I get an energy burst thinking about how I am going to feel when I post a ran 50 minutes at 6.0 and burned 800 calories....that inspires me to continue this journey....that inspires me to want to help others on this site who are frustrated with the scale and need to know that NSV's count just as much if not more..

    Thats as real as I can be!! This site was helping me connect with others who can help me....and I can also help!!

    Whoa whoa whoa..she's on MFP too? But she deleted your account? And you don't think she'll see this?

    This gets better and better. Pass the popcorn, I wanna see how this one turns out.

    Yeah, this is some good stuff. :devil:
  • MFPAddict
    MFPAddict Posts: 2,303 Member
    Just noticed the OP's account is deactivated already. She must have caught him again! :laugh:
  • nikki46vsgjourney
    nikki46vsgjourney Posts: 25 Member
    Just try to make her understand the situation and that your intention was not to make her feel insecure in your relationship. Explain that we are here for encouragment and nothing else. Good luck.
  • kayd69
    kayd69 Posts: 29
    I will say what others have said....There must be deeper issues with your marriage...First rule of marriage is Trust.This is usually does not come early on in marriages it is something that comes later.I don't know how long you and your spouse have been married,but The first 5 yrs are the hardest with this issue...and even longer if there is reason for trust issues...I have been married 17 yrs this time first marriage 12 yrs and he had horrible trust issues...and then He was the one who messed around..Go figure!...If you can not trust each other Then it makes for a miserable marriage....Something I have learned with technology now a days...Me and my spouse both know each others passwords to anything we do hiding anything phones, both need to talk about these things and you need to let her know how important MFP is to you for your well being....
  • Prilla04
    Prilla04 Posts: 174 Member
    First of all, change that user name. That's just not right. Second of all, reassure your wife every day in small ways. Third and most importantly BE HAPPY however that translates for you. :)
  • Prilla04
    Prilla04 Posts: 174 Member
    However if this is a 'control issue' that's another can of worms. Maybe look into counseling.