Jillian's 30 Day Shred



  • Kristi82
    Kristi82 Posts: 80 Member
    Getting ready for day 4. Definately feeling it! ouch!
  • casper-you amaze me! working out at 9:30 after all you did earlier in the day! glad your wife was up for it...even after working late.

    so glad to hear everyone is sticking with it. let's keep going! even if your arms feel like they're going to fall off (like mine do). those shoulder lifts paired with side lunges just about kill me every time. boy do i have some weak arms!

    about to do my third day of the video...was thinking of going for a run after to get some extra calories burned.
  • kimmay
    kimmay Posts: 26
    did day two last night. my legs were killing me all day but I decided to suck it up and go for it. the 20 mins went by much faster last night. I really wanted to go for a run after the video last night to burn some more calories (I was bad yesterday and ate some junk food) but I was way too tired to run. Hoping I have the motivation tonight to do the video and some extra cardio.

    definitely feeling the burn today too. its a great feeling...
  • kristen5286
    kristen5286 Posts: 329 Member
    I just did day 3... I can't do the stupid jump rope to save my life so I just do more jumping jacks!! Woo Hoo!!
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    Just finished day 3... I totally suck at push-ups! My shoulders are killing me. And to think I was going to throw in the Hundred Push-Up challenge. HA! My thighs are burning.... and when I did the freakin' jump rope I felt my butt jiggle- What is that! That is no good! Come'on Jillian Shred away!
  • kimmay
    kimmay Posts: 26
    So I skipped out on the challenge yesterday. I didn't exercise at all. My legs were incredibly sore and it's almost that time of month and I feel incredibly exhausted. I know I know...excuses. But, I am ready for it tonight. woot woot! :wink:
  • Giggles27
    Giggles27 Posts: 139
    I just bought the DVD last night after doing 30 mins elliptical, an hour body works class (biceps, triceps, shoulders, back, squats, lunges, and abs...and some cardio) and then an hour long power yoga class. I will start the 30 day shred tommorow...because it is my day off from the gym....I will get my 5 # weights back from my friends house....

    Im ready for the challenge
  • kristen5286
    kristen5286 Posts: 329 Member
    just did day 4 and i can officially do everything without stopping except for the stupid jump rope.. and push ups i just have to go slow..
  • congrats! you'll beat the stupid jumprope by day 10, i just know it! i try to jump side to side when i get really tired, seems to help instead of jumping on both feet. maybe that would work?
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    Hey just finished day 4! My arms are jell-o! Way to go guys! As for the jump rope- I can't do it so well the first go round but the last cardio I get it down!
  • Well, I'm excited because along with eating really well this week and tracking all my food, I have done this 3 days (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday) and I got on the scale this morning, 2 lbs down! Woo hoo. Hopefully I dont blow it this weekend with my eating.

    Question: Why doesn't this dvd let you go directly to the menu when you put it on? I'm so tired of watching Jilian talk about how totally commited she is each time I turn it on.
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    I did Level 2 last night for the first time ... OMG!!! I was dripping with sweat and exhausted!! But I'm glad I did it - I was ready to move up from Level 1.

    And Stephanie - I was wondering the same thing. Yeah, Jillian, we get it! :laugh: I usually start the DVD, then go get my water and weights while she does her little speech.
  • Giggles27
    Giggles27 Posts: 139
    I am starting tonight.....

    What weight are you using?

    At the current gym that I am im using 5 lbs (biceps, triceps) and 7.5 lbs (shoulders). But I left my 5 lbs weights at my friends house..BOO HOO...I might just need to buy some more today...
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    hey everyone! glad to hear some positive feedback about this DVD, I was skeptical about buying it cuz I heard a lot of bad things about knee injuries and such. I've done 1 month of boot camp so hopefully this won't be too hard on my body.

    Would you all recommend this DVD?
  • :huh: Wow ya this is not an easy one she is tough but will try and see if I can get thru level one!!~~thanks for the encouragement and wow hang in there everyone:happy:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I botched our schedule with a church mens group thing, so we missed day 3. Hit day 4 last night and did well, so I think we needed a day off. Still did my morning elliptical of course.

    Today will do elliptical+shred+weights this evening.

    I did cut out about 1/2 of my weights routine. My routine included ab work and pushups and a couple other things shred takes care of. Now I just do heavy dumbbell rows/flies/curls/tricep extensions + dips on weights days. Log it along with the shred as an extra 20 minutes circuit training.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I am starting tonight.....

    What weight are you using?

    At the current gym that I am im using 5 lbs (biceps, triceps) and 7.5 lbs (shoulders). But I left my 5 lbs weights at my friends house..BOO HOO...I might just need to buy some more today...

    Honestly, I'm using 2lb weights and I feel the burn. I could probably manage 3 but I think my arms would fall off if I tried using 5 at this point!

    And just an edit to say I'm not a total weakling. :laugh: I can pretty easily shoulder press or bicep curl 20 or 25 pounds. The repetition really gets your muscles burning, though, even with no weights at all.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Oh yes. I do curls and tricep extensions with 45 pound dumbs, and can use 70 pounds for dumbbell rows. But when Jillian starts prancing around and doing those little girly moves for 3 continuous minutes of strength training our "little" 8 pounders kick my butt.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Hi everyone! I'd love to join in (I know I'm a little late). I tried this for the first time ever a few days ago and I must have pushed it too hard - while i felt pretty awesome after i finished, my thigh muscles were SCREAMING for about 3 days. While some muscle burn is okay, so much that I had to hobble around and couldnt run was NOT!

    Amanda - thanks for the encouragement and the pep talk, I decided to give it another try. I did level one again but this time followed the modifications (Anita) through pretty much the entire thing. While I feel a little lame, it's much better than hobbling and grimacing around.

    I'll keep trying!

    Way to go everyone!
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    Hi everyone! I'd love to join in (I know I'm a little late). I tried this for the first time ever a few days ago and I must have pushed it too hard - while i felt pretty awesome after i finished, my thigh muscles were SCREAMING for about 3 days. While some muscle burn is okay, so much that I had to hobble around and couldnt run was NOT!

    Amanda - thanks for the encouragement and the pep talk, I decided to give it another try. I did level one again but this time followed the modifications (Anita) through pretty much the entire thing. While I feel a little lame, it's much better than hobbling and grimacing around.

    I'll keep trying!

    Way to go everyone!

    Thats what I'm here for! I have to say, I follow Anita too... I even modify a little more. I can't do the push-ups to save my life. And on my knees I even have a hard time. However when I was in Basic Training 9 years ago... I couldn't do push-ups then either- so they had those of us like me do what we call COBRAS... lay flat on the ground with your arms in push up position and start lifting just your upper body up and once that gets easy move to your knees...now back in Basic it wasn't but a week and I was doing regular push-ups. So hoping by next week I'll be there again! Don't feel lame...small steps lead to great success!
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