Spreadsheet for BMR/TDEE Deficit calcs, MFP Tweaks, HRM

heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
Also on BLOG:

After observing so many desiring to increase their calories to get out of a stall, but the confusion over different BMR values found, different TDEE calculators doing things different ways, desires to still eat back exercise calories and basically use MFP but tweak it, I wanted a spreadsheet with everything in one place.

I could never find a site that really had everything in one place, though some came close. If I could do web page coding, I could have done it there. But I think there is something to be said for a spreadsheet you can download as Excel or into your own Google account, and keep your figures for future reference and changes, which a web page can't give you.

So this Spreadsheet is hopefully self-explanatory if you have seen any of the discussions regarding TDEE and deficits, and BMR, ect. It is not totally meant as educational, which you can get elsewhere.

So it does appear busy, because I think it's interesting to see all the figures at once, so you can see that sometimes, concern over minor values really doesn't change things much in the end. Just read carefully to see what is going on, and don't accidently wipe out non-yellow fields.

Each tab has an explanation at top as to why you may want to use that method.

The TDEE Deficit tab, besides several ways of trying to nail your real TDEE figure (pick one), has several deficit methods that I've seen referenced in studies or is popular. Pick one or a middle value of extremes perhaps.

The MFP Tweak tab, is merely to get the Daily goal figure above whatever number you want to use as bare minimum. Then you eat back HRM based exercise calories.

The HRM tab is some changes to the HRM you could do for better calorie burn estimates, and getting your HR training zones for better training.

The Eating For Future You was the start of the spreadsheet, and is specific method that is perhaps more work to nail daily activity, but perhaps better potential if honest.

I'm hopefully done tweaking, as I got suggestions from my friends list, but let me know if something lacking or wrong. Which means check back for updates compared to your saved version.


