H1N1 Shots



  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    this vaccine exists for a reason and the people who have decided this are much smarter than the general public that are indoctrinated by the media, and have obviously come to the conclusion that the benefits outweigh the side effects (if any).

    "if any"


    The media and the big pharmaceuticals are the ones trying to scare the public into getting the shots. No thanks, I can think for myself.

    I'm sorry but the fact that I was directed to Youtube proves my point. I guess we all just do what we think is best.

    Did you go to it? It's a clip from a news article...not a song video or a video of a guy falling off of a treadmill or a monkey throwing poo. It was information. yes we all do what we think is best, but she was just sharing VALID information.
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    shannon always shares good info so you may want to check it out before doggin her about the source.
    BMAJK Posts: 72 Member
    this vaccine exists for a reason and the people who have decided this are much smarter than the general public that are indoctrinated by the media, and have obviously come to the conclusion that the benefits outweigh the side effects (if any).

    "if any"


    The media and the big pharmaceuticals are the ones trying to scare the public into getting the shots. No thanks, I can think for myself.

    I'm sorry but the fact that I was directed to Youtube proves my point. I guess we all just do what we think is best.

    Did you go to it? It's a clip from a news article...not a song video or a video of a guy falling off of a treadmill or a monkey throwing poo. It was information. yes we all do what we think is best, but she was just sharing VALID information.

    yes I did go to it and sure its information-from one person-you sure don't hear about the 23 year old women who died from H1N1 earlier this month in a city about 2 hours away from me on youtube and you don't hear about 2/3 of our schools being closed this past week.
  • KZOsMommy
    KZOsMommy Posts: 854 Member
    That clip is so sad! This is the second time I have seen it. Last time was with a different news channel. I know they say side effects are rare but ya know you never know when you might be that one in a million! I used to vaccinate my kids until my one daughter started getting bad food allergies and my son was healthy and normal boy and got him vaccinated had some side effects and now suffers from autism. I am not looking for information about vaccinations and autism and it not being linked. I just know how it happened with my son. You never know when you are going to have a problem. Just like when you take these shots there is no 100% promise you will not end up sick anyway.

    BMAJK- Yes we do hear about those things on the news. I think it is just the opposite you don't hear about the hundreds of people that have had the H1N1 and even though they were very sick made it through!
  • leavinglasvegas
    My cousin and his 3 sons just got over H1N1. He did not get vaccinated, neither did his kids.
    The doctors assured them not to panic. They told him that the media has everybody freakin out all over the place, but its really not half as bad as they are saying it is.

    They felt crappy for a few days, high fever, cough, chills, etc. They felt like they had the flu. They rested, took care of one another and stayed indoors until the fever was gone. Everybody is fine now and back to normal and it was less than 10 days.

    I understand that people die from this. I'm not making lite of that. I'm just saying that a vaccine isn't the godsend everyone thinks it is. Just because you haven't heard of many adverse reactions, doesn't mean they don't exist. How many people took Vioxx -myself included- before it was finally revealed to be causing more harm than good? The government is NOT perfect, just because someone has a degree from an ivy league school does not mean they have YOUR best interest at heart. And just because they say everyone needs it, doesn't make that gospel. People do profit from things like this, and its usually not the public.

    Just my opinion.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member

    "if any"


    The media and the big pharmaceuticals are the ones trying to scare the public into getting the shots. No thanks, I can think for myself.

    Shannon, I totally agree with you. I will never get the flu shot.
    The big pharmaceuticals are also receiving all the money. When people need medicine after getting a flu shot.

    A guy from work sent me this interview with Ex Health minister of Finland. But :wink: it's on Youtube.

    She had quite an opinion about America and Pharmaceutical companies regarding swine flu, the flu shot etc.


    P.S. The text in this video is not in english. Her interview is in english.
  • altazin0907
    altazin0907 Posts: 188 Member
    I am an adult with a three year old. And all I have to say is that myself nor my child is getting the shot. I am not going to panic like the gov't wants me to!:ohwell:
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    I am an adult with a three year old. And all I have to say is that myself nor my child is getting the shot. I am not going to panic like the gov't wants me to!:ohwell:

    Thank you! that is exactly what is going on is a fear tactic. Yes, it can be deadly, but all flus are, yes it is more likely to kill a young person than an older person and for MOST people it will present and recover just like any flu would. If anyone in my family were in the RISK groups I would give the shot a greater consideration but without those risks the need for teh shot is little to none. Like I said earlier learning how to and teaching your family how to PREVENT is the best thing we can do for ourselves, our family and our schools and communities.

  • leavinglasvegas
    I am an adult with a three year old. And all I have to say is that myself nor my child is getting the shot. I am not going to panic like the gov't wants me to!:ohwell:

    Thank you! that is exactly what is going on is a fear tactic. Yes, it can be deadly, but all flus are, yes it is more likely to kill a young person than an older person and for MOST people it will present and recover just like any flu would. If anyone in my family were in the RISK groups I would give the shot a greater consideration but without those risks the need for teh shot is little to none. Like I said earlier learning how to and teaching your family how to PREVENT is the best thing we can do for ourselves, our family and our schools and communities.


    I totally agree with you 1000 percent!
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    got my seasonal flu shot and my H1N1 today-
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    My youngest daughter tested positive for H1N1 a couple of weeks ago its wasn't cool at all she spiked a nasty fever that wouldnt break the lowest we could get it was 102.2 (after medicine) We have to give her cool baths to keep her temp down she wouldn't eat all we could do is get her to try and drink liquids which she ended up throwing up finally by day 4 her fever finally broke to 101 and stayed there for 2 more days with medicine it was horrible my husband was out of work a week- (yes she went to to the doctor)

    Yes the swine flu is over dramatized but I still got my shot My kids still got there flu shots.
    My husband is in the army and gets all the vaccinations Anthrax ect.

    People die from the flu every year. Every seasons flu shot is different because there is a different strain every year.

    Alot of the deaths due to Swine are because of pre-existing conditions.

    It isn't a mandatory shot its your choice if you don't want to get it don't

    The H1N1 is a different virus because you breath it in unlike just catching the common cold from touching your eyes,nose and mouth (thats why they say wash your hands)
    My kids wash there hands all the time and use hand sanitizer and yet my daughter got sick. because its in the air in your nasal passage
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Someone I work with (man in early 40's) just returned to work after a bout of what his dr. said was Swine flu. I don't know if he was tested or not to be sure. One thing the doctor said was that the biggest danger with this "bug" is that after you get it, it can so easily turn in to a respiratory illness, which is especially dangerous to those who are prone to asthma, bronchitis or pneumonia.

    Everyone has their own "take" on whether getting a shot is a good idea, but I think we can all agree that good habits of cleanliness and taking precautions if someone in your family is sick are all very GOOD ideas to avoid spreading it. I have a friend who fits into the category I described in the first paragraph, and I am offering to do her shopping and errands for her just so she won't have to go out and expose herself to others. She hasn't been able to get either flu shot so far.

    I did get a seasonal flu shot, for which I am glad because there doesn't seem to be any vaccine available locally now. I am not considering getting the H1N1 vaccine unless it is in shot form, and so far, it is in short supply in my area (Washington/Oregon)
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    ok here's my take.. AFter my son was diagnosed with H1N1 his pediatrician asked a series of questions. After answering those questions she did not prescribed tamaflu because my son nor anyone in my household are considered "at risk". These questions asked if anyone had asthma or diabetes or a "compromised immune system", NO. Anyone in the house under teh age of 2...NO. Anyone pregnant? NO. She said these are the people most at risk of having major complications. My cousin is a prime example, lifelong asthmatic and she ended up in the hospital with pnemonia which turned out to be respiratory complications of H1N1 and she is ok.

    Dr. did not recommend nasal vaccination, as for most people to gain immunity they will have to take two doses several weeks apart. She did recommend vaccination in shot form if we chose.

    Stated the CDC has pushed the media to tell the bad that can happen so that more people will worry and hopefully try to educate their family on HOW TO PREVENT this flu.

    this flu is so contagious because of how it presents and that is why PREVENTION is so important. My son woke up on a Monday with a sore throat, it is his allergy season and since NO fever we sent him to school. He came home from school at 3pm with a barky cough and a fever of 100. If your children have ever had croup that is EXACTLY what the cough sounds like. Took him to pediatrician Tues to confirm croup, did rapid flu test and wala. He had a fever until thursday midday and was fine by Friday, didn't return to school until the following monday to allow 24 hours with no fever. He had a very mild attack of diahrea on Wednesday and other than the cough it was a very normal flu cycle.

    No one else in our family got sick because we made him wear a mask until his cough was gone and we washed and sanitized our hands like crazy and used sanitizing wipes on all surfaces. The mask worked great for him. If your kids are in or your family has a member in the "at risk" group then you should probably consider getting everyone vaccinated if not, start preventing!

    good information. I'm undecided on what to do. My son is 5 and does have a compromised immune system because he has asthma and takes regular nebulizer treatments. He would be very ill if he gets the flu. I'm scared about the shot because it caused neurological problems in people who received it during the last swine flu breakout. Currently we don't have the shot available here-but when it comes I want to make an educated decision.
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    Well I'm back. Since my post on here, my son got quite ill for several days (thankfully recovering now) and they closed his school today because more than half the kids are out ill and I found out the girl he sits right next to has tested positive for H1N1. But I'm also hearing from the dr that just because its a positive on the swab test doesnt mean its Swine flu...could be any number of other flus that cause a positive read on the quick test.

    My best friend is an RN and she came out today and told me knowing what she knows, if she had kids she would definately NOT allow them to be vaccinated. She said in her op. its too new and was rushed thru approval to fast to know for sure its safe.

    Now I dont know what to do for my son....its so hard to separate fact from media hype either for or against it.

    I told that to the doctor at my job and she said every flu shot is rushed and that isn't a reason not to get it.
    My kids get the flu shot every year
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    H1N1 just killed a healthy 13 year old boy in Ontario. He had seen a doctor about 48 hours before, and told he had the flu, and sent home. There have been 29 confirmed deaths from H1N1 in Ontario since April.

    Symtoms to watch out for: fever, difficulty breathing, blue lips, difficulty moving, drowsiness, confusion, disorientation, and convulsions. In younger children- crankiness, refusing fluids.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Yep, my home town. I'm keepin an eye in the news about this. Very sad! It seemed to have happened so fast. The doctor at the clinic. :explode:

    Toronto's two major newspapers

    This link from the article in The Toronto Star.
    Younger people are more impacted with the burden of illness, but those most likely to die are older, and most have pre-existing conditions. Frustaglio had a mild case of asthma, health authorities said.
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Tuscan Sun- In our state we have free clinics for flu shots every year. It's usually done by a public not for profit hospital. Check around in your area to see if you can get one for free.

    I got the regular flu shot already and I will have my kids get one this year too. One has allergies and one has asthma, so I think they should start getting them every year.

    As far as the H1N1 goes- we aren't going to get enough to go around and they are doing all the high risk people first, so deciding may be a non issue.

    We have the flu already, but the shots/mist is still a month away.

    I agree with the comments the shots are new every year. This one is no different.
  • ilike2moveit
    ilike2moveit Posts: 776 Member
    My son got the H1N1 vaccination today. His pediatrician recommended it because he is 5 and has respiratory issues-asthma-and uses a nebulizer frequently. (I read that the last vaccine used during the last swine flu outbreak caused neurological problems so that was my fear.) But our community has a bad outbreak of H1N1 and I knew if my son got it he would be very sick and could possibly die. The vaccinations in our area are also limited and only the people with compromised immune systems are able to get them. I pray he stays healthy and that we made the correct decision.
  • thumper44
    thumper44 Posts: 1,464 Member
    H1N1 is serious, but no need to panic.
    Consider the facts.

    According to the World Health Organization, fewer than 5,000 people have died around the globe from this variant of swine flu. In any normal year, influenza causes between 250,000 and 500,000 deaths worldwide.

    In the Southern Hemisphere, the winter flu season is now over. In spite of dire predictions, only 185 people died from swine flu in Australia – considerably fewer than the roughly 3,000 who succumb to seasonal influenza in that country each year.

    And no, it wasn't because the population was immunized. Australia's vaccination campaign against swine flu took off last month.

    Last week, U.S. President Barack Obama declared swine flu a national emergency after about 1,000 Americans died. Yet according to the Centers for Disease Control, roughly 50,000 Americans die every year from seasonal flu – without any politician paying much attention
  • famv5
    famv5 Posts: 27 Member
    We are not getting either flu shot. We never get the seasonal flu shot and the H1N1 just freaks me out a bit. I think it was thrown together to quickly and after the neurological side effects from the flu shot in the 70's, I'm passing on this one .