Gym "guys"



  • DaBossLady24
    DaBossLady24 Posts: 556 Member
    Ms. "All Business" -

    This one I like. She comes to the gym in a beat up t-shirt or tank top and some generic workout pants. She doesn't have her makeup done. She doesn't bother with machines. She goes straight to the free weights after her warmup and spends the next hour or so going through a series of resistance workouts you typically don't see women doing, moving poundages that could give a lot of the guys a run for their money. Half the guys in the gym have massive crushes on her but nobody will approach her because the intensity with which she goes at her workouts gives off an air that says "OFF LIMITS! I'M HERE TO GET STUFF DONE!"

    Ok, I think I'm a borderline Ms. "All Business". I use free weights, kettlebells, maybe one of two weight machines for about 25-30 minutes, then I'm on the treadmill running for about 30-45 minutes. I have cute-ish workout clothes that I got for cheap at Target and Walmart but absolutely NO MAKEUP. Why bother, when in the first 5 minutes I'll be sweating it off? Trust me, that irks us women too. If you didn't come to sweat, what the hell are you here for??

    Also, men that do a set of about 5 reps of 1000lbs for all of 20 seconds then rest and hog the fricking machine for about 15 minutes before doing another set. Sir, you're in my way and trust me, no one is impressed. Move along and let me work it. Please and thank you.

    ^^ All of this.
  • purpledelight
    purpledelight Posts: 134 Member
    The guy who swaggers in---over size novelty shorts hanging off edge of buttocks wearing the white tank top and unlaced high tops - trucker hat set carefully at 40 degrees,,,walks to the rack of weights... picks up the 30 lb dumb bells and does 7 crappy curls per side then glances around to see if anyone is checking him out. If there is no audience to really appreciate his efforts-he takes a break. If there is still no audience he then walks back out the door....gahhhhhhhh!

    I used to work out at Ballys - they called the old guys who hit on the young girls "creepers". There was one who wore hiking boots and sweats...every day! he would hit the tread mill and ogle the runners on the track. The trainers actually warned the newbies about him...

    Oh and the dude in the sauna! I doing laps in the pool and this guys walks in - fully clothed. jeans with a belt! shirt shoes sweat jacket and a base ball cap. He went into the sauna!!!!! he was in there for 15-20 minutes... walked out SOAKED all the way thru... is it just me or is that weird as all get out???
  • I have the creepy gym guy who wont stop hitting on me. Im trying to work out not risk leaving alone with a could be sicko!
    I have the wears too much axe guy, as if that mixed with his very foul sweat smell, makes it all ok?
    Yes I have the skinny chick, only she is my friend, eats whatever crap she wants, has had 3 kids, never works out ever, and after 40 years it still has not "caught up with her".
    I also have the very too intense Nazi trainer. I get it, you are awesome but dont have to be scary and boast how awesome you are and make us all not want to be trained by you.
  • AlayshaJ
    AlayshaJ Posts: 703 Member
    Ms. "All Business" -

    This one I like. She comes to the gym in a beat up t-shirt or tank top and some generic workout pants. She doesn't have her makeup done. She doesn't bother with machines. She goes straight to the free weights after her warmup and spends the next hour or so going through a series of resistance workouts you typically don't see women doing, moving poundages that could give a lot of the guys a run for their money. Half the guys in the gym have massive crushes on her but nobody will approach her because the intensity with which she goes at her workouts gives off an air that says "OFF LIMITS! I'M HERE TO GET STUFF DONE!"

    Pahhahahaha This is me so hard. I'm glad we are a 'type'. I am not alone! Ms. All Businesses Unite!

    We need rings or something.
  • DaBossLady24
    DaBossLady24 Posts: 556 Member
    Ms. "All Business" -

    This one I like. She comes to the gym in a beat up t-shirt or tank top and some generic workout pants. She doesn't have her makeup done. She doesn't bother with machines. She goes straight to the free weights after her warmup and spends the next hour or so going through a series of resistance workouts you typically don't see women doing, moving poundages that could give a lot of the guys a run for their money. Half the guys in the gym have massive crushes on her but nobody will approach her because the intensity with which she goes at her workouts gives off an air that says "OFF LIMITS! I'M HERE TO GET STUFF DONE!"

    Pahhahahaha This is me so hard. I'm glad we are a 'type'. I am not alone! Ms. All Businesses Unite!

    We need rings or something.

    I'm thinking rings and a damn trophy so I can sit it up on my desk at work :bigsmile:
  • ChelseaM18
    ChelseaM18 Posts: 303
    The soft around the edges gal who reads lots of women's magazines that tell her to do 8 minute workouts so she continues to walk on the treadmill for 2 and a half hours and head home

    The old guy who gives it everything he's got on the treadmill and hogs the machines via towels, heart rate mointors, water bottles, whatever's closest to hand when he's done the cardio

    The mother and daughter combo, who have made the decision to do it for the holidays, go in and do the same thing every second day half heartedly and plan what their gong to have for dinner while they are slowly pacing on the treadmill waiting for the 45 minutes to be over so they don;t feel bad about leaving.

    The random guy that's always in there but doesn't really seem to do anything even though he looks really in shape.

    The creepy guy who works out everyday, tells everyone about it, larger gut but toned arms and legs and waits and waits till he thinks you're struggling with something to assist you. Commonly wearing all white and has some sort of facial hair with some jet black jelled combback on his head.
  • BruteSquad
    BruteSquad Posts: 373 Member

    Ms. "All Business" -

    This one I like. She comes to the gym in a beat up t-shirt or tank top and some generic workout pants. She doesn't have her makeup done. She doesn't bother with machines. She goes straight to the free weights after her warmup and spends the next hour or so going through a series of resistance workouts you typically don't see women doing, moving poundages that could give a lot of the guys a run for their money. Half the guys in the gym have massive crushes on her but nobody will approach her because the intensity with which she goes at her workouts gives off an air that says "OFF LIMITS! I'M HERE TO GET STUFF DONE!"

    When I saw the title "Ms. All Business" I was like "oh, ****! That's me!"

    Whew! I was glad to hear it's a good thing :)

    I hit the gym in hot pants and a worn out t-shirt that says "METAL: they don't feel pain and they can't be reasoned with." Hit the elliptical for 10 minutes at a heart rate > 160, then spend the next 80 minutes lifting heavy, doing chin ups, and then cool down with some yoga stretching :)

    That is soooooooo hot.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    This topic appears about once a month on MFP and it never gets old. It always makes me laugh. I wrote a blog about this a few months back.

    If you don't want to read the entire blog post here is an excerpt about the "Guy" that inspired the post in the first place:

    I ran across a new species this morning. I have labeled him “Supplement Hustler”. I discovered this creature while over hearing a conversation in the process of wiping down a bench. “Supplement Hustler” informs one of his gym friends that he’s on this new supplement called “Ripped Juice”. He takes one pill in the morning and he’s not hungry, and that he has to set a timer on his phone to take his protein shake. Gym friend replies that turkey is protein. This caused a woman on another nearby bench to stop the set she was on because she was laughing. “Supplement Hustler” then informs his Gym friend that if he’s interested in “Ripped Juice” he can come see him at a nearby supplement store. Nice! So really “Ripped Juice” is an appetite suppressant. No thanks “Hustler”. But I don’t blame the guy for trying. I’m in sales too, I see him working. I just thought the conversation was funny. So, be on the look out for “Supplement Hustler” at your local gym.
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    The dude with really bad grammar.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Ms. "All Business" -

    This one I like. She comes to the gym in a beat up t-shirt or tank top and some generic workout pants. She doesn't have her makeup done. She doesn't bother with machines. She goes straight to the free weights after her warmup and spends the next hour or so going through a series of resistance workouts you typically don't see women doing, moving poundages that could give a lot of the guys a run for their money. Half the guys in the gym have massive crushes on her but nobody will approach her because the intensity with which she goes at her workouts gives off an air that says "OFF LIMITS! I'M HERE TO GET STUFF DONE!" this explains why I never have guys hitting on me at the gym. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Annoying Gym Guys. This video made me laugh.
  • lauralizzy829
    lauralizzy829 Posts: 215 Member
    The couple who finishes their cigarettes outside before coming in the gym....then taking 5 cigarette breaks throughout the next hour.
    Sorry but I have 0 patience for smokers....and yes I know and have lived with many. Some who have quit, some who haven't, and some who have died.
  • kenny7734
    kenny7734 Posts: 13
    All of us are, in one or another, the people we hate at the gym.
  • KittieLea
    KittieLea Posts: 1,156 Member
    Ms. "All Business" -

    This one I like. She comes to the gym in a beat up t-shirt or tank top and some generic workout pants. She doesn't have her makeup done. She doesn't bother with machines. She goes straight to the free weights after her warmup and spends the next hour or so going through a series of resistance workouts you typically don't see women doing, moving poundages that could give a lot of the guys a run for their money. Half the guys in the gym have massive crushes on her but nobody will approach her because the intensity with which she goes at her workouts gives off an air that says "OFF LIMITS! I'M HERE TO GET STUFF DONE!"
    This is so me! I've been known to roll up in the gym wearing a Twilight t-shirt! LOL Who cares?? I'm not trying to meet anyone, I'm there to get ripped!

    The guys who just sit around on the benches and talk really get on my nerves!
    And I must not forget the two middle aged ladies who bring their coffee from home each morning and drink it while on the elliptical. If you can drink an uncovered cup of coffee and not spill it while on the elliptical, you're pissing your monthly gym membership money away!
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    At the gym I went to a few years ago there was this guy who would come in mid afternoon about every other day. He would talk/mutter to himself the whole time he was working out ("You can do this! Don't quit! It ain't so bad!, etc..."), and he'd do really loud Lamaze-type breathing before each set. (You're lifting weights, not giving birth, ya douche!) While he was lifting he'd grunt really loud (like he was severely constipated or something), then he'd drop the weights on the floor in utter "exhaustion". It was like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.
  • meerkat70
    meerkat70 Posts: 4,605 Member
    How many ppl have all the "gym guy" types at there gym ?? I have a few stories which are funny to me at least.

    1. I went to the gym with my buddy , he got up from the bench and literally threw his weights on the floor... I looked at him and laughed and said.. What I wasn't paying enough attention to you ? You want everyone to see what your doing ??? he responded with "what ??" I said nothing it takes more effort to stand up with the weights and throw them looking for attention, next time try doing a few more reps and place them on the ground. He hasn't come with me to the gym since lol.

    2. 5 ... 5 Somalian guys around 18-20 maybe, Only one of them really works out for the most part the other 4 just sit on random machines and talk the entire time... Yesterday I saw them do 1 set with maybe 10 reps on dumb bells and then they moved to the stretching area and just sat and talked, from there they went to the leg machines and again just sat and talked ... I just find it hilarious. Also their conversations are A) loud and B) always about how they beat some one up and kicked someones *kitten*...

    3. The old guy hitting on the young girls.(he even has the creepy mustache). These 2 pretty girls where on inner thigh machines and this old guy just wouldn't stop hitting on em so much so my brother and I were in hysterics just cause A) the girls where on inner thigh machines and B) we couldn't hear them but I was doing a monolog. Forgot to add the girls where maybe 18-19 the dude was 45 +

    Anyways tell me some more stories or better throw up some youtube links if you have some to make me laugh

    I'm curious. Does the ethnicity of the people in point 2 have any bearing on their behaviour? I assume the people in points 1 and 3 were somehow ethnically neutral?
  • emgawne
    emgawne Posts: 265 Member
    Ms. "All Business" -

    This one I like. She comes to the gym in a beat up t-shirt or tank top and some generic workout pants. She doesn't have her makeup done. She doesn't bother with machines. She goes straight to the free weights after her warmup and spends the next hour or so going through a series of resistance workouts you typically don't see women doing, moving poundages that could give a lot of the guys a run for their money. Half the guys in the gym have massive crushes on her but nobody will approach her because the intensity with which she goes at her workouts gives off an air that says "OFF LIMITS! I'M HERE TO GET STUFF DONE!"

    Pahhahahaha This is me so hard. I'm glad we are a 'type'. I am not alone! Ms. All Businesses Unite!

    We need rings or something.

    yes! lets get rings. hahaha.
  • callmeBAM
    callmeBAM Posts: 445 Member
    Thanks for reminding me of why I haven't been to a gym in 10 years.
  • robharlan
    robharlan Posts: 14 Member
    How many ppl have all the "gym guy" types at there gym ?? I have a few stories which are funny to me at least.

    1. I went to the gym with my buddy , he got up from the bench and literally threw his weights on the floor... I looked at him and laughed and said.. What I wasn't paying enough attention to you ? You want everyone to see what your doing ??? he responded with "what ??" I said nothing it takes more effort to stand up with the weights and throw them looking for attention, next time try doing a few more reps and place them on the ground. He hasn't come with me to the gym since lol.

    2. 5 ... 5 Somalian guys around 18-20 maybe, Only one of them really works out for the most part the other 4 just sit on random machines and talk the entire time... Yesterday I saw them do 1 set with maybe 10 reps on dumb bells and then they moved to the stretching area and just sat and talked, from there they went to the leg machines and again just sat and talked ... I just find it hilarious. Also their conversations are A) loud and B) always about how they beat some one up and kicked someones *kitten*...

    3. The old guy hitting on the young girls.(he even has the creepy mustache). These 2 pretty girls where on inner thigh machines and this old guy just wouldn't stop hitting on em so much so my brother and I were in hysterics just cause A) the girls where on inner thigh machines and B) we couldn't hear them but I was doing a monolog. Forgot to add the girls where maybe 18-19 the dude was 45 +

    Anyways tell me some more stories or better throw up some youtube links if you have some to make me laugh

    I'm curious. Does the ethnicity of the people in point 2 have any bearing on their behaviour? I assume the people in points 1 and 3 were somehow ethnically neutral?

    I think the OP was just stating facts, not trying to pick a fight.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Ms. "All Business" -

    This one I like. She comes to the gym in a beat up t-shirt or tank top and some generic workout pants. She doesn't have her makeup done. She doesn't bother with machines. She goes straight to the free weights after her warmup and spends the next hour or so going through a series of resistance workouts you typically don't see women doing, moving poundages that could give a lot of the guys a run for their money. Half the guys in the gym have massive crushes on her but nobody will approach her because the intensity with which she goes at her workouts gives off an air that says "OFF LIMITS! I'M HERE TO GET STUFF DONE!"

    Oh my gosh.. So me. All though I'm pretty sure the guys in the gym don't have massive crushes on me.

    I did this type of thing this morning.. Got my 5 min cardio warm up out of the way, and then went straight to the pull up/dip machine... Followed by hanging leg raises/walking lunges, bicep curls/shoulder press, and step ups/squats.. all with free weights. I got in and I got out.. No makeup and hair thrown back.. and I could care less what others were thinking.

    To OP:
    The gym guy that cracked me up, today was the bro in the smith machine. Did a rep, then would jump around, clap his hands and scream out YEA! and then proceeded to walk in a circle before doing another set.. I couldn't help but check him out in the mirror and laugh.