Why are you here? No, for real...



  • Triquetra
    Triquetra Posts: 270 Member
    For real......to get back at my ex, he left me for a gal fatter than me! I want to look smoking hot and meet a smoking hot man and get on with my life.:devil:

    Oops.....I mean because I looked int he mirror and didn't like what I saw (after all you are supposed to lose weight for yourself aren't you?):laugh:
  • coachblt
    coachblt Posts: 1,090
    My doctor told me to track my food intake, so that's what I'm doing. In the process, I'm losing weight, which is what he told me would happen.

    I got to this point about 2 years after a tragic situation occurred in my family. I gained a lot of weight, felt bad, looked bad and was in a downward spiral fast. I woke up one day, looked in the mirror and said "enough is enough. I'm ready now". So off to the doctor I went. Best move I've made in the last 2-3 years.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Im fat. I dont want to be fat. I am losing said fat.

  • losingitincollege
    losingitincollege Posts: 70 Member
    Some old birds in my family shattered the blinders over my eyes last holiday and I realized how much weight I'd put on.

    Didn't like the path I was headed down so I traded the burgers for salad, soda for water, and started working out. Best decision I've made. I still have 40lbs to go, but I can't wait to see how great I'll look when it's all said and done!

    Cheers :drinker:
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,810 Member
    I think what FINALLY got my butt in gear was looking at pictures of myself from this past Christmas and New Years, and realizing that all of my clothes were size L and that none of my pants fit me anymore. Before I had my son (who is now 5) I had never been the bigger friend, or been overweight, or anything. Looking at those pictures and realizing "Oh my God, I'm the fat friend!" I thought oh Heeeeellllll no, that's not gonna fly anymore.

    Then, it seems like the more vain motivators just started rolling in: we made plans to go to Las Vegas and I thought "Oh I'll be damned if I'm fat in Vegas!" Then our good friends' annual boat party was announced, so bikini time, then we decided to go to the beach for a weekend this summer, and then, the doozy: 10 year high school reunion.

    That's where my really ridiculous shallow high school girl brain took over. My bf and I graduated together: he was Mr. Popular, on the varsity baseball team, super good looking, had all the girls after him, and I was...well...the vice president of the show choir. Yeah. I wasn't exactly known for being the super pretty girl all the guys wanted to get with. I was known as that one girl who sings showtunes down the hallway all the time. So I decided that I'm going to totally knock everyone's socks off a the reunion and show those popular girls who wouldn't give me the time of day why the big man on campus picked me :smile: Those broads don't stand a chance.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I'd been kidding myself I was fit as I went to the gym and ran regularly, but I got out of breath bending over to put my shoes on. I had to "eat up" to a round number of 14 stones (196lbs) to be sufficiently horrified by my weight.

    Going through my clothes I thought most of them were size 16 (US size 12) which is the UK average and therefore "OK", but I went through them and realised most of them were size 18 and I'd been fooling myself they were from ranges that came up small...
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    I also did it to get the attention of a man who already had a girlfriend.

    is that ok? maybe I'm wrong, but that seems wrong
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I also did it to get the attention of a man who already had a girlfriend.

    is that ok? maybe I'm wrong, but that seems wrong

    I didn't throw myself at him. I just wanted him to notice me.
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I gained 50 pounds of pure fat when I quit smoking in 2008.
  • tcm118
    tcm118 Posts: 54
    I got jumpstarted from a horrifying picture at my future sister-in-law's wedding. I looked terrible, and I was DEFINITELY the fat friend there.

    On an even more shallow note, my ex-husband just married a 100-pound teenager and I need to feel better about myself...which means feeling sexy. That, and my future brother-in-law just married this horribly immature, psychotic girl who called me a fat b*tch. She's slowly gaining weight, while I'm losing it and getting hotter. That's my shallow motivation. I also want my fiance to rip my clothes off and lust after me regularly. :bigsmile:
  • littlemiss5foot1
    littlemiss5foot1 Posts: 75 Member
  • ipock
    ipock Posts: 33 Member
    Recently equalled the highest weight of my life after a rough patch with stress at school, job hunting, and home life. I'm about to turn 30 and want to get in the best shape of my life for my next big move and new job.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Well I have to admit that I've done a really good job at maintaining at healthy weight all my adult life. And I'm also a avid exerciser. And all this was working for me up until MENOPAUSE hit :grumble: Even though my weight stayed the same everything kind of shifted around and I started losing muscle. All the things I had done in the past didn't seem to work as well. I decided that I really needed to fine tune my diet and exercise program and really get 'scientific' if I wanted to see results. As luck would have it I ran across this website which is an awesome tool for this purpose!!!! I now feel like I'm winning the war on menopause:bigsmile:
  • mamakira
    mamakira Posts: 366
    I found myself too big on fotos. I saw pics from years ago and looked way slimmer then.

    I fly Ultralight and there is a maximum weight for pilot, petrol and luggage. I don´t want to get too close too that, otherwise I end up just taxiing around but not getting in the air anymore.:huh: :tongue:
  • rachaela06
    rachaela06 Posts: 167
    My two beautiful daughters would say I was jiggly and squishy!! I did not want to turn 40 being a jiggly mommy. I still have a lot of work, but now they like to punch my stomach and say, ooh it isn't squishy anymore.
  • stackhead
    stackhead Posts: 121 Member
    Because my flatmate is a size 10 (UK) and looks amazing and i'm incredibly jealous (damn good motivation though)... and i'd really like to not be the fat friend on nights out! ... and wear a dress without tights...and i'd love to feel good enough to make a comittment to the guy i'm dating, he deserves a girlfriend who isn't fat!

    Nice and honest :) Oh and for myself and to be healthy and whatnot...
  • stellaskies
    stellaskies Posts: 161 Member
    I wanna be tiny, but not in an unhealthy way don't get the wrong impression. I'm not really overweight so I get a lot of "why are you on a diet?" questions and I tell those jokers straight up that it's because I'm vain and want to have an amazing body. Shuts 'em up and it's a totally honest response.
  • SilviCor
    SilviCor Posts: 110 Member
    After a divorce, I took some time and realized that I was ready to meet someone new and start my life over. However, I knew that at my weight, I wasn't going to attract the kinda guys I wanted (guys who are fit!), and I knew that if I didn't love myself, how could I expect someone else to?

    So I decided to lose weight so that I can love myself and let myself be loved!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Okay, so a confession: In 13 months, I'll be going to a family reunion where I'll get to meet up with two of my first cousins who are almost exactly my age (all of us were born in December 1969). One of them regularly runs half-marathons and looks fantastic. The other just lost 50 pounds and is 110 lbs. soaking wet. All three of us look very much alike, though one is blond, one is brunette, and one is a redhead (that's me!). We're all of a similar height, similar build, and similar personality.

    I do NOT want to be the ONE that looks fat and frumpy when we're all three standing together. That is why I'm finally so very serious about losing this damn weight. I know, shallow reason, but it's my reason and it's getting my butt in motion. :angry:

    There. I feel better admitting that. I mean, sure, sure, I want to be healthy, too, and I want good blood pressure and blood sugar, and blah blah blah - but really, I just don't want to be "the one" that let herself go. :blushing:

    Now, pass the wine. :drinker:

    So, what finally made YOU take the plunge? Not the one you tell everyone ("I wanted to get healthy!" "I wanted my kids to look up to me!") I mean the other reason, the one buried deep inside that you know is shallow as hell but it worked. (I have nothing against the public reason, it's just... public. I'd rather hear the other reason(s), that's all.)

    You are not being shallow!!! What woman wouldn't want to looking awesome for an event! Just use this as a spring board to a new healthy lifestyle:flowerforyou:
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    Because when I was skinny, the fat people glared at me (ok, I don't know why my stupid manager made me work in the Women's World section when I worked for Macy's when I was a skinny 19 year old) and then I realized all the skinny people were treating me poorly. I saw a pic of myself a friend took, and was shocked at how fat I was. (oh why can't you see yourself as you really are in the mirror?)

    I'm getting there, slowly, but I'm getting there. (I'm noticing that more bigger girls glare at me than the skinny girls)