Dating someone different... did it change your type?



  • bhayes82
    bhayes82 Posts: 37
    My type changes every time I date someone new.

    What does it change into? A new penis. Good enough for me.

    Whoa, you're like King Midas, except instead of gold, things turn in to penises.

    That's impressive.
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I might be bringing back a dread thread but.....

    crisanderson27 is totally my type. Have you seen him in a darn cowboy hat? Jesus.... talk about handsome. It gets even better though, along with the looks, he's super sweet!

    If I had him I wouldnt change my type! :wink:



    My heart is all like "Awe. Sweetest thing ever." but my brain it like "this is ****in awesome." I think they both suffice.

    It's one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me...Callie is a pretty amazing girl in her own right (words don't quite cover it), and I'm thoroughly humbled that she said that about me.
  • LiteBrite007
    LiteBrite007 Posts: 294 Member
    I might be bringing back a dread thread but.....

    crisanderson27 is totally my type. Have you seen him in a darn cowboy hat? Jesus.... talk about handsome. It gets even better though, along with the looks, he's super sweet!

    If I had him I wouldnt change my type! :wink:



    My heart is all like "Awe. Sweetest thing ever." but my brain it like "this is ****in awesome." I think they both suffice.

    It's one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me...Callie is a pretty amazing girl in her own right (words don't quite cover it), and I'm thoroughly humbled that she said that about me.

    So now that I have diabetes are you two jerks gonna take care of me? :bigsmile: :heart:
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    I might be bringing back a dread thread but.....

    crisanderson27 is totally my type. Have you seen him in a darn cowboy hat? Jesus.... talk about handsome. It gets even better though, along with the looks, he's super sweet!

    If I had him I wouldnt change my type! :wink:



    My heart is all like "Awe. Sweetest thing ever." but my brain it like "this is ****in awesome." I think they both suffice.

    It's one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me...Callie is a pretty amazing girl in her own right (words don't quite cover it), and I'm thoroughly humbled that she said that about me.

    So now that I have diabetes are you two jerks gonna take care of me? :bigsmile: :heart: first I was like...'wth??'...then it was lightbulbs and a laugh out loud =p.

    Sure will lol :).
  • LiteBrite007
    LiteBrite007 Posts: 294 Member

    THAT IS EPIC!!!!
  • LiteBrite007
    LiteBrite007 Posts: 294 Member
    I might be bringing back a dread thread but.....

    crisanderson27 is totally my type. Have you seen him in a darn cowboy hat? Jesus.... talk about handsome. It gets even better though, along with the looks, he's super sweet!

    If I had him I wouldnt change my type! :wink:



    My heart is all like "Awe. Sweetest thing ever." but my brain it like "this is ****in awesome." I think they both suffice.

    It's one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me...Callie is a pretty amazing girl in her own right (words don't quite cover it), and I'm thoroughly humbled that she said that about me.

    So now that I have diabetes are you two jerks gonna take care of me? :bigsmile: :heart: first I was like...'wth??'...then it was lightbulbs and a laugh out loud =p.

    Sure will lol :).


    That is EPIC!!!!
  • k2quiere
    k2quiere Posts: 4,151 Member
    I just feel the need to state that I like my vanilla topped with chocolate or caramel, although both at the same time is a fantasy!
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    I was always attracted to guys with shorter hair, and all of my relationships were with clean cut guys until I met and married my husband, who is a musician with a beard and mustache, and longer hair than me! We're not together anymore, but I do find myself attracted to guys with longer hair now, as well as shorter.
  • nas24
    nas24 Posts: 880 Member
    Ah, stereotypes. Glad to see they're alive and well.

    My type: women who can think beyond the kind of outfit a man wears.

    i heart this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:heart:
  • CallieM15
    CallieM15 Posts: 910 Member
    I might be bringing back a dread thread but.....

    crisanderson27 is totally my type. Have you seen him in a darn cowboy hat? Jesus.... talk about handsome. It gets even better though, along with the looks, he's super sweet!

    If I had him I wouldnt change my type! :wink:



    My heart is all like "Awe. Sweetest thing ever." but my brain it like "this is ****in awesome." I think they both suffice.

    It's one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me...Callie is a pretty amazing girl in her own right (words don't quite cover it), and I'm thoroughly humbled that she said that about me.

    So now that I have diabetes are you two jerks gonna take care of me? :bigsmile: :heart: first I was like...'wth??'...then it was lightbulbs and a laugh out loud =p.

    Sure will lol :).

    Ahah, Ill take care of you. Im an amazing cook :)

    Cris is like the man who walked out of my dreams, except he walked out into Arizona. :sad:
  • shellebelle87
    shellebelle87 Posts: 291 Member
    this is going to make me sound like a man *kitten*....


    Country girls
    Gothic girl
    Rich Chick
    Party girl
    a lesbian couple
    a couple Black ladies
    some very religious christian chicks
    a couple random undefinable ones

    and how could I almost forget the stripper

    Married a tom boy

    A lesbian couple? As in both girls? One girl? Not trying to be a perve but I'm curious hahah :laugh: I dont get how it works
  • kimberly702
    kimberly702 Posts: 369 Member
    I'm married to my high school bf (11 yrs together!) and I've actually TURNED him into a country boy! When we met he was the BMX/skateboarder type, listened to punk rock and the first time I brought him home (I grew up on a cattle ranch) he talked about the "cows" bein' in their "cages"! Now he's a boots/Wrangler jeans wearin', country music listenin', regular cow puncher!! He's workin' with my daddy now on the ranch and even talks about runnin' his own herd of cattle! Never woulda thought! :)
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I'm Hispanic & always been attracted to Hispanic men (read: the mestizos) but I once dated an Indian guy who is a Christian. He was super nice guy, only problem was the cultural differences & although we clicked but that difference still prevailed. Never been attracted to white guys before but my current boyfriend is a white Spaniard (yes Spaniards are Hispanics too but like I said I never been attracted to white guys before)

    I don't think my preferences have changed but those experiences made me more open to dating anybody.
  • bazaar1982
    bazaar1982 Posts: 159 Member
    don't have a type really - the guy MUST be taller than me (I'm six foot), once dated a guy a similar height (a little shorter) than me, and he used to ask me to walk in the road so he could look taller than me!! (that relationship didn't last long!)

    I have to admit the texan accent makes me melt....but there is limited texans in rural yorkshire......but one can dream
  • marketdimlylit
    marketdimlylit Posts: 1,601 Member
    In a way. I liked guys with a rock-ish style to them.
    Dated a guy from London, the complete opposite,
    now we're talking about getting married and have a daughter :)
  • foodfight247
    foodfight247 Posts: 767 Member
    No, but come to think of it, most of the guys I've dated / had relationships with have been taller, muscular and looked a little devilish! lol. Seriously, the majority have been tough looking guys into the rock / metal scene or into bikes. Having said that I've had relationships with a few "middle of the road" guys. My current relationship having lasted 15 years on and off. Regrettably, this really is over now.

    Another thing, a number of the above mentioned guys have had issues BUT deep down have been great guys. There's been the odd exception like one of my ex's was rather over protective - wouldn't allow me to dress up / look feminine, didn't like me seeing my friends and was the type who said women are for the kitchen and men work on cars etc....NO. But, in saying that, It's not put me off going for the tough looking guys again. Everyone's personality & character is different. No point judging a group of people based on one bad experience.

    Now, as I've got older and wiser (I hope), I still like those "rough & ready" kinda guys, but really it doesn't matter. If I'm attracted to someone that's totally not like my previous guys, then great. Bring it on and we'll take it from there (not that I'm in a position to now or indeed looking to dive straight into another relationship right now - Totally Wrong. Need time on my own first and regain my inner strength and beauty). :-)
  • JulieH3art
    JulieH3art Posts: 293 Member
    My type: Dark haired, musical, appreciates art and literature, sometimes moody like me, sarcastic.
    My boyfriend: Blonde, athletic, happy, responsible. But he does like books a lot.

    All I'm saying is - I'm so thankful for what my other half brings to the table. If there were two of me in this relationship (moody, darker, prone to thinking about things I read or listen to), it would never work. Our differences make us stronger and it expands our comfort zones.
  • jwc101
    jwc101 Posts: 39 Member
    Been around the
  • Perfectdiamonds1
    Perfectdiamonds1 Posts: 347 Member
  • BlueDahlia77
    As someone who also has a weakness for rugged country boys, I must say that your man is FIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE.

    Well played, Lady. Well. Played.