Body by Vi Visalus Shakes



  • redshoeshelley
    redshoeshelley Posts: 206 Member
    funny thing just happened ... I googled BrettPGH and what do I see?
    A link which reads MFP's MEANEST!

    True story bro.

    Seriously? You can't defend the product so you're resulting to personal attacking. Classy.

    Simply proving a point. No attack.
    When someone insinuates that Google analytics have been manipulated to benefit BBV, I had to prove my point.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    I'm just going to leave this here. Read it all.

    By the way Brett isn't being mean.

    Another blog.
    No fact.
    Simply opinion.

    You just proved you didn't read it. He walks you through each ingredient. It isn't a review on how well it works or doesn't work, it's a review from someone who knows what the ingredients are.

    "Unless you have proven scientific literature and documentation (other than what you have been told by someone selling the product, or video on the Visalus website/youtube) that this shake is all natural, isoflavone free, uses whole food vitamins, and is more than just hype…then please don’t bother contacting me to debate. This post is the conclusions I have come to after months of researching these products. I personally eat green fed meat… Yet the only way I know its green fed is to actually see the cows eating the grass myself until then all we know is what we “have been told”."
  • redshoeshelley
    redshoeshelley Posts: 206 Member
    Can't we just go back to talking about good ole HCG? mmmmmmmm:devil:

    Works for me.

    I'm pregnant - I can help you with HCG :)

    Now THAT is funny !! :laugh:
  • DeanneLea
    DeanneLea Posts: 261
    Hey. I love it. They taste like the nectar of the gods and since I started drinking them I have lost 280 cholesterol has dropped , blood sugar is amazing, I lost the hair from my chest and back and gained it on my head. I also grew 3" taller....It's amazing. PM me if you have any questions or want me to help you get started.
    Kidding. It's crap. Don't waste your money. Get some protein and a multi.

    Thank you for this! I needed a good laugh today! :D
  • Sunny_Sunflower
    Sunny_Sunflower Posts: 136 Member
    I can see this getting interesting \m/

    Can I join you with my popcorn and Laz-Boy?
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    Sent you a PM , have to be careful of the BBV reps floating around on the site peddling their wares.

    I peddle my wares because IT WORKS !! I wouldn't be doing it if it didn't.
    Google the hell out of the company, I dare you.

    Lactose and gluten free and safe for diabetics, children and nursing moms ... just a few of the hilights!

    Want more information about the shakes? Inbox me and I'll gladly share with you. :flowerforyou:

    ViSalus isn't meeting the competition, we're CRUSHING it!
    For those of you looking at competitor companies ... do your due diligence.
    There are companies that are leading the way and those that are following!
    There is only one Health and Fitness Challenge which also happens to be the NUMBER 1 fastest growing Home Based Business in North America, and it's breaking all the industry records.

    Haters gonna hate :wink:

    It's lactose free until you ad milk to it lol.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    And now it heals the sick...

    You all disgust me. I'm done.

    never said it cured the sick.. i said it is helping a sick child i know get better.. what is healing him is the medicine etc.. what is helping him gain weight and keep food in his system and his drs are promoting is body by vi...

    of course you are done..that is what people do when they cant defend there statements.

    Fine sucker me back in for one last pointless, bs debate about your precious shakes...

    How are they helping the sick, dying boy gain weight if you're recommending them to everyone else for weight loss?

    Really I'm done. You and the other one are just putting me in an awful mood and making me want to smoke.
  • redshoeshelley
    redshoeshelley Posts: 206 Member
    I'm just going to leave this here. Read it all.

    By the way Brett isn't being mean.

    Another blog.
    No fact.
    Simply opinion.

    You just proved you didn't read it. He walks you through each ingredient. It isn't a review on how well it works or doesn't work, it's a review from someone who knows what the ingredients are.

    "Unless you have proven scientific literature and documentation (other than what you have been told by someone selling the product, or video on the Visalus website/youtube) that this shake is all natural, isoflavone free, uses whole food vitamins, and is more than just hype…then please don’t bother contacting me to debate. This post is the conclusions I have come to after months of researching these products. I personally eat green fed meat… Yet the only way I know its green fed is to actually see the cows eating the grass myself until then all we know is what we “have been told”."

    I appreciate the link however, who is "he" ??
    A Fitness and Nutrition Coach.
    I don't see "Dr" here anywhere.
    There are a bazillion blogs on the net full of opinions and not necessarily facts.
    Facts are facts.
    Opinions are well, merely opinions. As are those expressed here.
  • Sunny_Sunflower
    Sunny_Sunflower Posts: 136 Member
    "you people" ...
    oh please, spare me the "sugar" crap.
    And the insinuation that BBV is in control of Google analytics .... LMAO !!!
    You're probably the type of guy who wears a tinfoil helmet to protect yourself from the government spies ...
    I can clearly see that your ego is bigger than your brain.

    See I'm not attacking you. I'm attacking the company you work for that has you here trying to push your shakes on people.

    It's not going to work. MFP is all about losing weight in a healthy and sustainable way. Body By Vi has no part in that.

    funny thing just happened ... I googled BrettPGH and what do I see?
    A link which reads MFP's MEANEST!

    True story bro.

    First he's not your bro and it's sad you stole that from the 90's please return it. Second, this is what I got when I googled Brett :

    Hottest Geek/Nerd on MFP | 1 msf74 1 weightloss123 1 Kayleesays 1 Coryida 1 kapeluza 1 WifeNmama 1 Sarahbara76 1 Harpercutie 1 Codergal 1 Ket_th_jet 1 Martin_Kaine 1

    Try again dear. I may use BBV as a supplement when I am on the go but I will agree with Brett that the proper answer to the inquiry that started this thread is the following: It is delicious, I would not recommend it, eat healthy, THE END!
  • greasygriddle_wechnage
    greasygriddle_wechnage Posts: 246 Member
    where's Acg when you need him... ??????? :frown:
  • noirnatural
    noirnatural Posts: 310 Member
    Sent you a PM , have to be careful of the BBV reps floating around on the site peddling their wares.

    I peddle my wares because IT WORKS !! I wouldn't be doing it if it didn't.
    Google the hell out of the company, I dare you.

    Lactose and gluten free and safe for diabetics, children and nursing moms ... just a few of the hilights!

    Want more information about the shakes? Inbox me and I'll gladly share with you. :flowerforyou:

    ViSalus isn't meeting the competition, we're CRUSHING it!
    For those of you looking at competitor companies ... do your due diligence.
    There are companies that are leading the way and those that are following!
    There is only one Health and Fitness Challenge which also happens to be the NUMBER 1 fastest growing Home Based Business in North America, and it's breaking all the industry records.

    Haters gonna hate :wink:

    You can say that again, im not hatin, what ever works for you do it! I looked at the company because my sister in law uses the product , she looks amazing so...its helped her to some extent.
  • Kidsrn23
    Kidsrn23 Posts: 45 Member
    Ok I read all the other posts...I do use BBV shakes. That being said, I compared the ingredients on my powder with my husbands that he bought at GNC. Except for the type of protien used they are about the same. For me it is just easy on a busy day to do 1 or 2 shakes. But in the is still calories in vs. calories out.
  • almc170
    almc170 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Hard to be helpful when you can't see the truth through shades of negativity.
    Research prevails.
    There IS something special about it. If you did your research you would understand that.
    Go ahead, make it at home. It would cost you a fortune to get the nutrient content out of regular food that you get in one nutritional shake. (Proven fact) If you did your research you would understand that.
    It's not sold in stores for a reason. If you did your research you would understand that.
    You're not forced into monthly shipments. If you did your research you would understand that.

    Seems like there's alot about this company and the products that you don't understand ...

    Did I mention that doing your research is very beneficial?

    I love it when you people say "research". You know what comes up in a Google search. BBV has made certain of it already.

    Not my first rodeo sugar. I see through you people like used Neutrogena. Now shoo fly.

    "you people" ...
    oh please, spare me the "sugar" crap.
    And the insinuation that BBV is in control of Google analytics .... LMAO !!!
    You're probably the type of guy who wears a tinfoil helmet to protect yourself from the government spies ...
    I can clearly see that your ego is bigger than your brain.
    Actually, influencing search engine results is a fairly common online marketing tactic. And judging by the crap that came up when I googled BBV, they're almost certainly employing it widely.
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 835 Member
    I do use it, but as a meal when I'm on my bike or hiking because I can mix it up in a bottle of water or Gatorade and is tastes pretty good. The soy power does not upset my stomach and I can drink it out of the bottle which can be easily stored in my hydropack or bottle holder. I have never used it for weight loss or joined the challenge. Just the best tasting powder that I can find for a on the bike/hike meal to keep my energy level up.
  • ChristiH4000
    ChristiH4000 Posts: 531 Member
    Attention Snake Oil Scammers: No thank you! Now please go back to ripping off your friends and family and stop trying to push your snake oil on MFP like it's the best thing since sliced bread.
    You disgust me with your garbled brainwashed "facts".

    For people that use the snake oil: It's fine. It won't kill you, but it also won't do anything that proper diet and exercise already would do. If you believe that it will, I'm afraid you've already drank the snake oil kool aid.

    I bid you all a good day.
  • jaxandmaksmom
    jaxandmaksmom Posts: 262 Member
    I'm just going to leave this here. Read it all.

    By the way Brett isn't being mean.

    Another blog.
    No fact.
    Simply opinion.

    You just proved you didn't read it. He walks you through each ingredient. It isn't a review on how well it works or doesn't work, it's a review from someone who knows what the ingredients are.

    "Unless you have proven scientific literature and documentation (other than what you have been told by someone selling the product, or video on the Visalus website/youtube) that this shake is all natural, isoflavone free, uses whole food vitamins, and is more than just hype…then please don’t bother contacting me to debate. This post is the conclusions I have come to after months of researching these products. I personally eat green fed meat… Yet the only way I know its green fed is to actually see the cows eating the grass myself until then all we know is what we “have been told”."

    I appreciate the link however, who is "he" ??
    A Fitness and Nutrition Coach.
    I don't see "Dr" here anywhere.
    There are a bazillion blogs on the net full of opinions and not necessarily facts.
    Facts are facts.
    Opinions are well, merely opinions. As are those expressed here.

    i in turn have read it.

    i have found documentation to deter from his statements regarding the soy protein that he states is so bad for you

    he also in this article says tofu is bad for you

    he also say whey protein is bad for you

    he is basiclly saying everything is bad for you..

    i have only gotten through the begining of the article and have found many diffrent statements that again are his view and his beliefs which is the beauty of this world... we are all entitled to our own and to have the right to use what we want and do what we want..

    I am still reading but so far.. he is contridicted after a two second search on his first fact.

    I appreciate it though and will contiue to read
  • redshoeshelley
    redshoeshelley Posts: 206 Member
    And now it heals the sick...

    You all disgust me. I'm done.

    never said it cured the sick.. i said it is helping a sick child i know get better.. what is healing him is the medicine etc.. what is helping him gain weight and keep food in his system and his drs are promoting is body by vi...

    of course you are done..that is what people do when they cant defend there statements.

    Fine sucker me back in for one last pointless, bs debate about your precious shakes...

    How are they helping the sick, dying boy gain weight if you're recommending them to everyone else for weight loss?

    Really I'm done. You and the other one are just putting me in an awful mood and making me want to smoke.

    For the record, it's a nutritional shake.
    Can be used as part of a weight loss or fitness program.
    But if you did your due diligence before flying off the handle, you'd know that.
  • aj_31
    aj_31 Posts: 999 Member
    I can see this getting interesting \m/

    Can I join you with my popcorn and Laz-Boy?

    I want in on the popcorn.
  • noirnatural
    noirnatural Posts: 310 Member
    eat hard.period.


    if only it were that simple....
  • Sunny_Sunflower
    Sunny_Sunflower Posts: 136 Member
    I can see this getting interesting \m/

    Can I join you with my popcorn and Laz-Boy?

    I want in on the popcorn.

    What kind of popcorn? Extra salt lol
This discussion has been closed.