Does anyone eat whatever they want just within calories?



  • amymarie8709
    amymarie8709 Posts: 329 Member
    I don't deny myself anything. I just don't overindulge. I'm also at maintenance. I did cut out more fast food "junk", sweets and snacks. I barely eat fast food now. Don't really miss it either. Always feel like crap after, so why put myself through that.
  • Yes2HealthyAriel
    Yes2HealthyAriel Posts: 453 Member
    I don't. I make conscious decisions regarding the healthfulness of everything I eat. For me that's part of the "lifestyle" versus "diet" part. I am fueling my body, and trying to do it well.

    Granted, I didn't adopt that sort of thinking til i was in my mid 30s...

    I am exactly the same, and didnt adopt the thinking till 30's also
  • TheLongRunner
    TheLongRunner Posts: 688 Member
    I kinda did in the beginning. I ate things I wanted within reason....and always stayed in my calorie range. When I started adding more exercise, it was almost like my body started craving healthier things. I have noticed that the healthier I eat (and the less processed) the more I lose.
  • jodazary
    jodazary Posts: 144 Member
    i do eat what i want within the calorie limit however i find that the more weight i loose and the better i feel that i look my cravings for sweets has all be disappeared last night at work they were eating cookies normally i would have had 4 or 5 i ate 1 and didnt want anymore and with summer time here bring on the watermelon and cantaloupes i love fresh fruit
  • turlykerd1
    turlykerd1 Posts: 54 Member
    NO !!!

    White MEat and feckin salad

    white wine over the weekend
  • Yes2HealthyAriel
    Yes2HealthyAriel Posts: 453 Member
    So I wonder for those who continue to eat unhealthy choices; as long as it is under their calorie goal will have continued success not only here but in keeping that weight off for life? I'm sorry but if you don't make some sort of change in the type of food you eat; you are setting yourself up for failure later.

    I totally agree with you. When the weight is off they will think oh I can eat more now and those unhealthy fatty, high sodium food will make them gain the weight all back. It isnt just about losing weight, it is about making a lifestyle change. Without a change you are not going to be very successful.
  • littlelily613
    littlelily613 Posts: 769 Member
    If my goal was simply to lose weight, then I would do this. My goal is to become healthy though, so I try to make healthy choices rather than just staying below calorie goal.
  • fatgirlslove
    fatgirlslove Posts: 614 Member
    me...but its hard to eat whatever I want and still be under in sodium, carbs and fat so I take it easy.
  • tialynn1
    tialynn1 Posts: 884 Member
    I am doing that to a certain degree. But, what i have done is when I eat a snack, I try to have something healthier than what I had before. Such as for snacks, instead of potato chips-I eat multigrain tortilla chips, for ice cream fix- I have either skinny cow ice cream or klondike 100 calorie ice cream bar.
    The biggest thing I have done is eat healthier breakfasts and lunches, so I can do better.
  • lilyvale68
    lilyvale68 Posts: 96 Member
    I do that with the exception of making sure I get over 100 grams of protein a day.
  • stefanieceleste0530
    stefanieceleste0530 Posts: 177 Member
    I pretty much eat whatever I want, as long as I stay within my calories. I have made some changes in what I eat, and I often think I want something until I look at the calorie/fat content, but I know if I deny myself things that I like just because it's "not healthy" I will fail at what I'm trying to do. And I refuse to eat something that I don't like (fish) just because it's supposed to be healthy.
  • mlewon
    mlewon Posts: 343 Member
    I don't. I make conscious decisions regarding the healthfulness of everything I eat. For me that's part of the "lifestyle" versus "diet" part. I am fueling my body, and trying to do it well.

    this. this this this.
  • all the time.... i love food and i am not gonna a let a diet get in my way of trying new foods or the foods i already love.
  • peace_pigeon
    peace_pigeon Posts: 120 Member
    Yes and no. I do eat whatever I want, but what I want is healthy. I see food as fuel and almost as medicine as well. With an auto-immune issue and being in training for a pretty big athletic challenge, I want to eat foods that will help me on my way. I feel so much better and stronger when I eat really well, get enough protein and tons of fruit and veggies. If I want a treat, I make it healthy as well as tasty (lots of good recipies to be found on here!).
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    I absolutely do. Whatever I want. That's how I stick with it. Calories are calories, and it's transformed my body and my life. If I want to splurge my calories on a chicken pot pie, then I will. If I need chocolate, I save calories for chocolate. It is a lifestyle change and feeling deprived or having unsatisfied cravings isn't going to get me where I want to be because I'll give up.

    I don't look at my watch every day and think "Can I stop dieting yet"? because this isn't a diet. It's the way I am now.

    It makes absolutely no sense to forbid yourself anything you crave if you stay within your calorie goals.
  • tldust
    tldust Posts: 103 Member
    I eat what I want as long as it's within my calories. But you will find that if you eat healthier, lighter foods, you can eat more frequently and feel better. And certain foods just aren't worth the calories. You have to ask yourself, "Is it worth it?" "Does this really taste good?" "Why am I eating this?" I still use half & half and sugar in my coffee. I still use real butter. I'm just more conscious of portions. If I'm craving a naughty dessert, I still make that pie or cake, but I take out 1 piece, feed another to the dog and then bring it to someone else's house. Sharing helps:O)
  • chachita7
    chachita7 Posts: 996 Member
    At first that was exactly what I did... ate whatever but in moderation - I started however making little changes here and there, very slowly <--- as you do that new habits start forming, new found likes and dislikes and it makes it easier. Not everyone can go from food junkie to food saint over night... watch your sodium intake, fat intake and make sure the food you are eating is not loaded with carbs -- calories is not the only thing that you need to be focused in... you should focus a more on the quality of calories consumed rather than the quantity.
  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    I know I would probably lose more faster if I didn't do this but I eat whatever I want just stay under my calories is that ok? Does anyone else do this? I feel like if I don't eat what I want I give up early and easier.

    Not everything I want. There are a number of things I actually wish I could eat but I can't because my stomach reacts badly to them. I continue to eat 3-4 things that I like very much and will never give up. But I don't eat them every day. My original goal for joining MFP was to lose weight. But after I reached that goal in Feb, I decided to improve my health further, get stronger, and reduce my body fat percentage.

    I never feel like I am a slave to my food choices, though. I really do enjoy what I eat every day because I am a good cook and I love preparing every meal.
  • DoozerDMB
    DoozerDMB Posts: 129 Member
    I have days like that... but for the most part I make very conscious decisions about what I am eating. I am trying to teach my mind and body that I can't live on junk alone.... so fruits and veggies are finding their way in :)
  • Hi, I am a real fussy eater, so to try and change my eating habits would be difficult, and yes like you I expect it would lead to me giving up on my monitoring of my food intake. I still eat what ever I want albeit within the parameters of my targets. Occaisionally I go over on one or the other but overall it seems to be working well. 19lbs weight loss in approx 7 weeks. Keep up what you are doing it does work. .....Good luck.
