I find this inconsiderate



  • a_gift_to_myself
    There are A LOT of rude people on this website...:grumble:
  • allisonmrn
    allisonmrn Posts: 721 Member
    I agree It does not bother me to answer the same question a hundred times if it helps one person then its worth it to me

  • Toddrific
    Toddrific Posts: 1,114 Member
    I think these forums would work a lot better if they stickied the most frequently asked questions or some nice user guides to most frequently asked questions.

    The correct answers shouldn't change for many of the questions and therefore shouldn't require a new thread every two hours.

    As far as getting a personal response from the community, well ask a more specific question?
  • ki4yxo
    ki4yxo Posts: 709 Member
    This forum moves faster than a guy on top!
    Seriously, when I come back in 5 minutes,
    I'll be shocked if this thread hasn't jumped
    up by 5 pages with quotes quoting quotes
    from last year.....
  • bradthemedic
    bradthemedic Posts: 623 Member
    People are idiots. That's why.
  • tracyjoys
    tracyjoys Posts: 69 Member
    If you don't have something nice to say...doesn't the golden rule apply to the internet as well? IMHO

    I agree - zip it if you can't be helpful or productive. :heart:
  • HungerGame82
    HungerGame82 Posts: 41 Member
    OK, here's something that bothers me.
    These message boards are meant to be helpful to people on a journey to fitness. I have seen this happen countless times on here (and other weight loss boards, ie. weight watchers, ect.) Somebody will post a question that has been answered in the past. Some will answer it. But others will become annoyed or snarky - stating with great exasperation how this has been answered before, and "here we go AGAIN."
    Why must people do this? Not everybody started their journeys at the same time as said person. People who say that should perhaps move on to myfitnesspal for the over-evolved ego. (MFP-OEE.)
    Just my pet peeve for the day.
    Sorry if this has been posted before.
    Heck yes!! Rude!! Glad you said it.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I don't even think the search button needs to come into play with a lot of the topics. If the newbies would just take some time to read some threads on the first page or two, it may help them shape a more reasonable question rather then just throw out a help question. I understand needing help or having questions about things you don't understand completely.

    The thing that gets me most is when two or three topics on the first page have the EXACT same title.
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    I don't post the angry/snarky responses, but I definitely understand the frustration. To me, there are a few reasons.

    In the case of certain threads, there has clearly been NO attempt whatsoever to look at the boards at all before posting. It doesn't even require the search function (which people seem to be unaware of for some reason) for some topics because they are always on the first page of the board, such as "TOM" posts (and there are often several per day). It's rather irritating that someone will come to the board and just start posting things without making any effort to see what's going on, how the community is, or what people are talking about. Lurk a little first.

    In other cases, it's very hard to believe that someone is asking a genuine question. When I see a post about someone eating 20 calories over their goal or asking if it's okay to eat a single serving of candy (yes, I have seen both topics), I think that that person is looking for attention and for people to tell them how great they're doing. Bragging disguised as self-deprecation seems to be universally annoying to people.
  • jesspi68
    jesspi68 Posts: 292
    The forum guidelines actually encourage repeat questions.
    We explicitly allow members to post questions that have been asked previously by other members. If you see a member post a topic that you think has been asked before by another member, please respond politely or simply move on. However, the same member cannot ask the same question or post the same topic more than once.

    This. All other opinions are now invalid. :tongue:

  • jesspi68
    jesspi68 Posts: 292
    I personally wouldn't say it (and I'm not on the forum enough to see repeated threads keep coming up anyway), but I do sort of understand the frustration of people that post on here a lot and see the same questions over and over again. Although, I've never used the search function on this board, so if it's *kitten*, then I can't really blame the question posters at all.

    Here's my argument for this, because I hear this a lot.
    We should not be expected to use the search option. The people who originally posted the questions got the benefit of a conversation - direct answers to their questions by real people. The new people could certainly look up those old questions, but then it would be answers to someone else's question, in effect making this a database instead of a community. New people should get the same joy of putting out a question and seeing responses by people that care.
    Old people should realize that the new people want that same experience and not expect them to just look up their old history.

    Exactly this, I use the search function but it is kind of disappointing when I am commenting on an old, old thread and find that no one else is gonna join in...
  • RonSwanson66
    RonSwanson66 Posts: 1,150 Member
    I don't post the angry/snarky responses, but I definitely understand the frustration. To me, there are a few reasons.

    In the case of certain threads, there has clearly been NO attempt whatsoever to look at the boards at all before posting. It doesn't even require the search function (which people seem to be unaware of for some reason) for some topics because they are always on the first page of the board, such as "TOM" posts (and there are often several per day). It's rather irritating that someone will come to the board and just start posting things without making any effort to see what's going on, how the community is, or what people are talking about. Lurk a little first.

    In other cases, it's very hard to believe that someone is asking a genuine question. When I see a post about someone eating 20 calories over their goal or asking if it's okay to eat a single serving of candy (yes, I have seen both topics), I think that that person is looking for attention and for people to tell them how great they're doing. Bragging disguised as self-deprecation seems to be universally annoying to people.

    This exactly.

    The search function on this site is not very good, so I don't expect new posters to be able to find answers to their questions there. But looking through the first page or two before asking questions is not too much to ask. When there are already three or four threads on the first page titled with your exact question, you don't need to start a new thread.

    Learning a new topic is a two way process. The knowledgeable posters didn't get that way from having all of their information spoon-fed to them, and they expect the same from those they are passing their information on to.

    Too many threads are a detriment to everyone who wants to expand their knowledge. Step away from the forum for an hour or two, and a new or interesting topic that was posted in your absence will have been lost in a sea of "Does this count as Water?"'s
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I personally wouldn't say it (and I'm not on the forum enough to see repeated threads keep coming up anyway), but I do sort of understand the frustration of people that post on here a lot and see the same questions over and over again. Although, I've never used the search function on this board, so if it's *kitten*, then I can't really blame the question posters at all.

    Here's my argument for this, because I hear this a lot.
    We should not be expected to use the search option. The people who originally posted the questions got the benefit of a conversation - direct answers to their questions by real people. The new people could certainly look up those old questions, but then it would be answers to someone else's question, in effect making this a database instead of a community. New people should get the same joy of putting out a question and seeing responses by people that care.
    Old people should realize that the new people want that same experience and not expect them to just look up their old history.

    I agree with this wholeheartedly. Very well said!!
  • jhudnal5
    jhudnal5 Posts: 3
    It doesn't bother me really but I know the reasoning the moderators and others want you to search before posting. It is because it helps keep the "board" and the "Internet" tidy. When we only have one thread about a topic it makes it easier for others to find it. The search engines that index the boards dont have a dozens and hundreds and eventually if left unkept thousands of threads all over about the same thing that some may have great information on the topic while others dont it makes it hard to find your information.

    just my 2 cents.

    P.S. It doesnt bother me that people do ask the same things or start the same topics previously covered because we are all human, we all have our own experiences and we all dont know the answers to every question including why you should search first before starting anew topic to see if it has been covered already. People are people, we are not machines its the beauty of life actually. If we all were the same or acted the same or new all the answers or the etiquette we would be computers and they have no character...
  • gpstrucker
    gpstrucker Posts: 930 Member
    I notice that most legit questions are answered politely and considerately and it's the dimmer people who get the negative responses.

    Yes, you are quite right. It's not like the "dimmer people" need to learn or anything. They should just remain fat and out of shape and not bother everyone else with their quest to improve themselves.
  • bm99
    bm99 Posts: 597 Member
    I notice that most legit questions are answered politely and considerately and it's the dimmer people who get the negative responses.

    Yes, you are quite right. It's not like the "dimmer people" need to learn or anything. They should just remain fat and out of shape and not bother everyone else with their quest to improve themselves.

    When someone posts a question that is just spectacularly lacking in common sense, then I expect they will fail anyway. A large part of the weight loss process is educating yourself and while a site full of smarty pantses like this one can be an excellent resource, you must take the initiative and learn yourself. The people who come here and ask the dumbest questions they can think of are the same ones who will realize a healthier life can't be handed to them and they'll flit away to an easier fad diet.

    And I am talking about the REALLY stupid questions, not just the ones asked over and over. You know them when you see them.
  • gogophers
    gogophers Posts: 190 Member
    I notice that most legit questions are answered politely and considerately and it's the dimmer people who get the negative responses.

    Yes, you are quite right. It's not like the "dimmer people" need to learn or anything. They should just remain fat and out of shape and not bother everyone else with their quest to improve themselves.

    I'm not sure how we're defining "dimmer people", but if people provide free advice and the poster is rude to them (note that disagreeing DOES NOT equal rude), I think the poster deserves to be ripped a new one.
  • LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo
    LaMujerMasBonitaDelMundo Posts: 3,634 Member
    I would only say it if it come from the very same person asking the very same question otherwise I would answer it the best I could based on my own experiences.

    And I agree that it is mean & rude to say that especially to a newbie.
  • mustangmama3
    mustangmama3 Posts: 173 Member
    I agree It does not bother me to answer the same question a hundred times if it helps one person then its worth it to me
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    I personally wouldn't say it (and I'm not on the forum enough to see repeated threads keep coming up anyway), but I do sort of understand the frustration of people that post on here a lot and see the same questions over and over again. Although, I've never used the search function on this board, so if it's *kitten*, then I can't really blame the question posters at all.

    Here's my argument for this, because I hear this a lot.
    We should not be expected to use the search option. The people who originally posted the questions got the benefit of a conversation - direct answers to their questions by real people. The new people could certainly look up those old questions, but then it would be answers to someone else's question, in effect making this a database instead of a community. New people should get the same joy of putting out a question and seeing responses by people that care.
    Old people should realize that the new people want that same experience and not expect them to just look up their old history.

    Yes, with you on this! Anyway, the longer standing members don't have to respond, they can just ignore - no need to get arsy