"10 Pounds At A Time Challenge"



  • dldodson75
    We need a roll call. Is someone going to make a list at our Nov weigh in of all of our group and our totals.
    That would be cool I think.

    I had a yummy breakfast today.
    1 Thomas better start light multi grain english muffin toasted and
    spread 1 wedge of laughing cow cheese light french onion
    yummy! It tastes fattening.

    Hope everyone has a great day!

    Sounds yummy :tongue: Will have to try that I love the laughing cow cheese light french onion!!! It does taste fattening and just a bit sinful :devil:
  • dawna11723
    Hey everybody i am fairly new to the site and have tried everything. On November 1st i plan on joining you .guys right now my weight is 245 i have only lost 3 lbs i work out 4x a week at curves.i will weigh in @ curves (thier scale is more accurate)on Nov.2nd good luck ya'll keep this challenge up and i will chat with you then
  • silvertears
    silvertears Posts: 106 Member
    Gooooood Morning!!!

    I'm so much more energetic today than I have been in about a week and a half. I need to remember to pack my gym bag tonight for the morning. My husband works nights and is off on Th and F, and I don't always work out when he's home so I need to drag my booty to the gym in the AM before work. I have gotten him to work out with me a few times. on his nights off, and it would be fun to watch Jillian Michaels kick his butt.... :laugh: We'll see. :wink:

    Everyone have a great Wednesday and behave :bigsmile:
  • kalibsmom
    kalibsmom Posts: 58 Member
    Hi everyone! I did really well with calories yesterday...but just can't seem to find the time or energy for a workout!!! This has to change I have to get back into the routine of making myself at least once if not twice a day! Anyways hope everyone has a GREAT losing day :bigsmile:
  • shereewilson77
    I want to join too. I just signed up today, I need all the motivation I can get.:smile:
  • rob_in_wisc
    Morning everyone.

    Welcome to all the newbies.

    Good day yesterday. Right on my calories and 30 minutes swimming and 25 minutes jogging.

    Keep up the good work, only 4 days till weigh in.

  • haley4tn
    haley4tn Posts: 130
    Last few days we need to really crank up the heat, little cuts can make you a Bigger LOSER:

    - Park in the last parking spot instead of closer to the store or work
    - Plan you day out the night before so you don't cram extra calories when your rushing in the morning
    - Instead of a full cup of serving, do 3/4 cup or 1/2 cup
    - Change out a snack like 100 calorie Snack Pack for fruit : grapes, apple, banana
    - Water, water, water, water and more water - Having problems drinking add a crystal light lemonade and also drink with a straw! You will drink more.
    - Use the stairs at work, or other places instead of elevator.
    - NO Sneak snacking, it will catch up to you!

    Here's to the finish line :drinker: , heads up be strong!
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    Good morning everyone :

    HAPPY HUMP DAY !!!! I weighed in this morning with my other group..... lost 1 pound ... i will take it considering i ate a bbq beef sandwich w/ french fries (havent done that since August) current weight 196 started at 225 :bigsmile: hope everyone has a good day :drinker:
  • ontheskinnyroad
    ontheskinnyroad Posts: 205 Member
    Hello everyone I would love to join the group. I need the push.

    SW 225
    CW 222
    GW 160

    Nov 1 220
    Dec 1 210
    Jan 1 200 ( hopefully 199)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good evening, everyone!

    Naughty me, I know I shouldn't get on the scale more than once a week, but I had a good feeling this morning....and I was down another pound. That makes 2 lbs. in two days!

    I had to laugh at my boyfriend because he told me the other day he thinks Jillian (as in Michaels) is a B****. I asked why he thought that and he said that she tried to kill him during his attempt at 30 Day Shred and he felt her comments about 400 lb. people being able to do the jumping jacks was uncalled for. He thinks it's the hardest workout he's ever done and he's a construction worker!! I think it's hilarious that I don't think the Level 1 that he tried is that hard. Too funny, so I had to share.

    Tonight, I'm looking forward to getting in a good workout to burn off all of the stress from today. It was super hectic at work and the next two days are shaping up to be the same way.

    Hope you all are having a great day!
  • SelkieGhost
    SelkieGhost Posts: 115 Member
    I'm pretty excited - 2 mornings in a row I've weighed in at 139.5! Looks like I've made my November 1st goal - let's see if I can drop it to 139 flat for the actual Nov 1st weigh in! (must not get lax just because I've made one goal!)
  • haley4tn
    haley4tn Posts: 130
    :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
    I have been outbidded 3 times on 3 different Biggest Loser Wii on ebay :cry: , Ms Cheap just trying to save a couple of dollars, I just can't go over the price I can get it from the stores. Guess I'm going to have to either buy in the store or order it. Really wanted to be working out with it by now :brokenheart
    Sorry just had to fuss for a minute.
  • silvertears
    silvertears Posts: 106 Member

    I had to laugh at my boyfriend because he told me the other day he thinks Jillian (as in Michaels) is a B****. I asked why he thought that and he said that she tried to kill him during his attempt at 30 Day Shred and he felt her comments about 400 lb. people being able to do the jumping jacks was uncalled for. He thinks it's the hardest workout he's ever done and he's a construction worker!! I think it's hilarious that I don't think the Level 1 that he tried is that hard. Too funny, so I had to share.

    I believe I had the exact same sentiment towards her last night when she said she had 400 lb people who could do jumping jacks as I was struggling to finish 30 seconds of them. :laugh: But it does motivate me to actually be able to do every set without feeling like I'm about to die. :bigsmile:
  • silvertears
    silvertears Posts: 106 Member
    Rain, rain, go away! I'm ready to build an ark over here. :grumble:

    I actually went to the gym for the first time in about 2 weeks this morning. I work out at home at night, and have let my morning workouts slide. I feel so gooooood today... I should stop skipping that workout. It's just hard to consume another 400 calories (not that long ago it wouldn't have been an issue... ) on days that I work out twice

    Anyway, Happy Thursday! Make it a good one.
  • rob_in_wisc
    Rain, rain, go away! I'm ready to build an ark over here. :grumble:

    I actually went to the gym for the first time in about 2 weeks this morning. I work out at home at night, and have let my morning workouts slide. I feel so gooooood today... I should stop skipping that workout. It's just hard to consume another 400 calories (not that long ago it wouldn't have been an issue... ) on days that I work out twice

    Anyway, Happy Thursday! Make it a good one.

    I don't have a hard time consuming the extra calories....it's making sure they are the right calories that sucks....:tongue:

    Morning everyone...

    Good day yesterday. 50 calories under my goal. Did my weightlifting and intervals on the elliptical.

    Started today strong with a 30 min swim and 25 minute jog (C25K W7D2).

    Have a great day everyone. Stay strong for the weigh in....

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I have to admit that when things are going well, I get addicted to my scale. That being said, I stepped on yet again this morning and was down another half pound. This means two pounds gone this week already. Even so, I'd have to lose another four to be at my Halloween goal. But, I've made it past the plateau and am having an easier time staying within my calories.

    I've found I absolutely love the Walk Away the Pounds videos by Leslie Sansone, especially Walk & Kick, which incorporates kickboxing moves. The workouts are short and such low impact that I feel like I didn't have to work, even though my HRM says I'm in my fat-burn zone and burning over 300 calories in 30 minutes. Woohoo, it couldn't get much better! I'll probably go buy a few more of her DVDs this weekend.

    Happy exercising!
  • haley4tn
    haley4tn Posts: 130
    I have to admit that when things are going well, I get addicted to my scale. That being said, I stepped on yet again this morning and was down another half pound. This means two pounds gone this week already. Even so, I'd have to lose another four to be at my Halloween goal. But, I've made it past the plateau and am having an easier time staying within my calories.

    Happy exercising!

    SOOOOO Happy for you!!
  • Ssirclesgirl
    Ssirclesgirl Posts: 25 Member
    Having a rough day today. Stress at work. A coworkers wife died 2 nights ago unknown cause possibly H1N1 and im feeling blah! The Dr that I work with brought in Halloween candy bars and not the fun size ones and I inhaled it. And drug sales reps brought in chocolate cake make them stop!!!!

    I am working out tonight!!
  • dldodson75
    Rain, rain, go away! I'm ready to build an ark over here. :grumble:

    I actually went to the gym for the first time in about 2 weeks this morning. I work out at home at night, and have let my morning workouts slide. I feel so gooooood today... I should stop skipping that workout. It's just hard to consume another 400 calories (not that long ago it wouldn't have been an issue... ) on days that I work out twice

    Anyway, Happy Thursday! Make it a good one.

    If you are having trouble eating the extra 400 dont do it or dont do them all. Personally, I try to not use the extra calories earned by working out unless I really feel hungry. Have about 1400 allotted for the day and that seems to be plenty. Break it down into 5-6 small meals a day. Course last night after doing the shred I had to have a snack, I felt like my gut was eating my liver :laugh:
  • silvertears
    silvertears Posts: 106 Member
    I may have to rent a rowboat to get home today... all the roads are flooded. That would burn some extra calories, though, right? :laugh:

    I'm half a pound away from my Nov 1 goal. I'm excited :bigsmile:

    Today is pretty much going to be a rest day for me... couldn't get to the gym this morning due to the flooded roads and I think hubby and I are going to have a movie night tonight. Then tomorrow I'll be back to letting Jillian Michaels whip me into shape. :laugh: