Weigh yourself everyday



  • lauralye82
    lauralye82 Posts: 11 Member
    no matter what studies show or research says everyone is different and need to find what works for them :-)

    for me, weighing everyday is discouraging because my weight fluctuates so much, and letting it dictate what I eat /think/do is not beneficial to my goals. so once a week for this girl seems to be the right choice.

    find what works for you :-)
  • edwinamac
    edwinamac Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for this, because this flucuating driving me CRRRRRRAAAAAZZZZYYYYY!!!
  • Lize11e
    Lize11e Posts: 419
    I weigh every morning. It keeps me on track. I see how it fluctuates too and that makes me feel more in tune with my body. Seeing it rise a few pounds doesn't discourage me because I know it's probably water weight. It always goes away.
  • Kellybeth16
    Why are you getting so defensive? They are just posting their opinions, which is why these Topics are here.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Well I've personally weighed daily for over 30 years and will attest that it helps me to understand how I should probably eat that day.
    Here's evidence in actual study that this works.


    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
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    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    FACT: In a study of 3,000 dieters, those who weighed themselves daily lost an average of 12 pounds, compared to a 6-pound loss for dieters who did weekly weigh-ins. Dieters who didn't weigh themselves at all gained four pounds.

    I dont know if it's actually true or not, I read it online and found it to be very interesting. Definitely going to step on the scal every morning from now on haha

    FACT : Only one in seven dwarfs are happy
  • noweightfisherj
    noweightfisherj Posts: 220 Member
    I weigh myself everyday in the morning; I want to ensure that I stay on tract.
  • jjscholar
    jjscholar Posts: 413 Member
    As far as daily weigh-ins being a contributing factor in weight loss, I have to admit that I am not sure...

    The reason why I have to weigh myself everyday is because I have cardiomyopathy and congestive heart failure... It is dangerous for me to gain more than 2 lbs per day...
  • The_new_Amy
    Weighing myself daily has been what's kept me on track this time. It's so exciting when I see progress that it makes me want to see that again and I work harder. There have been days when it's gone up slightly, water, TOM, but that didn't dicourage me. I have also found that if I get up earlier than usual and weigh myself, I might not get as accurate a read as if I wait and weight myself at the exact same time everyday, which I personally just think it kind of cool. It's showing me how my body works and that I need to be patient with it. I may be a little scale obsessed but I've never felt better and really, that's what matters to me.
  • tlstringfellow
    I think that weighing myself everyday helps to motivate me to stick with it, especially on days when I really am not into watching what I eat!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • BetterFasterStronger
    I weigh myself everyday! Always thought it was a bad habit! But it does help me to stay on track and understand how weight fluctuates, like other folks have mentioned!
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    I totally disagree with this "study". After reading an unlimited number of posts on this site as well as other ones over the years, it's become very clear that those who weigh themselves every day are the ones that become discouraged and give up. It's time to lessen the use of the scale and focus on measurements, the way the clothes fit and most of all, the way you feel overall....
    I think that a formal study is going to be a bit more accurate than your general impression of random people on a message board. Did you ever think that it works for plenty of people and we just don't see a need to blab about it all the time?

    Likely it does work for many, however, like all things, it is what works best for the individual. If I weigh everyday I'm stressed all the time and don't lose nearly as quickly. And so, I go weeks without weighing and manage to lose weight (and keep it off).

  • I weigh every morning =) It helps you understand how your weight fluctuates. Just don't panic when it goes up and down..
    I do as well, for the same reason. Some days are a little more during my "stalls" but I don't panic about those bc I know what my body does now thanks to the graphs provided by MFP. I also log every time the scale makes a downward turn, even if on subsequent days.
  • dls1957
    dls1957 Posts: 34 Member
    I agree with you. I weigh myself every morning but have noticed (for me) that when I eat more carbs the day before, my weight will go up. But after a few days it goes back to where it was.
  • gspaulding3
    If you can keep the right mentality about it, I have found it is best to weigh every day. I understand that many things vary day to day (especially how my body handles salt). But it helps me see if I'm moving up for multiple days -- I have to make a change. I don't want to wait a week to find out I need to alter something. In the end -- it's whatever works to keep you in the right mindset.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member

    Whatever works for you. Its not like stepping on a scales is doing you any harm.
  • amymt10
    amymt10 Posts: 271 Member
    I weigh every morning (naked, emtpy stomach & bladder). I just need to know where I stand. I know your weight fluctuates daily becuase of water weight etc but if I dont weigh every day I will just wonder. i need to know I am on the right track. Right now I am just maintaining and def need to make sure I stay where I am!!
  • melissadid2002
    melissadid2002 Posts: 7 Member
    I do what I know what works for me, which happens to be weighing every day.

    Congrats for your loss! I am the same way as you, when I stopped weighing myself that is when things went wrong and I gained a lot. And now since I do weigh myself on a daily basis I can catch when something is not right. I too understand that there will be fluctuations and it doesn't bother me as I understand that it is normal.
  • oneoddsock
    oneoddsock Posts: 321 Member
    To paraphrase the song, if everybody followed the same weighing schedule, we'd get tired of trawling through internet fora... :smile:

    I weigh every day. Sometimes twice a day. It keeps my eyes on the prize. I tried weighing once a week, and I found that I kept putting off exercise and finding excuses to eat crap. I know that my weight will bounce up and down slightly, but I'm okay with that, and I understand some of the reasons why that happens.

    Other people are different - they can't cope with the fluctuations, or they like seeing bigger drops in their numbers. We're not all the same.
  • melissa10666
    My weight fluctuates around 5lb throughout the day depending on how much i've had to drink or if i've eaten a large meal etc.. that's why i only weigh myself once a week

    If you weigh yourself at the same time each day (e.g. every morning before breakfast) you may see a slight change, but often there won't be any change at all which can be quite dishearting, especially if you've eaten really well the day before

    If i've really stuck to my diet all week its nice to see a relatively big weight-loss :) x