
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    good morning ladies,

    I kept a diligent eye on the Rit bit and he didn't destroy anything yesterday so we will call that a good day. I was pressure washing the patio so he had a lot of fun in the mud and my floors hold testimony to the fact but he is so freakin cute I don't care.

    Motivated by the sun today, I hope it is still shining when I get done with work. I would love a long outdoorsy walk.

    Two interviews today so I am trying to be uber positive.

    Have a magnificent, melodious, mellifluous, merry, mirthful MONDAY!!!!
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Monday, I really dislike them:grumble:

    Robin- your Ritter story made me smile:happy: reminded me of when Peanut was about a year old and he had dug in our back yard then came in (through the doggie door as we weren't home) shook mud all over the walls and then proceeded to try and get it off by rubbing all over hubbys recliner. When I came home he was still caked in mud but tied up in the garage and hubby would barely speak to me (because I bought hime) and would have nothing to do with Peanut for about two weeks. It took me quite a bit of time to clean up all the mud and scrub Peanut...thank goodness it was the only time he did that...but what a mess:noway: Hoping your interviews are a success.

    jaks- I understand your frustration on watching what you are eating and the scale not cooperaiting. How was your water intake? I have found that when I don't drink enough I don't seem to lose like when I drink plenty. How was your sodium level? That makes a difference too. Hubby & I have done low carb in the past and right now I keep my carbs in check, for a short term it does seem to work. Hang in there it will happen:flowerforyou:

    Joyce- what fun getting into your smaller clothes:drinker:

    Kat - GREAT job on the pre plan for eating at PF Changs:drinker: {{{Hugs}}}} to you, what an awful week you had. Maybe they will get that AC in sooner rather than later:ohwell:

    Jackie- when you said "Stripper":noway: I was wondering if you had taken up "pole dancing"...but NO just prepping a wall...I'm sure that up and down on a ladder is something like stair stepping :huh: maybe...maybe not. Mystery Shopping sounds like fun, but not sure if I'd have time right now...and having the grandkids is ALWAYS a reason to stop working:bigsmile:

    Rebel- Please DON'T be discouraged, we have all been there at some point...Take it ONE day at a time...and keep coming back here, we'd surly miss you if you left us:sad:

    Jenni- so glad you enjoyed the show. Pizza in moderation is the order of the day:drinker: When hubby and I were first married we would order an extra large pizza and eat the whole thing:noway: If we were to do that today we would be sick:sick: I will pull out my receipe of my 6 week Bran Muffins when i get home and put it up tomorrow. You make the mix and it will keep in the frig for up to 6 weeks, I make a dozen every weekend then hubby has some and I take some to work for the week.:love: Those sleepless nights are just awful:yawn: hoping tonight is better for you.

    Jane- sorry your hubby is sick, but glad to hear your knee is healing. Exercise in the water sounds wonderful I hear it's good for your joints too.:flowerforyou:

    Rose- :drinker: :laugh: :drinker: made me laugh ! Sounds like the zoo was a success:drinker:

    Barbie- you are so smart to alternate your bending, kneeling and then walking your dogs to keep from hurting your back:flowerforyou:

    Tria- :drinker: :drinker: You are part of a very select club in that you have lost over #100, that is quite the accomplishment:drinker: How was the pool? :huh:

    Cath- so many new babies:flowerforyou: they sound adorable. Poor Winston, it's always hard when the others don't play nice, but glad he knows to follow you around:wink:

    Kackie- glad that hubbys MRI was normal, now hoping that the recovery will speed up:flowerforyou:

    Sally- a small class for weight training is good, then your instructor can give you personalized attention:drinker: Glad to hear that the weight is finally moving in the right direction.

    Kathyszoo- keep your head up one morning of starting off bad :grumble: doesn't mean the rest of the day should follow, but you are right, tomorrow is another day.:happy:

    Nancy- winding your way home through wine country, ice cream and then wine when you got home:drinker: sounds like a great way to end your four days at your parents, yep sounds really good to me:wink: Enjoy your time in Calgary. I'm sure those #3 are only temporary...they can't possibly be a real gain...No I'm sure they aren't...:drinker:

    Michele- wine jelly:huh:

    Barbie- deer with a new fawn:love: I just love when we go through the resevoir and see the all the wild life. When we used to live in Grants Pass Oregon in the late 70's & early 80's we were out in the country and the deer came and ate the acorns on our front yard, we loved to watch them:love: I miss that:ohwell:

    liselyn- what a good mom you are preparing meals for cranky men and talking a daughter through her anxiety:flowerforyou:

    Mary- Happy Trails to you:flowerforyou: Enjoy your trip.

    jb- :flowerforyou: only one to go:flowerforyou: YEAH for you:drinker:

    Pauli- Welcome:flowerforyou: you have joined the best group on MFP, keep coming back and let us get to know you. Enjoy that walk, it's the moving that helps with the loss:drinker:


    It's another work week and I'm back at it, not liking it but here none the less. Had three good bike rides over the weekend and then last night at our friends we had a wonderful southern dinner. They had friends visiting that did the cooking and I just couldn't pass it up...so steaks, corn, okra cassarole, potatoe cassarole, bread and followed up with yummy coconut cake washed down with wine :noway: So today being the start of a new week I will take the next couple of days to claim back my discipline in eating.:wink:

    Everyone have a good day. Log, Move & Drink plenty of water:drinker:


    I will pull out my six week Bran Muffin Receipe tonight and post it either tonight or tomorrow morning.
  • mynyddisamrs
    mynyddisamrs Posts: 387
    :flowerforyou: Monday's come and nearly gone .......
    Hi all you lovely ladies!

    :ohwell: DIY enthusiasts DH and I certainly are not but we try!!

    Day 3 of the lounge and we're still talking!! ....just!!!
    I amit to being a bit of a perfectionist while DH is happy sometimes to skip stages and make do. ...:bigsmile: .I won!!!
    We ended up taking out all the filler around the window and replacing it. BUT .....whilst doing that we had a fight with the sealant gun.
    DH didn't quite put the nozzle on tight enough and after using it a while we realised the filler was coming out at the side and ending up...:noway: in little cow pats on the floor!! If only we'd been filmed it would have made a good comedy play!!

    THEN .....whilst clearing old paint off the skirting board under the window I noticed the plaster was a bit "sandy" and scraped it away ....only to let in......:noway: ANTS!!! I think the whole nest poured in through a tiny hole. I ended up with my finger over the hole ..:laugh: .like the little Dutch boy with his finger in the *kitten*, whlle DH squished the ants that had come in!! He then slapped some of the fore mentioned sealant over the said hole!!
    :happy: Bet there isn't another wall art decoration like ours ....Random Ant pattern!!! Outside we've discovered a nest in the wall and we've put down the "Stuff" the ants take back to the nest. Fingers crossed it'll do the trick!!

    We're camping in the dining room now ....while the lounge is being done. It's cosy! Just hope it doesn't rain again as ..........we have a :sad: DRIP. No ....not me!!! It sounds like a water drip.
    We can't see it but we can hear it. A little "Plop" every now and then. Problem is we have a false ceiling in the dining room and it sounds like the drip is dripping on a light fitting. DH looked at the gutters and I suggested looking at the Velux roof windows in our loft bedroom. There we were .....with the window open as wide as possible with a broom sweeping off some moss, in the rain of course!! :laugh: Could have got more off if DH held my ankles and I laid on the roof ...no only joking!!! I did find some in one of the gulleys soooo maybe, hopefully, it won't drip again. If it does I can see that we may have to find a "Small" volunteer (We'll have to wait an awful long time for it to be me or DH) to climb along through the eaves and see if there's any wet patches. We have a cupboard in one bedroom into the eaves space. It's either a leak or we may have a very slow "Death Watch Beetle " up there!!!

    What with ants, decorating and leaks ....think we'll sell up and move to a new house!!

    Still ....all this excitement stops me from munching!! Lbs seem to be sticking a bit but never mind!! Hopefully soon they'll beetle off!!

    BFN anyway
    :flowerforyou: Jackie
  • Just new to this site. Don't see anything for over 70 so perhaps you all will let me read and get inspired from your stories.
    I am 75, I have pulmonary fibrosis ( scar tissue in my lungs). No one knows why - what causes it - and there is nothing that can be done for it. So it is what it is.... the worst part is that I get SO frustrated trying to exercise. Always liked to be active until this came along. I have to be on oxygen 24/7 so hard strenuous exercise is out. Can still walk slow, etc. Does ANyone know some simple calesetic type of exercise?? I do the counter push ups and some leg stretches without getting too out of breath. Any suggestions???? would be much appreciated. I hope to lose the 35 pounds that I am overweight. Perhaps then I could get around even better. Thanks
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Monday's come and nearly gone .......
    Hi all you lovely ladies!

    :ohwell: DIY enthusiasts DH and I certainly are not but we try!!

    Day 3 of the lounge and we're still talking!! ....just!!!
    I amit to being a bit of a perfectionist while DH is happy sometimes to skip stages and make do. ...:bigsmile: .I won!!!
    We ended up taking out all the filler around the window and replacing it. BUT .....whilst doing that we had a fight with the sealant gun.
    DH didn't quite put the nozzle on tight enough and after using it a while we realised the filler was coming out at the side and ending up...:noway: in little cow pats on the floor!! If only we'd been filmed it would have made a good comedy play!!

    THEN .....whilst clearing old paint off the skirting board under the window I noticed the plaster was a bit "sandy" and scraped it away ....only to let in......:noway: ANTS!!! I think the whole nest poured in through a tiny hole. I ended up with my finger over the hole ..:laugh: .like the little Dutch boy with his finger in the *kitten*, whlle DH squished the ants that had come in!! He then slapped some of the fore mentioned sealant over the said hole!!
    :happy: Bet there isn't another wall art decoration like ours ....Random Ant pattern!!! Outside we've discovered a nest in the wall and we've put down the "Stuff" the ants take back to the nest. Fingers crossed it'll do the trick!!

    We're camping in the dining room now ....while the lounge is being done. It's cosy! Just hope it doesn't rain again as ..........we have a :sad: DRIP. No ....not me!!! It sounds like a water drip.
    We can't see it but we can hear it. A little "Plop" every now and then. Problem is we have a false ceiling in the dining room and it sounds like the drip is dripping on a light fitting. DH looked at the gutters and I suggested looking at the Velux roof windows in our loft bedroom. There we were .....with the window open as wide as possible with a broom sweeping off some moss, in the rain of course!! :laugh: Could have got more off if DH held my ankles and I laid on the roof ...no only joking!!! I did find some in one of the gulleys soooo maybe, hopefully, it won't drip again. If it does I can see that we may have to find a "Small" volunteer (We'll have to wait an awful long time for it to be me or DH) to climb along through the eaves and see if there's any wet patches. We have a cupboard in one bedroom into the eaves space. It's either a leak or we may have a very slow "Death Watch Beetle " up there!!!

    What with ants, decorating and leaks ....think we'll sell up and move to a new house!!

    Still ....all this excitement stops me from munching!! Lbs seem to be sticking a bit but never mind!! Hopefully soon they'll beetle off!!

    BFN anyway
    :flowerforyou: Jackie

    :laugh: :laugh: Jackie I loved your DIY adventure...I'm sure this is to be continued.......
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Happy Monday!! We had a great family reunion yesterday, ended up with about 50..but people came and went so not overwhelming. My mother even stayed for several hours...she can sometimes be a little difficult, but yesterday she was happy to sit with her sons and enjoy the day. My DH was the "bonus baby " so we have lots of nieces /nephews with young kids...they were a lot of fun to watch, but I don't think I am quite ready to join the grandma club yet. I have not logged in several days have been so busy getting house, yard and shopping done, so today took the day off and enjoyed DS and DD and hung out at the pool. Tomorrow, however, will be another day...back to bike and row intervals and kettlebells and most important disciplined eating. It was fun to misbehave but I do feel rather sluggish...too much fat and carbs I am guessing. A little afraid of the scale, so will just get back to it. Oh boy..my youngest brother just called..he and his DD are coming to NYS next weekend...looks like I will be hosting another BBQ ..but it will be good to see him..he runs marathon's so I better get back on that bike!

    Have a great evening, hugs and happy thoughts for those who need it and high fives to all of us for being here!
  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member

    I wanta see baby duck pictures too!
    While you're at it, send one of good ol' Winston too!

  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member

    this so amused me had to share :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Jenni, Sydney, Australia
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    THEN .....whilst clearing old paint off the skirting board under the window I noticed the plaster was a bit "sandy" and scraped it away ....only to let in......:noway: ANTS!!! I think the whole nest poured in through a tiny hole. I ended up with my finger over the hole ..:laugh: .like the little Dutch boy with his finger in the *kitten*, whlle DH squished the ants that had come in!! He then slapped some of the fore mentioned sealant over the said hole!!
    :flowerforyou: Jackie

    ...and unfortunately, the Dutch boy with his finger in the *kitten* happens to be a legend!! Oops!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,265 Member
    I was just going to read a couple posts before going to bed, but Jackie -- you got me rolling around laughing my head off. Too much! The ants! the dripping goo! the hapless DH and his brilliant wife! It should be a movie.

    I have had a HOT day here, with planting and getting the main part of the vegetable garden FINALLY ready now that it isn't raining all the time. I will finish planting tomorrow, so that it can start raining again. Sprout those danged seeds!

    Managed a lovely bike ride, though, and it felt great sailing along through the wind. I should have also gone to ride my horses, but the idea of getting onto a hot sweaty horse on a hot sweaty day was somehow unappealing. That's my daughter's job, and she's out in Prince George, as you guessed, Nancy. She has a nerve leaving me with both horses to work! Really -- just because she got a great job in the field that she is studying, indeed! The nerve... Kids today, I tell you.

    So, things are good. I hope everyone lived through Monday!


  • BandedTriaRN
    BandedTriaRN Posts: 303
    My husband is up for a job that might potentially lead to him working at home again. They are so slow at his workplace to interview and promote ppl tho so it may take a decade lol. I would love having him at home again! We love being together so much and there is just never enough time!

    I did great on my first day of the 17 day diet. I haven't been very hungry the past couple of days just tired.
    I'm trying not to weigh until Thursday. I'm set to lose 1.5lbs a week so hope that happens:)

    I hope everyone is doing well and will write more in a few days. Hopefully we will be swimming that day (this week it is on Wednesday but he is getting a root canal so we have to be flexible). . My husband has to drive me as I can not drive due to my disability and medications. They have night swimming at the closest public pool to us, which is 25 miles away. Can't wait. I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas!

    hugs to you all!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    Just new to this site. Don't see anything for over 70 so perhaps you all will let me read and get inspired from your stories.
    I am 75, I have pulmonary fibrosis ( scar tissue in my lungs). No one knows why - what causes it - and there is nothing that can be done for it. So it is what it is.... the worst part is that I get SO frustrated trying to exercise. Always liked to be active until this came along. I have to be on oxygen 24/7 so hard strenuous exercise is out. Can still walk slow, etc. Does ANyone know some simple calesetic type of exercise?? I do the counter push ups and some leg stretches without getting too out of breath. Any suggestions???? would be much appreciated. I hope to lose the 35 pounds that I am overweight. Perhaps then I could get around even better. Thanks
    welcome, :flowerforyou: this thread says women ages 50+ and there is no upper limit.....I am 66 and have been posting on this thread for three years :bigsmile: I read a book called "Strong Women Stay Young" for women of all ages and fitness levels. You can probably do most of the strength training program that the books suggests. I found the book at the public library so i could read a lot of it before I decided to buy it. I highly recommend it.

    :flowerforyou: We had beautiful weather today so I was outside most of the day either walking the dogs or working in the yard……Jake and I took a walk for almost an hour in the afternoon. I’m glad I got so much done because it just started raining and will probably rain on and off all day tomorrow. I’ll walk the dogs in the rain but not work in the yard.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • Cherp18
    Cherp18 Posts: 224 Member
    bump :glasses:
  • kateblue72
    kateblue72 Posts: 113
    Well, go away for a week and have you ladies ever been busy ... could not possibly catch up on all, so I just ready the last several days. Jenni love the quote re: doing exercise in the am .... should work for me! Think this group is just so supportive and positive - and it's genuine ... hence the reason to return here. So, I will try to come back to this site, as I try to ensure to fit into an 'appropriate' bathing suit for summer holidays in 6 weeks! I was out of town celebrating and attending our daughter's convocation from the University of British Columbia (Canada). Was truly wonderful. And she even has a job in her field! Bonus.:drinker: So, Happy Monday, and to all a good Tuesday!:flowerforyou:
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :smile: Just a quick post to say welcome back Jackie I have missed your posts. Good luck with the rest of the decorating, me and hubby have just made a start too. Last week I washed the ceiling in the bathroomm. I've bought some of the paint that goes on pink but dries white (so you can see where you;ve painted) I'm a bit like your hubby I thought hmmm doesn't look too bad now its clean do we really need to paint it. But YES we do. :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Rebel glad you decided to stay with us, I'd miss you if you left, so glad you changed your mind!

    :flowerforyou: Barbie I've bought SWSY and SWSS just now need to read through them properly, get some weights and get started with the exercises. Thanks for suggesting them. Now I've mentioned it to everyone, I'll have to follow through :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Time I wasn't here, need to get to work - wish I could afford to retire early :grumble: :grumble:

    Have a good Tuesday :heart: :heart:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies -

    Rushing round like a mad thing today - trying to get things finished before I go away on Friday. It didn't help that we had to spend the whole of Saturday in A&E at the hospital with my dad. He had a stomach upset and had allowed himself to get dehydrated (why is it that nobody listens when I tell them to drink more water??). They put him on a drip for a few hours and allowed him home in the evening thank goodness. At least it was this weekend and not next when I will be in Germany. Despite having siblings, I am the only one of us who ever looks after my dad and I know for a fact that he would have had to cope on his own if I hadn't been around. I'm not saying my brother and sister are selfish ..... scrub that, I AM saying they are selfish!

    I'm hoping to see the grandtwins tomorrow as a little birthday treat - I wouldn't need any other gifts, just cuddles from the babies. Fingers crossed that I get my wish.

    Normally I don't set myself monthly goals any more, but I've decided that from Monday, once I'm home, I'm going to amp up my exercise routine. I need to try to build up the strength in my knees.

    Anyway, must get on with some work now.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,582 Member
    When getting down on that mat is just too hard, I'm gonna try these


    Woke at 3, finally sleepy now at 5:45 too bad its almost time to get up for work!

    Gonna try to sneak in an hour or two, catch you later lovelies!
    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day
    June: mat EVERY day. Average 10K steps/day. Let it be. Really.
    2012: dance more, bark less and CHECK IN!!!

    10=42 9=26 8=0 7=0 6=28 5=0 4=37 3=0 2=18 1=16 31=39 30=39 29=39 28=32 27=28 26= 25= 24= 23= 22= 21=10834 20=1837 19=10440 18=4583 17=11646 16=18349 15=17066 14= 13= 12= 11=

    10=7203 9=2659 8=8914 7=10933 6=9515 5=11759 4=10632 3=5346 2=8311 1=9713 31=6155 30=11499 29=6186:embarassed: 28=2978:explode: 27=4088 26=5411 25=10053 24=4351:angry: 23=12155 22=8299:ohwell: 21=10834 20=1837:sad: 19=10440 18=4583:grumble: 17=11646 16=18349 15=17066 14=10677 13=2316:noway: 12=11167 11=8173:indifferent:
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Here's to a totally tantalizing terrificly titilating Tuesday.

    Robin, Bodi Boy and the infamous Rit Bit.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Just dropping in to say hi to all you dear ladies. I am fine, but very busy. Keeping my exercise, water, weight and tracking consistent.

    Someone I know was looking for a little perspective and I dug out some words that I saw on a card over 50 years ago.:noway: They so inspired and encouraged me that I take them out once in a while and pass them along.

    We all have challenges in our life, some days more than others, but these words always brought me comfort, perspective and strength and I'd like to share them with all of you too:)

    Written by S.H. Payer

    “Live each day to the fullest.

    Get the most out of each hour, each day and each age of your life,

    Then you can look forward with confidence and back without regret.

    Be yourself….but be your BEST self.

    Dare to be different and to follow your own star.

    And don’t be afraid to be happy.

    Enjoy what is beautiful.

    Live with your whole heart and your whole soul.

    Believe that those you love…..love you.

    Forget what you have done for your friends and remember what they have done for you.

    Disregard what the world owes you and concentrate on what you owe the world.

    When you are faced with a decision, make that decision as wisely as possible….

    And then forget it.

    The moment of absolute certainty never arrives.

    And above all, remember that God helps those who help themselves.

    Act as if everything depended upon you………

    And pray as if everything depended upon God”

    Hugs to all!:love:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Tuesday All,

    Jen- sounds like the BBQ with the family was a success:love:

    liselyn- glad your garden is getting under way. Your daughter is so fortunate to be doing something she loves, even if you get stuck with the two horses:happy:

    Trish- hope that your husband gets the job that would bring him home to work, saves on gas that way too:flowerforyou: Hoping you do well on the 17 day diet 1.5 lbs a week sounds reasonable:drinker:

    Barbie-walking the dogs in the rain...well I guess that if you didn't you wouldn't get to walk the dogs very much at all being in the Pacific Northwest:wink:

    kateblue- how happy for your daughter getting a job in her field:drinker:

    wizzywig- I agree with you I too wish I could retire early:grumble:

    Amanda- sorry that your dad had that bump in the road last weekend. I understand your frustration that no one listens to you when you tell them to drink more water. I was forever after my parents to drink more water and everytime I would give my Mom a glass she would get a face that a two year old would have been proud of and then refuse to drink it:grumble: I hope you get those Birthday cuddles from the twins tomorrow too:flowerforyou:

    Barbara-looks like your steps are a bit up and down:wink: but good for you on tracking them. I agree getting down on the floor sure is harder than it used to be.:noway:

    Robin- Great "T's":laugh:

    BirtieM- words for us to live by:flowerforyou: thank you for sharing.


    Sorry ladies I forgot my receipe for the 6 weeks Bran Muffins:sad: ...I remembered when I went home and then hubby side tracked me and I totally forgot until I got to work this morning...so I have put a post it on my coffee to remind me when I get home...sometimes those senior moments are just so frustrating.

    When I walked in the door last night hubby suggested a walk instead of me doing my workout in the basement. The walk was good but I never burn as many calories as I do when I ride a bike. We decided not to take Peanut as it would have been a mosey rather than a walk, at 12 he just doesn't run like he used to.:ohwell: Hubby was saying how he hates Mondays because he'd rather be working at a job rather then home....and me I'd rather be home instead of working...so frustrating:grumble:

    Hubby went to the pool yesterday morning to watch #1 grandson have his first swim lesson and was very surprised that his brother sat still in his lap for the entire 30 mins:noway: he is so active that it's shocking when he stops for any length of time, hubby thinks he was watching just to figure out what exactly his brother was doing so he could do it next. There isn't anything that he brother does that he thinks he can't do, and what gets us is that he's only 23 mo....he's fearless and that's what makes it scary:noway:

    I best get papers moving on this desk. Everyone have a great day...let's all log, drink and move...it's what's keeping us young:drinker:
