40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello all! I have been away for so long. Wow, this thread has grown sooo much!!!! I dont recognize most of the members. But I am happy that there are so many of you helping each other out. I do want to let you know that my dear mother passed away on May 24th. She had a knee replacement surgery on May 14, developed a blood clot a few days later and had complications from the blood thinners. I was in Puerto Rico with her and my dad since the 20th. It is all still shocking to me how everything developed in front of my eyes. I sometimes think I have not awaken from this nightmare and my mother is still alive. Unfortunately she is not...I have not worked out since May 18 when I was preparing for my trip to PR. I start teaching Zumba again tonight. I am a little nervous that I might not have the same endurance but I will see...as far as strength trng, none since 5/18. I am hoping to start that again real soon. I really need it physically and mentally. I havent been eating too bad since returning from my beautiful island but it can be better.

    Keep up the good work...I will tell you a little about myself at another time for those of you who dont know me...

    Hugs! :flowerforyou:
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    Oh my godness... My weight was 108.6 and yesterday was 107.4 and went to bed hungry. I am going to continue to hit cardio as my tush is looking better but freaking scale is giving me 108...I was hoping to say good byes to my 108'sssss. I am frustrated wiht scale but feeling great about my tush!!
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    600 minute?? Wow. I can honestly say I do not want to dedicate that much time to my fitness pursuits....sounds like my olden days of TOO MUCH CARDIO.

    Then again - it works for you! So, keep at it, bikini!

    I did get in all my work-outs over the weekend and it is supposed to rain all week, here, so I'm sure I'll make it to the gym, as scheduled. Because my shoulder/neck/back area is wrecked (again!), I think I'll start with workout "B" and then try for workout "A" on Wednesday....workout "A" has the negative chin-ups and I doubt I'll be able to do them (today) because of my injury, but am hoping the kinks have subsided enough that I can get it done on Wednesday.

    600 minutes!?!?!?
    Well no wonder you can rock a bikini and your butt is looking fine.
    I think that's amazing. WTG!!

    Thank you ladies. Much apppreciated. I will continue to hit 600 calorie burn this week again. I want to say good bye to 108'ssss. Keep up the great work as you certainly keeping my spirits high as much as want to cry!!!:sad: :sad:
  • cmc571
    cmc571 Posts: 2 Member
    Not meaning to be a Debbie Downer, but have any of you experienced problems with husbands not being supportive of your efforts? He claims to be happy that I've lost weight, but is constantly complaining about my working out - I work out an average of 60-90 minutes a day, sometimes at the gym and sometimes at home - but he is constantly trying to plan things for during my workout times and has taken to trying to micro-manage my life - from snooping at where I've been on the Internet, to not wanting me to have ANY time by myself. He works out, but he does boot camp at work 2 days a week, and that's enough for him - he thinks it should be for me too, and doesn't understand or respect that I must do it, and WANT to do it EVERY single day -

    Not selfish...NECESSARY!!!

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    cmc - setting boundaries is exactly what you need to do. Keep on trucking and I believe your husband will get with the program once he understands this is a "lifestyle" change/commitment - and not some flash-in-the-pan thing you are trying.

    We support you here. Period.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    Today is a HIIT, abs, and stretching day. Will get it done.
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    I'm 42 and down 60 lbs, with another 50ish to go. My kids when asked would probably say I'm cool, but they certainly act embarassed around me a lot!!
    I'm hoping to keep it that way for a long time! I can run circles around my 22 yo daughter and out lift her for now. These are the best years of my life and I'm glad that I'm going to feel great for them.

    Friend me if you want in on the party :)
  • tbskipp
    tbskipp Posts: 184 Member
    Greetings fellow cool people! I just turned 40 back in January, which is when i joined MFP. I love this site and am sooo addicted to the iPhone app. Always looking for 'mature kids' like myself.

  • neesie64
    neesie64 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello. I'm 48, 5' 4" and weigh 182. I would like to lose 40 pounds. My doctor said this is a good goal. I'm very active - work out at the Y 2 nights a week (kickboxing and crosstraining), ride mountain bikes 2 nights and play on a co-ed kickball team on Friday. I've been on MFP for almost a month now and have lost 4.4 pounds. I guess I was hoping for quicker results considering how hard I work out. I've been trying to eat around 1400-1500 calories a day. I'm hoping that it all comes together during month two. Maybe my body is over the shock of eating right and working out. Any suggestions? I know I didn't get this way overnight and it's certainly not going to change without hard work.

    What are some healthy ways to eat enough food daily? I get tired of the same foods everyday.

  • mchandler67
    Hi 40+ people!! I just signed back in to MFP after a little break. During my break I decided to quit smoking and put on a few pounds (this was in addition to the pounds that crept back during the break). I recently started getting back in to the workout routine and started a 21 day challenge with My Fit Foods. I already feel better, the first few weeks after I quit smoking I was really foggy and tired and blah - it's been a month now that I quit and I feel fantastic, just need to get my body in shape, specifically, my 40+ belly and 40+++ arms, oh - and I wouldn't mind slimming down in my face a little.

    I have two kiddos - 20 and 17 and live in Flower Mound, TX.

    I hope all you fabulous 40+ cool kids are having a great day
  • iluvprettyshoes
    iluvprettyshoes Posts: 605 Member
    Will be 45 in September but I sure don't feel like it!! Hello everyone 40+, yes we def are the cool kids!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    I only managed to get in a walk, at lunch. Not even a long one. 30 minutes (tops!). It's okay....my body craves the sun - and sometimes a "rest" sort of day is not such a bad idea.

    I will monitor my food intake, to balance this out, for today.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hello Cool Kids,

    I am just realizing that a couple of my posts are not showing up.
    I had responded to cmc for one - sorry that didn't get on the board. I know what you mean. My husband was not very supportive of my running for years. Resented it in fact. It took a lot of years for him to realize how important it was to me and that I was not going to stop. He has now started running, and we are training to run our first ultra run together. :happy:

    Welcome to all the new ladies on the board! You are all definitely cool kids!!:flowerforyou:

    Alf - I had posted for you as well. I am SO SORRY to hear of the sudden loss of your mother. (((HUGS))) for you. How tragic. I'm sure you are glad that you were able to be with her at the end, and to be with your dad as well. I am sure it all feels like a bad dream at this time. How did your Zumba class go? Am sure it probably went well, you are a pro after all. :smile:

    I did some strength training today and then went for a 4 mile run. That run just about did me in. I was beat! Although the body feels fine, as in no pain, it is fatigued and it was evident in my run tonight.

    Beeps, glad you got your walk in. 30 minutes is still a good walk, and the benefits of the sunshine...bonus!!:flowerforyou:

    My eating yesterday was good - but way over in calories. Probably because of my huge calorie deficit from the weekend. Today's eating was TERRIBLE!! I am not even going to bother log it. UGH! Actually feel sick now. Too much junk!:tongue:
    Clean up day tomorrow....again.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    It's off to the gym, for me, today - my first "A" workout in NROL4W, stage 6. I'll have to skip the negative chin-ups, but will do the rest of it and probably throw in some bi's/tri's for good measure.

  • SparkleShine
    SparkleShine Posts: 2,001 Member
    Hey all! I'm 41 and over half way to my goal. I've had my ups and downs. Currently aiming to lose the last 20 pounds!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    I even did 2 x negative chin-ups. Yes, I used some "assist", because I didn't want to injury my shoulder/back/neck even more than it already is. Oh, and I banged out 10 sets (2 reps each) of underhand lat pull-down at 115 lbs. BOOM!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    I was sure I posted last night! :frown:
    Not sure where they are disappearing to.

    Beeps - WTG on those underhanded lat pull downs!! The most I can do is 80lbs - and that is pushing it!!!

    Welcome Jacki! :flowerforyou:

    Had another awful run yesterday. Got the 10 miles in, but I did have t walk most of the hills. I jsut did't have the oomph! :grumble:
    I do believe my body is getting very tired. All the miles I've been putting in...........I'm not recovering as quickly as I used to.Dang, this getting older is for the birds! :grumble:

    No run today - have my year end bridge party. Not sure if I will have time to squeeze in a P90X workout or not, but am gonna try!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    I hope you really enjoy the bridge party, sdereski - it's time for you to stop and smell some roses....

    Speaking of which, I stopped and smelled roses, today - I went on an hour-long walk, outside, at lunch. A beautiful, sunny day here and I really wanted to be outside!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,006 Member
    I went out and had an awesome lunch, with my husband. Yum! (I was too sore to do a weight-workout....so, decided to see if my husband had time for a lunch!)

    It has been QUITE awhile since I've skipped a work-out due to soreness....so, was surprised! And, took the "rest day". I'm allowed.

    Tomorrow is my long-cardio day and then my kids have baseball and my daughter's dance recital. Sunday is swimming and I've reserved the rest of the day to do up a great Father's Day menu for my husband and family and about 4 guests. Should be lots of fun.

    I hope you all have a great weekend - go give Father's, everywhere, a big SQUEEZE! They deserve it!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hello all,

    I was way too tired to post yesterday after the bridge get together. Had 2 glasses of wine, and that had my head spinning. Doesn't take much anymore, as I rarely drink because I'm always TRAINING!! :tongue:

    Beeps - you must have really workied it to be sore. Gotta love that soreness though -lets you kow you are working your muscles!
    Glad you enjoyed your lunch with hubby - sounds like a treat for both of you.

    The bridge party was lovely - lots of good healthy choices - including the dessert. Despite that, I ate too much.
    So, needless to say, I went to bed feeling stuffed and even worse because I did not get a workout in. So, it was a true rest day.

    Have a meeting right after work for our annual Black Fly run. It takes place next weekend and I am the race director. have to make sure all the last minute stuff is taken care of.
    After that, I plan to get a short run in.

    My youngest son is coming for the weekend with one of his buddies. they are registered in a fishing tournament, so I have to think of something to cook for dinner that they can eat tonignt and probably take with them in the boat tomorrow as well. Maybe grill some sausages. Guys love that.

    Had a nice lunch out with my g/f this afternoon - love Fridays. :happy:

    Beeps, and everyone else - enjoy your Father's Day. My husband is away working this weekend, so no Father's Day celebrations here. May stop by my son's as this is his first Father's Day. That way I get a visit in with my granddaughter as well. :happy:

    Hope you are all having a great day!