diet cola



  • aubhob
    aubhob Posts: 25
    i drink 2-3 diet cokes and have no unusual sugar craving but i did read that diet sodas elevate your ac1 by.7 so I need to get off them
  • PHATmommy68
    PHATmommy68 Posts: 112
    Sodium? There's hardly any sodium in soda, about the same as regular drinking water.

    Oh Good Lord, where in Heaven's name did you get this BS from?
  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    Sodium? There's hardly any sodium in soda, about the same as regular drinking water.

    Oh Good Lord, where in Heaven's name did you get this BS from?

    40 mg in a can of diet coke. That's not a lot. To compare, there is about 30 mg in a cup of broccoli.
  • gogophers
    gogophers Posts: 190 Member
    Sodium? There's hardly any sodium in soda, about the same as regular drinking water.

    Oh Good Lord, where in Heaven's name did you get this BS from?

    Lol, just read Tiger's other responses in this thread. He/she sounds like a lobbyist for the soda industry.
  • LesterBlackstone
    LesterBlackstone Posts: 291 Member
    Sodium? There's hardly any sodium in soda, about the same as regular drinking water.

    Oh Good Lord, where in Heaven's name did you get this BS from?
  • PHATmommy68
    PHATmommy68 Posts: 112
    Used to average 2 cans of Diet a day. Now I keep a pitcher of unsweetened ice tea in the fridge. Tastes better than water, still get the caffeine kick, better for hydration and keeps the s#!t in soda out of my diet, mostly. Might share a D.Coke with the wife if we're eating out or something but never have one to myself.

    After 3 weeks, soda now tastes funny. Also, when having D.Coke with dinner, I would wake up at 3 or 4am with MASSIVE stomach pain. Since the switch, I only wake up to pee... ha!

    Good luck.

    I never thought of that!!! Unsweetened tea! I love tea. I have wanted to give up soda but was afraid of the caffine withdrawals! I am going to give this a shot! I understand Green tea to be a diuretic (sp?)
  • PHATmommy68
    PHATmommy68 Posts: 112
    Sodium? There's hardly any sodium in soda, about the same as regular drinking water.

    Oh Good Lord, where in Heaven's name did you get this BS from?

    Lol, just read Tiger's other responses in this thread. He/she sounds like a lobbyist for the soda industry.

    LOL!!!! :laugh:
  • blaze46
    blaze46 Posts: 6
    Although most people believe that drinking diet soda leads to weight loss, this is not the case. With only approximately 5 calories per serving, diet soda does not directly contribute excessive calories to the diet; however, the consumption of sweet beverages has been shown to cause an increased desire for other sweetened foods and beverages. The sweetened beverage can also cause greater hunger during the day as the body begins to feel deprived of the calories normally associated with sweet taste.

    Read more:
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    When you get a chance, you should do some research into Betty Martini. That is the source of most of the sweetener conspiracy theories.

    I'm a scientist. My research is based on scientific studies conducted and published in reputable journals.

    Notice that at NO POINT have I said that Aspartame is definitely bad for you. I even specifically stated that scientists have not reached a consensus on Aspartame's health effects.

    However, it is scientifically incorrect to say that Aspartame is present in some other substance because it's components are present in another substance. Do you agree with that?

    I was looking at your quote saying that it was unknown the extent that diet soda was "unhealthy." Which I take to mean that you have already been operating under the bias that diet soda is unhealthy.

    I can agree that Aspartame is not present in other substances just because its components are but the standard anti-sweetener argument does tend to focus on the presence of aspartate in the product.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    Although most people believe that drinking diet soda leads to weight loss, this is not the case. With only approximately 5 calories per serving, diet soda does not directly contribute excessive calories to the diet; however, the consumption of sweet beverages has been shown to cause an increased desire for other sweetened foods and beverages. The sweetened beverage can also cause greater hunger during the day as the body begins to feel deprived of the calories normally associated with sweet taste.

    Read more:

    None of the sources for that article support that statement about increased hunger lol.
  • techcommdood
    techcommdood Posts: 37 Member
    I used to drink diet soda like crazy (i never liked regular soda - left a nasty film in my mouth). I've pretty much cut it out of my diet, save for an occasional one when out somewhere. I mainly drink water (usually well over the 8 cup measure) all day. I feel a hell of a lot better.
  • gogophers
    gogophers Posts: 190 Member
    When you get a chance, you should do some research into Betty Martini. That is the source of most of the sweetener conspiracy theories.

    I'm a scientist. My research is based on scientific studies conducted and published in reputable journals.

    Notice that at NO POINT have I said that Aspartame is definitely bad for you. I even specifically stated that scientists have not reached a consensus on Aspartame's health effects.

    However, it is scientifically incorrect to say that Aspartame is present in some other substance because it's components are present in another substance. Do you agree with that?

    I was looking at your quote saying that it was unknown the extent that diet soda was "unhealthy." Which I take to mean that you have already been operating under the bias that diet soda is unhealthy.

    I can agree that Aspartame is not present in other substances just because its components are but the standard anti-sweetener argument does tend to focus on the presence of aspartate in the product.

    It's possible we're simply misunderstanding each other. In that statement, all I said was that it isn't healthy. The extent to which it's unhealthy could be zero, and I didn't rule that out with that statement. It's entirely possible for something to be neither "healthy" nor "unhealthy". I do believe that diet soda is likely unhealthy and is definitely unhealthy for people with certain medical conditions.

    Either way, I don't see why it really matters what bias I may be operating under. Challenge my assertions, not what I believe. I'm always willing to change my beliefs if people can prove to me that I'm wrong.

    All I was saying when I said "this is incorrect" or whatever I said was that the statement that Tiger made about no chemicals being present in diet soda that aren't present in fish, chicken, etc... is untrue.
  • stephgas
    stephgas Posts: 159 Member
    i switched to diet coke years ago when i realized i was drinking over 2,000 calories a day in regular coke. up until a couple of months ago, i was drinking a two-liter bottle of diet coke every day. when i started working out, i started drinking more water. i know drink between 66-128 ounces of water a day and the equivalent of 2-4 cans of diet coke. i drink a little bit less water and a little bit more diet coke on my days off from the gym. however, i just love diet coke - i don't drink it for the caffeine kick (still haven't had my first diet coke of the day and it's 2:32pm), i just like how it tastes. and i also HATE water. i drink my first 33 ounces plain and then i add mio. i haven't tried any of the store brand knock offs of mio because they all have added caffeine!

    diet coke does not make me crave other sweets. but i don't deny myself anything because that is what causes me to binge. i treat myself to something sweet every night - whether it's low fat ice cream, frozen yogurt, or a fat free-sugar free pudding. could diet coke cause others to crave sweets? sure, i guess. but it's up to what it does for you. i say keep drinking it as long as it's not taking the place of your daily water intake. my dad's been drinking diet coke regularly since 1988 and hasn't had any weird things that could be caused by ingesting all that delicious diet coke ;) imho, there are way worse things you could be doing. if this helps you on your diet, go for it.
  • 40goneby40
    40goneby40 Posts: 36 Member
    I just posted a NSV about this to my friends today! I used to be addicted to Diet Coke. About 5 months ago I decided to give it up. For a lot of reasons...
    - I don't care what the research says, I just don't think putting all of those chemicals in your body all the time can be good. I actually gave up all artificial sweeteners, with Diet Coke (and sweetener in my coffee) being the biggest deal.
    - Fast food isn't nearly as tempting when I know that I can't have a Diet Coke with it
    - I did the math, and between ordering it when I went out, grabbing a bottle/can at work, and what I was drinking at home, I was spending a few thousand dollars a year on Diet Coke!

    I invested in a SodaStream fizzy water maker, and have eventually gotten over the cravings. I flavor my water with everything from lemon to diced ginger to fresh mint.

    Today, I had an upset stomach. I thought that a little fizz would make me feel better, so I had a Diet Coke. Here is the crazy part...I had a sip, and didn't like the taste. I have kicked my addiction. I am here to report that I have officially kicked a 30 year addiction--it can be done!!

    Everyone is obviously entitled to their own opinion...and I am completely supportive of everyone doing whatever they want to get healthy in a way that works for them. To me, the biggest benefut to quitting Diet Coke has been my ability to avoid fast food.

    Good luck to everyone on their journeys, and feel free to add me as a friend--we all need all of the support and help we can get!
  • LesterBlackstone
    LesterBlackstone Posts: 291 Member
    Although most people believe that drinking diet soda leads to weight loss, this is not the case. With only approximately 5 calories per serving, diet soda does not directly contribute excessive calories to the diet; however, the consumption of sweet beverages has been shown to cause an increased desire for other sweetened foods and beverages. The sweetened beverage can also cause greater hunger during the day as the body begins to feel deprived of the calories normally associated with sweet taste.

    Read more:

    Pure speculation, and studies designed to test this hypothesis have failed to support it.
  • mkgrayson
    mkgrayson Posts: 17
    This topic got me thinking of a list of oxymorons:

    diet cola
    good greif
    passive aggresive
    jumbo shrimp
    one-size fits all
    inside out
    living dead
    civil war
    science fiction
    light weight

    I tend to only use soda as a "mixer" so bring on the sugar with the CH3CH2OH. - Cheers!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    well looks like ive started a huge debate lol ! sorry. it doesn't cause me to have sugar cravings i use it as a substitute tbh so i dont have any sweets works well for me, and ive still lost 2 stone while drinking it every day ! only reason i wanted to stop drinking it so much was because i didnt know how healthy it actually was! but by looking at this post i dont think anyone knows to be fair ! will be cutting down though either way to see if anything changes weight wise.

    ive been doing this for 2 years, and i go to the dentist every 6 months, hes only mentioned once that the enamel on my teeth are a bit worn away but he said it could also be from fruit too as i eat shed loads of that, he did say to cut out the fizzy pop but didnt give me a huge lecture about it when i told him how much i consume...

    Inevitable but not your fault.

    Basically, if you have no adverse reaction to any of the ingredients in diet soda (some people do as with a lot of foods e.g.allergic reaction) and it keeps your sweet tooth in check so you can meet your calorie allowance - then there is no problem at all with continuing to drink it.
  • I love diet coke, however when I drink diet coke I crave chocolate and peanut butter. I love chocolate and peanut butter, but there is something in diet coke that makes me want to eat junk food. I tend to stay away from the drinks. I like diet mt. dew, but I drink one a day. It got addictive for me and I felt tired and sluggish after drinking so many. I drink more water, but I do like the crystal light flavor packets. I say drink them in moderation.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Yes, gastric acid has a pH of between 1 and 3. Not an issue.

    However, I also shudder to think what diet soda does to our kidneys.
    Please explain.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    The worst part about soda is the sodium.
    There's more sodium in many natural foods compared to diet soda.
    When you drink too much soda over a long period of time, you produce more acid and this can damage your esophagus. This can potentially do irreparable harm if this continues for a long time.
    Where is this information from?
    The artificial sweeteners are most likely not good for you, but their effects haven't been proven and their is not a consensus among the scientific community about whether it's detrimental.
    As for the caffeine, too much isn't good and it could be one of the reasons you're addicted to the soda. Maybe try to have one caffeinated and one non-caffeinated per day.
    The carbonation probably isn't good for your body. I don't know as much about this, but I would bet that, similar to artificial sweeteners, there isn't a consensus as to the detrimental effects of carbonation.

    Because too much of anything isn't good, I'd recommend trying to cut down to one or two per day and then maybe trying to cut it out except on "special" occasions (going out to dinner, going to a movie, etc...)
    Too much of anything is bad for you. Moderation is fine. Problem for most people is that they don't abide by moderation which is why there are so many fat people in the US.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition