Jillian's 30 Day Shred



  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    Did Level 1 for the first time today.
  • Ok glad i found ya'll i started the 30 day shred on the 24th and have just completed the 9th day on level 1 day one i only made it 10 mins but the rest of the time i have done all 20 mins my starting weight was 149.2 with a waist measurment of 36.5 on the 27th i was still 149.2 but my waist was down to 35 inches!!!! I love this Video because i am one of those people who needs someone basicly yelling and screaming at me to get the job done and Jillian does that for me wishing i had a HRM but i am just going on a guess about calorie burn since i don't have one. Keep it up ladies and i will see you again soon.:tongue: javascript:add_smiley('tongue','post_body')
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Did workout 2 for the first time last night. Wow,,, interesting. First section was easier. I found walk-out pushups easier than regular pushups. The military press move got old real quick with my 8 lb dumbs. Maybe I need to swallow my man-pride and just get a set of 5's - - :noway:

    I'm realizing that I'm not really seeing this as a "30 day" thing - it's just a fun little circuit workout. With my wife's health issues she misses some nights, and it'll be slow going. If we're still doing level one at Christmas, well, that's Ok. As long as you don't quit you don't lose.
  • I'm with you aofstedahl!

    After I had my muscles feel like jello several days last week, I decided I'm going to take the shred every other day. I feel like I'm much more productive that way. I can definitely work harder than ever on level 1 and I'm going to totally master it before heading to level 2 again.

    Did my shred today. So much better than ever before. I can almost do everything without modifying it very much (well, except I still do girly pushups) and without taking breaks. I'm seeing the weight come off now so my muscles must be adjusting to the more strenuous exercise program.

    i ALSO can do everything without modifying...and no breaks! i do the girly pushups and i missed 5 of the shoulder raises in the 3rd circuit...but otherwise i did it all! even all of the jumprope! so excited to see improvement. haven't done level 2 yet...i think i'll try it sometime this week though. so glad to have everyone here. :)
  • I got this in the mail today........UGH! I made it through only 10 minutes!!! I hope I get better...
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    Okay, I know I said I was going to aim for consecutive days, but have still been alternating, and it's working out well. I feel so much more toned (even though it's probably in my head) and stronger every time I do this.

    Casper0 - I think you were right when you said as long as you don't quit you don't lose.

    I did level 1 again today - (upped the weights from 3 lbs to 5 lbs the last two times)... and am feeling daring enough to attempt level 2.

    Amanda - I may follow suit and restart level 1 after a couple of days - but I'm ready to give it a try. :) Fingers crossed!
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi verybody,
    I've been lurking around the thread for awhile and y'all have peaked my interest. I hope you don't mind me joining you!! I just got my dvd in the mail tonight and I am hitting day 1 level one. I consider myself to be reasonably fit - normally getting b/w 40-60 minutes per day via TJ, the FIRM (5-10lb weights depending on my energy level)and fast walking. Jillian is a beast and I hope this wears me out. I need a high intensity relatively short w/o that I can do before work and possibly when I get home.
    Excited to give it a try - just have 1 question that i'm not really clear on : Is this calesthenics, circut training or high intensity cardio - for logging ( i have no HRM).
    I'll check back when I'm done and let you know if I made it :laugh:

  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    Treask40- You will, trust me... I think all of us were the same way. At least I know I was that way. I stopped so many times. I still can't do regular push-ups, and I can only really do one set of the girly-push ups. But stick with it like Jillian says, and in a few days you will be doing the whole thing! If you are just starting to exercise without doing such for a long time, it might be wise to only do the Shred every other day and do walking/jogging on the other.

    Smiles- Well I know I said I was going to fall back, but I pushed through and am still doing level 2. Did the fourth day today. And geez... I seriously think Jillian is tryng to kill me! Getting better though. I didn't break as many times nor as long! As for being more toned. My hubby is over in Iraq and I have webcam, I showed him what I look like...and he says I've gotten smaller. So I'm sure you are too. Plus you are running! Wow...you upped the weights...go YOU! I'm so not there yet!

    I think that I am going to keep following Anita with my 3 lbs for the rest of the 30 days, and then restart with level 1 following Natalie for another 30! I've asked for Turbo Jam for Christmas, highly doubt I'll get it, so I will probably do another 30 days with the Shred after that!

    Okay, everyone. Glad you are here and sticking with it! Here's to us! :drinker:
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    I'm a bit behind, but I am on Day 2 with Level 1.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Is this calesthenics, circut training or high intensity cardio - for logging ( i have no HRM).

    It doesn't matter if you log it as calesthenics or circuit training -- the cals are the same and they've been fairly accurate for me. My HRM usually tells me I've burned a little more than MFP says (and quite a bit more on days I really hit it) but I count MFP to be conservative. :wink:

    Gearing up for my shred in the morning. Yikes, I still haven't recovered from my shred yesterday! My abs and arms and quads are pretty sore.

    I bought 3 pound weights today. I'll be using my 2 pounders for anterior raises because those still really hurt but I'm upping to 3 for everything else. I can see my biceps starting to tone from all the pushups. I've never had defined biceps before so I'm pretty excited. :laugh: I made my boyfriend pretend that he could see them.
  • ok you guys are having way too much fun with this DVD - so i'm in too, did level 1 for the first time tonight -& thought it was really really good. tomorrow again!!
  • I am in. This afternoon am starting 30 day shred. Sounds like such fun from your posts!
  • McFatterton
    McFatterton Posts: 1,358 Member
    I did level 2 for the first time this morning (I turned it on yesterday, but just ended up sitting and watching it :laugh: ) and holy crap! Planks are freaking hard! I don't have much upper body strength as it is so those are especially tough for me. I made it through though - if I'm having trouble with a move, I just do something active.....I think as long as you keep moving it's good :happy:. It's gonna be tough until I figure these planks out but I'm up for it!
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    I'm committing to doing Level 2 this afternoon. I figure if I post it here, that will keep me from wussing out. :laugh: I'm starting to come down with a cold or something, but I'm hoping the endorphins from Shredding will help me fight it off. Level 2 is still hard for me, and I have to take a break during the 3rd circuit of cardio. But I just keep moving, marching in place.

    See y'all later!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Got my shred in this morning. I added 3# weights for biceps, rows, and chest flyes and that felt good. I could probably move up to 5# pretty easily with those 3. Those anterior raises are still kicking my butt with 2#. My arms burn so much with those and I can still barely make it through.
    I made it through all the pushups again so Sunday wasn't just a fluke. :happy:
  • Nikki143
    Nikki143 Posts: 491 Member
    I so just ordered this DVD. I can't wait to start!!
  • aofstedahl- thanks for the encouragement! I am very sore even after only making in thru the first circuit. If i am still this sore tonight i may just walk.. and do as you suggested alternating for a few days until i get more accustomed to working out again. grrrrrrrrrrrr why why why do i let myself get in this shape?
  • meana717
    meana717 Posts: 261 Member
    Great Job Everyone! I'm so proud of everyone for sticking with it!!!

    JLB123- Are you doing girly push-ups or regular push-ups! As for the anterior raises...those kicked my butt too. In level 2 you do Chair Squats with a V-raise which is just as tortureous as Anterior Raises!

    McFatterton- I'm with you on those dang planks! They are tearing me up!

    Treask40- You know I think we all wonder why we let ourselves get this way...or some of us even wonder how it happened and when it happened! At least I know I do. Just stay focused and remember you have an awesome support group at the end of your fingertips!

    Ready to go home and Shred some more!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member

    JLB123- Are you doing girly push-ups or regular push-ups!

    Oh, no I'm totally doing girly pushups! But considering I maxed out at 8 girly pushups 1.5 months ago, I think doing 25 at a time twice in just 3 minutes is pretty awesome! :bigsmile:
  • Dragonfly11
    Dragonfly11 Posts: 672 Member
    Hi All,
    glad to see everyone pushing on through and working towards goal - don't quit!!
    I tried this w/o for the first time this morning before work and I am pleasantly surprised to get such a good all around w/o from just a short period of time. I was challenged throughout and will continue with the program to see what the results are in 30 days. I used 5lb dumbells and my arms were definetly shaking at the end of the anterior raises in the last circut - I'm sure my form wasn't so great for that last set - WOW!
    I am doing bent knee push ups for now, with a pillow for my knees (my modification :wink: ) but I really do like this one. It's noon and I can still fell the work I put in at 5am - fabulous! I will probably do Firm Hardcore fusion (express) when I get home - super ab routine in there or TJ 20 min. This is a great addition to the fitness library. WIll check in tomorrow ~ thanks for keeping me accountable.

    Keep up the great work,
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