If you could punch anyone, who would it be?



  • brklnlrsn
    brklnlrsn Posts: 28
    Me, for letting myself get this fat.
  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 334 Member
    My daughter's father! What a complete piece of @$#%!!!!

    Yes, I'd love to punch my ex repeatedly because of his failure to be a father to my daughter, and this hurts her. And it's completely unnecessary!
  • my365challenge
    my365challenge Posts: 45 Member
    If I could punch anyone, who would it be?

    Fat. Right in it's fat stomach.
  • EmIsabel
    EmIsabel Posts: 69 Member
    Myself. Lost my only phone. . . errrrg
  • peasantgirly
    peasantgirly Posts: 173 Member
    Jillian. When she says, "Just a few more" and it's really like 20 more!!
  • hollyk57
    hollyk57 Posts: 520 Member
    It would be the dumb b*tch who was hired below me (against my suggestion to the dept. head that she wasn't right for the job) - who is gunning for my job and lying/exaggerating about her experience.... she's thus far proven herself to be nothing short of a one-winged ding bat... And she lies and makes up stuff all the time... Oh, I'd love to punch her... a lot... with brass knuckles...
  • perci61
    perci61 Posts: 11
    Only one! My daughter-in-law (husbands son's wife). for punching me and not giving me the chance to punch back. She was in her car, punched me, rolled up her window all but a crack and yelled through the crack "whose got the power now". Haven't seen her since that day, about 3 years ago. Afraid I might punch her if I ever see her again! She thinks she can do whatever and not be held responsible for it. AAAUUUGGGHHH!
  • Kenzietea2
    Kenzietea2 Posts: 1,132 Member
    Actually, no one right now. And I am sleep deprived, hormonal and pregnant.
  • smiley245
    smiley245 Posts: 420 Member
    Unfortunately my ex, who has decided the woman he met last july can be more important than his kids.....who missed and put aside weekends with his kids cause he was "too busy".
    who has know her for less than a year and will be married shortly.:huh:
    who has made promises to his kids and not held up his end of the bargain.
    Because I'm the one that has to sit there and make excuses for him,
    Because I'm the one that has to make their sadness go away,
    Because Im the one that takes them to appointments, cadets, courses, birthday parties, takes sick days from work to be with them, be up with them at night, talk to them about fears, hopes and joy,
    Because he obviously does not know the strength and comitment it takes to be a parent. when he can barely commit to his weekends......
    Because of this I'd like to punch him in the nads.....really hard....

    i have other ppl too, but he wins the draw today.....for "having a thing this weekend can you keep the kids?"......again.....:angry:
  • YummyTpn
    YummyTpn Posts: 334 Member
    This little girl in my daughter's dance class. She is plain MEAN. She goes out of her way to be cruel and unkind to the other girls. Maybe it'd be more appropriate to punch her mother or father, but when I see her bratty face, I get mad.

    Jeez child abuse!! haha tell your daughter to handle it

    Yeah, I know, not the most pc answer, right?
    And yes, I have let my daughter figure it out on her own...The last time this girl did something awful, my girl told her she was rude and then left her alone. I was proud of her for handling it maturely (she's seven this other girl is eight).
    I agree, you cannot fight your chidren's battles. They have to learn from these interactions, painful as it is to watch sometimes.
  • Vonnie2006
    Vonnie2006 Posts: 246 Member
    Would I get to punch them more than once? If so, it would be someone I worked with. I'd punch him right in the throat......everyday. :laugh:
  • BlueInkDot
    BlueInkDot Posts: 702 Member

    #correctanswer #iwin
  • harr3mi
    harr3mi Posts: 87 Member
    Kobe Bryant... That guy is an @$$hat
  • ellekay22
    ellekay22 Posts: 147 Member
    Jennifer Love Hewitt. She bugs me.
  • ShaneWinston58
    ShaneWinston58 Posts: 156 Member
    My father (when he was alive) who died about 8 years ago. :angry: He was my father, but he wasn't my dad.:drinker:
  • hollyk57
    hollyk57 Posts: 520 Member
    My father (when he was alive) who died about 8 years ago. :angry: He was my father, but he wasn't my dad.:drinker:

    Oh ditto...big time! When I'm done punching my aforementioned co-worker - which may take a while because I am really going to enjoy it - my 'dad' would def be next. Am I sounding too violent? Maybe it's the coffee....
  • juicy011
    juicy011 Posts: 200 Member
    For some reason only celebrities come to mind...

    I'd punch Kanye West....i imagine he's a whiny little punk, lol

    Someone I'd like to pat on the back is Jennifer Garner cause she seems like a sweet person & the best mom :drinker:
  • Jerry Sandusky
  • TadaGanIarracht
    TadaGanIarracht Posts: 2,615 Member
    My stepmom. She's one of those that will repeat herself over and over again and she's a horrible parent to my little brother, she doesn't know how to actually parent.

    I would loooove to punch her, please? Lol.
  • Lam75
    Lam75 Posts: 72
    Michael Gove, the clueless and idiotic git