girls with tattoos



  • HealthyBodySickMind
    HealthyBodySickMind Posts: 1,207 Member
    Everyone thought I would be covered as soon as I turned 18 because I used to draw all over myself (and friends) back in high school. I'm 27 and have a total of two:




    My wedding band was my first tattoo :)

    Don't know why it won't show up though :(

    an arm pit tattoo!!!! I don't meet many other people with them. I have a lotus in my right arm pit that hurt like all get out!!!!!! How was your experience?

    I'm not gonna lie, it hurt. It wasn't the most painful thing I've ever experienced, but I felt it. But the best part was this huge guy that was covered with tatttoos in the shop while I was getting it. He was getting work done, too, but couldn't look over at me without cringing, haha. I'm going to get a watermelon slice in the other one, soon I hope.
  • mzkezh
    mzkezh Posts: 74
    back neck ~ gemini sign
    behind ear ~ ladybug
    chest ~ butterfly
    back ~praying hand w/ clouds
    ~half sun/moon
    ~my 2 kids name and mine in middle
    ~lily (lower back)

    when I get half way to goal weight I want some more done on chest

    when I meet goal weight I want my wings in the middle
  • skinnybearlyndsay
    skinnybearlyndsay Posts: 798 Member
    I have the Big Dipper on my left foot. And plans to get a few more as rewards for reaching my goals. :)
  • Any woman with an owl tattoo has my attention. DEAD SERIOUS. I love owls.
  • melbaby925
    melbaby925 Posts: 613
    This one on the inside of my right ankle:


    Flowers on the vine on the outside of my right ankle. Hearts on my right hip.

    Working on two more designs so the left side isn't left out!

    UNH - I can't get this stupid thing to resize properly on photobucket.
  • arrawyn79
    arrawyn79 Posts: 275 Member
    i only have 1 tattoo at the moment (a small tribal dragon tramp stamp). but I'm planning on getting another one in a few months to celebrate my first book being published (august 23rd the ebook will be released! paperback later :D) - it's a quote from Lord Byron's 'Don Juan' which is mentioned in the book - and also in the following 2nd and 3rd book (both as yet unpublished!) so its kind of like a celebratory thing for me getting my book out.

    Also, it's the tattoo my main character has, and i'm going to be getting it in the same place as him (inner right bicep) - kind of weird and nerdy...but oh well :)

    I also would like, eventually, some kind of Sherlock Holmes related tattoo since I <3 the Sherlock Holmes stories so much!
  • foxyforce
    foxyforce Posts: 3,078 Member
    i've got a bunch but here is one in progress, so far 6 hours of work:

  • theresmynapkin
    theresmynapkin Posts: 183 Member
    Three stars and some initials on my inner lower lip
  • None on me.
    I have no desire what-so-ever to suffer pain unnecessarily.
    I'm a wimp!!!
    H x
  • I have 2 elephants (male & female) making a heart with their trunks on my back right shoulder.
    My daughters name, birth date & Hello Kitty's face on my left wrist.
    My husbands lip prints (kiss) on my right hip.
    Two 6-toed paw prints on my right ankle (I have a Bobcat that is poly-dactyl).
    My left calf has a snowflake on it with Nana under it.
    And last but not lest my 2 animal print stars on my chest.

    There are still about 5 more that I want to... Very addicting :)
  • shearx
    shearx Posts: 19 Member
    One is envy and the other is lust.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    Inside of my left wrist:
    it means "never again" and that's my starting weight in roman numerals
    Reminds me I will NEVER go back there.

    On my right foot:
    the "jesus fish" was my first tattoo
    just got the star tattoo made of music notes in January and I love it

    On the front of my left shoulder:
    Sorry it's so small....hard to see, but it's a bird at the top of a road with a picket fence, and it says:
    "Smile at the simple stuff, 'cause this road ain't long enough to miss a single turn"
    It's song lyrics to "Let it Go" by Great Big Sea

    Those are the only ones I have pics of, so I won't bore you with the rest. What's a tattoo without pictures?! :laugh:

    And I know this is a girl's thread, but I have to share my hubby's latest one bc it's awesome, lol.
    On his right forearm:
    he got the first one filled in for when we got married, then the rest will be filled in when he loses 100 lbs, quits smoking, reaches goal weight, and when we have a kid :)
  • shearx
    shearx Posts: 19 Member
    I have a bunch of tattoos.

    My favorites are my Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman portrait on my right forearm and my Lily Munster portrait on my right arm.







    Are the knuckle tattoos supposed to spell "ENVIOUS"??

    The knuckles are envy and lust. The pic was too big.
  • jandueporti
    jandueporti Posts: 24 Member

    excuse the overly swollen foot :P

    this is awesome!!
  • Brazilll
    Brazilll Posts: 503
    Two doves on my left side/below ribs and wings between my shoulder blades.
  • krissyliz78
    krissyliz78 Posts: 181 Member
    Shooting star behind my ear
    Strength symbol and hope symbol back of neck
    "Its never too late to live happily ever after" on my shoulder
    Sun on my other shoulder
    My daughters name on my back
    My sons name on my back
    Dragon fly on my back
    HUGE flower tramp stamp
    "PRINCESS" across my *kitten* (regret)
    3 butterflies on my left rib cage
    5 chinese symbols (love, mother, beauty, courage, wisdom) on my right rib cage
    nautical star on my right hip
    sunflower on my left legg
    Irish love knot on my right calf
    flower band around my right ankle
    flower and vine on my right foot
    my daughters kiss on my wrist
    and lastly 2 birds on my wrist for my 2 miscarriages
  • Brazilll
    Brazilll Posts: 503
    Shooting star behind my ear
    Strength symbol and hope symbol back of neck
    "Its never too late to live happily ever after" on my shoulder
    Sun on my other shoulder
    My daughters name on my back
    My sons name on my back
    Dragon fly on my back
    HUGE flower tramp stamp
    "PRINCESS" across my *kitten* (regret)
    3 butterflies on my left rib cage
    5 chinese symbols (love, mother, beauty, courage, wisdom) on my right rib cage
    nautical star on my right hip
    sunflower on my left legg
    Irish love knot on my right calf
    flower band around my right ankle
    flower and vine on my right foot
    my daughters kiss on my wrist
    and lastly 2 birds on my wrist for my 2 miscarriages

    Beautiful idea about the birds on the wrist :)

  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Anything but a face tattoo im ok with
  • apamapandapa
    apamapandapa Posts: 31 Member
    A bat on my right sholder.