Any ladies out there my height? I'm 5' 7 1/2" (5'7"-5'8")?



  • SFbarmaid
    SFbarmaid Posts: 117 Member
    I'm 5'7 and going for 145.
    I was 180 when I started and am 160 now.
    I have started lifting so I haven't seen much change on the scale, but I am definitely looking more fit.
  • Esl4541
    Esl4541 Posts: 4
    I'm 5'7" and set a goal of 140 lb. My 'healthy' BMI high end is 154. I combine hot yoga, running, and riding horses to work all major muscle groups. The yoga is particularly good for targeting arms and overall toning. Plus, you feel awesome! Nothing beats feeling good when it comes to positive feedback from your own body! Good luck.
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    I'm 5'8 goal is 130 :)
  • Mzfoster0517
    Mzfoster0517 Posts: 83 Member
    I'm looking to get 155 -160 to not look sick and too skinny. The actual BMI for our height has you really skinny in my opinion, so you really got to go for what looks good on you.
  • DesiL13
    DesiL13 Posts: 11
    I am 5'7" and am working my way down from 196 down to 140. I will Celebrate when i hit 160lbs. That's how much i weighted when i graduated High School. but will continue to fight for my goal.
  • FlamingJune67
    FlamingJune67 Posts: 96 Member
    I'm 5' 7 1/2" as well. Very curvy with a tendency to carry weight in my butt and thighs and not in my arms or tummy. The lowest I have been since I lost weight is 150lbs, and that was a size 8. I have lost down to 150 several times over the past few years (I seem to always settle back to around 157) and each time I have been able to keep the weight off longer and longer without much trying. Now I am ready to try for 140. I have never weighed that little at this height - I was 145 in high school - but this time I have much more muscle (Thanks to "the New Rules of Lifting for Women") and I think I should be able to pull it off. However, if you are looking for a nice attainable weight for right now - and you are naturally curvy, I think 155-160 is probably a good goal.
    I should add that I started at 195-ish and also had no idea what I should shoot for, so totally understand.
  • mstclair03
    mstclair03 Posts: 151
    5'8", 180lbs, dress size 10-12, thick hips and thighs, big bust, and fairly muscular. Been in the 170-180 range since high school, and while I apparently don't look "fat" (or so my friends tell me), I think my frame could stand to be 150lbs. Below that, and I think I would look sickly. Just joined myfitnesspal, and it's so good to see so many other curvy ladies out there!
  • tml224
    tml224 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm 5'8" and working my way to between 150- 165. I've always looked smaller than what I weighed so I'm aiming to get down to a low BF % with some muscular definition and hopefully that falls within that range.
  • MrsR0SE
    MrsR0SE Posts: 343 Member
    I exactly the same height as you, and at the moment I've decided to aim for 147lb, which is 10 1/2 stone. That seemed achievable and nicely within the BMI range for my height. I'm excited to be on the home straight now, and if I decide to change my goal it will probably only be by a few pounds. However once I get to my goal it will be more about the toning and getting down to a UK size 12.
  • Brittany3914
    Brittany3914 Posts: 258 Member
    I'm a 5'8" female, 24 years old. My starting weight was 164.4 and I'm currently lingering around 147. My goal weight is 140, but I'm not basing anything on a scale. I'm judging my goal weight when I feel sexiest naked :)
  • JMJohnson1005
    JMJohnson1005 Posts: 222 Member
    I'm 5'7 and as of now my goal is 150. It may change as I get closer to that weight, though.
  • TheRoseQueen
    TheRoseQueen Posts: 27 Member
    I agree.... I think it depends on body type, bone structure, etc. When I was younger (many moons ago) and weighed 135 everyone said I looked over 15 years older than I was, and I was tired. Found my best weight was between 145-150...That is my current goal....Especially if you are "well-endowed" and have hips. Can't do to much about those inherited factors.
  • kristeen16
    I'm 5"7and my goal weight is 140 - 142. I used the Weight Watchers weight charts to arrive at this number. My preferred weight is 138, but that' s awful hard to get down to! Good luck :-)
  • Fit2befitZ
    Fit2befitZ Posts: 150 Member
    Hi I am 5'8 and currently weigh 145. I am hoping to get to 18% body fat, which should be approximately 138 for me. So, that is my current goal. Since I travel for a living, I do exclusively WO DVDs, Swim, Bike, and Run for my exercises. Good luck and Rock on!!
  • ccmandel
    ccmandel Posts: 143 Member
    5'8" and lookng to be 155-157

    That's firmly in a size 10...almost there!
  • Asharee011
    Asharee011 Posts: 129 Member
    I'm 5'7" and my goal is 145 to 135
  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    I'm 5'7" and my ultimate goal is between 150 to 155.
  • sleepychat
    I'm 5'7 almost 58yrs today i weighed in at 151.8 not really going for weight / im going for fit better in my clothes....i try to walk daily for past 2 months, ....i always go with how my clothes fit vs my weight because I would love to weight 130 but my body type and age might be an issue.....hope all the other post will help you also......keep up the good work
  • Jelaine56
    Jelaine56 Posts: 88 Member
    I'm 5'7" - 5'8" and now weigh 165 lbs.. I want to be in the 135 - 140 lbs range. I was that weight about 10 yrs ago and I want to do it again... I am still in a size 14 jean, and they are slowly getting looser. I want to be able to wear a size 10 or 12.. I weighed 180 lbs in February and have lost about 13 to 15 lbs.. but the weight is coming off so slowly (at least to me it is).. How long has it taken some of you??
  • JS268
    JS268 Posts: 83 Member
    Hello, I'm just under 5'8" and currently 118 lbs with a goal weight of 110 lbs :smile: