Short/petite people with under 20 to lose-question!



  • allisonmrn
    allisonmrn Posts: 721 Member
    ALL THE TIME....Its annoying!!
  • Barkley87
    Barkley87 Posts: 126 Member
    Yes! People at work constantly ask 'why??' when I mention I'm on a diet.

    Also someone on the boards here once said this to me:

    'A woman 5'3" with a small frame should weigh 111 - 124, a medium frame 121 - 135 and a large frame 131 - 147. Even with a small frame, you weight was within the norm, in fact at your current weight of 117, I would say you are at your perfect weight, so quit worrying about your weight and go out and enjoy life.

    There are a lot of people on this list who are obese and super obese, this is what this list is for, not for people who want sub- normal weights.

    The reason you can't lose weight is the fact that you are already at your perfect weight, accept it and move on to something new. '

    I'm actually currently 124 (and want to be 112) - I have no idea where he got the 'current weight of 117' from.

    Anyway, needless to say I was very cross.
  • sarahkbarnes
    All. The. Time. Drives me crazy. I get annoyed when people give me a hard time about saying no to cake etc because I don't want to GAIN the weight back that I have already lost!
  • BeccaJane_x_
    BeccaJane_x_ Posts: 34 Member
    Ahh I love this thread! I get this all the time and it annoys the hell out of me! I'm 5ft1 and 106lbs but carry fat around my middle which I need to lose... if I mention I am tying to lose it or watching my weight I get the same comments as everyone else here... grr!! I don't get why people don't understand that just because the weight sounds low, it is just because we are much smaller in height.. therefore our weight is going to be in proportion to our height!
  • tocara
    tocara Posts: 81 Member
    Wow.. others have the same issues as me! I am learning real quick during my 1st week here on MFP that no matter how I feel or what I am going though... there seems to be others going through the same thing!! I love that! I feel like I am not alone anymore in this weightless journey.

    I am 5'2" and currently 147... goal is 129

    All my life growing up I got the comments of, "you can fit into anything", "you don't have to worry", "your so small".... I never thought anything more of it then just accepting it as a complement.

    Well, fast forward 10 years of living on my own and I have managed to gain some weight. Like most of you, I still get those comments... but HELLO the truth is that I can not fit into most of my wardrobe =( and I feel sluggish.

    The 1st time I tired to loose weight I felt bad going into a Diet Centre because I am not hugely overweight... but not where I want to be. I have now gotten past that at least. It doesn't matter what size I am, i have the right to be there...
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I get it a lot from someone in my family because it seems like they like to project their weight issues on me..... and have been my whole life. I think that they're under the impression that the thinner I get, the fatter they get. Ok, then. I've learned to ignore, ignore, ignore and not take advice from the person that put me on the road to being overweight anyway.
  • WishfulShrinking331
    WishfulShrinking331 Posts: 244 Member
    Always and in my opinion I feel like shorter people need to be more conscious about their weight because 5 pounds more on us looks a lot worse than 5 pounds on a tall girl. I'm 5 feet and when I get my period my weight is noticeable. I try really hard to watch what I'm eating and when people accuse me of being crazy and dumb it really upsets me. I know I'm not happy about where I am, I don't understand why my weight is anyone's business =[
  • 2labbydogs
    2labbydogs Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you - thank you - thank you!! My husband loves me even tho' I'm 20 lbs heavier than when we met. He also supports the hard work I'm doing trying to lose at least 1/2 of it! A lot of friends call me "skinny" because I'm thinner than they are, but it's personal, isn't it? I have "mom arms" and much more of a stomach than I ever had. I just want to feel good in my clothes and know that I'm healthy, no matter what age I am. I appreciated the comment from the person who said, "It's more about them than about you." I think that's it in a nutshell. Just tune out the "haters" and listen to the voices in your head and on this site that keep encouraging you!!:heart:
  • Barkley87
    Barkley87 Posts: 126 Member
    Always and in my opinion I feel like shorter people need to be more conscious about their weight because 5 pounds more on us looks a lot worse than 5 pounds on a tall girl.

    This is so true, and so unfair!
  • Maryaly40
    Maryaly40 Posts: 551 Member
    I'm 5'0 and 137 and people look at me like I'm crazy when I tell them according to BMI I'm still overweight! :noway: And yea, I'm now having difficulty with calories and actually going over, even by just a little but, which has caused me to plateau. My own fault :sad: I also hate when ppl say "ah you can cheat your doing so good" Look, if I lived everyday with that mindset, in a year I would gain back most of what I'd lost. Man, losing weight is ALOT of hard work, not just physical but mental as well. :ohwell:
  • ttesta20
    ttesta20 Posts: 35 Member
    I get a lot of comments from my fellow co-workers as well b/c I'm 5'4" , SW 132, CW 127, GW 124. They give me a hard time about my healthy eating and daily workouts. It's very frustrating, especially when they turn around and whine about being out of shape and overweight but do absolutely nothing to change it. Honestly I don't care so much about the number on the scale as I do the way my clothes fit and how I look without clothes - I'd rather be 127 lbs of toned muscle than 124 lbs of just plain thin, but no one seems to understand that toning up involves weight loss too. I just explain to them that I worked very hard to get my body to where it is, and I continue to work hard to keep it that way. My motivation is not only that I am smaller framed, but that I'm also struggling with infertility, so I figured if I can't give my husband a baby, at least I can give him a hot wife to come home to every night, haha!
  • happypath101
    happypath101 Posts: 534
    Ahh I love this thread! I get this all the time and it annoys the hell out of me! I'm 5ft1 and 106lbs but carry fat around my middle which I need to lose... if I mention I am tying to lose it or watching my weight I get the same comments as everyone else here... grr!! I don't get why people don't understand that just because the weight sounds low, it is just because we are much smaller in height.. therefore our weight is going to be in proportion to our height!

    Thanks! This is me, exactly. I articulate it a number of ways, but really all I want is to lose my belly. I'm a size 6, a small or extra small in most stores, but my belly button doesn't stand up on it's own. I already have a really healthy life-style and so losing a few more pounds (or wobble) is really slow going. I'm NOT going to burn 1200 calories in 45 minutes at the gymn like some do. And, when you're tinier, every extra pound really shows AND every pound is much harder to lose. I'm SO tired of people telling me I should take a rest day, or just lighted up, or whatever. I do, but I also need to be disciplined to get where I want to be. And, I'm not even TELLING anyone I'm on a diet. They just start prodding at me to eat potatoes or not go to the gymn or whatever. ERGH!

    OK. Vent over. Thanks!
  • Pfeiffer24
    Pfeiffer24 Posts: 106 Member
    I get it to im 5'3 and after two kids im only 144. size 5. but its not about my weight I say. Its about being healthy and happy. I dont wanna let go and not be able to run around with my kids...
  • LovelyNFit
    LovelyNFit Posts: 92 Member
    Just got into the 20 lbs to lose rage....should expect what you are all experiencing soon i guess.
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    I know just what you mean.

    I get it mostly from coworkers.

    I'm 5'1" and I weigh 125 down from 147. That first twenty pounds is a pretty dramatic loss for someone as small as this and it did get noticed.

    But they think I'm skinny now so I should be done.

    If I say I have ten more I want to lose, I get looks of disbelief :D

    But I have a belly and thighs that still have plenty of fat to give up, so I am continuing on.

    Besides a goal of 115 is VERY reasonable for my height.

    But explaining all that takes too much time. Smile and nod, smile and nod. :D
  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member
    I get this all the time too! I find people think its a joke or that I'm just doing it for attention. but when you're 5' 1" like me even a couple of pounds can make a huge difference!

  • mfpcopine
    mfpcopine Posts: 3,093 Member

    I work with a lady who is "skinny". When we would go out to eat, she would debate what food was the best to eat and not eat "cake" or very little. I would think to myself, "you are skinny, you can eat what ever you want. Why are you thinking about it?" Part way through my weight-loss journey I had my ah ha moment (light bulb over head)....she is skinny because she thinks about what she eats. You would think that this would be something that everyone would just know, but I've always had it in my head that when I got "skinny" I could eat whatever I wanted. We all know that just is not true. When we get to our goal weights we will still need to eat healthy and exercise.

    I've always been the relatively skinny lady. I've never understood why overweight people don't understand that most people who are thin, especially if they're not in their early 20s, are thin because they think about what they're eating. Obviously, there's a communication problem. Or maybe overweight people don't grasp the degree of their denial.

    At least you saw the light. That's what counts.
  • kati2427
    kati2427 Posts: 1
    Yes! I weigh 117 and am 5'2"! I had a baby in january and now want to lose my last 7lbs to be 110, but people give me crap all the time! My family and friends just don't understand!
  • inside_lap
    inside_lap Posts: 738 Member
    Yes! People just don't think about our weight in relation our height. They just hear our weight, think since it's lower then theirs, that we must not need to lose weight. Hello! If I'm a foot shorter then you and weight the same, I'm most certainly not going to look the same as you!!
  • Hopingforchange
    Love this thread. The hardest part is losing the last 10-15! I hit 40 and a flip was switched! I am now 43 and can't lose an ounce to save my life! I am 4'10 and currently at 132 wth a goal of 120. I am more muscular, do not have tiny bone structure. So frustrated!