Any gamers out there?



  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    I used to do pnp DnD games back in high school, and then found the internet in college and Mucks and the like (got addicted) and ha dto leave college for a bit.

    I stayed far far far away from WoW, I'd be like South Park, living in the basement, that type of game would be too addicitive for me.

    My Husband got be into video games on the PS2 Baulders Gate, Champions of Norath and the like....

    Then he bought Dragon Age for the Playstation. I sat and finished that game all the way through in one about sleep deprived. Loved it, and had to go on a work trip the same day I finished the game (thank you long airplane flight to sleep on!) so bought a PC copy for my laptop.

    Since DA I've gone through the ME series, Witcher, Kingdom of amalur. I also love the Civ games. I bought a new laptop last year just for gaming.

    But, the fiasco that was ME3 cured me of my 2 year addiction to video games, and suddenly I find time on my hands! So, I thought, goo time to lose what I let gaming help me put on.

    We have Xbox kinnect, Wii (I LOVE the Rabbids games), a PS3, and my laptop.
  • shbretired
    shbretired Posts: 320 Member
    I play on facebook friend me if you wanna play ☺
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    Some D&D....just not on the computer.... Sadly, the social aspect tends to be attached to specific foods that have not been part of my diet since I left my teens (a really long time ago.)

    We're breaking the kids in this summer, though, so perhaps D&D will become a "veggies and dip with water" game instead of "root beer, pepperoni pizza and nutterbutters" game....

    Man.....those were the days......
  • Hi,

    I played on line for years mainly Legend of Mir then Mir Revenge. I bought an Xbox early this year and love to play Skyrim and more recently MW3 and Gears of war Deathmatch.

  • Played EQ for most of the early 2000's, then started EVE Online in 2007, really like it and I'm purely casual now.
  • Gamer here!

    Played Final Fantasy XI, Everquest I and II, World of Warcraft, Lineage I and II for a while! Did some endgame stuff with own guilds in both Final Fantasy XI and World of Warcraft, but currently only playing Final Fantasy XIV and Diablo III. Waiting for Guild Wars 2 to be released!

    Years ago I was pretty hardcore, especially during my World of Warcraft time, but now I am just a casual enjoying the game instead of stressing to get boss X down as soon as possible! Way more fun!

    Just started up Final Fantasy VII yesterday for old times sake :D
  • kayleanah
    kayleanah Posts: 5 Member
    I'm so thrilled I'm not the only gamer out there! I've been playing WoW for almost three years now. Now that I'm bound and determined to get healthy again, I reward myself with a raid after a good workout week :)
  • meridian35
    meridian35 Posts: 19 Member
    Played wow for about three Years 20-40 hours a week ow a bit addicted to sims3. Have a rule that I don't eat and play and find I go 6-8 hours not even thinking about food . Who is OCD? Moi?
  • I'm so thrilled I'm not the only gamer out there! I've been playing WoW for almost three years now. Now that I'm bound and determined to get healthy again, I reward myself with a raid after a good workout week :)

    Sometimes I miss the crazy raids in WoW! Good old times haha! Raiding after a nice workout week should feel nice! I do not allow myself to login to Final Fantasy XIV on days that I did not stay below my goals. Thank god it did not happen so far (yet).
  • TravisBurns
    TravisBurns Posts: 353 Member
    I've been a lifelong gamer. I have a ps3, but haven't really played much lately for a few reasons. One being I cant really afford any games and there really isn't any games I feel compelled to buy at the moment. Resident Evil 6 is the one game I am definitely looking forward to getting. The last game I put serious time into was Skyrim a while back. I clocked like 85 hrs into it in a weeks time. But I love the old school games, have a bunch of the old consoles. NES, SNES, Sega, 64, PSOne, Atari. If you're playing old nintendo consoles you can never go wrong with a Zelda game. Especially Link to the Past, Ocarina of Time or Majora's Mask. But I have also followed games like Resident Evil, Mortal Kombat, and Metal Gear Solid since their beginnings.
  • I just signed up today and saw your post about gamers. I'm not a hardcore gamer, but am currently addicted to Diablo 3.
  • yungnold
    yungnold Posts: 33 Member
    I'm not a hardcore gamer but when I can play its WoW, Diablo III and Madden 2012 on Xbox 360
  • I have to say that I was and am still addicted to video games! It was so forcing myself to cut back to a more acceptable amount of gaming. At one point all I did was game, 8 hours a day, most days of the week, I'd skip homework, do bad on tests, and slowly I got more and more out of shape. The last couple of years I've improved a lot, I still play video games, and it's easy to fall back into old habits of playing them ALL DAY LONG. Especially for RPG fans! *cough*Skyrim*cough*. The first week alone I put over 120 hours into it! It has definitely been a struggle, especially since there are so many games that are out that I want to play SO BADLY. Mass Effect 3, Skyrim, The Witcher 2, Diablo 3, Kingdom of Amalur, Etc. When I game it helps me forget the menial job I have, the stress of college classes, and stress in general.

    It's all about transferring that into exercising!

    So I understand where you all are coming from, so feel free to add me, and maybe we can help motivate each other to become healthier more physically fit individuals!
  • kit_kat328
    kit_kat328 Posts: 10 Member
    Love gaming...I have a PS3 and I'm usually always on Call of Duty: MW3.
  • Q2 4 life!!
  • I am old school, I play Quake3 with my buddies :-)

    I also used to be major, major addicted to Final Fantasy Online. Tried WoW but it never really did it for me.

    Q2 4 life!!

    Noob at message board duh :)
  • bartcal
    bartcal Posts: 40 Member
    Mostly WoW, with some Diablo and Starcraft thrown in for variety. I have a PS3, but mostly only play football or hockey games on it. (I get physically ill whenever I try to play the 1st person shooter games).

    My gaming has been greatly curtailed lately due to work and other outside influences, but I still try to get a few hours a week in just to relax and have fun.