Corn used my man-parts as a speedbag.



  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    This is awesome. Your title is great. You forgot to add a little cardio but I guess that's forgivable when everything else is pretty spot on.

    He didn't forget. Cardio is unnecessary for fat loss.

    It has other benefits, but for the purpose of his posts...its irrelevant.

    ^ correct as usual sir.
  • princesskittykat
    princesskittykat Posts: 7 Member
    Well said! Thank you. & Amen!
  • lesita75
    lesita75 Posts: 379 Member
    I simply :heart: this post!!
  • stupidloser
    stupidloser Posts: 300 Member
    YEAH! and reach your goal when you become a senior citizen.
  • secrets_out
    secrets_out Posts: 684 Member
    Legend.....wait for it and i hope your not lactose intolerant....DAIRY!
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    SS you've helped me so much in the past and I love this thread!
  • gypsybree
    gypsybree Posts: 218
    Hey.. those pink dumbells! There ain't nothin wrong with havin color in your life!

    Other than that, you're rockin it! :heart:
  • woogy1956
    woogy1956 Posts: 19 Member
    I'm sorry but I am going to continue to defiantly wash my butt... I may even log it as a fat burning activity. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: cracks me up!
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    I think I'll take my chances that my health issues later in life will have less to do with canned vegetables and more to do with the fact that I let myself get obese in the first place.

    The point is clearly that you could potentially have a better quality of life (though more likely toward the end, I think) eating unprocessed foods vs all processed regardless to your physical condition, not that your condition has no bearing.

    Not that it matters, of course, I just mean that I'm not saying your physical condition isn't to be without consideration when all factors are taken into account.
    I'm sorry but I am going to continue to defiantly wash my butt... I may even log it as a fat burning activity. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: cracks me up!
    Pun intended?
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Yep. There's too much worry going on about stuff! Good post, thanks.
  • LesterBlackstone
    LesterBlackstone Posts: 291 Member
    I think I'll take my chances that my health issues later in life will have less to do with canned vegetables and more to do with the fact that I let myself get obese in the first place.

    The point is clearly that you could potentially have a better quality of life (though more likely toward the end, I think) eating unprocessed foods vs all processed regardless to your physical condition, not that your condition has no bearing.

    I like how you immediately followed your accusation of "fallacy" with a false-dilemma.
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    I think I'll take my chances that my health issues later in life will have less to do with canned vegetables and more to do with the fact that I let myself get obese in the first place.


    The point is clearly that you could potentially have a better quality of life (though more likely toward the end, I think) eating unprocessed foods vs all processed regardless to your physical condition, not that your condition has no bearing.

    Not that it matters, of course, I just mean that I'm not saying your physical condition isn't to be without consideration when all factors are taken into account.

    I don't eat all processed foods, I was making the point that while I do eat processed food because it's quicker and convenient, not all processed food is totally bad for you.

  • kympow
    kympow Posts: 145 Member
    I think I may <3 you.... Cuz it Dr. Oz says it, it must be true! As long as I can rub salt in my stretch marks I will be good...
  • Jamee_J
    Jamee_J Posts: 63
    Thank you:smile:
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    Yup, clicked on it for the crazy title, but read all the pages out of love for the post! This is why I have successfully lost and maintained weight - but refuse to open my food diary! (Whoops, sorry - insert sound of lid flying off can of worms!) :happy:
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    . There was a professor somewhere that spent all his calories on junk (specifically twinkies I think) and managed to lose weight.
    I can tell you i lost 21 kilos eating hot chips, sausage, battered sav and lots of bread....its all about portioning and exercise! (Im not healthy in eating I can only portion the crap i do eat and walking was what made me lose weight, wish i did weights too "jiggles gut fat")
    I can also tell you that since i joined MFP I have been so inspired that ive done a bit of everything and not lost one bloody kilo.....:explode: I wasnt even going to read this post! I clicked it by accident and glimpsed a word when i clicked back....:drinker: Here here!
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Should be required reading before you are allowed to post. Though the forum would probably die as 90% of the oft-repeated questions would be stopped in their tracks.
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    I like how you immediately followed your accusation of "fallacy" with a false-dilemma.
    Hah, you're right, I actually didn't mean to include "all" in there, particularly not without qualifying the former statement with it, either; but it's really quite difficult to talk about a difference in quality of life without adhering to a false-dilemma in respect to typical food options. But regardless, it's the nature of the statements made in generality.
    I don't eat all processed foods, I was making the point that while I do eat processed food because it's quicker and convenient, not all processed food is totally bad for you.

    Thanks for the flower ;) I was really only trying to say that in general I think eating unprocessed foods are going to be, in the long run, better than processed, but that it's probably not going to have as much of an effect so long as you eat a relatively healthy diet.

    Although I always feel better in the immediate when I'm eating unprocessed foods as opposed to eating frozen/canned stuff.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Embarrassed to be here but glad to find an oasis of sanity in this desert of misinformation. Or should I call it mythinformation. :heart:
  • redcat17
    redcat17 Posts: 267 Member
    I like how you immediately followed your accusation of "fallacy" with a false-dilemma.
    Hah, you're right, I actually didn't mean to include "all" in there, particularly not without qualifying the former statement with it, either; but it's really quite difficult to talk about a difference in quality of life without adhering to a false-dilemma in respect to typical food options. But regardless, it's the nature of the statements made in generality.
    I don't eat all processed foods, I was making the point that while I do eat processed food because it's quicker and convenient, not all processed food is totally bad for you.

    Thanks for the flower ;) I was really only trying to say that in general I think eating unprocessed foods are going to be, in the long run, better than processed, but that it's probably not going to have as much of an effect so long as you eat a relatively healthy diet.

    Although I always feel better in the immediate when I'm eating unprocessed foods as opposed to eating frozen/canned stuff.

    I'm glad you feel better about it. Just to play Devil's advocate, I will point out that some vegetables that are flash-frozen or "processed" on-site retain more nutrients than those that are shipped over long distances. Which is usually the case unless you're buying local produce.