


  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    coffee is essential
  • Well, i hate the taste of coffee. but i do like the caffeine. so i get my caffeine from other sources. Energy drinks, green tea, caffeine pills, etc... i gotta have my caffeine every day. gives me energy. and i think it actually helps cut down my cravings a little. i like it.
  • mkbledsoe
    mkbledsoe Posts: 132
    I love, love love, coffee! Coffee and water are all I drink.
    Won't ever give up my coffee.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    coffee tastes good. I drink coffee-regardless of the impact on diet. I drink black, yummy, strong caffeinated coffee. I need it...
  • Genem30
    Genem30 Posts: 431 Member
    I find that a couple of cups of coffee in the morning helps me in the restroom. :wink:
  • lewist90
    lewist90 Posts: 126 Member
    a great alternative would be green tea...........but yes straight black coffee would be ideal for boosting metabolism and keeping them hunger pangs at bay
  • MeliciousGibson
    MeliciousGibson Posts: 248 Member
    I have an entire shrine dedicated to my coffee pot, which is aptly named, "God". Every morning when it gurgles I know God is talking to me.

    I swear, if you try to take my coffee away from me, there will be bloodshed. And if I end up going to prison over said blood-shed, as long as there is coffee there, I'll be fine!

    Even if coffee was extremely bad for weight-loss I'd probably just add an extra half an hour to my workouts so that I could have it. Am I addicted? HELLS YEAH!!! But at least I've never come home after a long night of drinking coffee having gambled away all of my money, had a new tattoo I couldn't quite explain, or woken up next to a strange guy!

    Sure, Yes, I've done all of those things - but not because of drinking too much coffee!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Coffee - many tests showing that it increases metabolism
    - tests show that a significant amount can cause weight gain, I believe this because I know several large friends and the only thing I ever see them put in their body is coffee (8 cups a day is a little excessive)
    - many test being hidden and avoided due to the coffee industry, so not sure if you should look at the statistic ratios.
    - makes me hungry

    I drink it constantly. Never stopped me from weight problems...Don't worry about it. If anything, avoid it for the health benefits if you can function on it :P
  • Erika1962
    Erika1962 Posts: 187 Member
    You are not getting my coffee, dont care if it is radioactive. Drink it with bailys flavored creamer and 1 equal and 1 sweet n low. Iced or hot dont care.

    This !:drinker:
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    You will have to pry the coffee out of my cold, dead hands. I am not giving it up willingly and asking me to do so could result in bodily harm.

  • PlanetVelma
    PlanetVelma Posts: 1,223 Member
    Coffee is healthy. Especially the more of it you drink. Reduces risks of diabetes, stroke, heart attack, cancer, Alzheimer's, dementia and hypertension. And that's with drinking 6-7 cups a day.

    Don't be scared of coffee. It hydrates and provides tons of antioxidant benefits, and the caffeine provides a boost. The only thing that makes coffee bad is when you use more cream and sugar than you do coffee.
    6-7 cups a day is more than a pick me up, that sounds similar to cocaine or crack.. That being said I lovee black coffee (no sugar no cream, they ruin the yummy dark flavor). I drink 2-3 cups a week and have lost/maintained weight loss. It helps me as an appetite suppressant in the afternoon.
    So, 100 oz or more of water is ok, but 36-42 oz of coffee a day is crack addiction? A cup of coffee is 6 oz.
    caffiene is a drug (a stimulent), water is not.

    I've never heard of someone offering *kitten* for a cup of coffee.

    Equating coffee to crack? In the words of Charlie Brown, good grief. :noway:
  • ljroderick
    ljroderick Posts: 10 Member
    I really am a DUNKIE JUNKIE, I can't give up my ice coffee habbit. It's a treat I look forward too every day. I've been trying to switch over to skim milk but I just can't do it ... yuck! I did slowly make a transition to cut back .. I used to get 1, 2, or even 3 Medium Blueberry Ice coffee's with extra cream & sugar, but now I'm down to only ONE small blue berry ice w/ regular cream & 2 sugars. My calorie counter says it's 120? Well worth the spending as far as I'm concerned! just like anything else, coffee isn't bad in moderation !!!
  • Jennyisbusy
    Jennyisbusy Posts: 1,294 Member
    I drink coffee before I go on my runs in the morning. It's a great pick me up as has many health benefits. :drinker:

    I drink coffee and get the runs. Is that similar? lol

    I have to be careful with the creamer cause I REALLY like it. Otherwise I think it's fine. And better than soda, in my opinion.
  • mia22224
    mia22224 Posts: 3

    I work in an office on a construction site. I have an hour and a half bus ride every morning to get to work. I am up everyday at 4:30am! IF I don't get my coffee.....DEATH IS EMMINENT! For someone, so for the well-being of all my co-workers coffee is a must!

    However I do log my coffee one is under breakfast (early morining coffee) the other either under Lunch or Snacks!

    As long as you are keeping track of the calories that you are consuming it is what it is......of course granulated sugar (fake sugars or any sort) are extremely hard to burn. It is probably much better if we all had some fresh fruit or fresh juice for our morning sugar intake as it is easy for the body to break down but as long as you keep in mind, burning these calories is essential!

    Watching your consumption for high sugar/sodium levels is the key to losing the weight. Also if you are going to have a couple of cups of coffee it may be a good practice to also drink a glass of water to balance it. Coffee is a diuretic so prevent yourself from dehydrating your system with some extra H2O!! :)
  • aaruskey1
    aaruskey1 Posts: 8 Member
    I love my coffee; however, it took me a bit too long to realize that all those mochas and frappucinos at Starbucks were about as good for me as a stick in the eye. I switched out to just iced coffee. Its the cream that kills me now. Evidently "light" still means the coffee ends up the color of my pale Irish skin. Guess I ought to just make my own.
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    So, 100 oz or more of water is ok, but 36-42 oz of coffee a day is crack addiction? A cup of coffee is 6 oz.
    6oz of coffee is a joke. Buy a man-sized cup for crying out loud.
  • sukatx
    sukatx Posts: 103
    My opinion is this: If I try to lose weight by denying myself everything I love, I will fail. And I love my coffee. It's part of my daily routine. It helps to get me started for my day. Giving that up would be bad for my entire lifestyle. Not to mention the headaches from cutting out the caffeine.

    So, I'm honest with MFP about the daily coffee, sweetener and 1% milk so all those calories are counted. I believe it's 35 calories for my daily java. Definitely not worth giving up my coffee to save 35 paltry calories a day.
  • sukatx
    sukatx Posts: 103
    When you go to Starbuck's, there is a leaflet with all of their products and their nutritional values. I keep one of these leaflets in my purse so I don't destroy my whole day when I get a Starbuck's craving.

    It's amazing how many calories are in some of those drinks!
  • EpiGaiaRepens
    EpiGaiaRepens Posts: 824 Member
    coffee is proof that god exists and loves us and wants us to be happy.

    that is all.


    Starbucks is blasphemy! All that sugar and flavorings!

    A nice americano is where it's at, if you ask me. Keeps it pure caffeine!
  • annadunn12
    annadunn12 Posts: 42 Member
    Coffee is one of those wonderful things that's both healthy AND enjoyable! Take advantage of it! Just don't over do it on cream/milk and sugar. Get used to drinking it almost black or with a splash of milk.

    Coffee is an appetite supressant, and it will also help you exercise harder!

    I like this ^^