Carbs + Fat = FAT!!



  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I just ate a big pile of spaghetti meatsauce and I'm going to bed soon. Am I gonna wake up fat?

    No. You won't "wake up fat".

    If you were just active recently and your glycogen stores are depleted and/or your body needs glucose then those needs will be met first. After that into fat cells they go.

    I do this sort of thing often. Why am I losing weight and not getting fatter?
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Thanks! And thanks to everyone else who responded to me! From my limited viewpoint, it just looked like everyone (and I use that term loosely) was jumping all over the guy for being wrong. But it seems I may have been the one that was wrong. Oh well, wouldn't be the first time! Slinks back to anonymous corner.

    I was one of the people who actually did post a mean comment. It should be noted that the same OP posted another ridiculously wrong topic within a few minutes of this. From a personal perspective, it is incredibly frustrating when someone posts something purporting to be fact that is absolutely wrong. A lot of people find it hard enough to lose weigh without having to jump through ridiculous hoops of eating at a certain time, eating certain things at one time and others at another for example, especially as that 'advice' which is coached in terms of 'fact' is total and utter BS. People that read these threads often believe them and end up not being able to stick to these 'rules. In my opinion, one of the reasons people often do not stick to a plan is because it is so convoluted, so they give up. It really does not have to be that complicated but posts like these make it so.

    If someone asks a legitimate question on the forums it will usually (not always) be responded to with polite advice (unless it is regarding a question that has been asked for the nth time that day, then usually all bets are off). The OP in this situation, who has been a member since 2009 and who has used the forum's before, albeit in a very limited fashion based on prior posts, really should know better than posting this twaddle which could, in my opinion, lead to a bunch of folks taking extremely counter-productive actions.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    I just ate a big pile of spaghetti meatsauce and I'm going to bed soon. Am I gonna wake up fat?

    No. You won't "wake up fat".

    If you were just active recently and your glycogen stores are depleted and/or your body needs glucose then those needs will be met first. After that into fat cells they go.

    I do this sort of thing often. Why am I losing weight and not getting fatter?

    You are losing bone and muscle and some is being replaced with fat, causing the scale to show weight loss! In reality you are turning into a big lump of fat! :laugh:
    Let's demonize all food, eat plastic and you will be thin!
  • belinus
    belinus Posts: 112 Member
    I do this sort of thing often. Why am I losing weight and not getting fatter?

    Because over all you are burning fat. You're just not doing it optimally. The fat that gets stored will be the first burned. So it's like walking 2 steps forward and then 1 step back. You're still moving forward but not as efficiently.
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    I do this sort of thing often. Why am I losing weight and not getting fatter?

    Because over all you are burning fat. You're just not doing it optimally. The fat that gets stored will be the first burned. So it's like walking 2 steps forward and then 1 step back. You're still moving forward but not as efficiently.

    lol. please tell me more.

    i love people who can bend the rules of thermodynamics. they are wizards.
  • hailzp
    hailzp Posts: 903 Member
  • letgo79
    letgo79 Posts: 25
    OMG, SO FALSE!!!:mad:
  • shayleeloves
    YES GUYS THIS IS 100% TRUE AFTER 6PM ALL CARBS AUTOMATICALLY TURN INTO FAT. It's okay to eat them at 5:59PM though. One second late and you're going to be a whale.. be careful!!111!!

    Thanks for the warning!!!! *Puts rice and whole grain cereal back*
  • belinus
    belinus Posts: 112 Member

  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member

    if you track macros and calories = eat whenever you want, and whatever you want assuming you meet micronutrient needs

    if you DONT track macros or calories = dont eat carbohydrates at night, or high fat+carbohydrate foods
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    Well it is a fact about the after 6 pm eating, that is if you sleep within 4 hours.

    Even dr Oz will tell you that one.

    Dr. Oz is paid to talk about things his endorsers want him to talk about.

    I will take the advice of my doctors and dietitian (who has more experience and education under her belt when it comes to nutrition that Dr. Snoz ever will) when they tell me, "It doesn't matter when you eat, your body will digest and process it the same".


    Carbs are not the devil.

    Processed food and junk food = fat. Eating a slice of ezekiel bread at night isn't going to magically make you fat. Heck, I sometimes eat BANANAS (carbs! sugar!) at night... not every night though, lol. I guess I enjoy living dangerously! ;-)

    Actually no, processed food and junk food /= fat. There are plenty of people who lose weight and/or maintain a low weight while eating crap. It may not mean optimal health, performance or body composition, but it doesn't just = fat. What is the point of correcting misinformation with misinformation?
  • ferrytrip
    ferrytrip Posts: 497 Member
    An advice for night shift workers????
  • douglasmobbs
    douglasmobbs Posts: 563 Member
    YES GUYS THIS IS 100% TRUE AFTER 6PM ALL CARBS AUTOMATICALLY TURN INTO FAT. It's okay to eat them at 5:59PM though. One second late and you're going to be a whale.. be careful!!111!!

    Thanks for the warning!!!! *Puts rice and whole grain cereal back*

    Do you have to take into account day light saving time adjustment. How about jet lag? No wonder I got so overweight it is all so confusing.
  • Nataliaho
    Nataliaho Posts: 878 Member
    An advice for night shift workers????

    The same as for everyone else :)
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I read this and bout shot chocolate milk out my nose... Lol..... If this were true then I have totally been doing this all wrong for the past 3 years!! It's a wonder I have been able to lose any weight whatsoever........ All kidding aside there is absolutely zero truth to any of this. You can eat whenever you want, there is no set time as long as you are hitting your caloric intake for that day. I go to bed every night with a glass of chocolate milk and a bowl of almonds and dry double chocolate crave cereal. This is right in bed and it has not hindered my weightloss and I have lost a few pounds as well... Carbs are not the enemy just make sure you are hitting your macro's for the day abd you will be fine... Best of Luck...
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    YES GUYS THIS IS 100% TRUE AFTER 6PM ALL CARBS AUTOMATICALLY TURN INTO FAT. It's okay to eat them at 5:59PM though. One second late and you're going to be a whale.. be careful!!111!!

    Thanks for the warning!!!! *Puts rice and whole grain cereal back*

    Do you have to take into account day light saving time adjustment. How about jet lag? No wonder I got so overweight it is all so confusing.
    I think the safest thing is if we stop eating altogether. Then we won't have to worry about eating at the wrong times and getting fat. We'll just drink a gallon of water every hour on the hour and flush all the fat out of our bodies!
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I read this and bout shot chocolate milk out my nose... Lol..... If this were true then I have totally been doing this all wrong for the past 3 years!! It's a wonder I have been able to lose any weight whatsoever........ All kidding aside there is absolutely zero truth to any of this. You can eat whenever you want, there is no set time as long as you are hitting your caloric intake for that day. I go to bed every night with a glass of chocolate milk and a bowl of almonds and dry double chocolate crave cereal. This is right in bed and it has not hindered my weightloss and I have lost a few pounds as well... Carbs are not the enemy just make sure you are hitting your macro's for the day abd you will be fine... Best of Luck...

    A Few pounds haha...I just have to add another zero at the end of my number and take a few here...and I won't feel so bad...imagine, I'd only weigh negative 187 pounds :P
  • cinnister
    cinnister Posts: 14 Member
    I'm participating in a 60-day challenge at the gym I go to and I'm just sharing some of the knowledge that the trainer / body builder with 20+ years experience is sharing with us.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Did you know that when you eat carbs with fat, it makes you retain fat? Don't eat carbs after 6 pm or 4 hours before bedtime. This gives your body the time it needs to burn off as many of those carbs possible before you wind down and your metabolism slows down.

    Nope, I don't "know" and don't believe any of that.