How do I stop eating 6,000 calories??



  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    In essence, less sugar, less white bread (will bread in general, but white bread specifically), less bacon, less cheese... and one does not need to eat 4 pieces of garlic bread.... I know this sounds a bit judgey.....

    But 1500 calories is totally doable... fill up on proteins of the plant (things like avacado, tree nuts and the like) and animal varieties (just the lean versions of the animal)... eat more spinach (or kale).... more things from the ground, less things that had blood (though some is perfectly fine).
  • CEHayes73
    CEHayes73 Posts: 221 Member
    My first week on here, I just tracked and I was at 2500 (or thereabouts). I went down to 1790, and stopped feeling deprived in a week or two. I've now gone down a few times and I'm at 1670, and I hardly ever eat it all. Adding veggies helped me tremendously by filling me up with relatively little calories. I would try to work yourself down to that calorie count gradually. Good luck, and I'm sure you'll do it!
  • sonniedee
    sonniedee Posts: 26
    I just checked out your diary, and GREAT JOB on making adjustments already! Your breakfast caloric intake is down 800 calories alone, so you've already cut back to under 5000 for the day from yesterday!!!! Keep it up, and by tonight I bet you'll find that you are WAY under yesterday's total!!! You CAN do this!!!!
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    Great follow up to your original post, OP. Again, you're going to get a lot of advice, most of it good (but not necessarily all of it). The key is for you to take charge of your health. There is no "one" plan that works for everyone, although the fundamentals are the same (eat smarter and exercise).

    The good news is that just some basic improvements in the beginning will have a huge impact. Take it slow so you don't get frustrated. And please keep us updated.

    Perhaps put a note in your calendar and post an update again in a month or so? Not to see how much you've lost (that may take more time), but to see how your diet has improved. Also, your experience can be very helpful to others in your position.

    Again, good luck!

  • Misty_Rage
    Misty_Rage Posts: 20 Member
    Tiny tidbit of advice for ya. Make one of your fruit choices dried plums (prunes). Eating prunes will do two things:

    1. It will help clear out your intestines of all the crap youve been eating and keep you regular.
    2 Most ppl dont know that while prunes move things along in your intestines, they actually slow things in your stomach. Digestion takes longer so you feel full longer!

    Work up to eating 6 a day in twos. (Two a day the first week, four a day the second week, and 6 a day the third week)

    they have a ton of other health benefits but in your case feeling full longer is a great bonus to help you cut down your calories!
  • amillerbutta
    I did the same thing and realized that I was consuming soooo many calories. I just didn't know that many of the foods and drinks that I was taking in had many calories in them. I saw yesterday a medium sized milkshake from McDonalds is around 700 calories alone. I picked up a nutrition fact sheet from there so I would know how many calories I was consuming before I decided to make a change.

    There are many thing in my life that just seemed like that they were not on my side so I decided to make a change and to do something that was in my control. I started having health issues and I am just 24 years old and I already have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and thyroid problems.

    I went from eating around 5000-6000 calories a day to eating 1000-1200 calories a day. I don't feel like I am starving at all. All meat I eat are lean cuts like turkey, chicken, and fish and which none of it is fried or breaded. I grilled or bake everything. I snack on fresh fruit, veggies, and yogurt. I eat wheat bread but I do watch because some wheat bread seems like it is very grainy so look at the coloring and figure out which one you like best. One of the biggest things I did was to cut out pop besides the calories it is not very good for you anyways.

    I am a emotional eater. It did not matter what the emotion was I would eating and running to the kitchen so now I go outside and take a walk or play with my pets.

    You can do it you just got to get in the mind set that it is good for you and in the end you will be happy that you made this decision. There are going to be ups and downs and good and bad days but it will be worth it.
  • jsquash
    jsquash Posts: 19 Member
    I looked at your food diary and I think you might have doubled up on some enteries on the day I saw that you reached over 4,000 calories. I saw many of the same things that were on your breakfast enteries that were also on your lunch enteries. Are you sure your really eating that much and maybe not making an error entering your food?
  • gwstree2
    gwstree2 Posts: 1
    :smile: Gwstree here, started in January at 265 lb. Doctor said I had type 2 diabeties and had to loose weight and quit taking in 5 to 6 thousand calories a day. MFP recomendid 1680 cal a day for my profile for a 2 lb a week weight loss . I lost 45 pounds by following this and walking every other day 1 to 2 miles. Mentaly in the begining it kicked my butt but I soon started seeing weight loss and feeling better which added motivation.
    stoped the program and started gaining back the wieght . Its time to get back on. I'm there with you. It can be done!!! I know I did it once. Lets do this.
    I start again today at 239 lbs looking for 180. working on 1510 calories a day.
    Best of wishes for you on your journey. Your health and the ones that love you are your motivation now.
  • ellybeann
    ellybeann Posts: 122 Member
    For lower calories and ultimatley better for you, try switching a few things I saw in your diary. EX: bacon switch for turkey bacon, bread switch to wheat or even better for you whole grains bread, have one serving of M&Ms once in a while.Try egg whites or beaters, and throw a real egg in once in a while, increase your H2O intake. I try to stay in between 1200-1400 reguardless of my exercise, that is what works for me when I stay focused. So find your number stay focused and you will reach your goals. We didnt put the weight on over night and its not coming off overnight. Good Luck !!!!!
  • ellybeann
    ellybeann Posts: 122 Member
    Good Luck and Welcome Back!!
  • rengb6
    rengb6 Posts: 11 Member
    The easiest way to consume calories (and least fulfilling) is by drinking them. If I had to give just one tip to someone starting out I would tell them to not drink anything except water for 2 weeks and see how much weight they loose. I was never overweight and even I dropped 6-8 pounds when I stopped drinking a gallon of orange juice every 3-4 days. Good luck, you can do it!
  • jodes032
    jodes032 Posts: 15 Member
    yes, it is. I went from that to 1200 calories about 6 months ago, and I don't even get hungry anymore. the veggies and protein are key. keeping track here also is a great way to be accountable. if I don't track I always eat WAY more. Good luck!!!
  • maggiepz
    maggiepz Posts: 141 Member
    You may be setting yourself up for failure to suddenly go down so low from what you are used to eating. Maybe you can do changes in your diet without worrying so much about the calories. The changes will automatically bring down the calorie count.

    I would immediately get rid of all those sweets. Heck 460 calories for just TWO cookies and I used to eat half a bag at a sitting! Maybe if I would have used MFP sooner I wouldn't have gotten so fat!

    Anyway, also limit yourself to only whole grains bread and pasta. Getting in fiber will really help fill you up.

    I noticed a BIG difference when I cut all processed foods too.

    I'd stop drinking your calories, you will limit what you can eat.

    Make veggies your new best friends.

    Try leaner meats without all the condiments. I used to scoff behind people's backs who were ordering turkey burgers instead of the "real" thing but have now found that I really like them!
  • lour441
    lour441 Posts: 543 Member
    I do not see how it is physically possible for someone to eat 6k calories per day and only be 188 lbs unless they are exercising a ton. Maybe one of the more informed people on this board can enlighten me.
  • izoom3
    izoom3 Posts: 56 Member
    I live on 1280 and that is to only lose 1 1/2 lb a week. First adjust what you want to lose to less a week and get used to eating that much and then taper down for bigger losses weekly.
    You probably need to educate yourself a bit about food and nutrition. Get a decent food scales and learn what nutirents your body needs. It sounds like you are choosing high calorie things to eat that have little fiber. Fiber fills you up. Protein takes longer to go through your system and keeps you fuller longer also.
    Drink water. Alot of the time what we take as hunger is really thirst. Drink before you are thirsty. It will also help you fill up.
    At the very least, if you can't take a class on nutrition I would recommend Bob Harpers new book called The Skinny Rules. I read it and actually "get" why some things I eat make me full and others dont. Just and FYI...I am not following all the rules in the book but I am following some and seeing progress. Most importantly, I can stop eating and be full.
  • mphlab
    mphlab Posts: 187 Member
    Try to figure out your Basal Metabolic Rate or TDEE-15% and eat that - it fuels your body and is more doable. Also cuts down on binges. Check out the Eat More to Weigh less group on here
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member

    I am new to this. I put it in most of what I ate today and it is around 5,744 (I cannot remember everything) but this program says my goal should be 1,530.

    Is this right? I know I eat more than some other people but is 1,530 really manageable? I am not very active but now I think I should start! Please feel free to send me any advice.

    Well if I was you, i'd cut out about 2,000 calories and start there. Jumping that low makes no sense from your starting point. Over time decrease them as you lose weight.

    This, but seriously you need to really look at that diary and evaluate it, you had about 1000 calories in dessert type food and that's not considering the crap you're drinking. . . I see no complex carbos only ultra processed breads (if it says that it is enriched that's a bad thing, it means that it's so over processed that it needs to have nutrition added back to have any nutritional value), and no lean meats, I can't even figure out how you are pooping.

    Start at 2500 to 3000 calories by making smarter decisions (lean meats, whole grains, more fresh veggies). Log the food you are consuming BEFORE you eat it so you can regroup and make a different decision if necessary. Up your protein by A LOT. After you get used to the decrease in calories go on a 2 week sugar detox then add it back (a life without chocolate isn't a life I want to live) so that you're more reasonable with your portions (your body will find that less is more when it's not used to it).

    Eat thoughtfully.

    Also, move, move, move.
  • kylTKe
    kylTKe Posts: 146 Member
    Your diary definitely looks better today. If I had a suggestion it would be to cut out pasta which has a ton of calories and carbs in it, especially if you're putting pasta sauce on it. Try to avoid drinking any calories, even milk if you're really trying to lose weight. Water is king. And if water is king, vegetables are the queen. Hit up some more salad and greens, that stuff has like literally no calories in it (but lots of nutrients). Oatmeal is also great because it has a decent amount of fiber in it (fills you up). I think you would be surprised at how much food you can eat for 1500 calories if you choose good foods and don't add sauces or condiments (and only drink water).

    Anyways, good luck.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Plan ahead. Focus on lean meats and complex carbs. Log your whole day ahead of time. Stick to it day in and day out, you'll get the hang of it.
  • brooke_g0501
    brooke_g0501 Posts: 66 Member
    Start easy. I noticed you eat honey nut cheerios. Switch to Kix or Multigrain cheerios. Whole wheat bread instead of white. Low sodium bacon, etc. Crystal light tastes good and is only 5 calories, instead of juice and soda. More veggies and steam them! Promise butter, and less sugar! There are so many ways to just cut back, without even exercising! Good luck!