Asking a guy out



  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    women are equal to men.
    if you want something, go after it! (or him!)

    I must disagree, men and women are not equal. To be equal would be to disavow our individual uniqueness's.

    I agree. We are way more "unique" and awesome.

    Which is why I vote... wait. If he doesn't ask you then he isn't worth it.
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    The guy who says it turns him off when a girl asks him out is a creep weirdo and this never happens to him anyway, so don't listen. The girl who says it would be a problem later down the line because she wants a fairy tale story to tell her family is a... well, I won't say.

    Ask him out. It's a completely awesome thing to do and any male with a personality will love it. Even if he isn't into you, it will make his day and possibly at least pave the way for a friendship.

    Now grow a pair and go for it. ;)
  • Mykaelous
    Mykaelous Posts: 231 Member
    women are equal to men.
    if you want something, go after it! (or him!)

    I must disagree, men and women are not equal. To be equal would be to disavow our individual uniqueness's.

    I agree. We are way more "unique" and awesome.

    I would hesitate to make such a broad and generalized statement as that, but I do prefer women to men for certain things and vice versa. We all have our places in life.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    women are equal to men.
    if you want something, go after it! (or him!)

    I must disagree, men and women are not equal. To be equal would be to disavow our individual uniqueness's.
    You are aware that makes absolutely no sense right? Or are you just trying to sound smart?

    Also, ask the guy out.
  • Ask him out. Just do it.
  • amandager
    amandager Posts: 49 Member
    Thanks everyone. Guess I have a phone call to make :)
  • ZoeyRobinson
    ZoeyRobinson Posts: 301
    You're going to keep us posted right? :)
  • the_albino_1
    the_albino_1 Posts: 101 Member
    The guy who says it turns him off when a girl asks him out is a creep weirdo and this never happens to him anyway, so don't listen. The girl who says it would be a problem later down the line because she wants a fairy tale story to tell her family is a... well, I won't say.

    Ask him out. It's a completely awesome thing to do and any male with a personality will love it. Even if he isn't into you, it will make his day and possibly at least pave the way for a friendship.

    Now grow a pair and go for it. ;)

    /\ This!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    woohoo, get it girl.
  • SHutch06
    SHutch06 Posts: 14 Member
    How did you get his number? If he gave it to you, I'd say ask him out. I doubt he would have given his number to you if he didn't want you to call :) Good luck!
  • soontobeskinnysara
    soontobeskinnysara Posts: 177 Member
    I've never been afraid to ask someone out. Being formal and traditional is so weird to me though. If I like someone, I say something like "have you been to [this] bar? we should go one day!" or "that restaurant rules. let's go!" it's more of a casual vibe and just makes me feel more comfortable. I think it's silly to not act on something if you're into it!
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member
    The guy who says it turns him off when a girl asks him out is a creep weirdo and this never happens to him anyway, so don't listen. The girl who says it would be a problem later down the line because she wants a fairy tale story to tell her family is a... well, I won't say.

    Ask him out. It's a completely awesome thing to do and any male with a personality will love it. Even if he isn't into you, it will make his day and possibly at least pave the way for a friendship.

    Now grow a pair and go for it. ;)

    ^^^ This, this and THIS!!!

    When I was last single (maybe slightly predatory, dating sites have that affect on some people!), I decided to hell with it - I was going to ask out the guys *I* wanted to go out with (not the other way around). The first one was agonizingly hard (he said yes). The next one was not quite as hard (still said yes) and after that it was no big deal. FYI, they're usually stunned that you asked (and no, it doesn't require a cattle prod) and will likely say yes. Just do it. And stop agonizing already.
  • Mykaelous
    Mykaelous Posts: 231 Member
    women are equal to men.
    if you want something, go after it! (or him!)

    I must disagree, men and women are not equal. To be equal would be to disavow our individual uniqueness's.
    You are aware that makes absolutely no sense right? Or are you just trying to sound smart?

    Also, ask the guy out.

    I am assuming that you have incorrectly identified my contextual use of the word equal. The mere fact that we identify males and females with separate words indicated that there are differences.
    The guy who says it turns him off when a girl asks him out is a creep weirdo and this never happens to him anyway, so don't listen. The girl who says it would be a problem later down the line because she wants a fairy tale story to tell her family is a... well, I won't say.

    Ask him out. It's a completely awesome thing to do and any male with a personality will love it. Even if he isn't into you, it will make his day and possibly at least pave the way for a friendship.

    Now grow a pair and go for it. ;)

    My post was not intended to boost the self esteem of some male, or make the world a better place, the post was intended to help the girl land the boy. I suppose the feeling of pain is a better teacher than the thought of it, so in a sense it may be good for her to follow through with your advice even if the advice does not assist in the present goal.
  • women are equal to men.
    if you want something, go after it! (or him!)

    I must disagree, men and women are not equal. To be equal would be to disavow our individual uniqueness's.

    Drum roll please...
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    women are equal to men.
    if you want something, go after it! (or him!)

    I must disagree, men and women are not equal. To be equal would be to disavow our individual uniqueness's.
    You are aware that makes absolutely no sense right? Or are you just trying to sound smart?

    Also, ask the guy out.

    I am assuming that you have incorrectly identified my contextual use of the word equal. The mere fact that we identify males and females with separate words indicated that there are differences.
    The guy who says it turns him off when a girl asks him out is a creep weirdo and this never happens to him anyway, so don't listen. The girl who says it would be a problem later down the line because she wants a fairy tale story to tell her family is a... well, I won't say.

    Ask him out. It's a completely awesome thing to do and any male with a personality will love it. Even if he isn't into you, it will make his day and possibly at least pave the way for a friendship.

    Now grow a pair and go for it. ;)

    My post was not intended to boost the self esteem of some male, or make the world a better place, the post was intended to help the girl land the boy. I suppose the feeling of pain is a better teacher than the thought of it, so in a sense it may be good for her to follow through with your advice even if the advice does not assist in the present goal.
    Is english your second language?
  • Also, FIGHT THE POWER. Ask the bloody guy out. :wink:
  • sisierra
    sisierra Posts: 659 Member
    pft, i say go for it! i don't believe in dallying about and beatin' around the bush, if you want something go for it. Men are often obtuse and you have to be blunt/bold. If you're too shy to ask him out, send him some definite "I'm single" vibes. Or at least go high school with it and send a friend to tell him that you like him, but act like you didn't tell them to do it, you trackin' what I'm sayin? Bold or sneaky, as long as it gets the job done and point across ;D
  • totustuusmaria
    totustuusmaria Posts: 182 Member
    women are equal to men.
    if you want something, go after it! (or him!)

    I must disagree, men and women are not equal. To be equal would be to disavow our individual uniqueness's.

    I would hesitate to make such a broad and generalized statement as that, but I do prefer women to men for certain things and vice versa. We all have our places in life.

    I wouldn't. It is true. We are way more epic. But, you tend to want to be contrary anyway so whatever. :D
  • AlwaysInMotion
    AlwaysInMotion Posts: 409 Member

    I am assuming that you have incorrectly identified my contextual use of the word equal. The mere fact that we identify males and females with separate words indicated that there are differences.

    Really, the only defense you can come up with is semantic? Yes, men and women are DIFFERENT by their inherent physiology. Try avoiding distinctions of EQUALITY and maybe you won't offend every woman (and quite a few equality-respecting men) on this board.

    edit: typo
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member

    I am assuming that you have incorrectly identified my contextual use of the word equal. The mere fact that we identify males and females with separate words indicated that there are differences.

    Really, the only defense you can come up with is semantic? Yes, men and women are DIFFERENT by their inherent physiology. Try avoiding distinctions of EQUALITY and maybe you won't offend every woman (and quite a few equality-respecting men) on this board.

    edit: typo
