Asking a guy out



  • spoonful
    spoonful Posts: 200 Member
    No. Ask away. But signal your intention before you actually ask though so he knows what's coming. Otherwise he might get confused and say something dumb then regret it afterwards.
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,412 Member
    I would be very flattered if a girl asked me out. I don't see anything wrong, go for it.
  • cohophysh
    cohophysh Posts: 288
    Thanks everyone. Guess I have a phone call to make :)

    Hey look, now you know what us guys feel like, we don't like rejection, however, I say go for it. The worst that can happen is he says no thank you.
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    But be prepared to catch a lot of lazy beta males and not many alphas.

    If a guy knows you are interested, he will ask you out if he's interested in you. If he doesn't ask you out, he's either not interested or he's missing a pair of testicles. In either case, he's not really someone you should waste any more energy on.
    I agree 100%!!!

    Because everyone knows that Alpha Males love meek women lacking in self confidence....

    More bro-science to the rescue at MFP. Sigh.

  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    Why not? He will say yes or he will say no. You will have your answered without waiting around wasting time wondering if he's just too shy or doesn't like you or whatever.

    To anyone says it is turn off for a woman to ask them out -- that's fine and dandy. I think you have to decided what kind of person you are hoping to be with.

    Personally, I would not want to be with somebody who found that to be a turn off. I want somebody who values my strengths: I'm direct, I'm honestly, and I am upfront. I don't play games. I don't want to be treated like a special little princess simply because I have female genitals. I want to be treated with respect and admiration for who I am, not what I am physically.

    I want somebody who isn't concern with fairytales, because I live in reality. That's just me though.

    I think the key is just knowing what you want in a mate and life, and that is your answer.
  • Niekon
    Niekon Posts: 2
    The guy who says it turns him off when a girl asks him out is a creep weirdo and this never happens to him anyway, so don't listen. The girl who says it would be a problem later down the line because she wants a fairy tale story to tell her family is a... well, I won't say.

    Ask him out. It's a completely awesome thing to do and any male with a personality will love it. Even if he isn't into you, it will make his day and possibly at least pave the way for a friendship.

    Now grow a pair and go for it. ;)

    I completely agree with this sentiment. I actually find it rather complimentary for women to come up to me randomly... I'm sure it's because of my stand-offish attitude ^_~
    But asking the guy out can be a boost to his ego... or the start to an interesting conversation.
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    Wow, I had no idea people had so many "rules" to dating. Or how to ask someone out.

    The Alpha Male comment really cracks me up. Really dude, get over yourself. Part of being an Alpha Male is having your own thing going on, and if you have your own thing going on you don't always notice women that aren't on your radar. If she wants to explore a relationship with this guy she needs to put herself on his radar. Ask him.
  • katevicks
    katevicks Posts: 5 Member
    go for it!!! i do it all the time its great! makes you feel alive! :) but i usually dont ask them out on a proper date, ill just say me and a few mates are heading to the pub (or where ever) if your keen to join and they usually do, if they're busy they usually suggest meeting up another time. i say keep it casual! and let him organise the second date if theres going to be one. goodluck! :)
  • NCTravellingGirl
    NCTravellingGirl Posts: 717 Member
    If you want to ask a guy out, do it. But be prepared to catch a lot of lazy beta males and not many alphas.
    If a guy knows you are interested, he will ask you out if he's interested in you. If he doesn't ask you out, he's either not interested or he's missing a pair of testicles. In either case, he's not really someone you should waste any more energy on.

    ^^ Amen to this sister! Every guy I ever asked out, yes it worked and we did go out! BUT, not a one of them had the right interest level or motivation, so ultimately, I didn't end up respecting him. I'm not saying that'd be true for all, but it's all I've seen (the whole 3 guys I've asked out, haha)...if a guy doesn't man up and ask, he's generally not REALLY interested (or I'm not giving him enough signals to know that he should make a move).
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member

    I'm not offended by what he said. It's the truth. The differences between men and women are not just physiological. Refusal to acknowledge this very basic fact is the reason dating has become so dysfunctional and one out of every two couples to get married will end up getting divorced.

    If you want to ask a guy out, do it. But be prepared to catch a lot of lazy beta males and not many alphas.

    If a guy knows you are interested, he will ask you out if he's interested in you. If he doesn't ask you out, he's either not interested or he's missing a pair of testicles. In either case, he's not really someone you should waste any more energy on.

    I couldn't disagree more. Firstly, I prefer beta males. Alpha males are in general not very interested in actually being friends with women, which IMO is the most important step in a relationship. Mostly, they are douchbags. Beta males may be less charismatic, but they make much better husbands, laziness has nothing to do with it. It's not lazy to be too shy to ask a girl out. And why should we put it all on the men anyway? Are we so weak and pathetic as a sex we can't just ask for what we want? One of the most common complaints men have about women is that we sulk and make them guess what is wrong, why is the dating scene any different? Why should we make them have to guess whether we are interested or not? We need more honesty in the world. If you like someone, tell them and save you both the hassle of farting around and second guessing?

    ^^ some degree. Often, regardless of gender, the issue is either a shy personality or confidence issues (for a variety of reasons). I don't think that apprehensiveness about approaching the opposite sex necessarily has anything to do with having weak or lazy character. I think that's an unfair generalization. SOMETIMES that may be the case, and it may be the case in your own personal experience, but to say that's true in general is not only completely unfair, it's absolutely ludicrous.
  • SCVSarah
    SCVSarah Posts: 231 Member
    No, let them ask you out. If a guy is interested they'll ask....but not sure if I'd take my advice because I'm still single.....