Disgusting much?



  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    hahahaha what you worried about? In Scotland you can get deep fried mars and snickers bars
    I would be in Heaven with a deep fried Snickers bar.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    Watch any cooking show on the Food Netwok and that's what tbey'll tell you. Can you make things taste nomtastic using seasonings and whatnot? Of course, that's how I cook most of the time, but sometimes, the savory goodness of fat is crucial to a recipe. We need fat to live...just a thought.

    I'm a food network junkie and cooking is my hobby...but I don't subscribe to the fat=flavor BS....

    Yes fat=flavor...so does brining your meat...does that mean its necessary? No of course not...you can still make delicious meals without brining.

    Whoa, why u mad, bro?
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Watch any cooking show on the Food Netwok and that's what tbey'll tell you. Can you make things taste nomtastic using seasonings and whatnot? Of course, that's how I cook most of the time, but sometimes, the savory goodness of fat is crucial to a recipe. We need fat to live...just a thought.

    I'm a food network junkie and cooking is my hobby...but I don't subscribe to the fat=flavor BS....

    Yes fat=flavor...so does brining your meat...does that mean its necessary? No of course not...you can still make delicious meals without brining.

    Whoa, why u mad, bro?

    What are you talking about? There was nothing angry about that post at all.
  • Sarahthompson9
    hahahaha what you worried about? In Scotland you can get deep fried mars and snickers bars

    Yea we've got that here in US too. I saw on TV the other week a restaurant that will deep fry ANYTHING. Pizza. Oreos. Cola. Pickles. It's a travesty.

    by any chance was it diners drive ins and dives? i saw it too
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    hahahaha what you worried about? In Scotland you can get deep fried mars and snickers bars

    Yea we've got that here in US too. I saw on TV the other week a restaurant that will deep fry ANYTHING. Pizza. Oreos. Cola. Pickles. It's a travesty.

    by any chance was it diners drive ins and dives? i saw it too

    Its been on ddd, travel channels "deep fried paradise" series, and various other travel/food shows.
  • Just_Dot
    Just_Dot Posts: 2,289 Member
    I was referring to the "I don't subscribe to any of the fat=flavor BS" comment...you sounded a bit agitated. The point I was trying to make, albeit quickly, since I'm on iPad and it sucks to type, is that there's a reason why ice cream made with whole milk and heavy cream tastes better than stuff made with 2% and half and half...fat. Fried fries > baked fries. Why? Fat. FAT ISN'T THE ENEMY!! It's the over consumption where you get into trouble...

    My ultimate point (to the OP) is that some fried cereal isn't the reason why there's an obesity problem.

  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I was referring to the "I don't subscribe to any of the fat=flavor BS" comment...you sounded a bit agitated. The point I was trying to make, albeit quickly, since I'm on iPad and it sucks to type, is that there's a reason why ice cream made with whole milk and heavy cream tastes better than stuff made with 2% and half and half...fat. Fried fries > baked fries. Why? Fat. FAT ISN'T THE ENEMY!! It's the over consumption where you get into trouble...

    My ultimate point (to the OP) is that some fried cereal isn't the reason why there's an obesity problem.


    Agreed. On all points...including how typing on the iPad sucks.
  • Altarian
    Altarian Posts: 230 Member
    Don't blame the food for obesity, blame the people for making bad decision on obesity. By people i'm not just talking the consumer but those who make the food, and especially those who work in food modification fields aka those who create the new trend foods that are bad for us. And for those who need a visual of what i mean, here you go:
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Don't blame the food for obesity, blame the people for making bad decision on obesity. By people i'm not just talking the consumer but those who make the food, and especially those who work in food modification fields aka those who create the new trend foods that are bad for us.

    We should blame people for making delicious food? That's like blaming car manufacturers for the rate of car accidents...or blaming weapons manufacturers for war. It's up to the consumer to take some responsibility and control themselves around these foods.
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    And your visual is BS. There are value salads just like there are value hamburgers. Not to mention I can make a salad for about 50 cents that will be much healthier than any I can get at a drive through.
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    Don't blame the food for obesity, blame the people for making bad decision on obesity. By people i'm not just talking the consumer but those who make the food, and especially those who work in food modification fields aka those who create the new trend foods that are bad for us. And for those who need a visual of what i mean, here you go:

    I did exactly what you're suggesting in the OP. I asked if *people* really think any/everything should be deep fried. I'm pretty sure I didn't blame the food. :wink: It's people making this disgusting stuff and people choosing to consume it, sometimes in large quantities. So, yeah, I totally blame people for obesity.
  • va_va_voom
    va_va_voom Posts: 467 Member
    And your visual is BS. There are value salads just like there are value hamburgers. Not to mention I can make a salad for about 50 cents that will be much healthier than any I can get at a drive through.

    So true. On the rare occasion that I do go to McD's or Wendy's, I get a grilled chicken sandwich minus mayo or a grilled salad.

    I rarely eat fast food fries - I can't stand the oil slick that gets left on the roof of my mouth. :sick:
  • melinda200208
    melinda200208 Posts: 525 Member
    That crap is found everywhere. We don't HAVE to eat it. I get so pissed off every time I hear of some obese person suing McDonald's for "making" them fat! It's called SELF-CONTROL. I certainly haven't always had it...that's why I am now here, trying to lose a lot of weight. But, no one else made me eat the crap I ate...that was all me.

    I totally agree! McDonalds used to be a treat when I was a kid. Now parents are giving their kids McDonalds all the time for supper! Adults are eating there too often. Moderation....moderation....moderation. AND, no one is forcing you to eat McDonalds. You are the one making the decision to eat McDonalds every day. It is your fault, not McDonalds! People just can't accept that they made the wrong eating decisions and want to blame it on everyone else.

    I heard people were saying McDonalds needs to have healthier food. It's a fas food resteraunt! They should be able to serve what they want, it should be ok to eat it every once in a while.....this gets to me!
  • DieVixen
    DieVixen Posts: 790 Member
    For the record, I'm disgusted by the fact that they are now deep frying cereal. My point in sharing the link was that obesity is due largely (no pun intended) in part to the disgusting, fat-laden foods that people willingly consume. They wouldn't come up with novelty fair food like this to share if people weren't willing to buy it and eat it. As another member pointed out, there are restuarants that sell this stuff year-round.

    It's not just about novelty items or splurging on something once a year. Most people that will eat that stuff don't eat it just once a year at the fair.

    the obesity epedimic is 100% caused by peoples lazyness,and people unwilling to take responsiblity for themselves,the food plays a very small part in it.The fault lies in the people not the food.
  • cubizzle
    cubizzle Posts: 900 Member
    For the record, I'm disgusted by the fact that they are now deep frying cereal. My point in sharing the link was that obesity is due largely (no pun intended) in part to the disgusting, fat-laden foods that people willingly consume. They wouldn't come up with novelty fair food like this to share if people weren't willing to buy it and eat it. As another member pointed out, there are restuarants that sell this stuff year-round.

    It's not just about novelty items or splurging on something once a year. Most people that will eat that stuff don't eat it just once a year at the fair.

    the obesity epedimic is 100% caused by peoples lazyness,and people unwilling to take responsiblity for themselves,the food plays a very small part in it.The fault lies in the people not the food.

    There's no epidemic. That's a "fear" word used to garner support for government control factors. (see Bloomberg for example.)

    Blaming anyone is ridiculous. Where is the understanding that as a species we have changed. There are very few places left in the world where people have to hunt their own food. Population numbers alone keep the vast majority in this country in a situation where they have no chance to create much of their own foods. Labeling it as anything really takes away from the reality of the world we live in. There are thousands of occurances over the past century that have led to where we are today, like it or not. "Blaming" is just away to remain small minded and focused on that which is right in front of our nose rather than attempting to comprehend a bigger picture. Not to mention the intent to place others below us, which is really what posts like this become. Insuations of "others" laziness by those using a website to count calories and find motivation to no longer be "part of the problem". How sad and ironic that is.

    Just sayin.
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    That crap is found everywhere. We don't HAVE to eat it. I get so pissed off every time I hear of some obese person suing McDonald's for "making" them fat!

    Congress removed the right to sue McDonalds for causing obesity almost a decade ago.

    Oh really? Where, exactly?

  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    That crap is found everywhere. We don't HAVE to eat it. I get so pissed off every time I hear of some obese person suing McDonald's for "making" them fat! It's called SELF-CONTROL. I certainly haven't always had it...that's why I am now here, trying to lose a lot of weight. But, no one else made me eat the crap I ate...that was all me.

    I can honestly say that fried ice cream is probably the only non-typically fried food item that I have ever eaten. It *is* about self-control, for sure. But, this type of stuff wouldn't be offered if people didn't buy it.

    People buy it because it's fun to try every now and then, and usually it's tasty too. These foods, McDonalds, hot wings, beer... those things don't make people fat. Their choices on how to enjoy those foods are what make them fat.

    Please don't try to fear-monger and hate on novelty fair foods.

    THIS "Please don't try to fear-monger and hate on novelty fair foods." +100!!!

    I am really tired of the fear mongering that goes on regarding food. Keep buying into the nanny state people. "oh this is so disgusting..." Whiny *kitten*. Live and let live, stay the F! away from the stuff, and do what you have to do. I personally would love to try it, and I'm sure my kids would too. Fried candy bars are delicious btw. I have a friend who deep fries his own twinkies occasionally, and he's a freaking doctor and has several videos online doing crazy cross fit excersizes. It is possible to have it all people. Seriously, this turned into a dumb rant, but STOP BEING SO SCARED AND JUDGMENTAL!!!!

    Just wanting to clarify...I'm not sure who the "fear-monger" quotes were directed at, but my original comment (top one here) was simply pointing out that if *I* am fat, it is MY fault, not the foods fault. I didn't say anything was disgusting nor did I bash anyone or anything. I've had more than my fair share of "disgusting" foods.
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member

    Interesting, it's been a few years since I read about it. Maybe it's been repealed in the meantime or my original source was wrong.

    BTW: There's no need to be sarcastic. A simple informative reply would have been sufficient.

    Edit: The House did pass a "Cheeseburger Bill" at least twice. I don't know if it went on to become law or failed. Perhaps that's what I originally read.

  • honeysprinkles
    honeysprinkles Posts: 1,757 Member
    That looks gross. I have no problem with the occasional fried food, but fried cereal just sounds gross to me. I'll eat fried cheese, fried oreos, even fried pickles, but not fried cereal! lol
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    The obesity problem is not because of novelty food that's eaten once a year at a fair.
