RANT: I wanted to punch his face.



  • ByeByeBigGurl
    A couple years ago a friend (who is also bigger) and I were walking down the street and a bunch of punks pull up in a car and the passenger roars out "Get back to the beach, whales!" and they drove off laughing.

    It's unfortunate that these douche bags exist but don't let it get you down! Keep your head up high and keep going!
    That's what I do :)
  • splucy
    splucy Posts: 353
    whenever someone says something like that, it just goes to show how uncomfortable they are with their own body.

    The only people who belittle how others look are insecure about the way that THEY look. This is a well known FACT!

    So if anyone says something like that again, just remember that!
  • Tender78
    Tender78 Posts: 119 Member
    As the saying goes "some people deserve a high 5, in the face, with a chair", that guy is one of them!

    It's comments like this that make me wish there were a "like" feature on here like on facebook!
  • EDesq
    EDesq Posts: 1,527 Member
    I was jogging with a friend today (and before I go any further, you have to understand that I NEVER jog in public, always stay inside on the treadmill, so this was a big step for me). So we were jogging back and we live on a fairly busy street, there's this guy with two girls walking in front of us, as we pass them by we hear the guy sarcastically say, "well THAT'S very attractive."
    Totally just pissed me off, I mean how rude do you have to be? I legit wanted to go back and punch his face.

    I dunno; the more I think about "RUDE" a-holes, the more I am realizing that MOST times they need a THIRD party for them to get their point across. Like the women who were with him. A LOT of guys are JERKS, but they usually want an audience, and more than likely they say STUPID stuff around women. When are women going to learn to speak up and tell these a-holes when they are RUDE...I don't like what you just did/said to that person. I have been sitting around and have heard some mean things UGLY men have said about women, to other women and those women just laugh. I have seen UGLY or Fat women make fun of other women, and nobody say anything.

    Hold people accountable instead of being one of the Sheep in order to fit in...But that is easier said than done. Usually those type of guys are low/no confidence and not very good at anything. And they need to put others down in order to feel good about themselves. See ME, IRL if someone is Rude to Me like that, I would double back and TELL him and then jog on; if I didn't feel that he was worth it, I'd just keep on going and Not even think about it. I'd save My Rants for things I have less control over, like, a Dumb Boss who likes to Micro-Manage.
  • splucy
    splucy Posts: 353
    As the saying goes "some people deserve a high 5, in the face, with a chair", that guy is one of them!

    It's comments like this that make me wish there were a "like" feature on here like on facebook!

    Yeah I'd be clicking like on both of these comments haha
  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
    If some idiot shouts an insult at you, develop temporary deafness. People like that can't stand being ignored. They crave attention, and the best revenge is to ensure that they don't get it. They're looking forward to a reaction from you. Don't provide one.

    Hold your head high and just keep right on doing what you're doing.

    Just ignore them. They're like a live-action version of internet trolls.
  • NerdyTXChick
    NerdyTXChick Posts: 155 Member
    If some idiot shouts an insult at you, develop temporary deafness. People like that can't stand being ignored. They crave attention, and the best revenge is to ensure that they don't get it. They're looking forward to a reaction from you. Don't provide one.

    Hold your head high and just keep right on doing what you're doing.

    Just ignore them. They're like a live-action version of internet trolls.

    Wise words - don't give them a reaction! The stories I've read here tonight make me literally sick to my stomach. I just can't believe there are so many people out there who get a kick out of hurting other people! I mean, I believe it, but I hate it. I think we should all make a pact that if we ever witness this sort of thing happening to another person, we will step up and let the creeps know exactly what we think! Of course, they most likely will say something rude about you in response, but at least it would help the other person know they aren't alone.
  • lilylight
    lilylight Posts: 128 Member
    . I think we should all make a pact that if we ever witness this sort of thing happening to another person, we will step up and let the creeps know exactly what we think! Of course, they most likely will say something rude about you in response, but at least it would help the other person know they aren't alone.

    I'm in!
  • Miribg
    Miribg Posts: 149 Member
    SOME boys (because that is not a man) can be scum. Just shake it off.
  • mistylovesmusic
    You should have stopped and asked to take his picture. When he asks why, just say, I need something to hang on my punching bag to help keep me motivated. Running is toning my lower body so punching your face daily should help me tone my upper. =)

    Please don't let it discourage you. Idiots are everywhere and if you stop for them, they win.
  • Bobby_Clerici
    Bobby_Clerici Posts: 1,828 Member
    As fat people, we're easy targets for ridicule.
    Deep down people fear getting fat, so they lash out. Ignore it.
    That's why we're here getting better and better each day.:drinker:
  • Assassins_Angel
    id have knocked him straigh on his *kitten* and said "hows that for attractive!! *kitten*:" some people are just *kitten* knuckles
  • adamlb
    adamlb Posts: 106 Member
    I was jogging with a friend today (and before I go any further, you have to understand that I NEVER jog in public, always stay inside on the treadmill, so this was a big step for me). So we were jogging back and we live on a fairly busy street, there's this guy with two girls walking in front of us, as we pass them by we hear the guy sarcastically say, "well THAT'S very attractive."
    Totally just pissed me off, I mean how rude do you have to be? I legit wanted to go back and punch his face.

    What a rude idiot. You don't even need to punch his face - he's ugly enough.
  • lniber22
    lniber22 Posts: 29 Member
    Well first, he was walking with two women, and quite possibly you just heard a snippet of a conversation that had nothing to do with you.

    Second, even IF it was directed at you, you know you are doing what you need to be doing to get where you want to be. Nobody else matters!
  • bethgames
    bethgames Posts: 534 Member
    My husband is handicapped and we ride recumbent trikes. A couple of bikers went past us one day and said "How lazy can you get?" My husband, who used to be a runner and a mountain biker was really hurt. He was like, Hey, I'm out here pedalling my *kitten* just like you." Some people are too rude to be allowed. :grumble: :noway:
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    I'm a bit confused. You're quite attractive. Your body looks good, too, if that's really you in your photos. This doesn't make much sense. Do you have really obnoxious running shoes (bright orange, maybe)?

  • sunnymel126
    sunnymel126 Posts: 359 Member
    Yeah, maybe he wasn't being sarcastic? You seem attractive to me. Maybe he said it loud enough so that you would notice, and it was his weird way of hitting on you?

    Agreed... maybe he thought you're attractive genuinely.
  • nevertoolate2
    nevertoolate2 Posts: 309 Member
    Almost all these rude comments are made by inconsiderate, ignorant men. Sometimes I am ashamed to be a man. :-(

    When accused of being drunk once, Winston Churchill replied something along the lines of "I am drunk, but in morning I will be sober, you will still be ugly".

    I've adapted that on more than one occasion although admittedly, not when it's likely I will have the s**t kicked out of me.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    maybe one of the girls farted or picked their nose and he was talking to HER, not you.
    how do you know he was talking about you?

    because both girls started laughing like idiots right after he said it, and it was pretty obvious, even my friend caught it.

    If that's the case, then the whole bunch of them were idiots. Why care what idiots think of you?

    I get "Run, Forrest!" alllll the time.
  • engodwin
    engodwin Posts: 516 Member
    These are the things that keep me motivated. He's still gunna be around when you're at goal weight and looking even more like a bombshell and then when you see that jerk or any other jerk you can just say Oh THATS real attractive ;)