Biggest Loser is back :D



  • Chiny
    Chiny Posts: 321
    I'm glad Tracy went home, even the host said at the elimination that the choices she made in the beginning has come back to bite her. Tracy admitted she was in it to win it and even Daniel called her out as she was sitting on the steps. I do have to agree with Shay that Liz'z plea didn't sound like she cared whether she stayed or went home.

    Good job for Daniel pulling double digits in WA :drinker:
  • shutterbug4674
    shutterbug4674 Posts: 3,690 Member
    It should be interesting now that it's back to singles.
  • strongandfit
    Sooooooooooooooo glad Tracey is gone. She made Vicky and Heba look like angels!! :laugh:
  • shutterbug4674
    shutterbug4674 Posts: 3,690 Member
    Sooooooooooooooo glad Tracey is gone. She made Vicky and Heba look like angels!! :laugh:
  • Shelley130
    Why didn't they show Shay on "where they are now" segment?

    This weeks weigh in was awesome! Im still rootin' for Danny... but pink team is growing on me.

    So excited for makeover week- I hope they do something with Liz's hair!
  • SlimSasha
    SlimSasha Posts: 54 Member
    I was wondering too about the "where they are now" with Shay..i did see them both on leno after the show and she has lost 150lbs now!!! I dont think they should have sent her home but i looks like she has more family around her then what they showed befor...GO Pink team..and DANNY
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I was very bummed to see Shay go...Amanda would be able to do it more on her own, I'd think.

    Thank goodness Shay seems to have more support at home this time around!
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    Ok, I was wondering if I missed something when they didn't show Shay's "after" at home. I was reading a book I just couldn't put down during the commercial breaks and was scared I had missed that part. I tried to stay up for the Leno part but just couldn't. I was very surprised that they sent Shay home though, but I felt it was time for Daniel to go. I really do wonder if such things are rigged a bit. It seems that every season that have that one or two ladies that has gotten super hot, and I can see Amanda being that girl so I wonder if she stayed to finish, and that it had nothing to do with elimination. :grumble:
  • Shelley130
    I going to live in my bubble and think that nothing on the show is rigged,
    no popping the bubble please!! :happy:
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    Shelley, make room for me in your bubble, I don't want to believe it. At least we have makeover week to look forward to next week! I saw that the show is coming on at 8:30 est, will it still be over at 10:00 est?
  • Shelley130
    The Madegascar Christmas special is coming on first with biggest loser to follow. Don't know if it will be the whole two hours or not.
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I wonder if they didn't show Shay at home because maybe Jillian and Bob brought her back ????????

    that was odd for sure!

    did you see them on Leno - they looked great
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I thought I was going to be sick when they sent Shay home. As much as I like Amanda (heck, I voted for her to be on the show), Shay needed to be there more than she did. If you go on the NBC Biggest Loser website, they have the post-show "where are they now" for Shay. She is doing great, and making huge strides in her life, and even becoming a public speaker to younger kids, encouraging them to say no to drugs, and embrace their past without losing sight of their future.
    I REALLY hope they bring her back next season, but I'm afraid she'll have hit a plateau like Daniel did.
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    The Madegascar Christmas special is coming on first with biggest loser to follow. Don't know if it will be the whole two hours or not.

    I checked the guide and it's only 1.5 hours.
  • shutterbug4674
    shutterbug4674 Posts: 3,690 Member
    That was a bunch of BS last night! Rudy is so 2-faced! I thought with crazy Tracey gone, the game playing would stop! Shay even said in her plea that she isn't a threat and she wants to be there so she can live. Amanada is a bigger threat than her. She moves faster in the challenges and she already looks pretty slim compared to the others. Remember last season....the one they thought wasn't a threat, won the whole thing! :glasses:
  • clheide
    clheide Posts: 112 Member
    I totally agree! I was so angy that Shay got voted off this week. I was also kind of upset with Amanda. If I were in her position, I would have asked them to send me home instead of trying to plead my case against Shay. She so clearly needs to be there, and Amanda can make it at home, even though she doesn't seem to think so. I hope Bob and Jillian beat the crap out of them in the gym for sending Shay home!!! :mad:
  • shutterbug4674
    shutterbug4674 Posts: 3,690 Member
    I totally agree! I was so angy that Shay got voted off this week. I was also kind of upset with Amanda. If I were in her position, I would have asked them to send me home instead of trying to plead my case against Shay. She so clearly needs to be there, and Amanda can make it at home, even though she doesn't seem to think so. I hope Bob and Jillian beat the crap out of them in the gym for sending Shay home!!! :mad:

    I can't wait to see JILLIAN'S reaction!!! She is the one that fought to keep Shay there. Amanda has her nose too close to Bob's behind!
  • TheGoblinRoad
    TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member
    Uh--I shouldnt have looked here. That episode hasn't aired in my area! :(
  • beckyi88
    beckyi88 Posts: 604
    I totally agree! I was so angy that Shay got voted off this week. I was also kind of upset with Amanda. If I were in her position, I would have asked them to send me home instead of trying to plead my case against Shay. She so clearly needs to be there, and Amanda can make it at home, even though she doesn't seem to think so. I hope Bob and Jillian beat the crap out of them in the gym for sending Shay home!!! :mad:

    ITA!!!! I knew when Shay fell below the line what they would do....I'd gotten my TV Guide earlier for next week and both Amanda and Rebecca were shown with their makeovers. I was very disappointed in selfish!!! They have all become such game players and now the older folks have control, Amanda and Rebecca will be gone very soon! Can't stand Rudy or Liz, guess that only leaves Danny to root for. What happened to the contestants who supported eachother on previous the year with the 2 brothers on Black Team....and the one cried all the time, but threw himself on his sword for his brother. Was it the year Alli won? Go back to changing lives and stop the drama! It's getting very unpleasant. I'll watch SURVIVOR if I want back stabbing!
  • Brandiann
    Brandiann Posts: 905 Member
    Check this out, the Jay Leno Show with Shay and Daniel after they got booted.