Vegetarians - why?



  • Flissbo
    Flissbo Posts: 302 Member
    One of the things I've learned throughout my 17 years as a vegetarian (13 of those vegan) is that I don't have to explain myself or my choices to anyone.

    Frankly, you don't understand my veganism any more than I understand your eating dead animals. And there isn't common ground for some. Your extreme aversion to tofu demonstrates that you're not willing to learn. No matter what anyone says, you will likely never understand why some of us value the lives of animals and therefore do not eat them.

    And that's fine.

    The other thing I've learned is that its best not to judge. So I don't. Each person is an individual and will his/her own decisions regarding what they choose to consume.

    So why am I vegan? My body does not need animal flesh to thrive, so I prefer to let the cows eat their grass and the pigs play in mud. It's the past of least harm, I believe.

    well said :-)))
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Ok, I am probably going to offend some, but its not my intention.

    However, I just don't get it, and never will. There has never been a good argument presented to me. I figure because whenever I ask why, they almost always get offended. For the life of me, I don't understand why I can't ask for a reason?

    So why?

    And please remove all of the tofu answers. That stuff is just nasty.
    Why? Easy.
    Because i don't want heart disease. I don't want cancer. I don't want bad skin. I don't want to be overweight. I don't want elevated cholesterol. I don't want to contribute my money to a corrupt, polluting, cruel, and ludicrously inefficient industry. I don't want to eat a diet that is not meant for humans, and i don't want all the health consequences associated with doing so.

    I do want athletic ability, i do want a longer life, i do want better cognitive ability, i do want better sexual performance, i do want a regular #2 schedule, I do want cleaner breath, I do want energy and stamina, i do want better overall health, and all the other benefits associated with a proper vegan diet.

    That's why.

    Now i have a question for you? Why do you eat meat? (And don't say "It tastes good" because so does a mango, but a mango doesn't send you to an early grave.)
  • Ok, I am probably going to offend some, but its not my intention.

    However, I just don't get it, and never will. There has never been a good argument presented to me. I figure because whenever I ask why, they almost always get offended. For the life of me, I don't understand why I can't ask for a reason?

    So why?

    And please remove all of the tofu answers. That stuff is just nasty.
    Why? Easy.
    Because i don't want heart disease. I don't want cancer. I don't want bad skin. I don't want to be overweight. I don't want elevated cholesterol. I don't want to contribute my money to a corrupt, polluting, cruel, and ludicrously inefficient industry. I don't want to eat a diet that is not meant for humans, and i don't want all the health consequences associated with doing so.

    I do want athletic ability, i do want a longer life, i do want better cognitive ability, i do want better sexual performance, i do want a regular #2 schedule, I do want cleaner breath, I do want energy and stamina, i do want better overall health, and all the other benefits associated with a proper vegan diet.

    That's why.

    Now i have a question for you? Why do you eat meat? (And don't say "It tastes good" because so does a mango, but a mango doesn't send you to an early grave.)

    this is when i don't respect the views of veggies, or anyones views when they come across as rude.

    Being a veggie doesn't automatically make you healthy! There are plenty of over-weight, unhealthy veggies. I know a few.

    Meat is meant for humans, we may not NEED to eat it anymore, but once we did.

    And not all meat gives you cancer, red meat can do in large quantities, but i dont eat red meat so im not going to bother arguing that. I eat chicken, because its a good source of protein, and it doesn't give you bad skin. , .
  • Nurun
    Nurun Posts: 2 Member
    Please do not get offended anybody, but i think it is very unnatural for someone to not eat meat. think about cavemen, they ate meat all their lives, they needed it to survive. they did not eat any grains either.

    This isn't true. A substantial amount of paleobotanical evidence proves that there was a huge emphasis on the "gatherer" part of hunter-gatherer. Obviously there are exceptions (hello Inuits! mmmm, seal blubber.) but for the most part humans have evolved from mostly herbivore/frugivore with some insectivore/carnivore eatings to eating whatever we wanted.
    Meat is meant for humans, we may not NEED to eat it anymore, but once we did.

    Nope, not true. Humans have been omnivores far longer than our species (as we call it today) has existed.

    I was a vegetarian for five years and then remembered how much I love shrimp and chicken. I don't really care for the taste and texture of red meat. And tofu is gross. If you think tofu makes up the bulk of a vegetarian diet, you should probably look into it a bit more. A typical healthy vegetarian will focus on vegetables, legumes and nuts for the bulk of their diet. Which is healthy and completely feasible for everyone to accomplish. Trust me, I think I tried tofu three times in five years. Not my thing, but not a required part of vegetarianism.
  • madamepsychosis
    madamepsychosis Posts: 472 Member
    I see lots of people jumping the OP and no one giving a reason. Given that's exactly what the OP says always happens, I wish I could find it ironic, but it's exactly what I was expecting, too.

    I think, and I could be wrong in this particular case, that the reason some vegetarians get defensive quickly is because a lot of us are often presented with "Carnivore Trolls" who pretend to be curious about vegetarianism and then just want to bash us for not eating "real food" or whatnot. So, unfortunately, when someone has a legitimate question, the walls go up right away so as to avoid having to go through the whole rigmarole again.

    It's actually a pretty interesting thing I've experienced. Vegetarianism is strangely polarizing; many veggies assume meat-eaters will belittle their choices, and many meat-eaters assume veggies are trying to convert them to the PETA lifestyle. So then in defense they both fall deeper into the stereotypes. It's really interesting to obverse.

    This! The amount of times people have aggressively questioned my eating habits when they find out I don't eat meat is ridiculous. I don't mind people asking so long as they're not rude, but why do people care so much? I don't eat meat. I have my reasons. So long as you're not trying to force a steak down my throat, I'm not going to get pissy about your choice to eat meat, so don't get pissy about my choice to not eat it. That's my philosophy anyway.
  • Ladyiianae
    Ladyiianae Posts: 271 Member
    Vegetarian for 4+ years...Why? Not that it matters but I HATE the thought of hurting animals...Fish...anything with a face. Not looking for judgement, I feel better about me so that is all that matters.

    It takes all kinds to make the world go 'round
  • noirnatural
    noirnatural Posts: 310 Member
    Ok, I am probably going to offend some, but its not my intention.

    However, I just don't get it, and never will. There has never been a good argument presented to me. I figure because whenever I ask why, they almost always get offended. For the life of me, I don't understand why I can't ask for a reason?

    So why?

    And please remove all of the tofu answers. That stuff is just nasty.
    I just do not like the taste of meat...its that simple..LOL
  • ms_cataclysm
    ms_cataclysm Posts: 26 Member
    I think you'd get a different answer from every vegetarian, vegan or pescatorian.

    Some people don't like the taste, some people think it's greener ,kinder to animals, have religious issues or are just plain broke.

    Other people are worried about chemicals and additives in intensively farmed meat and can't afford or get organic meat.

    Other people live with a vegetarian and it's less hassle to cook something everyone can eat.

    I'm in the middle. I'm not wild about meat except bacon and neither is my husband but we do eat bacon, chicken and fish . I lived with a vegan family for six months and didn't really miss the difference.

    Does that help?
  • I don't want to eat dead animals. I recently went vegan and don't plan on going back. I also think it's awful how animals are treated in the food industry. I have many many reasons...
  • galaxiegal
    galaxiegal Posts: 90
    Why do people feel the need to try and convert people to become vegetarians or meat eaters? Every time I am aware of the fact that someone is a veg. it is because they feel the need to be convinced otherwise. (or vice versa) Why not just eat your vegetables or your meat and not worry about what other people are eating. You made a lifestyle choice, good for you. Now leave me to eat my lifestyle choice in peace.
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Sure, there are hundreds of reasons that you have heard before ranging from cruelty to animals, the fact our body doesn't need it, the global food crisis, the pollution, the horrible corporations that run said factories, the cancer, the lack of nutrients, and the list goes on and on...

    For me- it was simply a way to enlighten myself to the next state in my meditation.
  • future_runner
    future_runner Posts: 136 Member
    I simply don't like to eat things that are cute.

    Broccoli is adorable. Like a tree in a tiny claymation village.
  • macnotes
    macnotes Posts: 210 Member
    I'm thankful for all these responses! I've been a vegetarian for 3 years now and I am often asked "why"? Any reason I give, there seems to be a rebuttal or attack on my reason. I DO feel that I'm part of a "religious cult" because of my choice to be vegetarian. But I do this because I feel it's right for me and it's something that I can do to make the world more aware of what one is eating. It's probably a small thing, but it's what I can do to help end unnecessary killing of animals. I've appreciated the responses because I am always looking for new ways to phrase my answer to "Why???"

    Edit to fix spelling mistake :)
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    Vegetarian = not eat meat.
    I don't eat meat.
    Why? I love animals and I can't stand the thought of animals because tortured and killed just so I can have something tasty to eat.

    It's just as simple as that.

    (I do enjoy the taste of meat but fake meat works well for me!)
  • seamadden
    seamadden Posts: 46 Member
    I've been vegetarian on and off for about a year, I'm getting really serious about it recently though
    for the past week I've been eating so clean, almost vegan actually
    then today i had some chicken and i felt so awful, not physically but i feel so uncomfortable with the fact that we feel the need to have to unnecessarily kill living creatures just to feed ourselves when we are perfectly capable of surviving off vegetables and grains

    i don't care if someone wants to eat meat, but i personally am not completely ok with it so i won't be in future. i'm not going to do something outside of my moral compass just for the taste or because it's the 'done thing'

    and as for the protein argument, unless you are especially trying to bulk up, the protein from vegetables and grains alone is enough, not to mention there is a lot of protein in dairy, eggs, beans etc and there are plenty of meat substitutes on the market!
  • RobynC79
    RobynC79 Posts: 331 Member
    People, people! No need to argue, the culprit is here! You can blame an arachnid:

    Ok, so I'm sure that's not it for most people. But it's still very cool.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Why do people feel the need to try and convert people to become vegetarians or meat eaters? Every time I am aware of the fact that someone is a veg. it is because they feel the need to be convinced otherwise. (or vice versa) Why not just eat your vegetables or your meat and not worry about what other people are eating. You made a lifestyle choice, good for you. Now leave me to eat my lifestyle choice in peace.

    The issue here is that the "lifestyle choice" of eating meat assumes that there is no "other", and that it doesn't only affect the person making the lifestyle choice - it involves the taking of another life. Aggressive activism definitely alienates people on both sides, and there are definitely more positive, peaceful ways to share beliefs than shoving them down others' throats, but the fact of the matter is that some people feel that they cannot simply stand by and watch injustice happen.
  • ScientistStudy
    ScientistStudy Posts: 249 Member
    I figure, I wouldn't eat my pet cat so why should I eat any other animal. The more I thought about it, the more the idea of meat repulsed me. I never ate much meat in the first place so it was pretty easy for me to stop eating it altogether. 8 years later and I've never looked back.
  • doorki
    doorki Posts: 2,576 Member
    Why do people feel the need to try and convert people to become vegetarians or meat eaters? Every time I am aware of the fact that someone is a veg. it is because they feel the need to be convinced otherwise. (or vice versa) Why not just eat your vegetables or your meat and not worry about what other people are eating. You made a lifestyle choice, good for you. Now leave me to eat my lifestyle choice in peace.

    The issue here is that the "lifestyle choice" of eating meat assumes that there is no "other", and that it doesn't only affect the person making the lifestyle choice - it involves the taking of another life. Aggressive activism definitely alienates people on both sides, and there are definitely more positive, peaceful ways to share beliefs than shoving them down others' throats, but the fact of the matter is that some people feel that they cannot simply stand by and watch injustice happen.

    You are still taking another life when eating plants. They just aren't as cute.
  • _the_feniks_
    _the_feniks_ Posts: 3,412 Member
    It's OK to eat fish, 'cause they don't have any feelings.
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