Random stuff that stops me getting fat... and makes you fat



  • Squeezalsize10
    I agree with all except that I don't need chocolate. I am woman, chocolate is necessity! lol

  • FriendsR4EverTreasures
    The problem is that generalizations about weightloss are never correct because weightloss is as unique as the individual. It's good information and some of your points are okay; however, this should be taken like anything else, as information that we can take or leave. My philosophy of weightloss: balance (if you eat alot, you work out equally or more) calories in calories out; and moderation not deprivation (there is no bad food as long as you don't over do it). My two cents! :)
  • Jflowwers
    Jflowwers Posts: 137 Member
    I get what you're trying to prove, but mostly you come off as a stereotypical jerk.

    THIS. Jesus, calm down macho man. Good for you, you arent fat. We got it. Also, saying that everyones metoblism is the same and people that are overweight just eat to much compared to a " correct weight" person is BULL****. There are so many factors you havent touched here as to why some people are heavy. We all have a friend who eats like crap and doesnt gain a pound and we all know someone or might be someone, who eats right and struggles with their weight.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    The problem is that generalizations about weightloss are never correct because weightloss is as unique as the individual. It's good information and some of your points are okay; however, this should be taken like anything else, as information that we can take or leave. My philosophy of weightloss: balance (if you eat alot, you work out equally or more) calories in calories out; and moderation not deprivation (there is no bad food as long as you don't over do it). My two cents! :)

    I'll bite.

    Why do people believe "there is no bad food as long as you don't over do it"? I mean that sincerely...it's a common belief, and one that I don't understand. Why do people believe that certain things we can eat are not harmful, even in "moderate" amounts?

    So, anyhow, I disagree with your opinion that "there is no bad food", because I believe, in my own humble opinion, that certain foods are potentially bad for you even in "moderate" amounts.

    Oh, and the entirety of the MFP forums are generalizations.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    Why do people believe "there is no bad food as long as you don't over do it"? I mean that sincerely...it's a common belief, and one that I don't understand. Why do people believe that certain things we can eat are not harmful, even in "moderate" amounts?

    Because typically people will find research that shows either trends, or attempts to show causal relationships between massive amounts of bad food and a negative effect. Then, they take this to mean that said food is bad under all doses and in all contexts. This isn't necessarily how it works.

    Tuna is perfectly fine to eat but if you consume enough of it you can get poisoned. Consume small and infrequent amounts and you don't suffer any adverse effects.

    Water is fatal at a high enough dosage.

    Context and dosage are absolutely relevant and it's foolish to disregard that (and I am not calling YOU foolish when I say this, just to be clear).

    So, anyhow, I disagree with your opinion that "there is no bad food", because I believe, in my own humble opinion, that certain foods are potentially bad for you even in "moderate" amounts.

    Such as?
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    Maybe you should change the title to "Stuff that makes me a meathead, and makes you not a body builder". Because I eat cheeseburgers and chocolate and I can assure you, I am not fat.
  • Jflowwers
    Jflowwers Posts: 137 Member
    Maybe you should change the title to "Stuff that makes me a meathead, and makes you not a body builder". Because I eat cheeseburgers and chocolate and I can assure you, I am not fat.

    Thank you.
  • spikefoot
    spikefoot Posts: 419
    Follow all of these and it seems like life would feel kind of boring.

    I agree with most but the logic of some seems a tad flawed.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    While I do agree with some of the point, I am just commenting on the ones that jumped out at me
    Piging out once a week as a treat - you will fail (calories)
    Not if you stay at a deficit overall
    Fast food makes you want more food (sugar)
    Subjective - not me
    You don't need to cut down on fast food (Burgers, Pizzas, fried food) you should NEVER eat them - people did just fine for millions of years without burgers
    People did just fine millions of years ago without cars, it doesn't mean to say that I should not have my car. If the fast food fits into your calorie target - what exactly is wrong with it (in moderation)
    Muscle is more imortant than cardio - muscle eats fat for breakfast
    You never need to eat chocolate or crisps, etc.
    I don't have to but I want to...so I will
    BMI is rubbish for many justifiable technical reasons - but in your case it's probably spot on
    It's rubbish but in my case its not?
    Healthy people don't eat much (compared to you)

    Edited to fix typo
  • toysbigkid
    toysbigkid Posts: 545 Member
    Taking information from everyone ( not just on this thread but everywhere) and trying to figure this all out. I'm doing ok and I like eating clean wholesome foods nothing proccessed or in packages etc. Good luck to everyone on their journey...HUG!!!
  • Balance05
    Balance05 Posts: 53 Member
    Everything is debatable. I did not follow all of your "rules" and I met my goal and then some. I eat pizza, sometimes I indulge in "cheat" meals, I eat chocolate, and I do way more cardio than weights (cardio is good for your heart, mister!). My point is that everyone can find their own ways to be successful. There is no one way about it.

    I do appreciate the purpose of your post but you might try being a little less condescending towards people if you want them to take you seriously.

    I completely agree! Everyone is different with different metabolisms, body types, BMIs, etc. Everyone needs to find the routine (although should switch it up every now and then to keep losing weigh when needed) that works for their body.

    And the condescending part: so true. You are kindof a jerk for tone used when making this list. Just because you're thin and healthy doesn't make you better than everyone else. You have work to do, too.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    Why do people believe "there is no bad food as long as you don't over do it"? I mean that sincerely...it's a common belief, and one that I don't understand. Why do people believe that certain things we can eat are not harmful, even in "moderate" amounts?

    Because typically people will find research that shows either trends, or attempts to show causal relationships between massive amounts of bad food and a negative effect. Then, they take this to mean that said food is bad under all doses and in all contexts. This isn't necessarily how it works.

    Tuna is perfectly fine to eat but if you consume enough of it you can get poisoned. Consume small and infrequent amounts and you don't suffer any adverse effects.

    Water is fatal at a high enough dosage.

    Context and dosage are absolutely relevant and it's foolish to disregard that (and I am not calling YOU foolish when I say this, just to be clear).

    So, anyhow, I disagree with your opinion that "there is no bad food", because I believe, in my own humble opinion, that certain foods are potentially bad for you even in "moderate" amounts.

    Such as?

    Oh, thank you. Thank you for this response, Sidesteal.
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    So, anyhow, I disagree with your opinion that "there is no bad food", because I believe, in my own humble opinion, that certain foods are potentially bad for you even in "moderate" amounts.

    Such as?

    Partially hydrogenated oils?
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    So, anyhow, I disagree with your opinion that "there is no bad food", because I believe, in my own humble opinion, that certain foods are potentially bad for you even in "moderate" amounts.

    Such as?

    Partially hydrogenated oils?

    ^ This is one of the few food items that, while I don't absolutely avoid 100%, I try and limit. I actually don't know whether or not there's evidence to conclude that it's harmful even in the smallest of doses.

    Does anyone have anything on this?
  • Rilke
    Rilke Posts: 1,201 Member
    So, anyhow, I disagree with your opinion that "there is no bad food", because I believe, in my own humble opinion, that certain foods are potentially bad for you even in "moderate" amounts.

    Such as?

    Partially hydrogenated oils?

    ^ This is one of the few food items that, while I don't absolutely avoid 100%, I try and limit. I actually don't know whether or not there's evidence to conclude that it's harmful even in the smallest of doses.

    Does anyone have anything on this?

    Obviously (from just its name) this website is biased, but the studies on this page (about halfway down) look legit to me. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

  • JenSuperGirl
    JenSuperGirl Posts: 12 Member
    Yah - you missed one.

    No 'diet' products, artificial sweeteners or processed funk of any nature.

    These actually make you fat, they slow down the metabolism, confuse the brain and are not good for the body AT all. Weight loss is all hormones, and they don't like funk! Cut out the toxics and your body will repay you


    Oh and over 3L of water a day - that is the most important one. Will benefit the body in every way - also if you don't drink enough you retain. Keep hydrated :)
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Some of these do not seem to be thought through. But I highly recommend everyone try getting healthier, instead of everyone trying to just be as thin as possible eating anything they want.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Since the 70s people are fatter - back in those days you couldn't buy much fast food or food outside working hours - think about it!

    There also weren't home computers and gaming consoles. Fast food isn't the only reason people get fat.
  • RayRay1500
    RayRay1500 Posts: 158 Member
    How is water fatal?
  • beebee0925
    beebee0925 Posts: 472 Member
    Fat people encourage people to be fat.

    That is so true in my life.