Feeling down, just sad and in need of virtual hugs..



  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,549 Member
    big hugs being sent. I'm sorry you had such a crappy day on top of a bad week.
  • HappilyCyn
    HappilyCyn Posts: 68 Member
    Just saw your pics. You are gorgeous!!! You need to own it.
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    we all have bad days at times.. <<Hugs>>
  • una48
    una48 Posts: 43
    So sorry you're having a lousy day. Lot of Hugs!

    Moving home is always very stressful so give yourself a pat on the back for doing it all yourself with uncooperative people around.

    I hope you have a nice weekend. And dont feel too lonely, we are all here rooting for you.

    Also, in case you havent looked in the mirror in a while, you are really beautiful!
  • Just saw your pics. You are gorgeous!!! You need to own it.

    ^^^^ Ditto and hugs
  • khadeejah1
    khadeejah1 Posts: 24
    Thank you so much everyone for the hugs, I really appreciate them, I don't think I'll be bingeing tonight so that's a good thing I think :) Sometimes I just need to get it all out and move on..
  • mamato3babies
    mamato3babies Posts: 73 Member
    :::: hugs :::: I completely understand how you feel! I haven't had a bad day (per-say), but I just feel so BLAH and just not in a good mood. I am just trying to not take ot out on anyone or be a b*tch!!! I hope everything gets MUCH better for you!! :::: hugs ::::
  • pushnhard
    pushnhard Posts: 51
  • monicamk1975
    monicamk1975 Posts: 298 Member
    I'm sorry you're having a hard time. I hope things turn around really soon for you and you start to feel as beautiful as you are. And I'm not just saying that, I looked at your profile pics and you are gorgeous! I know many many women that would kill to be as pretty as you.

    I didnt get married until I was 34 and then had a daughter at 35. Don't worry about being single at your age. The right guy is out there and you'll find him, you just have to weed through a bunch of "not the right ones" first ;)

    Sending you virtual hugs and positive thoughts =)
  • AprilRaineyBattle
    AprilRaineyBattle Posts: 114 Member
    Sorry you are having a bad day........sending hugs your way :smile:
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
    Hope your day gets better soon.
  • GadgetGuy2
    GadgetGuy2 Posts: 291 Member
    HUGS khadeejah1!

    Your brave to lay it all out like you have. Your writing also seems to confirm your comment that some people think you're intelligent.

    Everybody has a bad day now and then. This too will pass.

    I understand your concern about appearance and attracting a partner. It is unfortunate that attraction depends so much "initially" on appearance. I suspect that if you are successful with your diet plan (and nutrition), that not only physical appearance will improve (yep.....I see excellent bone structure in one of your profile pics) as well as your aura (how you feel about yourself will improve too)!

    My first wife was a real beauty. It lasted 5 years. My second/current wife has a heart of gold (and yes, I was physically attracted to her too). We've been together for 27 years, and I suspect we'll go through all those old age transitions together.

    It can happen to you too.

    Most importantly, what little I can see of your facial body language (involuntary muscles) leads me to believe you are also a good person.

    Lemme' see now......good facial bone structure.......eyes that participate in smiles.......a glandular glisten in the eye .... intelligent...wanting babies implies loving nature.......

    Seems to me you've got a lot going for you..........

    So just that initial physical attraction issue to address via diet/exercise.....some "circulating" to increase the chances of contact with someone with "the right stuff" .... and life could turn 180 degrees in your favor.

    Good luck! And HUGS.....we who are about to loose weight (or just lost weight) salute YOU!
  • Candicegay51
    Candicegay51 Posts: 36 Member
    Hugs!!! Everything will work itself out :)
  • aconley24
    aconley24 Posts: 10
    you are beautiful!! OWN IT!! i am sorry that your having a crappy week. Sometimes it gets worse b4 it gets better! **HUGS**
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 839 Member
    Isn't it nice to have a place you can vent? We all need to do that once in a while. I hope your move goes well and tomorrow is a wonderful day!:drinker:
  • :heart: hugs:heart: you are a beautiful person! chin up! :smile:
  • This is my first day, so maybe this will help since I can't tell you what works for me at losing, yadda, yadda, YET. Try this site if you need a hug. It's a virtual hug but after I was "hugged" for a minute or two I felt better. http://www.thenicestplaceontheinter.net/

    I am sure I will be here with support needs in the future. You are never alone as you feel you are.
  • ceschwartz
    ceschwartz Posts: 240 Member
    And just to make sure one more BIG hug. This to shall pass.
  • kathleenp518
    kathleenp518 Posts: 48 Member
    Everyone has their bad days, but tomorrow is a new day. I know for me when I work out I feel so much better about myself and energetic. If I work out I eat better too. You should find a program you love and try it. Once you start sweating I guarantee you'll feel better, and you'll feel great afterwards. I'm going to friend you. I love the motivation on these boards and feel that they've really helped me. :flowerforyou:
  • Perfectdiamonds1
    Perfectdiamonds1 Posts: 347 Member
    :flowerforyou: I understand where you are coming from. Hope you feel better soon. You may need to take a few weeks off of work if you can and just have some me time. I'm doing that now. Took a month off. When it gets stressful like that, its time to back away for a bit. :flowerforyou: