"10 Pounds At A Time Challenge"



  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    I just went dress shopping for a wedding reception on Saturday. :sad: I ended up buying nothing because I look like a big, fat, flabby tubbo in all the dresses. I wonder if people would notice if I showed up in sweats (my preferred attire!) It was so discouraging. I'm apple shaped. You know ... big fat tummy and chest ... didn't really realize how awful my arms look until today.

    This morning I was pretty happy, down a pound from this weekend. But, now ... grrr! :grumble:

    Try not to say negative things about yourself! We live our personal truths...so if you believe you are all the things you just said than that is what you will be...just change your mind!! I know that is easier said than done but it is so true! At the very least you have to acknowledge that you are here and you are trying and that is a MAJOR step towards your goals!! :flowerforyou:

    I know, you're right, I shouldn't be so negative, but, that dress shopping was painful! It was the worst time to do it, too, not having lost much weight yet. But, I need a dress for Saturday.

    OK, the power of positive thinking: Saturday, even if I stay as I am right now, I'll be at least a pound and a half thinner than I was this past Saturday. That's a move in the right direction. It's not perfect, but, it's movement in the right direction. On New Year's Eve, though, I'm going to be one hot mama! :bigsmile:

    There you go!! New Year...New You!!
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Ohand BTW does anyone have any good recipes for granola? I made it once before but the recipe was kinda bland...:huh:

    I've never made any before, but I had Kashi's Apple Orchard (or something like that) and it was sooooooo good. So my suggestion is to try to work some dried apples and spices like cinnamon and cloves in there. I would mix it with vanilla yogurt for breakfast and OMG that was good.

    That sounds fantastic!!! I am going to try that out mmmm it sounds so fall!! Thx
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    I've never made granola, but, I do put together a mixture of almonds, walnuts, golden raisins, and dried cranberries. Every now and then, I slip in a handful of dark chocolate chips. Yum! And, last week, I found cocoa coated almonds! Wow! Good stuff! There wasn't any sugar added, just cocoa, so, it's a better option than chocolate chips. And, cocoa's supposed to be good for us, right? Oats would probably be a good addition, but I've never done it. The nuts are filling, and from what I've read, almonds and walnuts are the best nut choices (them and my husband. He's the all time best nut choice! :laugh: ) It's pretty filling with all those good fats.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Silvertears: I'm the same way and I get bored with doing the same workout every day. I have a fairly decent collection, but my recommendations are as follows: Biggest Loser Power Sculpt, Biggest Loser Cardio Max, Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds (any one is good, especially Walk & Kick).

    Slim in 6 bored me to tears and I'm not a good enough dancer to truly enjoy Core Rhythms. I also have Biggest Loser Bootcamp, but it has a million squats and lunges. If you're not ready for 30 Day Shred, I wouldn't recommend trying any of Jillian's other videos, as they are all 40 minutes whereas Shred is 20 minutes. Oh, and Carmen Electra's Striptease is NOT a workout! There's no sweating involved, only touching your own butt.

    I hope this helps. As you can tell, I've tried several and am always looking for new ones to try myself. If you find any that you think are good, please let me in on the secret! Right now, I'm working on the Couch to 5K three days per week and then doing videos in between.

    So....ALL of that being said, I got through my first day of replacing breakfast and lunch with protein shakes. Even with eating chicken wings, nachos and beer for dinner (yep, I know how terrible it is!), I lost a pound. I got in 6 glasses of water, which is huge for me, as I normally do 2-3 per day. This means I have 1.2 lbs to lose from what I gained back last weekend.

    The plus is that the boyfriend is out of town this weekend, so I can really focus on keeping my eating in check, even though I'll miss him. Plus, I'm going dancing and bowling with some gal pals tomorrow night and SO looking forward to it. One of them lost 45 lbs on the Slim4Life program that she started in June. She'll be huge motivation!

    Hope you are all having a FANTASTIC day!!
  • silvertears
    silvertears Posts: 106 Member
    Good morning!

    Silvertears: I'm the same way and I get bored with doing the same workout every day. I have a fairly decent collection, but my recommendations are as follows: Biggest Loser Power Sculpt, Biggest Loser Cardio Max, Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds (any one is good, especially Walk & Kick).

    Slim in 6 bored me to tears and I'm not a good enough dancer to truly enjoy Core Rhythms. I also have Biggest Loser Bootcamp, but it has a million squats and lunges. If you're not ready for 30 Day Shred, I wouldn't recommend trying any of Jillian's other videos, as they are all 40 minutes whereas Shred is 20 minutes. Oh, and Carmen Electra's Striptease is NOT a workout! There's no sweating involved, only touching your own butt.

    I hope this helps. As you can tell, I've tried several and am always looking for new ones to try myself. If you find any that you think are good, please let me in on the secret! Right now, I'm working on the Couch to 5K three days per week and then doing videos in between.

    :laugh: about Carmen Electra!

    I'm going to try one of the Biggest Loser workouts. One of my coworkers has the Wii game and said it was really fun and she broke a sweat during the warm up :laugh:

    Some of my favorites have been Beachbody workouts... Power 90 (I like it, I just can't do it for 90 days straight) and Yoga Booty Ballet. I loved YBB, but my kids ruined the DVD. :mad: Beachbody videos are just so expensive, especially if I'm going to get bored with them so fast. :frown: I also like Denise Austin.

    Thanks for the suggestions!
  • rose14
    rose14 Posts: 4 Member
    Looking to join if that's alright.
    I just found MFP recently and really like it.

    SW 216
    CW 210.5

    My biggest obstacle is dinner. Especially cleaning up afterwards.

    Looking forward to following along.
  • melisay
    melisay Posts: 75 Member
    How do I get into this challenge ?

  • silvertears
    silvertears Posts: 106 Member
    How do I get into this challenge ?


    Just jump in! We aim for 10lbs a month, but since you are coming in mid-month, we wouldn't expect that much =)
  • silvertears
    silvertears Posts: 106 Member
    Looking to join if that's alright.
    I just found MFP recently and really like it.

    SW 216
    CW 210.5

    My biggest obstacle is dinner. Especially cleaning up afterwards.

    Looking forward to following along.

  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Welcome to the newbies!

    Silvertears, I know what you mean about Beachbody being so expensive! I really would like to try TurboJam but can't justify spending that much if I don't like it!!
  • SelkieGhost
    SelkieGhost Posts: 115 Member
    Welp... I've gone a solid week without touching any workout program - and have stayed strictly (minus a few occasions) within the 1200 calorie range... and I'm still showing a scale drop, not to mention visually slimming out and looking less pudgy (so it is fat that seems to be going away).
    I have myself entered on here as 137.5 (until Sunday), but this morning my scale told me 136.5

    Reason for lack of workout out is I've been too focused on school and on writing a novel, so everything else has taken a back seat. On the other hand - this has really given me some insight as to why I was slowed down on weight loss before. I suspect that though I was eating my exercise calories back, as suggested - maybe my heart rate monitor over estimated me on calories burned. When I start back up with my program, I'm going to go with the calorie plan outlined in my copy of the body sculpting bible book, instead - where, with 3 days cardio and 3 days weights, it has the person eating 1200 calories one week, then mixing it up and going to 1500 calories the next week. A bit like the calorie shifting plans I've seen some folk mention on the forums, actually. (except that it allows people already at their minimum calorie intake to partake without dropping below 1200).

    I think I'll start that plan on Monday (since this week is almost over) - and see how my weight behaves for the week after. I am kind of sad that my heart rate monitor might not be accurate on the calories... but - glad I took the break from working out or I might not have really given it much thought!

    And - of course, I'm happy to see the scale going down again, and see the visual changes going on! So yay!
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    I find that having Thanksgiving at my house helps me avoid over eating. By the time I've served dinner, I've spent 3-4 days making food and I'm pretty sick of looking at it all. Not to mention, when I sit down to eat, I'm too exhausted to eat, anyway, and knowing I've got to get up from the table to clean it up and serve dessert makes me avoid seconds.
    HOWEVER ... Christmas at my mom's? Now THAT'S a whole different story! :wink:
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    I went dress shopping again today and actually had a better experience than yesterday. I found something that sort of hides the my big tummy and accentuates my other assets :wink:

    So, Saturday's the big day. I bought some really high black high heals to go with the dress. I'm hoping to woo my husband into a crazy man on Saturday! :blushing:
    Hey, I've lost a couple pounds this week ... gotta think positive, right?!
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    And, by the way, thanks, ladies, for keeping me positive! I really needed that this week!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    SusyC: Congrats on your dress shopping and the purchase of your high heels. Your husband would be blind if he can't see how fabulous you are! Have a blast tomorrow!

    So, I was naughty and didn't workout last night and I ate pizza. At least the scale was still being nice to me. The great thing, though, is that I saw pictures taken of me on Saturday at the fundraising event and I can see where the weight loss is. Finally, proof to my own eyes that something good is happening!! My belly bulge has decreased and my thighs look leaner. Yay!!

    Tomorrow is dancing and bowling night and I'm so excited! I'm even considering wearing my HRM to see how much I burn dancing...I'm such a nerd!
  • SusyC
    SusyC Posts: 68
    Good morning!

    SusyC: Congrats on your dress shopping and the purchase of your high heels. Your husband would be blind if he can't see how fabulous you are! Have a blast tomorrow!

    So, I was naughty and didn't workout last night and I ate pizza. At least the scale was still being nice to me. The great thing, though, is that I saw pictures taken of me on Saturday at the fundraising event and I can see where the weight loss is. Finally, proof to my own eyes that something good is happening!! My belly bulge has decreased and my thighs look leaner. Yay!!

    Tomorrow is dancing and bowling night and I'm so excited! I'm even considering wearing my HRM to see how much I burn dancing...I'm such a nerd!

    Woo hoo! Results YOU can SEE! :bigsmile: Yay! Congratulations!
  • cambam84
    cambam84 Posts: 59 Member
    i know ya'll started this group a while ago but I'd like to join if possible. I'm trying to lose weight by the time my hubby comes home from deployment!!! I have already lost 14pounds and I am feeling awesome about myself!! I want to keep this feeling up.

    Starting weight: 210
    November 1st::200
    December: 190
    January: 180
    Goal weight: 160
  • ittybittybadonkadonk
    ittybittybadonkadonk Posts: 11,634 Member
    i know ya'll started this group a while ago but I'd like to join if possible. I'm trying to lose weight by the time my hubby comes home from deployment!!! I have already lost 14pounds and I am feeling awesome about myself!! I want to keep this feeling up.

    Starting weight: 210
    November 1st::200
    December: 190
    January: 180
    Goal weight: 160
    welcome aboard .... congrats on your 14 pounds .....keep up the awesome job
  • MindOverMatter
    MindOverMatter Posts: 168 Member
    Hello Everyone!

    Today I checked in on the scale and I am down another 2 lbs! Yay! but in order to reach my goal I am going to have to loose 3 lbs the next 2 weeks...this might be tough because TOM is coming up AND Thanksgiving....I may in fact be a week of target...I am hoping I can do it some how!! YIKES!! :huh:
  • cambam84
    cambam84 Posts: 59 Member
    You can do it, just remain focused. I noticed that when it was my TOM my scale said I gained a pound, but once it was gone I was 2 pounds lighter...my weakness is eating during this time!! Stay motivated and you can do it!!