Feeling down, just sad and in need of virtual hugs..



  • Camden1987
    I find u attractive... Ur not ugly at all
  • snix1024
    snix1024 Posts: 81
    :heart: (((hugs))) :heart:
  • Calif_Girl67
    Calif_Girl67 Posts: 526 Member
    WOW...... You have a beautiful face and smile :flowerforyou:

    Don't second guess yourself, if people don't see you for who you are inside then they are NOT worth the effort or friendship you give them!!!! Don't be so hard on yourself, you just need to focus on YOU and do something special for yourself...... Feel free to add me as a friend if you like, just leave me a note :smile:
  • curvymomo3
    curvymomo3 Posts: 253 Member
    I am so sorry your feeling so down that breaks my heart.. I know how it feels to feel unsexy and I struggle with it myself. Its funny how some days I feel GREAT!!! a real hottie than BAM fat, ugly, blah.. :( Truth is I see you as very beautiful and intelligent and thoughtful :D like a prev. poster said " If a guy don't want you for your weight. Fu&#k em!!"

    I like the saying : "Bones are for the Dogs, Meat is for a man!" :D

    hope you feel uplifted very soon!!

    huggles xoxox
  • fishbarn
    fishbarn Posts: 90 Member
    :love: & here some HUGS, HUGS, HUGS, HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Minner_Tinner

    How are you feeling today?
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    I just looked at your profile pics and you're quite attractive. I'm sure you'll find someone soon enough. Not feeling that you're always having to face things alone will help a lot, I believe.

    In any case, good luck with everything!

  • Jesea
    Jesea Posts: 374 Member
    I hope you're feeling much better this morning! I moved around a lot when I was single, and although the packing and moving part was very stressful, I always enjoyed the unpacking, as it was a chance to "get my house in order". As for being single, enjoy it! Sleep in, lounge around in your pajamas with coffee in the morning, exercise if you want to, read a great book. I didn't get married until I was 32 (most of my friends married young) and had my sons at 33 and 38, very few relaxing mornings now! Sending hugs, I know exactly how you feel....
  • spoonful
    spoonful Posts: 200 Member
    It sounds like you're having a very tough time with a lot of stuff going on. In scuba diving there's a thing we do when it feels like things are out of control... or might get that way. It's "STOP, breathe, think, act." It works on land too.

    Anyone who judges you based on your weight is not worth being around anyway. Losing weight is relatively easy compared to growing a brain and developing a personality.

    You won an award. Okay the *kitten* gave your prize away but you still won an award. That's a great thing.

    Hidden inside every problem there is a solution and you seem smart enough to find them.

    You've decided to get in shape. Now a little patience is required while you do it.

    In the meantime... BIG hugs.
  • BlackLabLover
    BlackLabLover Posts: 84 Member
    hugs to you... I hope you're feeling better today!

    Do a little something for yourself... make a sugar scrub and make your hands really soft... or put a facial mask on to make your skin feel smooth... or soak your feet in the tub and give yourself a pedicure - paint your toenails... pamper yourself because you're worth it! Don't binge - that's self-defeating - find something else to do - be good to yourself! Or... (sometimes what I do)... bake a bunch of dessert and then give it away!

    Oh... and watch this (I do when I need a pick-me-up!) http://www.xfit.org/motivational-speech-by-rocky-balboa/

    Yeah, I understand it might be hard to accept right now, but being single is a gift. You will never have more time to do what you want to do. I remember feeling like you do about getting older and being alone... I didn't meet my husband until I was 36... here is what my favorite aunt used to tell me when I got down and lonely, "Don't worry about meeting a guy... work on yourself and get yourself where you want to be. Don't worry about finding a guy... work on yourself." :) and baking goods for others also helps... gives you practice without the calories! ;) Take care sweetie, everything has a season... this is is just one of them and it won't last... it WILL get BETTER!!! <hugs>
  • YoYo1951
    YoYo1951 Posts: 370
    hugs to you. Remember, this too shall pass. You are a strong woman, just keep your head up and don't sink to their level... Good luck on your move, I am sure it will be a better fit for you. Hugs, hugs, hugs
  • kleed41
    kleed41 Posts: 6
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    You are so very smart for taking the step to PERMANENTLY get out of the bad situation at the apartment. There are unavoidable problems in life but being bullied isn't one of them!
    A bad situation like that can color your whole world so I hope that ditching those losers will make everything else much better! So big HUGS from your MFP in alabama
  • fit4lyfeLisa
    fit4lyfeLisa Posts: 529 Member
    Sending lots of hugs. love and prayers your way.:flowerforyou:
  • lakota1307
    lakota1307 Posts: 73 Member
    we have all felt that way one time or another ... HUGS !!!!
  • Sox90716
    Sox90716 Posts: 976 Member
    Big hug! :flowerforyou:
  • ShrinkingShawna
    ShrinkingShawna Posts: 186 Member
    ((hugs)) You are so beautiful! It's more likely that someone likes you and might be too shy to say it. Chin up :flowerforyou:
  • Lize11e
    Lize11e Posts: 419
    Honey, I swear, not long ago I could have written that. It sounded so much like me I even read it in my voice. I've never had the apartment bully problem but the guy buddies who talk about how hot other girls are and find me invisible or just one of the guys, story of my life. I've always fit in better with the guys. I think I've always been too big to really fit in with the girls. I've always been the fat friend. It sucks. And what crappy luck on the tablet!!! UGH! Insult to injury :frown: I hope so much today is better for you. Maybe when you get out of that apartment and into your new place you can make a whole new beginning for yourself. Someone else commented on how beautiful you are, I went and looked and you really are. Chin up, girlfriend. You sound like a wonderful person. Wonderful things are bound to come your way soon. :flowerforyou:
  • kornmaiden
    kornmaiden Posts: 109
    hugs hugs hugs
  • vade43113
    vade43113 Posts: 836 Member