What is your cat name?



  • Snow--because when she was a baby Siamese/Tabby, she looked like a snow leopard.
  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Poopins, BItty, Miss Kitty, and Jabbycat.

    Poopins started out as Little Black Cat which changed into Mystery, which changed into Mr Poops which changed into Mr Poopins, which became Poopins, then Poop Daddy,.. and so on. Official name Poopins, though.

    BItty was small, and Bitty was supposed to be her temporary name until her real name showed through.. never did. And she stayed small.

    Miss Kitty and Jabby are late life adoptions, so I had no choice. If I could rename them, I'd name Miss Kitty something related to her obviously lecherous and voyeuristic personality.. and I'd name Jabby something like Skelly, since she's so thin.
  • SmartWhatever
    SmartWhatever Posts: 718 Member
    We have 4 kitties. Rocky, Nora, Ophelia and Loki.
  • I have two female felines, a calico named Artemis (Arty) and a tortois shell named Callisto (Ham). :D
  • Tadeudz
    Tadeudz Posts: 16
    My baby(cat) is called Lita. I named her after the female Wrestler because when she was a kitten she would leap around the room doing what looked like Lita's signature move, the Hurricanrana.
  • BrokenBarbiexoxo
    BrokenBarbiexoxo Posts: 91 Member
    I have two; Joey and Barney :)

    My parents cat is called Max xo
  • lalaloses
    lalaloses Posts: 22
    Twilight (I got her in 2008, haha! We call her Twila) and Wednesday (Wedsy or Tiny because she's petite!)

    our Cat we had for 21 years (passed in 2008) was Tabitha :-)
  • EmpathyBot
    EmpathyBot Posts: 78 Member
    We have Percey, and we just took in my sister, and her cat Lady Fluffykins the First. (Fluffy for short).
  • alovesopure
    alovesopure Posts: 610
    <----WHAT?!?! Cortana and Elizabeth next to each other!! :happy:
  • hornseagirl
    hornseagirl Posts: 32 Member
    I have a lttle 18yr old black cat called Poppy who is an attention seeker and a 4yr old huge ginger one called pepper and despite times of being very loving can be a bully too!
  • mikes99mail
    mikes99mail Posts: 318 Member
    my wife had two cats when we met, i'm not a huge cat fan but figured they wouldnt last forever....

    16 years later Minstrel will be 20 next month and poor little Horriss died last week aged 18ish :sad:.
  • peles_fire
    peles_fire Posts: 501
    My cat's name is: Liberty Ann Justice Feral (I got her on the 4th of July while shopping for a steak to grill). Now I just call her "Furry *kitten*."
  • konalove3
    konalove3 Posts: 79
    Tallulah and Kingston :D
  • HollyRutledge
    HollyRutledge Posts: 250 Member
    Rescued from a soldier who was leaving for deployment...he is all black and his name is Wesley:smile:
  • Miss_Ever55
    Miss_Ever55 Posts: 14 Member
    Our cat's name is Bela! :) An ode to Bela Lugosi!
  • sandrajune72
    sandrajune72 Posts: 492 Member
    Love this thread! My baby is called Beauty (we didn't name her, she came from Cats Protection!) She's 11 years old and we've had her for 7 years. She's currently sat behind me!

  • fontinathefox
    fontinathefox Posts: 124 Member
    My kitty's name is Angel, and unfortunately she probably won't be with us much longer. </3
    Stupid cancer. ;-;

    Really sorry to hear this :frown:
  • farehah
    farehah Posts: 3
    my cat name monyet :)
  • cakefaery
    cakefaery Posts: 3
    My Cat's names were Charlotte(after the spider) and Rahja.
  • k2charmed4u
    k2charmed4u Posts: 282
    We have Tanzi (rescue) and her kittens Copper, Pheonix and Hugo and Merlin who is a 13 year old British Blue :smile: