40+ Club- I'm Dreaming Of A Light Christmas



  • bakergirl62
    bakergirl62 Posts: 248 Member
    Good morning all. HAPPY Friday! I met my goal of 125 today, so I have lowered my next goal to 120 to see if I can actually get there. I know it will take me a long time for those 5 pounds, so I set the date for March 15, 2010. It took me over three months to lose the last 5 lbs. I'll just keep on keeping on! Have a great weekend everyone.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600

    I didn't do too badly on the main part of the meal which was quite tasty, I ate way too much desert. They put an insane amount of pies and cookies, and brownies out. I still have limited self-control.

    As for reporting day. I just didn't get on the scale. I'm sending my scale to Stiring's movers to hid with hers!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Reporting in with a new weight! 139!!! :happy: I have been seeing it but it didn't count til I stepped on the scale this morning and I saw 138.8! Wowee! Must be all the laying around with the flu kids! :huh: :huh: Now they are back to school and I am ready to tackle the day!

    Hope you all have a great week-end! The hubby is going to be at "deer camp" (an old house with his brothers and all the boys) and then we have a Colts game. Sound relaxing to me!

    Get well soon sing!
  • cardigirl
    cardigirl Posts: 492 Member
    Happy Friday!

    Reporting in with a new weight! 139!!! :happy: I have been seeing it but it didn't count til I stepped on the scale this morning and I saw 138.8! Wowee! Must be all the laying around with the flu kids! :huh: :huh: Now they are back to school and I am ready to tackle the day!

    Hope you all have a great week-end! The hubby is going to be at "deer camp" (an old house with his brothers and all the boys) and then we have a Colts game. Sound relaxing to me!

    Get well soon sing!

    GO COLTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :happy:

    And congrats on the new weight!!! That's awesome!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Thanks Cardgirl!! Now to get started on the exercise again!
  • Texssippian
    Hi all! Did not get to check in yesterday. After missing the trainer on Monday, my goal for the week was to do some kind of work out each day. I did it! Tuesday: Ended up walking close to three miles at work: two meetings on the other end of the campus: about 3/4 mile one way, in hose and heels. Wednesday: treadmill intervals with incline changes. Thursday: pyramid free weights. Friday: Had to take my car in for new brake pads and shoes. We left work in time to get into town before 5:00 because the hubs thought the car place closed at 5. Was home in time to go to 5:30 deep water aerobics. Yea! my favorite. I now know when I can go swim laps: Friday nights: competition pool was deserted. At times, water aerobics was the only thing happening in the pool. Plan on doing free weight pyramids again today while watching football. Weight is stable but at least not rising. Shirts are baggy and tops that pulled at the buttons no longer pull. Want to lose a little more weight and inches before buying new things.

    Goal this week is for at least five days of work outs. Have to miss the trainer again on Monday to go to a memorial service for a collegaue's 20 year old son who was killed in an accident in China while going to school there. Very sad.

    Hoosier: congrats on the weight!
    Cardigirl: We love the Colts too. Husband was at Ole Miss same time Archie Manning was there.
    Zebras: Hang in there. Keep taking care of yourself and don't beat up on yourself too badly. Just get back to doing healthy things as quickly as possible.
    Baker girl. Congrats on your new goal. You go girl!
    Alf: You will do wonderfully at Zumba. I am considerng getting certified in water aerobics. (Also looking into PhD program in Health Studies with an emphasis on Leadership. I wonder if I can do both?)
    Stirring: I hope you are enjoying Korea and getting reunited with some of your stuff.
    Sing: Take care and get well. Glad you went to the doctor. Rest and get lots of fluids. Be careful with that cough. I had bronchitis really bad one time and ended up cracking a rib from coughing. Also: about the colonoscopy: worst part is the prep. Without getting too personal: the prep stuff is pretty caustic. You might want pamper yourself with high quality tpaper and use baby diaper rash ointment while prepping. It will make you more comfortable.
    MK: Hope you are doing well. I know you will be in great shape when your husband gets back in the states.
    Long enough post. Take care all! Go Longhorns and Rebels! TxMs
  • Texssippian
    Hi all! Did not get to check in yesterday. After missing the trainer on Monday, my goal for the week was to do some kind of work out each day. I did it! Tuesday: Ended up walking close to three miles at work: two meetings on the other end of the campus: about 3/4 mile one way, in hose and heels. Wednesday: treadmill intervals with incline changes. Thursday: pyramid free weights. Friday: Had to take my car in for new brake pads and shoes. We left work in time to get into town before 5:00 because the hubs thought the car place closed at 5. Was home in time to go to 5:30 deep water aerobics. Yea! my favorite. I now know when I can go swim laps: Friday nights: competition pool was deserted. At times, water aerobics was the only thing happening in the pool. Plan on doing free weight pyramids again today while watching football. Weight is stable but at least not rising. Skirts are baggy and tops that pulled at the buttons no longer pull. Want to lose a little more weight and inches before buying new things.

    Goal this week is for at least five days of work outs. Have to miss the trainer again on Monday to go to a memorial service for a collegaue's 20 year old son who was killed in an accident in China while going to school there. Very sad.

    Hoosier: congrats on the weight!
    Cardigirl: We love the Colts too. Husband was at Ole Miss same time Archie Manning was there.
    Zebras: Hang in there. Keep taking care of yourself and don't beat up on yourself too badly. Just get back to doing healthy things as quickly as possible.
    Baker girl. Congrats on your new goal. You go girl!
    Alf: You will do wonderfully at Zumba. I am considerng getting certified in water aerobics. (Also looking into PhD program in Health Studies with an emphasis on Leadership. I wonder if I can do both?)
    Stirring: I hope you are enjoying Korea and getting reunited with some of your stuff.
    Sing: Take care and get well. Glad you went to the doctor. Rest and get lots of fluids. Be careful with that cough. I had bronchitis really bad one time and ended up cracking a rib from coughing. Also: about the colonoscopy: worst part is the prep. Without getting too personal: the prep stuff is pretty caustic. You might want pamper yourself with high quality tpaper and use baby diaper rash ointment while prepping. It will make you more comfortable.
    MK: Hope you are doing well. I know you will be in great shape when your husband gets back in the states.
    Long enough post. Take care all! Go Longhorns and Rebels! TxMs
  • robin09
    I turned 40 yesterday and just started posting on the boards today. I'd love to hang with this group. :)
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good Morning!

    Just a quick check in before Church. I'm still not feeling great, but a bit better each day.

    Tex, thanks for the info, but I had a colonoscopy 2 years ago. I am now fasting, liquids only, and tonight I take the Osmo Prep pills & water....the cleaner-outer...

    Will keep you posted...the procedure is at 9 am tomorrow.
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,817 Member
    Happy Monday everybody! :flowerforyou:

    Welcome, robin09. Happy belated birthday and hope you enjoy hanging with us.

    TxMs, wow...your workout program sounds great. Talk about mixing things up! Given the diversity of your workout program, I'm not surprised you are losing inches and toning up. I'm amazed!

    singfree, I hope your procedure goes all right today. :flowerforyou: I also hope you feel better soon.

    I started my third week of my Insanity rotation yesterday by doing the fit test. Despite everything going on in my life over the past couple of weeks, I managed to improve in all categories. I was surprised. This week I'm hoping to do two workouts a day for three days this week by adding a P90X workout after Insanity. Today I did Insanity Plyo Cardio followed by P90X Chest/Back. It felt good to workout like that again.

    My eating is still not where it should be, but I'm having a really hard time getting my appetite under control right now. At least I'm turning to healthier options more and more, so I feel better about that. But I'm definitely eating more than I was a month ago. I'm hoping that I get that part of my diet under control over the next week. I think part of the increase in appetite is because I can't find the same healthy options here, so I'm eating more processed foods than I normally would. I don't think they fill me up as much as the healthier options did.

    I had an absolutely wild weekend here in Korea! What an introduction to this country. We were in Seoul both Friday and Saturday nights for formal events. The event on Friday featured the US Ambassador to Korea PLUS the most amazing musical acts from here in South Korea. Saturday night was the helicopter ride into Seoul. Wow. That's about all I can say. What an amazing experience. We got the best view of the country and Seoul. What a beautiful place Korea is. Leaving on Saturday night, we got to see the city all lit up, and it was magical. The only bad thing about the experience was that it was snowing here on base when we landed! :noway: It has been a little while since I've seen snow, and I wasn't prepared for it, that's for sure. But at least it didn't stick to the ground. It really did put a fine point on what was, without a doubt, one of the most amazing weeks I have ever lived. If my husband and I had any doubts that our life had changed, emerging from a helicopter after flying out of Seoul into a snow storm ensured that we knew that things have changed significantly. And it just looks like it is going to get better. How blessed I feel for this experience.

    I hope everybody has a great Monday!
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    As I sit here writing, I feel so much lighter....ahem...fasting and Osmo Prep will do it every time. I need to take some more Osmo Prep shortly so I am really cleaned out before the colonoscopy. I have not eaten solid food since Saturday afternoon. I am starving!! I am going to have a delicious sensible meal after this is over. My illness is finally easing, but the cough remains (a pain).

    Stiring, I'm so glad you had a great weekend in Korea. Snow already? Yuck! Yesterday we were at 75 degrees and sunny in PA, very unusual. I rode my bike 25 miles.

    I hope all is well with everyone. I'll check in later!

    Have a great day!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: stiring, I envy you your weekend. It sounded great. I would love to do some traveling before I am too old to do it.

    sing, I will be thinking of you today while you are having your examination. I am sure that all will be ok. You are in great shape and very healthy. We also have been having beautiful weather. Probably about the same that you are having.

    I did horrible again over the weekend. I am fine while I am at work but leave me at home for a couple of days and I mess up every time.:mad:
  • njjswim
    njjswim Posts: 178 Member
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Diet Plans

    I am working out at least but have to really watch my portion control. Thanks for the support of this string I need to start really watching every serving more.:happy:
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    Hello everyone~ :flowerforyou:

    Just checking in from Friday & the weekend.

    Last week was good for workouts & eating. I am doing good on my “new” protein increase and feeling pretty good. There were a couple of days that I felt a little bit of a headache?!? Didn’t know what that was about – I had plenty of water. Felt good over the weekend though. Although Sat. night my hubby and I went out for a fabulous dinner – after my really good week of eating I felt I splurged a little bit. Good choices but more than I normally eat. :blushing:
    Hence, yesterday I did a 80 min cardio workout and then in the afternoon I played 6 volleyball games! (2 matches) :noway: Felt great though! This a.m. was Shoulders & Triceps along with an Ab workout – cardio again tomorrow.

    Hope everyone is doing great and had a nice weekend! Stiring, your weekend sounds amazing, that’s awesome. :smile:
  • mkwood10
    mkwood10 Posts: 428
    Hello everyone! Hope you all enjoyed the weekend and you're not getting snow/rain mix like I'm getting!!:grumble: :grumble: I'd much rather it got cold and snowed; much easier to deal with than the cruddy mix that creates black ice:grumble: :grumble:

    Scale's back down to 129 - yeah!!! :happy: :happy: Got busy Friday night after I got home and forgot to post. Ate sensibly all weekend; amazing how you can do that when you're all alone!!:laugh: :laugh:
    Speaking of alone, the hubby called me yesterday morning from Kuwait!! He was waiting on a flight to A'ghan and hoping to make it to the base he'll be at by mid week. So, he's dropped off the face of the earth for now, but he'll eventually be able to make contact again. It was so good to hear his voice, and I'm sure hearing mine helped him out - being stuck in airports isn't the best way to spend a weekend:laugh: :laugh:

    Stiring - that helicopter ride sounds awesome! What an awesome welcome to Korea.

    Sing - hope you're finished with the procedure and all went well.

    Everyone else, I've had time to skim the posts, but that's about it. Swamped at work, so really should get back to the spreadsheets...........
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    I'm back from the "probing"!!! Everything went well, just one small cyst which the Dr said it was no problem. I don't have to go back for 5 years, whew!!! PS- When they weighed me before the procedure, I was 152 lbs, with clothes on!

    Thanks everyone for your prayers and best wishes! :flowerforyou:

    MK, I figured it might be stress and stress eating that was causing your scale problem. It's good to hear that the naughty scale is starting to behave.

    2BLean, I think the headache might be caused by the increased protein. If there is not enough carb in your system (glycogen), you will go into a state of Ketosis (a la Atkins). It could also be a bit of withdrawal from something that your body was used to getting, like caffein or excess sugar. Whatever the case may be, it probably is only temporary. Good luck!

    NJ, yes portion control is very important. Most people find counting calories to be too much of a challenge and abandon it quickly. Portion control is a really good way to eat right.

    Swiss, I'm just the opposite. Especially if there is junk food at work, I'm a dead man!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600

    Glad to hear everything went well.
  • 2BLean
    2BLean Posts: 2,373 Member
    2BLean, I think the headache might be caused by the increased protein. If there is not enough carb in your system (glycogen), you will go into a state of Ketosis (a la Atkins). It could also be a bit of withdrawal from something that your body was used to getting, like caffein or excess sugar. Whatever the case may be, it probably is only temporary. Good luck!

    Singfree - Thanks so much for the info on that. I was going to mention that my carbs are about half of what they were, but I just didn't. SO that is probably it! Thanks so much.
    Glad your procedure went well for you.
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good morning!

    Back to work today! Well, it's going to be a 1/2 day for me. My mother has a Dr. appt, so I need to take a half-day vacation. Oh yeah, and at 4:30 pm I am getting some dental work done. Just routine stuff, no worries. The only thing that hurts is my checkbook after I pay for all of this medical work. I feel like the 6 million dollar man, and I'm paying the bill!!

    I feel really good after the colonoscopy, with the exception of some minor stomach distress until my body gets used to solid food again. It's amazing how whacked-out your system can get in such a short time.

    I hope all is well with everyone...Alf, we miss you!

    Have a great day!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: mkwood, I am glad that your husband has been able to stay in contact with you. And, congratuations on your scale hitting 129. It has been many a year since I have seen that number.

    sing, so glad that all work out for you? Does your doctor recogmend having this done every five years? My supervisor does this. I have yet to have one done. From the horror stories that I hear, I don't want to get it done.

    My weight is up a pound after this weekend. I will have it gone by the end of the week. But then, the weekend will be here again.:frown: