I give up!



  • Victory2xs
    Victory2xs Posts: 16
    No, no, don't give up. It is true you may not be eating enough. Have at least 1200 calories a day, and make sure what you eat is worth eating! I just joined 9 days ago. I lost two pounds, gained back one. I am not too happy about that, felt the scale was going in the wrong direction. Yes, it did, and it probably was water weight gain, at least I hope so. But that was 4 days ago and the scale has not changed. But I know I will lose it, i know I will. There is so much support here, so much encouragement. I look every day at success stories and get ideas on how I can become a success myselft. My problem is too many carbs, and tool little exercise.I know this, you I have had such a hard time increasing my exercise and decreasing my carbs. But at least I KNOW what the problem is. It is my stubborness or lack of willpower that is keeping me from losing weight, but I will not give up. Slowley, ever so slowly, I am getting carbs and exercise under control. Have not lost any weight, but knowing where the problems are, being aware of where the problems are, makes it a little easier. I have a long row ahead of me. I have to change my ways. I know this. In spite of my lack of progress, or in spite of my failure to lose weight at this time, I still sign in every day, I still log my calories and exercise (or lack thereof). So every day I can see what did not go right and try to make it right. Please don't give up.

  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I do measure everything I eat and keep accurate readings. I do cardio and strength training and have been doing this for a month now. I only get on scales every ten days or so.... Every time, I am heavier.

    If this is truly the case, look at my diary and eat like ME for 10 days or so. I have been eating lower carb since May 7th and have lost 12 pounds in that time. I generally eat at LEAST 1400 calories a day, and some days up to 2400-2600 calories!
  • ChadiusCarter
    ChadiusCarter Posts: 2 Member
    Your eating low enough that your body makes a change to keep from starving. (i.e. it thinks something bad is coming.....like starvation, so it hold on to energy sources like fat)

    I can't remember the chemical that gets released when this happens. You need to be eating more. Take a look at the fat shredder phase from p90x. They also have the equations for you to figure out how much calories you need just to live and maintain. Decrease that number and you will have a calorie deficit. Every 3500-3600 calories burned equals one lb loss.

    Hope this helps. :) Keep up the fight and please do not give up.

    btw, if your taking in lots of sodium each day, you will retain water. That can make a huge difference. I also don't check the scale, but once each week. Measure yourself each week. Take pics, at least for yourself.
  • gayje
    gayje Posts: 230 Member
    I just sent you a friend request. You can never have too much support!
  • vfnmoody
    vfnmoody Posts: 271 Member
    MUSCLE weights more then fat!

    Wrong muscle is denser than fat.

    to OP just keep trying here. I do not know how much weight you plan to lose but some of the people here have been working at their weight lose for many months. You did not gain the weight in two months. Slowly increasing the quality of your diet and your exercise rate and you will find the point where you will start to lose weight again.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I'm seeing a serious lack of nutritious food here, especially fiber. Most days, the fiber intake is between 3 and 5 grams. A woman should be getting between 22 and 26 grams of fiber. Tons more steamed veggies and whole grains and fewer processed foods.
  • duplicitous
    duplicitous Posts: 82 Member
    I gained too in my first two months. But I lost inches. I couldn't see it in my clothes unfortunately because the loss was in area that didn't stand out. I lost in my waist but not my hips becasue the squats were firming up my hip flexors and butt. I lost in my chest, arms and neck...unfortunately not the areas I truly wanted to lose immediate pounds on. But i stuick with it. I'm still waitign for the day the pounds start dropping. But, I can see definition peaking its way out and I feel ten times better than I ever did before. Your new body is on its way just hold fast to your efforts, tweak where necessary, and keep up the good work. (Like you..I too need to steer clear of restaurants)
  • tryinghard71
    tryinghard71 Posts: 593
    My scale either did not move or I gained the first two months but was losing inches. Measure. Measure. Measure. Also, I tried to stay around 1200 calories even with exercise. Did not work. When I started giving my body the fuel it needed for all the hard working out I was doing it started dropping even faster. I may not hit my daily calorie intake every day because I don't always eat all my exercise calories back.....but I am never eating less than 1200 calories either.
  • KetoBella
    KetoBella Posts: 141 Member
    I had the same thought myself this morning when after a really great week of eating well, and doing more exercise than I have in a long time I was up a couple pounds from last week. I am actually glad you posted because in spite of knowing better and being able to use some common sense my inner 2 year old was making an appearance and throwing a baby tantrum.

    Bottom line, making the assumption giving up means going back to eating more crap, and exercising less is going to work out better just becomes laughable.

    I won't give up and neither will you, we will just keep on doing what we know will work and eventually we will look back and wonder what the heck were we thinking.
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    Your diary looks like a crash diet. You've got to find balance. Eating more frequently, eating fresh foods, and netting around your BMR is your best bet. Even if a meal, a shake, and Starbucks did lead to weight loss, that is far from sustainable. Good luck! Don't give up!
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I notice that some of your calorie counts are off. You have 6 ounces of steak as 100 calories. That is way off. Very lean steak is 200 calories for 4 ounces. Also where are the fresh fruits and veggies and whole grains? I think if you try to eat more real food and cut down on the processed stuff, you will do better and feel better. I know it's frustrating!
  • milk_shakes
    Don't give up! I've lost 25 pounds on weight wtchers 7 times and gained 28 or so pounds back 7 times. Giving up because results slow, life changes, etc is understandable but trust me it will never make you feel good. Make it a point to not weight yourself for awhile just focus on what your body can do with your new workouts, how you feel internally from healthy food, mentally how you feel because you're taking care of yourself. Weight isn't everything, health is:) stay posi
  • milk_shakes
    And to the above post- I've noticed that too. A lot of caloric values are put in by random people make sure you click correct values not lowest ones.
  • srossteach
    You have got to eat more calories. I know it seems weird because you think the more calories left you have in the day the better. But that's not true at all. Make sure the calories are meaningful. I know losing weight is hard. But if it was easy, everyone would do it.

    You CAN do this. You just have to believe that.
  • Chantal34
    Chantal34 Posts: 128
    You're not eating enough. You are basically starving yourself right now.
  • PrayerofAmity
    PrayerofAmity Posts: 176 Member
    You are definitely not eating enough, not even close. You also seem very sporadic in what little you do eat. All those coffee drinks aren't going to help you either. Trust us when we say that eating more will help you lose, but make sure the things you are eating are good fuel for your body and not full of refined sugars and chemicals. Good luck and don't give up!
  • JoeyBrewer
    Don't give up! keep trying.
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    You're starving yourself! Of course you're going to gain weight - your body is holding on to everything it can get because it thinks there's a famine. :noway:

    Losing weight doesn't happen overnight. After all, you didn't gain it overnight. You need to meet your daily calorie goal and be patient. If you don't, your metabolism will work against you and you'll gain more once you start eating regularly.

    Please eat more! It's good for you :flowerforyou:
  • Suebert83
    Suebert83 Posts: 10
    Keep going! Muscle weighs more than fat ;-) maybe that's what's happening?
  • A_New_Horizon
    A_New_Horizon Posts: 1,555 Member
    Sweetie, you aren't eating enough. When your body goes into starvation mood, it will holds onto any calories you give it. You should be consume ATLEAST 1200 calories, and if you exercise, I would recommend eating more. I eat between 1500 - 2000 calories/day depending on my exercise that day. I know being a mom how hard it is - I am a single mother of 2 babies myself. I would seriously recommend eating more but give your body a few weeks to adjust to the calories intake (3-4 weeks).