Opinions needed...how much weight should I lose? w/ pics



  • snomelt
    snomelt Posts: 7
    I'm 5' 4" and weigh 136. I've lost 3 lbs and still want to lose another 11 lbs. I've been going to Zumba, Boot Camp, running, and just started playing softball and I'm noticing a change in my body tone that is making me happy. I may change my mind about how much I want to lose. Maybe less. Are you exercising? Your body looks great; you may just need to tone. Once you start toning you may change your mind about the additional 31 lbs! You'll know when you are happy with your results!
  • tinabell153
    tinabell153 Posts: 298 Member
    You guys (& girls) are too sweet! I know I'm not huge but for me to look like this, I'd have to lose another 30+ pounds:

    No normal human being looks like that.
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 750 Member
    none you look fine to me!! I do not know what you are looking at haha but it never hurts to keep working :)
  • ShilohMaier
    ShilohMaier Posts: 135
    I like your body better than crazy bikini girl. This girl is too skinny! What the heck is going on w/ her midriff area?

    Wha'ts going on with her midriff is a really crappy photo shop job. Think about how the human body bends- that side that's super caved in should actually have a slight roll of skin on it. Even super skinny women's skin will make a little bump if they bend. And if I'm not mistaken, they flattened out her lower tummy a bit too. I work in advertising, you can tell if you see it enough.
  • ramgi
    ramgi Posts: 196 Member
    I'd say just get some muscule tone and you're good to go:-)
  • thenicksters
    thenicksters Posts: 31 Member
    I'm 5'4" and weigh 143

    I'm 5' 3" and 139 lbs. I feel my best in the low 130's when I'm exercising and feel toned. I don't want to be skinny, just feel good in my jeans :-) I would aim for 5 lbs and stay there for a bit to get your body adjusted and go from there. Every BODY is different :laugh:
  • butterfly10398
    I found a great website that helps you find how much your body fat is ...


    once you get that number go here

    that website gives you a formula to use to calculate what your goal weight should be once you figure out your body fat percentage.
  • Aemely
    Aemely Posts: 694 Member
    Wha'ts going on is a really crappy photo shop job.

    Hey, I think you're right! Bad, bad Photoshop! My original post stands. I prefer Model 1 over Model 2. :bigsmile:
  • SeaChele77
    SeaChele77 Posts: 1,103 Member
    At 5'4" you should be around 120-125. I agree with many posters above that you look fine and look like you need to "tone" more so than "lose"! I do not, however, agree with lose until you are happy - that can be bad advise for some!

    My opinion - focus on weights and start some cardio vs number on the scale. The weight will come off and your body will adjust and look more tones which will also look leaner/lighter!

    PS. I also agree that "bikini girl" is too skinny and doesn't look very healthy/toned. Be YOU....use her picture as a guide, but don't strive to be her!!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    What do you weigh? You don't look like you need to loose any weight. No way 40 pounds. I'd go with weight training.

    Absolutely this. I can't see where you could possibly lose 31 pounds from unless you plan on cutting off a leg.

    I bet if you started strength training, aim for a half pound a week and eat the calories burned from exercise, you could have the body you want without losing any more than 5 pounds, max.
  • BackTatJIM
    BackTatJIM Posts: 1,140 Member
    if you don't know your goal weight how are we supposed to know it? lose weight until you like where you are, there is no number that = happiness
  • kritterxx
    kritterxx Posts: 100 Member
    You guys (& girls) are too sweet! I know I'm not huge but for me to look like this, I'd have to lose another 30+ pounds:

    No normal human being looks like that.

    But maybe she doesn't want to look like a "normal" human being. Her goal is to look like a model, so be it - as long as she reaches that in a healthy way, great!

    I agree with a lot of the above posts, weight training would be great. You do have to keep your body frame in mind though: i.e. pear/boy/hourglass etc. because for some people waist definition is harder to create, even with a fair amount of exercising. I'd recommend the 30 DS for the toning, paired with some running for thigh muscles and (seeing as you referred to the picture of the model) a possible thigh gap, again depending on your frame. Add weight training in, and you'll get some great definition (:

    I'd focus more on measurements and body fat % than the number of lbs lost (:

    Good luck!
  • julieh391
    julieh391 Posts: 683 Member
    Lift for sure. You're itty bitty, but I don't see any muscles. Definitely don't aim for the weirdly photoshopped bikini model's computer generated body. :grumble:
  • Tristis
    Tristis Posts: 288 Member
    Opinion alert!

    31lbs from where? You gonna cut an arm off? If that was my body...and holy smokes I'd be happy...I'd move to a small cut of my TDEE and start Stronglifts 5X5, New Rules of Lifting for Women or Chalean Extreme. At this point something with weights will take care of any remaining fat loss you'd like to see while giving you firm body.

    Agree! Darn! Vegetables are pretty smart! :heart:

    Yeah, what they said. : )

    Totally this.
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    Opinion alert!

    31lbs from where? You gonna cut an arm off? If that was my body...and holy smokes I'd be happy...I'd move to a small cut of my TDEE and start Stronglifts 5X5, New Rules of Lifting for Women or Chalean Extreme. At this point something with weights will take care of any remaining fat loss you'd like to see while giving you firm body.
  • AmyfromBama
    AmyfromBama Posts: 125 Member
    I think your fine just the way you are!!! I wished my body was that little, I still got a good ways to go, but i'm getting there SLOWLY!!! How much do u weigh??? And how tall are u?
  • Madysen1010
    Honestly, you don't need to lose much more- certainly not 30. Remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so if you are at a number you don't like to look at, then it might just be your muscle weight. I agree that you should just be toning up, not working towards weight loss. You look fantastic! So, don't sweat it, in my opinion!
  • GodsGirl37
    GodsGirl37 Posts: 348
    What do you weigh? You don't look like you need to loose any weight. No way 40 pounds. I'd go with weight training.
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    Look pretty good to me -- I dont think you need to lose much at all. Focus on toning and tightening up. You look great already!!
  • i_miss_donuts
    i_miss_donuts Posts: 180 Member
    9 lbs is great! Congrats!

    You are within the healthy body weight range for someone your height with a large frame. If you don't have a large frame (there are calculators out there to determine frame size from wrist and elbow measurements) the healthy weight range for someone 5'4" with a small frame is 104-127 and for medium it is 124-138. Google height weight and a variety of medical pages come up where you can see the various ranges. I am 5'9" and have a small frame and currently weigh 136 - which is smack dab in the middle of the healthy range for someone my height with a small frame. Frame size is really key - people with bigger frames can carry more weight and still look amazing, be healthy and feel great.

    That said, you look like you carry your weight really well - so it is a matter of getting to a point where you feel beautiful and healthy and your body fat is in the healthy range to minimize health risks associated with excess BF. Try using the military body fat calculator to determine what yours is, check your frame size and then set your goals accordingly. Good luck!